Talent on loan from god!

ed the moron is in my ignore list because he is a waste of time and i got bored of his bullshit
i see you ARE having fun with the moron :lol:

Now the other Ditto-Doper chimes in. :ahole-1: This one is programmed to say "out of context" every time LimpBoy is exposed as the worthless lying America hating hypocrite he is. Of course, the "Christian" LimpBoy not only takes everyone he hates out of context, he literally changes the words to change the context, but don't show him respect by honoring the Golden Rule.

Here are some more quotes, tell me how the lying hypocrite didn't take them out of context.


While you are busy simpering and whimpering over in your corner on the basis of your delusion that Rush was defaming poor old heroic President Obama by deliberately misquoting him, you MIGHT WANT TO take a peek at The Washington Post article quoting the inauguration speech:

* * * *
OBAMA: The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works, whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified.
Where the answer is yes, we intend to move forward. Where the answer is no, programs will end.
And those of us who manage the public's knowledge will be held to account, to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day, because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government.
Nor is the question before us whether the market is a force for good or ill. Its power to generate wealth and expand freedom is unmatched.
* * * *
Inaugural Address of Barack Obama

Or, perhaps it's your brilliant suggestion that Rush and The Washington Compost are BOTH "in on it." :cuckoo:

You'd best check this piece, too, Moron! Correction: An Anomalous Rise in Public Knowledge | Secrecy News

Looks like LOTS of folks misheard good ol' President Obama. I blame the TOTUS!

Further proof you are a Ditto-Doper making any excuse for your MessiahRushie.

First of all LimpBOY played the actual clip of Obama saying "public dollars" before he changed the words.

Second when he transcribed the Obama clip his transcript had the correct words "public dollars."

And thirdly the title LimpBoy gave to the transcript of his rant was called "Manage the Public Dollars" so you need a better excuse than the CON$ervative Washington Post got it wrong, LimpBoy was not quoting the WP.

Furthermore that does not address his changing "We are the ones" to "I am the one" you can't blame that on the WP.

"Manage the Public Dollars"
"Manage the Public Dollars"
February 13, 2009

Listen To It!
WMP | RealPlayer

Audio clips available for Rush 24/7 members only -- Join Now!


OBAMA: Those of us who manage the public dollars will be held to account to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day, because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and our government.

RUSH: President Barack Obama, in his inaugural address on January 20th. Greetings, my friends, it's Last Chance Friday.

JOHNNY DONOVAN: Live from the Southern Command in sunny south Florida via New York City, it's Open Line Friday!

RUSH: Those of us who manage the public's knowledge will be held to account to spend wisely, reform bad habits, do our business in the light of day. Everything that he said in his inaugural address is being done in just the opposite way, but it doesn't matter what he says, it matters how he says it.
ed the moron is in my ignore list because he is a waste of time and i got bored of his bullshit

Another white flag of surrender. Thank you.

At least you had the courage to surrender publicly, not like PubicInterruptus who cowardly surrendered in secret.

RUSH: A "community organizer" cannot complain when communities organize, yet that is exactly what is happening. The community organizer-in-chief is all bent out of shape because people are organizing against him and against his lies and against his policies. July 23rd of 2007, Barack Obama said that it was a qualification to be president to be a community organizer. Now his White House and his party is attacking communities of Americans, organized and otherwise. Are you kidding me? This was the badge of honor! That's the sum total of his career, other than 150 days in the Senate. This is what Barack Obama said was the best education he ever had was community organizing for ACORN. It was the highest good of public service -- and he's now trying to swat down citizens who have grievances? Of course! Because he's a statist. He's an authoritarian. Here is a new Democrat National Committee ad targeting the protesters of Barack Obama. You'll hear Senator DeMint and me in the ad.

(cheesy dramatic music)

AMERICAN CITIZENS: (chanting) Just say no! Just say no!

DNC ANNOUNCER: The right-wing extremist Republican base is back. They lost the election. They lost on the Recovery Act, the budget and children's health care. They've lost the confidence of the American people after eight years of failed policies that ruined our economy and cost millions of jobs.

