Tea Party Group Urges Small Businesses ‘Not To Hire A Single Person’ To Hurt Obama

I really don't think that it would matter what anyone from the tea party may say they can't fix obama's fuck ups, and the rich want to make money they do not want to lose money, politics is not what motivates them the bottem line is how much will they profit.

You agreed to leave, and have not done so yet, so you're even a failure at following your own challenge rules!
You must think we are as dumb as you look.
Thinkprogress, a far left wing radical blog puts out some unsubstantiated nonsense and you like all other lefty moonbats eat it up like it was ice cream. Have you not a single independent thought in your head?
I like how it says "picked up on a message". As though think progress had some sophisticated listening device on a remote mountain top and that device was manned by code breakers....Holy shit! The desperation of the political left has gone so extreme, it's free entertainment.
Next thing we know think progress will release a story that says some thing like, "people who wear gray suits with blue ties are actually part of a racist anti Obama hate group funded by the Tea Party".....
You people have been smoking too much mother nature.

What's "un-substantiated"?

Seriously. It looks as if this was the exact strategy employed by big corporations. But I don't think it's really a strategy of "not hiring"..it's more of a strategy to crush labor.

It began with "capturing" Union members by giving them more pay and benefits then their Union counterparts. That was in addition to giving money to anti-union legislators. Once Union membership was down and government was a bit more favorable, they employed "synergy", which meant reducing workforce. That meant off and near shoring as well as changing overtime rules and employing contractors. That also included cutting benefits. The United States now enjoys something like a 470:1 executive to employee compensation ratio thanks to conservatives.

Ain't you guys happy?

Done wonders for the economy. We got to pay for the high flying gambling too.
Here is the extent of your post..."It looks as if"...\
Not a fucking fact in sight.
But.....Thinkprogress posted it. So it MUST be true.
Newsflash. Unions screwed themselves. The reasons and methods by which this occurred are well documented.
Democrats under Bush were the loyal opposition regarding putting Americans first.

LOL, so that's what you call it when the Democrats OBSTRUCT, play dirty politics, etc etc.
Man, I gotta go dig out my hip waders.

Try to go dig out a brain, why don't you??? When was the last time you posted anything of substance along with your stupid remarks??? Give us some instances where the Dems were obstructive. Anybody can post the statement like a big dope.
Denying the facts does not mean they went away.
First example of democrat obstruction that comes to mind is the repair and replacement of fannie/freddie. However in 2004 Reps Frank( D MA) Watters (D CA) and Sen Dodd (D CT) all worked to prevent any change to the failing program back then.
Next, we have the ridiculous and desperate violation of Senate rules when Senate democrats used the filibuster in an attempt to block Pres Bush's SCOTUS appointments.
As it turned out, it was ruled the dems were out of order. Democrat obstruction.
Now that have slapped the back of your hand. DO you really want to touch the hot stove again.
Look you possessor of the mentality of the ping pong ball, The Founding Fathers set up our government to work as it does purposely. That purpose was to limit the power of the federal government. So that the power was in the hands of the people and the States.
The FF's wanted the federal government to be able to do as little as possible. That is why we have a Representative Republic rather than a pure democracy.
Now, you want to state this is bullshit? Go ahead. I'll "fact" you right off the planet.
You must think we are as dumb as you look.
Thinkprogress, a far left wing radical blog puts out some unsubstantiated nonsense and you like all other lefty moonbats eat it up like it was ice cream. Have you not a single independent thought in your head?
I like how it says "picked up on a message". As though think progress had some sophisticated listening device on a remote mountain top and that device was manned by code breakers....Holy shit! The desperation of the political left has gone so extreme, it's free entertainment.
Next thing we know think progress will release a story that says some thing like, "people who wear gray suits with blue ties are actually part of a racist anti Obama hate group funded by the Tea Party".....
You people have been smoking too much mother nature.

Something is only a lie until there is evidence. Then it's not a lie.

Examples of lies:

Obama wasn't born in this country.

Iraq is developing nuclear weapons.

Before the smoking gun becomes a mushroom cloud.

Trickle down works.

See? These are lies.

Now, let's look at something called a lie until "proof" is discovered:

Stimulating Hypocrisy: 114 Lawmakers Block Recovery While Taking Credit For Its Success | ThinkProgress

Go through the list. Do a search on each Republican mentioned. Find out if it's the "truth" from other sources.

