TBTF DeutscheBank Found Guilty of Criminal Manipulation of Precious Metals Markets -


Active Member
Jul 11, 2016
Fine is a pittance and the verdict misses the biggest perp of all: the ESF arm of the FED/Treasury
The government needs to get out of the market manipulating business - picking winners and losers is just un-American - a cancer on our economy that has grown to mind bending proportions and threatens the world economy.

President elect Trump should choose BB&T's former CEO John Allison (who favors elimination of the FED) as Sec of the Treasury when congress rejects the Goldman Sachs entry, Steve Mnuchin.

Deutsche Bank Pays $60 Million To Settle Gold-Manipulation Lawsuit | Zero Hedge
Most folks can't get their head around the banking industry's penchant for creating valuation out of thin air....


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