AMERICAN CITIZENS: (chanting) Just say no! Just say no!

DNC ANNOUNCER: Now, desperate Republicans and their well-funded allies are organizing angry mobs -- just like they did during the election. Their goal? Destroy President Obama and stop the change Americans voted for overwhelmingly in November.

DEMINT: It will break him.

RUSH: I hope he fails!

DNC ANNOUNCER: They have no plan for moving our country forward, so they've called out the mob.

RUSH: I predicted this. You are a mob. This is the president of the United States who ran as a unifier. He has now resorted to nothing more than a raw political campaign, as president, against a majority of the American people who oppose him. The president of the United States is running ads referring to 52% of the American people as a "mob." This is beneath the dignity of the White House. It's typical of the Democrat Party, but it is beneath the dignity of the Oval Office.

Henry Waxman was on the Daily Show last night. They had this exchange, Jon Stewart and Henry Waxman, about town hall protesters -- and, of course, me.

STEWART: You have the overwhelming majority now. Can't you get something that is condensed a little bit more clearly and concisely so that you can sell it? Because without that you've got town halls where the people come and they shout and they are not saying anything other than, "Hey, we're -- I'm mad."

WAXMAN: That's not spontaneous. People show up in an organized way often sponsored by the Republican party or Rush Limbaugh or some other group.

STEWART: Right. In democracy, to be fair, they are allowed to, uhhh -- to do that.

WAXMAN: I am not trying to silence them.

STEWART: No, I understand.

AUDIENCE: (laughter)

WAXMAN: Just keep it in perspective.

RUSH: "Just keep it in perspective." He's "not trying to silence them." That's exactly what they are trying to do! Intimidate you, call you a mob. They are trying to silence all this opposition. You know, Jon Stewart makes more sense here than most of the State-Run Media. The American people aren't buying what the Democrats are selling -- and, of course, the Democrats and the president of the United States blame you! They hold you in contempt while they throw their bones to the trial lawyers and the public sector union bosses. This morning on MSNBC, the host is talking to Democrat strategerist Keith Boykin about the town hall meeting protests and the host says, "Is this cheap propaganda?"

BOYKIN: It's being orchestrated by the Republican Party's organ like Fox News and -- and people like Rush Limbaugh who are out there putting this message out now.

RATIGAN: Do you know that or do you believe that?

BOYKIN: It's obvious!

RATIGAN: How is it obvious?

BOYKIN: They are putting out the message to these people, the birth conspiracies. These people coming together. It's a coalition of cranks who have basically created this.

RUSH: You know, I would... I'm going to issue a challenge here to all you Democrat strategists and you people at Democrat National Committee -- and I'm going to include in this challenge the hapless White House spokesman Robert Gibbs. I want you to give us the name of one person who has been hired by a lobbyist working for an insurance company to show up at a town hall meeting. I want you to produce evidence of one person who is at one of these meetings because I have sent them there. It's obvious? If it's so obvious, Mr. Boykin, that all of this is trumped up, then tell us and show us who's behind this. Give us the names! Tell us which insurance companies are putting this together and making it happen. But remember this, Mr. Boykin: The community organizer who thinks it's the greatest experience he's ever had can't start bitching when communities organize.


RUSH: I'm going to go back and play this ad again, the DNC ad bought and paid for, by the way, by public sector union bosses and their allies. That's who's paying for this campaign, public sector union bosses and their allies. This is an ad sanctioned by President Obama, run by the Democrat National Committee attacking American citizens. Listen to it again.

(cheesy dramatic music)

AMERICAN CITIZENS: (chanting) Just say no! Just say no!

DNC ANNOUNCER: The right-wing extremist Republican base is back. They lost the election. They lost on the Recovery Act, the budget and children's health care. They've lost the confidence of the American people after eight years of failed policies that ruined our economy and cost millions of jobs.