Now this from the Christian Science Monitor.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says - CSMonitor.com

Republicans said their leaders never held millions of Americans hostage. Except they did. See? Republicans say they didn't, but the evidence says they did.
Ok...I see you are once again trying to deflect the thread due to your lack of a sensible and factual rebuttal.
You argue like a chick. You dig up unrelated or ancient nonsense in order to make up for your insignificance.
Think Progress is as good a source for a link to something that actually happened as any.

We're not talking about opinion. We're talking about a real event. Someone actually said something. Sending it through the Think Progress website doesn't mean it un-happened. He still said it.
I must question information postings that claim something occurred or that this person said (fill in the blank) on blogs and the like when the main stream media and FOX News have not reported same.
I state this especially in light of the biases of said blogs and other non traditional "news" outlets.
they don't have to they voted ( or NOT) last November...remember?

lol you guys are so confrontational Im a conservative I want smaller government I like the Tea Party...

But I don't believe that because what the Tea Party applies as solutions is not a typical Democrat belief. Democrats may share the same frustrations however they believe in different means to solving that problem

BTW your post, not Mr. T's, was incredibly stupid. It proved nothing, perhaps more conservatives showed up and independents leaned right.

It's becoming a habit, but a lot of you draw it out of me, fuck you dumbass.

I'm not gonna minx words anymore, clearly on both sides their are people worth debating with and idiots like you who aren't, who treat it like sports. "Yea are team is better than your we kicked you ass last november"

I'm tellin the dumb to fuck off from now on, and if you aren't dumb and you just made one bad post, cool, but if I see some more stupid shit. I'm gonna call y'all on it and tell y'all to fuck off. It's getting old.

you do know who you quoted right? becasue you're swinging wild.

your 'answer' is a non starter, if they didn't vote they had no interest in their candidates, if they did and a lot of 'moderate' dems got chucked, its becasue they switched or didn't vote because they no longer were interested in sppting their candidate, call it a vote of no confidence the results are the same either way.....I don't know whats so hard to fathom.

Rahm worked hard in in 05 and 06 to run mod dems in swing districts that had con proclivities but would vote dem if the right candidate came along, that got blown up last year........

That's quite a difference from a Democrat self identifying as a Tea Party member. I haven't seen it and I been hearing it a lot lately... all I was asking is for someone to show a Democrat who idenifies as a Tea Partier now, or too.

Not what happened last November. Give a smart ass answer I'm going to give it right back, I don't care who you are.
Hey I've a small business and I won't hire because to do so right NOW under Obama regime I'll have to spend a lot more then the revenue that employee will contribute!
A) Due to Obamacare
B) Due to EPA/OSHA further regulations
C) AND if I don't hire someone who wasn't employed I can be sued under Obama rules!

And that's the cost of hiring.
SO the advantage of NOT hiring someone today will to get rid of Obama who is anti-business, anti-capitalist and replace with someone who WANTS America to succeed!

A,B, and C are understandable.

However, when you put it terms like this it sounds like you can and need to hire someone however you don't in act of protest. Which is awful, and will only alienate you and those like you from the rest of society.
Alienate him from society? Why because he refuses to jeopardize his business by committing resources to a new employee..."If you do not hire someone, you'll be shunned"..
Oh please grow the hell up.
Now read this and mark it well. The voting booth is not the only place where Americans can affect change in the political field.
The vote is but one resource to which we can turn.
A,B, and C are understandable.

However, when you put it terms like this it sounds like you can and need to hire someone however you don't in act of protest. Which is awful, and will only alienate you and those like you from the rest of society.

'Scuse me? How in the world did you leap to this conclusion, if you accept the basic truth of A,B, & C? It's as if you believed 2+2=15!! An act of self-preservation isn't the same thing as an act of protest where I come from - and I've lived in a few places in this country.

Did you people not learn to evaluate what you read, hear, or see before you in a Google search box with a little skill called "critical thinking"? Or haven't you graduated yet?? So far, I'm completely unimpressed by the level of intelligent discussion of the issues (calling someone an idiot or evil is not discussion, btw) here.

I'd hear more intelligent observation from 3rd graders... REALLY people. Steve Jobs said it: THINK and THINK DIFFERENT - don't just parrot any old crap without asking yourself if it's a) true or b) makes any sense.

