Tea Partyers gone wild!

There is nothing in the Constitution on secession that was settled with the civil war

If it was settled by the Civil War - why are righties still talking about seceding?

Ever hear of the Tenth Amendment?

You think for a fucking nanosecond the US military would actually fight to prevent a secession?

Absolutely. Did last time, will do so this time. However, this time, hang the bastards that started the whole thing.
Here is Lakhota and every progressive for that matter: "I'm not a communist I just believe in authoritarian federal government, redistribution of wealth and communal living but I'm not a communist."

Let me guess you're not a communist because you say so Lakhota???

You're so fucking dumb you cant even acknowledge your political affiliation ...
If it was settled by the Civil War - why are righties still talking about seceding?

Ever hear of the Tenth Amendment?

You think for a fucking nanosecond the US military would actually fight to prevent a secession?

Absolutely. Did last time, will do so this time. However, this time, hang the bastards that started the whole thing.


There is no way in fucking hell the military protects your ass or authoritarian principals in general...

90% of our military adores the Bill of Rights anyways...

Good luck trying to figure out how to work that tank...
Here is Lakhota and every progressive for that matter: "I'm not a communist I just believe in authoritarian federal government, redistribution of wealth and communal living but I'm not a communist."

Let me guess you're not a communist because you say so Lakhota???

You're so fucking dumb you cant even acknowledge your political affiliation ...

Being a Communist would be much better than you dumbfuck Tea-Tard fascists on the right.
I am a liberal blue collar Democrat, not a communist, not even a socialist.

Don't tell me about your ideology. Show me where the policys you desire have been put into effect, how they worked, and whom they worked for.

We reversed many of the regulations like Glass-Steagal, with all of your fellows cheering, and we ended up within a hairsbreadth of another Great Depression. I have had people in my family die from cancer associated with asbestos exposure, yet you people would stop all environmental regulation. You state that we are all paying too much in taxes, yet some of your candidates are supporting tax schemes that would mean major tax increases for the most of us, while giving huge tax breaks for the wealthy.

Your policies have been very bad for this nation. And your attitude of aggression towards your fellow citizens is a real turnoff for anyone with any kind of intelligence.
Here is Lakhota and every progressive for that matter: "I'm not a communist I just believe in authoritarian federal government, redistribution of wealth and communal living but I'm not a communist."

Let me guess you're not a communist because you say so Lakhota???

You're so fucking dumb you cant even acknowledge your political affiliation ...

Being a Communist would be much better than you dumbfuck Tea-Tard fascists on the right.

Yeah Maoism and Stalinism sounds fun..

Oh yeah life under Pol Pot sounds like a blast.. Sorry, no pun intended maybe I should be charged for the pun?

Yeah life under Castro is great too because Michael Moore says so..

Let me guess Ernesto Guevara was a good guy too?? Yeah he only enjoyed ling up individuals for execution with a revolver and playing Russian roulette with them.... Nice hero guy...

You're a fucking ignorant monkey...
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Ever hear of the Tenth Amendment?

You think for a fucking nanosecond the US military would actually fight to prevent a secession?

Absolutely. Did last time, will do so this time. However, this time, hang the bastards that started the whole thing.


There is no way in fucking hell the military protects your ass or authoritarian principals in general...

90% of our military adores the Bill of Rights anyways...

Good luck trying to figure out how to work that tank...

Lordy, lordy. Not only could work the damned thing, capable of repairing it. I repair big machinery for a living. And have a dd214 that says Honorable.

Yes, our military all take the same oath to protect the Constitution that I did. From enemies within and without. Seccession is an enemy within, same as last time. But this time, it will be quicker. Just mopping up on a few dingbat rightwing dumb fucks. For no sensible citizen is going down that path again.
Here is Lakhota and every progressive for that matter: "I'm not a communist I just believe in authoritarian federal government, redistribution of wealth and communal living but I'm not a communist."

Let me guess you're not a communist because you say so Lakhota???

You're so fucking dumb you cant even acknowledge your political affiliation ...

Being a Communist would be much better than you dumbfuck Tea-Tard fascists on the right.

Yeah Maoism and Stalinism sounds fun..

Oh yeah life under Pol Pot sounds like a blast.. Sorry, no pun intended maybe I should be charged for the pun?

Crap, ol' Nick is stuck at 1952 with ol' Tailgunner Joe.
Ironically Ernesto Guevaras last words were "Come on do it you're only going to kill a man."

Considering how many he killed and how brutal he was I find that to be highly ironic.....
Absolutely. Did last time, will do so this time. However, this time, hang the bastards that started the whole thing.


There is no way in fucking hell the military protects your ass or authoritarian principals in general...

90% of our military adores the Bill of Rights anyways...

Good luck trying to figure out how to work that tank...

Lordy, lordy. Not only could work the damned thing, capable of repairing it. I repair big machinery for a living. And have a dd214 that says Honorable.

Yes, our military all take the same oath to protect the Constitution that I did. From enemies within and without. Seccession is an enemy within, same as last time. But this time, it will be quicker. Just mopping up on a few dingbat rightwing dumb fucks. For no sensible citizen is going down that path again.

You keep dreaming...

Only a tyrant would even dream of pointing their government issued weapon at good Americans on American soil...

Anyone who even would attempt that order would get blasted...

Try ordering a solder to shoot a guy with a toddler, who works hard and just wants his country back not to mention an American Citizen....
Yeah Maoism and Stalinism sounds fun..

Oh yeah life under Pol Pot sounds like a blast.. Sorry, no pun intended maybe I should be charged for the pun?

Crap, ol' Nick is stuck at 1952 with ol' Tailgunner Joe.

Yeah, ol' Nick is pretty fucked up. I almost feel sorry for him.


I have more knowledge in my left index finger than you have in your entire upper rolodex.

You feel sorry for me? :lol:

You're an ape compared to me....
Being a Communist would be much better than you dumbfuck Tea-Tard fascists on the right.

Yeah Maoism and Stalinism sounds fun..

Oh yeah life under Pol Pot sounds like a blast.. Sorry, no pun intended maybe I should be charged for the pun?

Crap, ol' Nick is stuck at 1952 with ol' Tailgunner Joe.

Oh shut the fuck up...

Besides I love how you said you worked on machines..

Yeah ape - I worked on machines too - when I was 20...

Big ones - 30 ton Brake Presses..
What the hell are you jabbering about? You are the one advocating violence. For that is what it takes to succede, just like last time. Are you saying people like you would take your guns and toddlers off to do battle with the government forces?

Succession is a dead issue except for a few crazies like yourself.
Yeah Maoism and Stalinism sounds fun..

Oh yeah life under Pol Pot sounds like a blast.. Sorry, no pun intended maybe I should be charged for the pun?

Crap, ol' Nick is stuck at 1952 with ol' Tailgunner Joe.

Oh shut the fuck up...

Besides I love how you said you worked on machines..

Yeah ape - I worked on machines too - when I was 20...

Big ones - 30 ton Brake Presses..

As in a production worker. I said I repair them, machines that have single components that weigh more than the whole of that press.

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