AMERICAN CITIZENS: (chanting) Just say no! Just say no!

DNC ANNOUNCER: Now, desperate Republicans and their well-funded allies are organizing angry mobs -- just like they did during the election. Their goal? Destroy President Obama and stop the change Americans voted for overwhelmingly in November.

DEMINT: It will break him.

RUSH: I hope he fails!

DNC ANNOUNCER: They have no plan for moving our country forward, so they've called out the mob.

RUSH: We sure as hell do have a plan for moving the country forward. It's called stopping Obama, stopping Reid, stopping Pelosi, stopping the trial lawyers and stopping the public sector union bosses. It's called stopping the Democrat Party. It's called saving this country. The same party that passed a phony stimulus bill giving ACORN community organizers billions of dollars to organize and protest and agitate, the same party is complaining when private citizens attend town hall meetings on their own, on their own dime and question what the government is wanting to do to their health care. I'm telling you Blue Dog Democrats, beware. Much of this campaign of lies by Obama and his cronies is aimed at convincing you that the people are not boiling over with contempt for what is being attempted here. And if you allow yourselves to be convinced by this propaganda put out by your party and your president and Axelrod and Emanuel and all the rest, you will pay the ultimate political price. I promise you, you will. You have no idea what's simmering out across the heartlands of this country. And it is rank pure opposition to what this president is attempting to do to this nation's economy and people's health care.

Let's go back in time, shall we, September 17, 2008, Elko, Nevada. During a campaign event here is the community organizer-in-chief, Dr. Chicago himself.

OBAMA: I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.

RUSH: Argue with them and get in their face from the unifier, from the man who is going to bring this country together. We forget all of these things that he said during the campaign to largely union audiences. And they have the nerve to call you and all of us a mob, an unruly mob after he is urging his own supporters to get in your face and argue with you. Back in March when the target then was AIG, Obama said he didn't want to quell the angry mobs back then. March 18th, an unidentified reporter: "Mr. President, a new round of bonuses from these contracts are coming out for AIG. What could you say to the American public to quell the anger, because people are angry about this new round that's coming out. There's more bonuses. It's said to be coming for AIG executives."

OBAMA: I don't want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry. I'm angry. What I want us to do, though, is channel our anger in a constructive way.

RUSH: Yeah, he wants you arguing with people, he wanted you protesting in the front yards of AIG executives. He was out there saying to bank executives and these other people on Wall Street that he was the only one standing between them and the pitchforks. This man is not who he claims to be. He is not at all similar to the core of the American people and that is why he has to lie with virtually every statement that he makes about his health care plan or the stimulus or the state of the economy. He has to lie. He has to lie about his plans because the people of this country would reject him by a landslide if he were honest. Wall Street Journal, June 14th, 2008: "Mobster wisdom tells us never to bring a knife to a gun fight. But what does political wisdom say about bringing a gun to a knife fight? That’s exactly what Barack Obama said he would do to counter Republican attacks 'If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,' Obama said at a Philadelphia fundraiser Friday night. 'Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.'" If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.

He's calling you an unruly mob. He has encouraged his union bosses and the trial lawyers to get in your face. He has encouraged them to try to intimidate you. He's trying to intimidate you. If anybody on our side ever said, "You bring a gun, we're bringing a knife, you bring a gun, we're bringing a knife, two knives," anything like this at all, what would be done? Now, ladies and gentlemen, let's just stay with the sound bites here because now your anger is manufactured by the insurance companies. Here is yesterday's press conference briefing at the White House, Robert Gibbs. Jake Tapper from ABC: "Is it the White House contention the anger that some members of Congress are experiencing at town hall meetings, especially over health care reform, is manufactured?"

GIBBS: Some of it is, yes. In fact, I think you've had groups today, Conservatives for Patients' Rights that have bragged about organizing and manufacturing that anger. What you've seen is they have -- they've bragged about manufacturing to some degree that anger.