Small business (or any legitimate business of any size) doesn't make "promises" to hire people that they're not sure they can keep... and since it appears that the "invisible" costs of an employee are going to increase significantly in the near future... Sm. business owners simply are acting in the interest of the people they ALREADY PAY... so the company doesn't have to close and the business isn't able to pay any of them!!

It's not a protest - they're trying to stay in business and protect the people already working. I swear, I feel like I'm from another planet... and y'all only want to throw poison darts back & forth... when there's work to do figuring out what we can do, right where we work & live to survive these crazy times.

That is how I reached that conclusion you fucking idiot. Why don't you go seek intelligence instead of writing paragraphs about nothing that is so easily answered.

All you had to do was ask where did I get that from, not come into this and start throwing lil shots at my intelligence. I'm a conservative by the way, I just actually do think for myself.

Again, sincerely, fuck you

Honestly, I don't like the way you came at me at all in that post, ''Obama doesn't want America to succeed"?

It's his job, if anything it is your critical thinking skills that lack, as I can read between the lines and infer and you clearly can't.

Anyways you want to talk all that shit, you live all over the country.... You ever in NY or TX let me know. You talk too much
Ahh and here is the end of the conversation brought to you by the typical lib..."you fucking idiot"..."Sincerely, fuck you".....That's the extent of the intelligence of a liberal/progressive.
In the absence of a reasonable rebuttal, there is always the insult.
Obama's best interest is Obama. He is a politician first. His goal is to become a two term president and to insure as many democrats are reelected in perpetuity. That is the purpose by which democrats think. The acquisition and and retention of political power.
Obama is systematically destroying the private sector and along with it the middle class. His proposals are largely symbolic and lacking in substance. He has spent incredible amounts of money with negative results. With each failure, Obama blames others or some set of circumstances beyond his control or of course GW Bush.
Obama wants to create as much dependency on the federal government as possible.
"I am with the federal government. I am here to help"....That is the most frightening thing any American could ever hear.
By Marie Diamond

Congressional Republicans have acted shocked and offended at Democrats’ suggestions that they are intentionally sabotaging the economy to try to win back the White House in 2012. Republicans have refused to pass President Obama’s jobs plan — which experts estimate will create at least 1.9 million jobs — and proposed an alternative plan that Moody’s says “will likely push the economy back into recession.”

Now influential Tea Party leaders are throwing caution to the wind and openly lobbying business owners to stop hiring in order to hurt Obama politically. This week, Right Wing Watch picked up on a message Tea Party Nation sent to their members from conservative activist Melissa Brookstone.

In a rambling letter titled “Call For A Strike of American Small Businesses Against The Movement for Global Socialism,” Brookstone urges businesses “not hire a single person” to protest “this new dictator”:

More: Tea Party Group Urges Small Businesses 'Not To Hire A Single Person' To Hurt Obama | ThinkProgress

The link you gave implies that it was ONE small business owner that stated that, not an entire group of people. Good try though.
Look you possessor of the mentality of the ping pong ball, The Founding Fathers set up our government to work as it does purposely. That purpose was to limit the power of the federal government. So that the power was in the hands of the people and the States.
The FF's wanted the federal government to be able to do as little as possible. That is why we have a Representative Republic rather than a pure democracy.
Now, you want to state this is bullshit? Go ahead. I'll "fact" you right off the planet.

The Founder Fathers did not put the filibuster in place.

They did not want a dysfunctional government.

The founders tried a loose confederation of states, it failed, and then they ratified the Constitution.

The power is in the hands of the people, but the Federal government trumps state power, just as they intended, fortunately for us.

The idea of fifty little theocracies is ludicrous, but that's what you THINK you want.
Look you possessor of the mentality of the ping pong ball, The Founding Fathers set up our government to work as it does purposely. That purpose was to limit the power of the federal government. So that the power was in the hands of the people and the States.
The FF's wanted the federal government to be able to do as little as possible. That is why we have a Representative Republic rather than a pure democracy.
Now, you want to state this is bullshit? Go ahead. I'll "fact" you right off the planet.

The Founder Fathers did not put the filibuster in place.

They did not want a dysfunctional government.

The founders tried a loose confederation of states, it failed, and then they ratified the Constitution.

The power is in the hands of the people, but the Federal government trumps state power, just as they intended, fortunately for us.

