Tax Cuts For The Poor And Middle Class -- Not The Rich -- Create Jobs, Research Shows

Everything targeted at the bottom works its way to the top. It's time for wage increases targeted at the very bottom. That is the one thing that will jump start this economy the fastest.

Tax Cuts For The Poor And Middle Class -- Not The Rich -- Create Jobs Research Shows

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 400 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

Wow! No wonder the world economies with the most poorest people and the richest economies!

You're a fucking genius!!

You're in the same league as Krugman!
Everything targeted at the bottom works its way to the top. It's time for wage increases targeted at the very bottom. That is the one thing that will jump start this economy the fastest.

Tax Cuts For The Poor And Middle Class -- Not The Rich -- Create Jobs Research Shows

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 400 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My God, how do you get EVERYTHING so wrong and still make it to adulthood????
Economic illiteracy on parade.......... price people out of home food and energy, basic staples of life and then say tax cuts for the poor will fix it.........meanwhile more more people become pooor
Welcome to the primary contradiction of capitalism.

Suppliers want the cheapest possible operating costs, so their natural inclination is to drive down labor costs. ["Supply Side" economics, which took hold in the 80s, was committed to removing all tax, regulatory and cost-of-labor burdens on capital. This was done because suppliers, by the late 70s, had been crippled by 40 years of New Deal Liberalism, with its high taxes, strict regulations and trade policies that prevented the full utilization of cheap 3rd world labor. Reagan - and later Clinton - fixed this not only through tax and regulatory reform, but opening up trade so that our suppliers could shed the high cost of U.S. Labor for cheap Chinese sweatshops]

Here is the contradiction: The low labor costs of post-Carter capitalism made it harder for workers (i.e., consumers) to buy what the supplier brought to market. Put another way: how do you sustain the consumption Main Street businesses require in the face of falling wages and slashed benefits and the loss of jobs to China & the 3rd world?

Answer: debt. Credit cards. Subprimes. We created a culture of borrowing to make up for lost jobs, diminished wages and an end to the progressive tax policies that subsidized affordable education for the working and middle classes.

Put simply: Reagan lead our transition from wage-based consumption to debt-based consumption.

The problem of solving the contradictions of capitalism with debt is that consumers can't borrow forever. Indeed, after 30 years of concentrated borrowing (to support the concentrated accumulation on top), the middle class is too indebted to fulfill the demand requirements of economic growth. This condition of over-indebtedness is currently being solved by higher levels of debt and more toxic asset bubbles.

(It gets worse. When you use debt to fund consumption ... what happens when you run out of solvent consumers? Answer: you must loan money to insolvent consumers; you must find borrowers wherever they can be found. To keep consumption and economic growth going, you start loaning money to homeless people, dead people, illegal aliens and pets. You create every manor of loan to pump money into a zombie economy.)

[Just as the Achilles Heel of Demand-Side economics is inflation, the Achilles Heel of Supply Side economics is a failure of consumer demand. If you fix that failure with too much debt, the economy eventually blows up. We swallowed poison in 1980]
I think you may have watched it, did you enjoy it?
Go back to original quote I posted that you couldnt ID get back to me.....Push up energy you push up everything.Ever hear of Fannie and Freddie......... a govt working to push up the price of staples is waging war on its own people and trinket "tax cuts" are for show
Go back to original quote I posted that you couldnt ID get back to me.....Push up energy you push up everything.Ever hear of Fannie and Freddie......... a govt working to push up the price of staples is waging war on its own people and trinket "tax cuts" are for show
Link me something, how does all of this link back to the government? Please, help me out here. Sounds like BS
Please....eternal cry for links only to ignore and talk past them cause they are inconvenient.
It’s an inconvenient truth that across the world valuable people are converting crop lands from growing food to growing bio-fuels. The crop lands are being converted with government subsidies, and we are about to learn a very harsh lesson. Side by side with that the BRICs nations and their constellations are burning unhealthy fossil fuels like there were no tomorrow.

From Spring 2008:

In Egypt we have bread-lines, in Pakistan and India soaring flour prices, and in the rest of the subcontinent rice shortages are the rule. Food is Energy but Food Takes Energy Noblesse Oblige

Since housing is among peoples biggest expense pretty important eh.....but hey tax breaks for the poor.........LLLMMAAOOOOOO
It’s an inconvenient truth that across the world valuable people are converting crop lands from growing food to growing bio-fuels. The crop lands are being converted with government subsidies, and we are about to learn a very harsh lesson. Side by side with that the BRICs nations and their constellations are burning unhealthy fossil fuels like there were no tomorrow.

From Spring 2008:

In Egypt we have bread-lines, in Pakistan and India soaring flour prices, and in the rest of the subcontinent rice shortages are the rule. Food is Energy but Food Takes Energy Noblesse Oblige

Since housing is among peoples biggest expense pretty important eh.....but hey tax breaks for the poor.........LLLMMAAOOOOOO
One example about biofuel from a website supporting AGW, do you accept global warming? I do, good job using a good website. I don't like the current method of biofuels right now, but that is not the main reason. Hey, we have millions of unused homes, we should just give them away at this point.
It’s an inconvenient truth that across the world valuable people are converting crop lands from growing food to growing bio-fuels. The crop lands are being converted with government subsidies, and we are about to learn a very harsh lesson. Side by side with that the BRICs nations and their constellations are burning unhealthy fossil fuels like there were no tomorrow.