RUSH: No, no, no. There's no manufactured anger, Mr. Gibbs. The anger is legitimate and real and it is boiling over. And you all know it because you are running ads trying to impugn the honor and character of American citizens who have the audacity to stand up, oppose and criticize this un-American agenda that you are trying to force down their throats and every other bodily orifice. And more and more of them have had it. So Mr. Gibbs, give me the name of the insurance company and give me the name of the insurance company lobbyist that's out there sending people to these meetings. If it's all manufactured, if it's not real -- and, by the way, you guys know all about that because your guy, Axlerod, invented this whole thing. It's called Astroturfing. It's called manufacturing fake grassroots. Your guy has a business that does it. You just don't like it when something that looks like your trick is played against you. However, this is no trick. There's nothing manufactured. These people are not making up their anger. They are genuinely ticked off. Steny Hoyer was heckled at an event in New York, Utica to be exact. He was there with Michael Arcuri, Democrat representative. They held a press conference to talk about funding for high speed rail and during the press conference Hoyer and a protester, Don Jeror, have this exchange about health care reform.

JEROR: Why would you guys try to stuff a health care bill down our throat in three to four weeks when the president took six months to pick what he wanted for a dog for his kids?

HOYER: The bill that we passed was a recovery to bring us out of this deep recession, brink of depression. For the last three months housing starts are up in America.

JEROR: You're lying to me! I don't have sophisticated language. I recognize a liar when I see one.

RUSH: This is a Democrat meeting. This is a Democrat meeting. And it's supposed to be some giant hooray for light-rail or high speed rail and instead it descends into a discussion of the economy and health care. These people in Washington, they have no clue. They have no clue. The Democrats in Washington have no clue. Well, you know they can read the polls. They do have a clue. They don't care is the bottom line. They are going to force this on you regardless.


RUSH: A community organizer cannot start bitching when communities organize, even if they are organizing against him.


RUSH: Steve Driehaus (I hope I'm pronouncing his name right) he's a member of congress in Cincinnati, a Democrat held a town hall to talk about health reform on Monday and during the Q&A, an unidentified woman shouted. This is very hard to hear. It's very bad audio. I'll tell you what she says after I play this.

CITIZEN: There's plenty of competition out there. We don't need government in our face.

CROWD: (wild cheering)

RUSH: We cut the cheers down to save some time. What she said is, "There's plenty of competition out there. We don't need government in our face," and the audience erupted in supportive cheers.

Here is the talking point that's been spread to all of the State-Run Media and elected officials. This is a montage.

MATTHEWS: Well-dressed, middle-class people in pinks and limes, the Brooks Brothers brigade.

BOXER: The last time I saw well-dressed people doing this was when Al Gore asked me to go down to Florida when they were recounting the ballots and I was confronted with the same type of people.

LLOYD DOGGETT: Like that crowd of Republican staffers that showed up for Bush against Gore down in Florida. It's the same kind of approach.

RACHEL MADDOW: It's the Brooks Brothers riot from Florida 2000.

RUSH: So, once again a talking point has gone out and a State-Run Media dutifully reports it and repeats it along with all of the others in the elected ranks of the Democrat Party. So, you're not real, folks. You are too well dressed. You are wearing a uniform. You look too much like Brooks Brothers, when the truth is most of you are in economic circumstances such that you couldn't afford to go in the door at Brooks Brothers.


RUSH: So it's the Brooks Brothers brigade, eh? I haven't seen the photos. I haven't seen the pictures of the Green Bay "mob" that showed up. But I'll bet you that less than 15% of them were wearing Brooks Brothers. And I also know this: I've been to Green Bay, I know people in Green Bay, and I know that "lime green" and "pink" are not popular colors in the Northwoods. These people are blowing it big time. The Democrat Party and President Obama are unable to tell the truth and now rip American citizens as a mob?

ed the moron is in my ignore list because he is a waste of time and i got bored of his bullshit

Another white flag of surrender. Thank you.