The idea of fifty little theocracies is ludicrous, but that's what you THINK you want.
I never stated where the Founding Fathers put the filibuster in place. You made an inference. FAIL.
I never stated they wanted a "dysfunctional government"..You made an inference. FAIL
The US Constitution was priority one. FAIL.
The power of the federal government is limited to what the US Constitution states that is is...

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
That is clear and free of ambiguity.
Theocracy is rule buy religious tenet.
When you become more informed, check back. Until then have a wonderful life.
Facts trump your theories all day long.
You're playing on the freeway here. I suggest you find another hobby. You are not very good at this.
You must think we are as dumb as you look.
Thinkprogress, a far left wing radical blog puts out some unsubstantiated nonsense and you like all other lefty moonbats eat it up like it was ice cream. Have you not a single independent thought in your head?
I like how it says "picked up on a message". As though think progress had some sophisticated listening device on a remote mountain top and that device was manned by code breakers....Holy shit! The desperation of the political left has gone so extreme, it's free entertainment.
Next thing we know think progress will release a story that says some thing like, "people who wear gray suits with blue ties are actually part of a racist anti Obama hate group funded by the Tea Party".....
You people have been smoking too much mother nature.

What's "un-substantiated"?

Seriously. It looks as if this was the exact strategy employed by big corporations. But I don't think it's really a strategy of "not hiring"..it's more of a strategy to crush labor.

It began with "capturing" Union members by giving them more pay and benefits then their Union counterparts. That was in addition to giving money to anti-union legislators. Once Union membership was down and government was a bit more favorable, they employed "synergy", which meant reducing workforce. That meant off and near shoring as well as changing overtime rules and employing contractors. That also included cutting benefits. The United States now enjoys something like a 470:1 executive to employee compensation ratio thanks to conservatives.

Ain't you guys happy?

Done wonders for the economy. We got to pay for the high flying gambling too.

How exactly is this any different from this administration giving money that strictly goes to benefit the unions, choosing which businesses to invest (Navada Geothermal, Solyundra, US Geothermal) and all this on the taxpayers dime? Why can't someone make the choice of going with a non-union company? Are you somehow against "choice and competition", they seemed to be popular words when it came to the Federal Government and healthcare.
Democrats under Bush were the loyal opposition regarding putting Americans first.

LOL, so that's what you call it when the Democrats OBSTRUCT, play dirty politics, etc etc.
Man, I gotta go dig out my hip waders.

Try to go dig out a brain, why don't you??? When was the last time you posted anything of substance along with your stupid remarks??? Give us some instances where the Dems were obstructive. Anybody can post the statement like a big dope.

How about judicial nominations for one:

During the first complete two-year Congress of their presidencies, postwar presidents achieved the following confirmation rates for their circuit-court nominees: Truman (80th Congress; 3/3: 100 percent); Eisenhower (83rd; 12/13: 92.3 percent); Kennedy (87th; 17/22: 77.3 percent); Johnson (89th; 25/26: 96.2 percent); Nixon (91st; 20/23: 87 percent); Ford (94th; 9/11: 81.8 percent); Carter (95th: 12/12: 100 percent); Reagan (97th: 19/20; 95 percent); G.H.W. Bush (101st; 22/23: 95.7 percent); Clinton (103rd: 19/22: 86.4 percent); G.W. Bush (107th; 17/32: 53.1 percent).

Thus, for the first complete two-year Congresses of the 10 postwar presidencies preceding George W. Bush’s, the circuit-court confirmation rate averaged 91.2 percent. For Mr. Bush, it was 53.1 percent. Moreover, before George W. Bush, no president’s confirmation rate during his first complete Congress fell below 77 percent, which is nearly 50 percent (and 24 percentage points) higher than Mr. Bush’s confirmation rate. It is also worth noting that the three nominees returned by Mr. Clinton’s first Congress were confirmed during his second, effectively raising his first-Congress rate to 100 percent. And if we exclude Mr. Bush’s two circuit-court nominees who were appointed to the federal judiciary by Mr. Clinton and nominated for the circuit-court bench by Mr. Bush as an unrequited, magnanimous gesture to the Democrats, then Mr. Bush’s first-Congress confirmation rate falls to 50 percent (15/30), which is half Mr. Clinton’s first-Congress effective rate.
Unprecedented obstructionism - Washington Times
You must think we are as dumb as you look.
Thinkprogress, a far left wing radical blog puts out some unsubstantiated nonsense and you like all other lefty moonbats eat it up like it was ice cream. Have you not a single independent thought in your head?
I like how it says "picked up on a message". As though think progress had some sophisticated listening device on a remote mountain top and that device was manned by code breakers....Holy shit! The desperation of the political left has gone so extreme, it's free entertainment.
Next thing we know think progress will release a story that says some thing like, "people who wear gray suits with blue ties are actually part of a racist anti Obama hate group funded by the Tea Party".....
You people have been smoking too much mother nature.

