Tax Cuts For The Poor And Middle Class -- Not The Rich -- Create Jobs, Research Shows

I'm talking right here, right now,,,,,btw govt drove cost of healthcare up so dont expect salvation from them.
Didnt say it was main reason, its one of many govt policies that push the price of fue,l food, and everything else up. Millenials are living at home cause they cant afford a home of their own......govt did that......Fannie Freddie free money...price to the moon ...heck of job
It’s an inconvenient truth that across the world valuable people are converting crop lands from growing food to growing bio-fuels. The crop lands are being converted with government subsidies, and we are about to learn a very harsh lesson. Side by side with that the BRICs nations and their constellations are burning unhealthy fossil fuels like there were no tomorrow.

From Spring 2008:

In Egypt we have bread-lines, in Pakistan and India soaring flour prices, and in the rest of the subcontinent rice shortages are the rule. Food is Energy but Food Takes Energy Noblesse Oblige

Since housing is among peoples biggest expense pretty important eh.....but hey tax breaks for the poor.........LLLMMAAOOOOOO
One example about biofuel from a website supporting AGW, do you accept global warming? I do, good job using a good website. I don't like the current method of biofuels right now, but that is not the main reason. Hey, we have millions of unused homes, we should just give them away at this point.

Hey, we have millions of unused homes, we should just give them away at this point.

Why don't you buy one and give it away?

Hey, that's one of the beauties of capitalism, millions of peopleless homes and many homeless people. I can't afford to buy a home that is sold by capitalists when I have to pay for my fathers medical bills, my schooling, my siblings, me and my mother are the only providers.

Home prices are rising, you must be wrong about millions of peopleless homes.
You're right though, no peopleless homes in your socialist hot spots.
No toilet paper in some of them either.
In America, their are countless numbers of homes and many homeless people, with many not being able to afford homes. They are socialist by claim, not by practice, and if you're talking about Venezuela, that's a great way to cherry pick, considering their successes after Hugo got in.

In America, their are countless numbers of homes

Try to count them. The empty ones.

that's a great way to cherry pick, considering their successes after Hugo got in.

What successes? I mean for the people, not his cronies? Gotta list?
Didnt say it was main reason, its one of many govt policies that push the price of fue,l food, and everything else up. Millenials are living at home cause they cant afford a home of their own......govt did that......Fannie Freddie free money...price to the moon ...heck of job
One example about biofuel from a website supporting AGW, do you accept global warming? I do, good job using a good website. I don't like the current method of biofuels right now, but that is not the main reason. Hey, we have millions of unused homes, we should just give them away at this point.

Hey, we have millions of unused homes, we should just give them away at this point.

Why don't you buy one and give it away?

Hey, that's one of the beauties of capitalism, millions of peopleless homes and many homeless people. I can't afford to buy a home that is sold by capitalists when I have to pay for my fathers medical bills, my schooling, my siblings, me and my mother are the only providers.

Home prices are rising, you must be wrong about millions of peopleless homes.
You're right though, no peopleless homes in your socialist hot spots.
No toilet paper in some of them either.
In America, their are countless numbers of homes and many homeless people, with many not being able to afford homes. They are socialist by claim, not by practice, and if you're talking about Venezuela, that's a great way to cherry pick, considering their successes after Hugo got in.

In America, their are countless numbers of homes

Try to count them. The empty ones.

that's a great way to cherry pick, considering their successes after Hugo got in.

What successes? I mean for the people, not his cronies? Gotta list?
Oh, cronies? Look at what the oil money was going to before Hugo.
Hugo took the oil revenues to invest into infrastructure and social services.
He increased social spending massively.
Reduction of extreme poverty
Reducing illiteracy/boosting education
Before the Chavez government in 1998, 21% of the population was malnourished. Venezuela now has established a network of subsidized food distribution including grocery stores and supermarkets. While 90% of the food was imported in 1980, today this is less than 30%. Misión Agro-Venezuela has given out 454,238 credits to rural producers and 39,000 rural producers have received credit in 2012 alone. Five million Venezuelan receive free food, four million of them are children in schools and 6,000 food kitchens feed 900,000 people. The agrarian reform and policies to help agricultural producers have increased domestic food supply. The results of all these food security measures is that today malnourishment is only 5%, and child malnutrition which was 7.7% in 1990 today is at 2.9%. This is an impressive health achievement by any standards.
Drop in infant mortality
96% of the population now has access to clean water
*In 1998, there were 18 doctors per 10,000 inhabitants, currently there are 58, and the public health system has about 95,000 physicians;
*Barrio Adentro (i.e., primary care program with the help of more than 8,300 Cuban doctors) has approximately saved 1,4 million lives in 7,000 clinics and has given 500 million consultations;

*In 2011 alone, 67,000 Venezuelans received free high cost medicines for 139 pathologies conditions including cancer, hepatitis, osteoporosis, schizophrenia, and others; there are now 34 centres for addictions,

*In 6 years 19,840 homeless have been attended through a special program; and there are practically no children living on the streets.