At least you had the courage to surrender publicly, not like PubicInterruptus who cowardly surrendered in secret.
thats not a surrender you fucking moron
that being tired of your lame bullshit
i do at times check to see if you MIGHT say something intelligent, but so far you haven't

you use bullshit out of context quotes because you haven't a clue what Limbaugh's show is about
you are stymied by it
ed the moron is in my ignore list because he is a waste of time and i got bored of his bullshit

Another white flag of surrender. Thank you.

At least you had the courage to surrender publicly, not like PubicInterruptus who cowardly surrendered in secret.
thats not a surrender you fucking moron
that being tired of your lame bullshit
i do at times check to see if you MIGHT say something intelligent, but so far you haven't

you use bullshit out of context quotes because you haven't a clue what Limbaugh's show is about
you are stymied by it

And there it is, the knee-jerk "out of context" excuse exactly as I predicted. Further proof of just how thoroughly Ditto-Dopers are brainwashed.
Even after I predicted it, their programming is so strong that they STILL can't stop themselves from parroting their programming.
Notice they can never give a "correct" context, they can only mindlessly say "out of context."
* * * *
Further proof you are a Ditto-Doper making any excuse for your MessiahRushie.

EdTheMoron doesn't even understand the meaning of the word "proof!" :lol:

No, Moron. What I posted constitutes no proof or even evidence that I am a ditto-doper whatever the hell that meaningless term might mean in your tiny little mind. What I posted was simply solid evidence that IF President Obama said "dollars" rather than "knowledge" -- then it was not just Rush who misheard President Mumbles.


Now, to be fair, I went back to dig up the video with audio of the President's Inaugural Address. http://www.gvsmedia.com/video-2/3PuHGKnboNY/President-Barack-Obama-s-Inaugural-Address

The phrase in question comes at around the 10:25 to 10:35 mark. It SOUNDS to me like he did say "dollars." And clearly that's the word he intended, for it makes sense in context.

But, EdTheMoron, in case you don't know it, Rush has a HEARING problem. Cochlear implants. He can hear (or doing a radio show with callers calling in on telephones would be much more difficult), but he appears to rely a good deal on TRANSCRIPTS. And at the time he was discussing this topic, The WASHINGTON COMPOST had "knowledge" in THEIR transcript. Other sources made that same apparent mistake, as I also noted (with citation) yesterday.

Bottom line:

EdTheMoron, you've got nothin'.
Last edited:

RUSH: The Heritage Foundation has a marvelous post today: "The People Spreading 'Disinformation' About Obamacare." This is fascinating. "The White House is losing the health care debate. Polls from National Public Radio, Wall Street Journal/NBC News, The Washington Post, Gallup, and Pew all show that the American people do not support President Barack Obama's health care plan. The White House wants people to believe they are losing the health care debate because 'scary … videos are starting to percolate on the internet' that are spreading 'disinformation' about Obama's health care plan. The White House is even encouraging Obama supporters to help them identify people spreading this 'disinformation.'"

We told you Erick Erickson at RedState.com found it yesterday. You know what this is? This is Obama's own exclusive private domestic spying program. This website at [email protected]? If you get a White House blog, if you get an e-mail or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected]. It's his own private domestic spying program! He is asking citizens to inform on others. Now, that means they are going to have to be hearing about a lot of people because a majority of people oppose this utter debacle and disaster. Now, as the Heritage people write here: "In the interest of honest debate, we would like to flag the White House about some prominent people that are directly contradicting the President about what his health care plan would do to the American people."

The president's out there saying you will not lose your private insurance. The president's out there saying you will not get healthcare rationed. "The President has explicitly said that the public option will not eliminate private insurance. He told the American Medical Association on June 15th: 'What are not legitimate concerns are those being put forward claiming a public option is somehow a Trojan horse for a single-payer system..." That's the president: No public option will take away your private insurance.

However, one, two, three, four liberals -- two of them elected, two of them in the State-Controlled Media -- virtually assure us that we will lose our private insurance. "Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) at a Health Care for America Now rally: 'And next to me was a guy from the insurance company who argued against the public health insurance option, saying it wouldn't let private insurance compete, that a public option will put the private insurance industry out of business and lead to single-payer. My single-payer friends, he was right. The man was right,'" that their plan in the House would indeed eliminate private insurance.