Something is only a lie until there is evidence. Then it's not a lie.

Examples of lies:

Obama wasn't born in this country.

Iraq is developing nuclear weapons.

Before the smoking gun becomes a mushroom cloud.

Trickle down works.

See? These are lies.

You mean when they say the $787 billion stimulus actually worked?

Jan 2009 unemployment at 7.6% before the stimulus
Dec 2009 unemployment at 10.0% after the stimulus

National Employment Monthly Update
Hey I've a small business and I won't hire because to do so right NOW under Obama regime I'll have to spend a lot more then the revenue that employee will contribute!
A) Due to Obamacare
B) Due to EPA/OSHA further regulations
C) AND if I don't hire someone who wasn't employed I can be sued under Obama rules!

And that's the cost of hiring.
SO the advantage of NOT hiring someone today will to get rid of Obama who is anti-business, anti-capitalist and replace with someone who WANTS America to succeed!

A,B, and C are understandable.

However, when you put it terms like this it sounds like you can and need to hire someone however you don't in act of protest. Which is awful, and will only alienate you and those like you from the rest of society.

Actually when businesses have to take the time and spend the money on an attorney to: FIRST understand what the latest group of Obama regulations are, then SECOND look at how much needs to be spent to remain in compliant, that takes away from resources that could be placed into hiring someone.
The OWS shitters have threatened a general strike where workers don't go to work. Employers threaten a general strike where they don't hire.

Seems FAIR to me.
However, when you put it terms like this it sounds like you can and need to hire someone however you don't in act of protest. Which is awful, and will only alienate you and those like you from the rest of society.

Seriously, Sanity, let that seep in. It displays more insight and though than anything in that fuckin novel you are trying to write douche bag

I don't understand how you can hire, for the smple sake of hiring, if all your business costs and profits reveal you need to be cutting BACK on expenses. Simply because you can't afford to hire, doesn't always have to mean you are doing so in protest to someone's policies.
Hey stupid? There are Democrats IN the TEA party...many of them are business men and women...

I don't hate the tea party yet I hear this a lot, however, only from republicans.

What Tea Party member is a democrat? I have never heard a democrat admit to that.

they don't have to they voted ( or NOT) last November...remember?

Yeah, Republican or Democrat, I don't think a moratorium on hiring is exactly what they thought they were voting for...
The treasonous Tea Party wants to destroy our economy to gain political power.
Look you possessor of the mentality of the ping pong ball, The Founding Fathers set up our government to work as it does purposely. That purpose was to limit the power of the federal government. So that the power was in the hands of the people and the States.
The FF's wanted the federal government to be able to do as little as possible. That is why we have a Representative Republic rather than a pure democracy.
Now, you want to state this is bullshit? Go ahead. I'll "fact" you right off the planet.

The Founder Fathers did not put the filibuster in place.

They did not want a dysfunctional government.

The founders tried a loose confederation of states, it failed, and then they ratified the Constitution.

The power is in the hands of the people, but the Federal government trumps state power, just as they intended, fortunately for us.

The idea of fifty little theocracies is ludicrous, but that's what you THINK you want.
I never stated where the Founding Fathers put the filibuster in place. You made an inference. FAIL.
I never stated they wanted a "dysfunctional government"..You made an inference. FAIL
The US Constitution was priority one. FAIL.
The power of the federal government is limited to what the US Constitution states that is is...

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
That is clear and free of ambiguity.
Theocracy is rule buy religious tenet.
When you become more informed, check back. Until then have a wonderful life.
Facts trump your theories all day long.
You're playing on the freeway here. I suggest you find another hobby. You are not very good at this.

I agree, and the Tenth Amendment confirms it, that the Founders weren't after a people looked to the Federal Government to solve all their problems. The Federal Government is the overseer not the dictator of states. It's meant to be more of a "limited" form of government, restricted to the limitations within the framework [boundries] of the United States Constitution. A government framework to uphold and support those foundational ideas first crafted in our Declaration of Independence.
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