*Venezuela now has the largest intensive care unit in the region.

*A network of public drugstores sell subsidized medicines in 127 stores with savings of 34-40%.

*51,000 people have been treated in Cuba for specialized eye treatment and the eye care program “Mision Milagro”; has restored sight to 1.5 million Venezuelans
An example of how the government has tried to respond in a timely fashion to the real needs of its people is the situation that occurred in 2011 when heavy tropical rains left 100,000 people homeless. They were right away sheltered temporarily in all manner of public buildings and hotels and, in one and a half years, the government built 250,000 houses. The government has obviously not eradicated all social ills, but its people do recognize that, despite any shortcomings and mistakes, it is a government that is on their side, trying to use its resources to meet their needs. Part of this equation is the intense political participation that the Venezuelan democracy stands for, that includes 30,000 communal councils, which determine local social needs and oversee their satisfaction and allows the people to be protagonists of the changes they demand.
I'm talking right here, right now,,,,,btw govt drove cost of healthcare up so dont expect salvation from them.
What, obamacare? It's not perfect, as I think if a state exists, it should provide healthcare to everyone, but it's a good solution to a massive problem.
No its just the next step up in cost.......I'm sure a tax break for the poor will cover it..........LLMMAAOOOOOOO
I'm talking right here, right now,,,,,btw govt drove cost of healthcare up so dont expect salvation from them.
What, obamacare? It's not perfect, as I think if a state exists, it should provide healthcare to everyone, but it's a good solution to a massive problem.
No its just the next step up in cost.......I'm sure a tax break for the poor will cover it..........LLMMAAOOOOOOO
Or higher tax rates on the wealthy. :biggrin:
It's time for wage increases targeted at the very bottom..

An excellent liberal idea!! That way we can be even less competitive and lose every single job to China not just the 30 million we have already lost!!!
Yeah, it's to late to go back now, the capitalists influenced the movement to china, they love exploiting workers over there. Less competitive? Yeah, ok, I guess we need to allow child labor again, repeal the minimum wage, fight against labor unions... Logic.
-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

so GM and all fortune 500 companies would close all their factories off shore and go bankrupt?

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance? What other conclusion is possible?
-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

so GM and all fortune 500 companies would close all their factories off shore and go bankrupt?

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance? What other conclusion is possible?
Yeah, they can't afford to close the factories where they pay workers horrible wages and give them horrid working conditions, the capitalists need to make profit.
, the capitalists influenced the movement to china, they love exploiting workers over there..

true, under liberal marxism 200 million slowly starved to death, but now under Republican capitalism they are all getting rich and not starving in China.
Yeah, they can't afford to close the factories where they pay workers horrible wagest.

100% stupid and liberal Marxist. Horrible wages?? China just instantly eliminated 40% of the world's poverty with huge Republican capitalist wages.

See why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
, the capitalists influenced the movement to china, they love exploiting workers over there..

true, under liberal marxism 200 million slowly starved to death, but now under Republican capitalism they are all getting rich and not starving in China.
200 million? "Liberal marxism" Oh for fucks sakes. Communism combats liberalism, not the liberalism you're thinking of either, although partisan hacks don't understand. Yeah, where the hell are you getting 200 million?
Yeah, they can't afford to close the factories where they pay workers horrible wagest.

100% stupid and liberal Marxist. Horrible wages?? China just instantly eliminated 40% of the world's poverty with huge Republican capitalist wages.

See why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
Liberal marxist? Oh god, they discuss "eliminating poverty" on the standards set by capitalists, it's rampant exploitation in china for the working class over there, and the capitalists can't afford to let them gain better wages or health conditions that are suitable, it undercuts profit.
, the capitalists influenced the movement to china, they love exploiting workers over there..

true, under liberal marxism 200 million slowly starved to death, but now under Republican capitalism they are all getting rich and not starving in China.
200 million? "Liberal marxism" Oh for fucks sakes. Communism combats liberalism, not the liberalism you're thinking of either, although partisan hacks don't understand. Yeah, where the hell are you getting 200 million?

Sorry I was including USSR and Red China making Marxism the deadliest plague in all of human history. Great to hitch your wagon to that. Are Charles Manson and Adolf Hitler your idles??
, the capitalists influenced the movement to china, they love exploiting workers over there..

true, under liberal marxism 200 million slowly starved to death, but now under Republican capitalism they are all getting rich and not starving in China.
200 million? "Liberal marxism" Oh for fucks sakes. Communism combats liberalism, not the liberalism you're thinking of either, although partisan hacks don't understand. Yeah, where the hell are you getting 200 million?

Sorry I was including USSR and Red China making Marxism the deadliest plague in all of human history. Great to hitch your wagon to that. Are Charles Manson and Adolf Hitler your idles??
The deadliest plague? Are you fucking kidding me? Do you know anything about the accepted death toll, the causes, the context... Hitler? No, he brutalized and slaughtered soviet people, forcing the brave soldiers of the USSR to defend there country. Why the hell would I support charlie manson?

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