So who's spreading disinformation, Mr. President? You are spreading disinformation. Your party is spreading disinformation. Your party is lying to the American people because they have no other choice. Barney Frank -- and we have played audio sound bites from Barney on this. I even had it in the stack yesterday. I didn't get a chance to get to it. But he "told Single Payer Action: 'I think that if we get a good public option it could lead to single-payer and that is the best way to reach single-payer. Saying you'll do nothing till you get single-payer is a sure way never to get it. ... I think the best way we're going to get single-payer, the only way, is to have a public option and demonstrate the strength of its power.'"

Yet Obama is running ads. He's got Linda Douglass out there saying, "There's all this disinformation being said about my plan. My plan won't destroy private insurance." Well, two elected Democrats in the House have just said that it will and that they want that to happen. So who's spreading the disinformation? "Washington Post blogger Ezra Klein at the Democratic National Convention last year: 'They have a sneaky strategy, the point of which is to put in place something that over time the natural incentives within its own market will move it to single-payer.'" Washington Post blogger Ezra Klein was being told this by Democrats at their convention last summer!

"Noble Prize winning New York Times columnist Paul Krugman: '[T]he only reason not to do [single-payer] is that politically it's hard to do in one step…You'd have to convince people completely give up the insurance they have, whereas something that lets people keep the insurance they have but then offers the option of a public plan, that may evolve into single-payer.'" Now, as Heritage says: "Americans deserve an honest debate about health care. President Obama, Barney Frank, and Jan Schakowsky cannot all be right. Either the President is wrong when he says his plan will not lead to government-run health care, or Frank and Schakowsky are spreading disinformation ..." Regardless it's not us lying about the plan.

Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Obama, we are telling the truth about it. It is your party that is lying, because you care more about tort lawyers and public sector union bosses than any other group of people in this country. This is why Heritage is so valuable, folks. You know, limited government and full liberty are two of the hallmarks of the people at the Heritage Foundation. They are doing the best work anywhere inside the Beltway. They research and provide the facts on all that's happening and changing in Washington. It's amazing. They're in DC, but they don't do DC speak. They are us. They can't do it alone, though. They have 435,000 members, or maybe it's even more than that now. You should become one, too, for just $25. Just go to AskHeritage.org. And you can also do show prep in the morning at the same time I'm doing it. Ask Heritage (Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh) - The Heritage Foundation.


Now the other Ditto-Doper chimes in. :ahole-1: This one is programmed to say "out of context" every time LimpBoy is exposed as the worthless lying America hating hypocrite he is. Of course, the "Christian" LimpBoy not only takes everyone he hates out of context, he literally changes the words to change the context, but don't show him respect by honoring the Golden Rule.

Here are some more quotes, tell me how the lying hypocrite didn't take them out of context.


While you are busy simpering and whimpering over in your corner on the basis of your delusion that Rush was defaming poor old heroic President Obama by deliberately misquoting him, you MIGHT WANT TO take a peek at The Washington Post article quoting the inauguration speech:

* * * *
OBAMA: The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works, whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified.
Where the answer is yes, we intend to move forward. Where the answer is no, programs will end.
And those of us who manage the public's knowledge will be held to account, to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day, because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government.
Nor is the question before us whether the market is a force for good or ill. Its power to generate wealth and expand freedom is unmatched.
* * * *
Inaugural Address of Barack Obama

Or, perhaps it's your brilliant suggestion that Rush and The Washington Compost are BOTH "in on it." :cuckoo:

You'd best check this piece, too, Moron! Correction: An Anomalous Rise in Public Knowledge | Secrecy News

Looks like LOTS of folks misheard good ol' President Obama. I blame the TOTUS!

Further proof you are a Ditto-Doper making any excuse for your MessiahRushie.