From Spring 2008:

In Egypt we have bread-lines, in Pakistan and India soaring flour prices, and in the rest of the subcontinent rice shortages are the rule. Food is Energy but Food Takes Energy Noblesse Oblige

Since housing is among peoples biggest expense pretty important eh.....but hey tax breaks for the poor.........LLLMMAAOOOOOO
One example about biofuel from a website supporting AGW, do you accept global warming? I do, good job using a good website. I don't like the current method of biofuels right now, but that is not the main reason. Hey, we have millions of unused homes, we should just give them away at this point.

Hey, we have millions of unused homes, we should just give them away at this point.

Why don't you buy one and give it away?
It’s an inconvenient truth that across the world valuable people are converting crop lands from growing food to growing bio-fuels. The crop lands are being converted with government subsidies, and we are about to learn a very harsh lesson. Side by side with that the BRICs nations and their constellations are burning unhealthy fossil fuels like there were no tomorrow.

From Spring 2008:

In Egypt we have bread-lines, in Pakistan and India soaring flour prices, and in the rest of the subcontinent rice shortages are the rule. Food is Energy but Food Takes Energy Noblesse Oblige

Since housing is among peoples biggest expense pretty important eh.....but hey tax breaks for the poor.........LLLMMAAOOOOOO
One example about biofuel from a website supporting AGW, do you accept global warming? I do, good job using a good website. I don't like the current method of biofuels right now, but that is not the main reason. Hey, we have millions of unused homes, we should just give them away at this point.

Hey, we have millions of unused homes, we should just give them away at this point.

Why don't you buy one and give it away?
Hey, that's one of the beauties of capitalism, millions of peopleless homes and many homeless people. I can't afford to buy a home that is sold by capitalists when I have to pay for my fathers medical bills, my schooling, my siblings, me and my mother are the only providers.
Didnt say it was main reason, its one of many govt policies that push the price of fue,l food, and everything else up. Millenials are living at home cause they cant afford a home of their own......govt did that......Fannie Freddie free money...price to the moon ...heck of job
It’s an inconvenient truth that across the world valuable people are converting crop lands from growing food to growing bio-fuels. The crop lands are being converted with government subsidies, and we are about to learn a very harsh lesson. Side by side with that the BRICs nations and their constellations are burning unhealthy fossil fuels like there were no tomorrow.

From Spring 2008:

In Egypt we have bread-lines, in Pakistan and India soaring flour prices, and in the rest of the subcontinent rice shortages are the rule. Food is Energy but Food Takes Energy Noblesse Oblige

Since housing is among peoples biggest expense pretty important eh.....but hey tax breaks for the poor.........LLLMMAAOOOOOO
One example about biofuel from a website supporting AGW, do you accept global warming? I do, good job using a good website. I don't like the current method of biofuels right now, but that is not the main reason. Hey, we have millions of unused homes, we should just give them away at this point.

Hey, we have millions of unused homes, we should just give them away at this point.

Why don't you buy one and give it away?

Hey, that's one of the beauties of capitalism, millions of peopleless homes and many homeless people. I can't afford to buy a home that is sold by capitalists when I have to pay for my fathers medical bills, my schooling, my siblings, me and my mother are the only providers.

Home prices are rising, you must be wrong about millions of peopleless homes.
You're right though, no peopleless homes in your socialist hot spots.
No toilet paper in some of them either.
Didnt say it was main reason, its one of many govt policies that push the price of fue,l food, and everything else up. Millenials are living at home cause they cant afford a home of their own......govt did that......Fannie Freddie free money...price to the moon ...heck of job
It’s an inconvenient truth that across the world valuable people are converting crop lands from growing food to growing bio-fuels. The crop lands are being converted with government subsidies, and we are about to learn a very harsh lesson. Side by side with that the BRICs nations and their constellations are burning unhealthy fossil fuels like there were no tomorrow.

From Spring 2008:

In Egypt we have bread-lines, in Pakistan and India soaring flour prices, and in the rest of the subcontinent rice shortages are the rule. Food is Energy but Food Takes Energy Noblesse Oblige

Since housing is among peoples biggest expense pretty important eh.....but hey tax breaks for the poor.........LLLMMAAOOOOOO
One example about biofuel from a website supporting AGW, do you accept global warming? I do, good job using a good website. I don't like the current method of biofuels right now, but that is not the main reason. Hey, we have millions of unused homes, we should just give them away at this point.

Hey, we have millions of unused homes, we should just give them away at this point.

Why don't you buy one and give it away?

Hey, that's one of the beauties of capitalism, millions of peopleless homes and many homeless people. I can't afford to buy a home that is sold by capitalists when I have to pay for my fathers medical bills, my schooling, my siblings, me and my mother are the only providers.

Home prices are rising, you must be wrong about millions of peopleless homes.
You're right though, no peopleless homes in your socialist hot spots.
No toilet paper in some of them either.
In America, their are countless numbers of homes and many homeless people, with many not being able to afford homes. They are socialist by claim, not by practice, and if you're talking about Venezuela, that's a great way to cherry pick, considering their successes after Hugo got in.

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