First of all LimpBOY played the actual clip of Obama saying "public dollars" before he changed the words.

Second when he transcribed the Obama clip his transcript had the correct words "public dollars."

And thirdly the title LimpBoy gave to the transcript of his rant was called "Manage the Public Dollars" so you need a better excuse than the CON$ervative Washington Post got it wrong, LimpBoy was not quoting the WP.

Furthermore that does not address his changing "We are the ones" to "I am the one" you can't blame that on the WP.

"Manage the Public Dollars"
"Manage the Public Dollars"
February 13, 2009

Listen To It!
WMP | RealPlayer

Audio clips available for Rush 24/7 members only -- Join Now!


OBAMA: Those of us who manage the public dollars will be held to account to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day, because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and our government.

RUSH: President Barack Obama, in his inaugural address on January 20th. Greetings, my friends, it's Last Chance Friday.

JOHNNY DONOVAN: Live from the Southern Command in sunny south Florida via New York City, it's Open Line Friday!

RUSH: Those of us who manage the public's knowledge will be held to account to spend wisely, reform bad habits, do our business in the light of day. Everything that he said in his inaugural address is being done in just the opposite way, but it doesn't matter what he says, it matters how he says it.

* * * *
Further proof you are a Ditto-Doper making any excuse for your MessiahRushie.

EdTheMoron doesn't even understand the meaning of the word "proof!" :lol:

No, Moron. What I posted constitutes no proof or even evidence that I am a ditto-doper whatever the hell that meaningless term might mean in your tiny little mind. What I posted was simply solid evidence that IF President Obama said "dollars" rather than "knowledge" -- then it was not just Rush who misheard President Mumbles.


Now, to be fair, I went back to dig up the video with audio of the President's Inaugural Address. President-Barack-Obama-s-Inaugural-Address - Search millions of videos, musics, movies, games, sports, cars, news, TV

The phrase in question comes at around the 10:25 to 10:35 mark. It SOUNDS to me like he did say "dollars." And clearly that's the word he intended, for it makes sense in context.

But, EdTheMoron, in case you don't know it, Rush has a HEARING problem. Cochlear implants. He can hear (or doing a radio show with callers calling in on telephones would be much more difficult), but he appears to rely a good deal on TRANSCRIPTS. And at the time he was discussing this topic, The WASHINGTON COMPOST had "knowledge" in THEIR transcript. Other sources made that same apparent mistake, as I also noted (with citation) yesterday.

Bottom line:

EdTheMoron, you've got nothin'.

Further proof you are a Ditto-Doper! Ditto-Dopers will make any excuse for LimpBoy every time he is caught in an OBVIOUS lie.
First of all, as you point out he has implants that CORRECT his hearing which is obviously pretty good post implants because he does impressions of other people's voices that are extremely accurate.

Second you have no proof he was reading from the WP especially since he doesn't have it in his links at the bottom of his rant, which he would have if he had used it.

Thirdly, your own link exposes the fact that the "public's knowledge" misquote was caught by the date of that article 1/26/09 and the date of Lying LimpBoy's rant is FEBRUARY 13, 2009 so LimpBoy, who claims to be extremely well informed, can be assumed to be aware of the correction or this is yet another thing he lies about.

And fourthly, you STILL haven't addressed his changing "we are the ones" to "I am the one" which proves he is a worthless lying HYPOCRITE when he says he does not deliberately take people out of context, when he not only deliberately takes everyone he hates out of context, he habitually changes what they said putting his words in their mouths.

So you need to fabricate a new excuse, like a good little mindless Ditto-Doper.

We're dealing here with the potential loss of meaning when others get to say what other people meant. This is a dangerous direction that we're headed in."
Rush Limbaugh 10/4/2007

"Centrist coalition" for Mrs. Clinton means a coalition of Marxists, Leninists, Stalinists, and socialists, pure and simple. So when you hear her talk about a "centrist coalition," think of it in those terms.
Rush Limbaugh 10/10/07

We've reached a new day, when interpreters are allowed to determine the meaning of words spoken by others. What happens with that is the loss of meaning.
Rush Limbaugh 10/3/07

RUSH: Well, look, there's a way to translate. There's three words that translate Harry Reid's Senate floor speech at noon today. They are, "Rush, you win."
Rush Limbaugh 10/19/07

they don't get to determine for you what I said.
Rush Limbaugh 10/04/07

She laughs because she doesn't like the question. "Mrs. Clinton's laugh is a signal to the guy asking her the question: 'Do you like your testicles attached, or do you want them in my lockbox?'"
Rush Limbaugh 10/4/2007

They don't get to determine what I was thinking,... This is the loss of meaning.
Rush Limbaugh 10/04/07

Obama really does think he's special. Obama thinks he is unique. Obama thinks he is a cut above.
Rush Limbaugh 5/5/08
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Further proof that EdTheMoron remains nothing but an abject liar. Well, nothing but a liar and a moron, that is.


By that non-response I take it you concede that in order for him to mimic other people's voices he not only has to hear them accurately, he also has to hear his own voice clearly to tell when it sounds similar.

You are a moron, so there is no way to predict (and no reason for anyone else to care) how you will interpret anything.

That said, let it be noted again:

EdTheMoron remains nothing but an abject liar. Well, nothing but a liar and a moron, that is.
Further proof that EdTheMoron remains nothing but an abject liar. Well, nothing but a liar and a moron, that is.


By that non-response I take it you concede that in order for him to mimic other people's voices he not only has to hear them accurately, he also has to hear his own voice clearly to tell when it sounds similar.

You are a moron, so there is no way to predict (and no reason for anyone else to care) how you will interpret anything.

That said, let it be noted again:

EdTheMoron remains nothing but an abject liar. Well, nothing but a liar and a moron, that is.

You are projecting like a TYPICAL Ditto-Doper, see the second and third quotes in my sig.
By that non-response I take it you concede that in order for him to mimic other people's voices he not only has to hear them accurately, he also has to hear his own voice clearly to tell when it sounds similar.

You are a moron, so there is no way to predict (and no reason for anyone else to care) how you will interpret anything.

That said, let it be noted again:

EdTheMoron remains nothing but an abject liar. Well, nothing but a liar and a moron, that is.

You are projecting * * * * [yada yada yada] * * * *[/QUOTE]

There. Just for you, Moron, I cleaned up your usual moronic blather a bit.

And, as always, you are wrong -- probably because you are just a moron.

EdTheMoron remains nothing but an abject liar. Well, nothing but a liar and a moron, that is.
You are a moron, so there is no way to predict (and no reason for anyone else to care) how you will interpret anything.

That said, let it be noted again:

EdTheMoron remains nothing but an abject liar. Well, nothing but a liar and a moron, that is.

You are projecting * * * * [yada yada yada] * * * *[/QUOTE]

There. Just for you, Moron, I cleaned up your usual moronic blather a bit.

And, as always, you are wrong -- probably because you are just a moron.

EdTheMoron remains nothing but an abject liar. Well, nothing but a liar and a moron, that is.

As usual you can rebut nothing I post and are reduced to typical Ditto-Doper insults.

Everything we did about Clinton was humorous. It had a political point. We were making fun of and laughing.
Rush Limbaugh May 14, 2007

One of the techniques that Alinsky has advocated be used against people you need to destroy is ridicule, because there's no response to it. When you get ridiculed and made fun of, that's the toughest thing to have a response because everybody's laughing at you... In order to execute the strategeries and the policies of Saul Alinsky, you cannot have a soul, you cannot have a conscience, because your sole objective is to destroy people and ruin them.
Rush Limbaugh January 24, 2007

Ronald Reagan said, "Just laugh at 'em, just laugh at 'em and just ridicule it,"
Rush Limbaugh June 23, 2008
I wondered where all the Right wing moron's had migrated to.
Ed you're a better man than I trying to reason with one so ignorant.

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