Take Back California!

We concede NOTHING to the Rats anymore....why should we? They are beyond recognition in terms of American politics....little more than diet-communism slowly being eaten alive by Orange Man. So why grant them California...once the place the whole country looked at as nirvana?....Hollywood, Sunset Blvd. beaches, mountains, the harvest basket and wine capital of the American west. When the Beach Boys sang "I wish they all could be California girls" we hoped our girlfriends weren't listening. Reagan Country. And then the Rats took it over and look at it now.....$370B in debt, LA and SanFran collapsed in homelessness...people living in tents and shitting in the streets. Overrun with illegals, a governor begging for more while inventing new taxes to pay for them.....lifelong Cali residents selling out and running for their lives.....



because people must NOT be allowed to choose for themselves! we must FORCE our way of life on everyone! punish those who resist, indoctrinate their children, destroy their books! America will not be truly free until we are FREE from all of the things we hate and fear! (kindly note sarcasm)
California elections are now as much of a fraud as the elections in Iraq where Saddam Hussein got 100% of the vote. Voters will never take California back by ballot.

because people must NOT be allowed to choose for themselves! we must FORCE our way of life on everyone! punish those who resist, indoctrinate their children, destroy their books! America will not be truly free until we are FREE from all of the things we hate and fear! (kindly note sarcasm)

CLASSIC projection...(kindly note the irony). Perfect list of what the stalinist commiecrats have done to a once prosperous and healthy California.
I hate to say it but this super shithole is so far gone there is no way to save it. With assistance from white guilt whackos, Mexico has stolen this state and filthy, taxpayer dependent, criminal thirdworlders do not vote Republican.
To take the state back 10 million wetbacks would need to be flushed back México and a prosperous middle class would have to re-emerge on the GOP’s watch. The programmed filth here will not let either happen.

I disagree....think of the pent-up RAGE most white Californians feel about what's happening to them....they can talk one game and vote another in the privacy of the booth. First you have to target the precinct vote fraud....make it dangerous to create votes out of thin air...physically dangerous as in taken out into the street and beaten for it. Once the state government is back in sane hands, Trump sends in ICE and the round-up begins....take out 300K a year and the remainder will flee on their own accord since nobody will keep employing them if prison is the outcome. Send the homeless into Death Valley....they'll scatter pretty fast rather than face that. Watts and east LA are walled off and quarantined with known gang members shot dead by Delta Force snipers...okay I may have gone a little too far there but when law and order is reestablished and the invaders are thrown out, Cali can flourish again.

Nobody dreams about what you describe more than I do...trust me. The problem is; we have been pussies for way too long, we have tailored our laws in such a way that we have rendered ourselves powerless, we can’t get out of our way. Fuck, we can’t even stop or deport the DACA kids...we are nutless to the nth degree and too many people take pride in our nutlessness.
How'd the GOP do in Orange Co. this last time around?

Who knows when a million more votes were cast than people registered to vote? Orange county was lost and residents don't know how that was possible....only 8 seats left in GOP hands out of 53. Ask yourself...is this what you want your state to look like, be like?
Orange County as well as rural northern California had Republicans ahead by double digits. Then came the vote harvesters with boxes of democrat votes in the trunks of their cars.

That's why California is gone. There is no overcoming that kind of legally sanctioned fraud.
How'd the GOP do in Orange Co. this last time around?

Who knows when a million more votes were cast than people registered to vote?

No there weren’t

That's the same argument used by leftists when we say, "communism murdered 100,000,000 (one hundred million) people and the leftists come back and say, "All we can verify is 75,000,000.

Packing Ballot Boxes is the oldest dimocrap trick in the book.

JFK's nickname for LBJ was 'Landslide Lyndon' because it was well known he cheated to win.

Republicans aren't saints when it comes to packing ballot boxes in local elections. A big case got popped in Kentucky just a few years ago.

But on a National Level?

Nobody can touch dimocraps. Nobody. They've got a well-oiled machine.

Some of the tricks they use are quite clever. Most of the people doing it are volunteers from Churches and Colleges.

One way........ Joe moves out of town and gives his Voter ID to an 'organizer' who turns around and gives it to an 'activist' that votes in Joe's name.

Billy goes to prison and another activist gets his Voter ID and votes in his name.

Dozens of other schemes. Read the article

Election Fraud? Registered Voters Outnumber the Eligible, in 462 Counties | National Review

At least 3.5 million more people are on U.S. election rolls than are eligible to vote

But California’s San Diego County earns the enchilada grande. Its 138 percent registration translates into 810,966 ghost voters. Los Angeles County’s 112 percent rate equals 707,475 over-registrations. Beyond the official data that it received, Judicial Watch reports that LA County employees “informed us that the total number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144 percent of the total number of resident citizens of voting age
The only hope of saving California rests in the hands of The Earthquake Gods.

Oh, the Gods of Fire make a decent effort.

Anybody know the difference between earthquakes and fires?
No there weren’t

Imperial County (102 percent)
Lassen County (102 percent)
Los Angeles County (112 percent)
Monterey County (104 percent)
San Diego County (138 percent)
San Francisco County (114 percent)
San Mateo County (111 percent)
Santa Cruz County (109 percent)
Solano County (111 percent)
Stanislaus County (102 percent)
Yolo County (110 percent)

Fact check: Do 11 California counties have more voters than eligible adults?
Interesting how Judicial Watch is making that claim but is not providing any evidence to back up its claim.
Interesting how Judicial Watch is making that claim but is not providing any evidence to back up its claim.

What more "evidence" do you need than a voting population number and a ballot count? I'm amazed anybody challenged me on the charge.....they've been taking ballots from tens of thousands of illegals for years...the registrar's name is "Padilla"...imagine that.
No there weren’t

Imperial County (102 percent)
Lassen County (102 percent)
Los Angeles County (112 percent)
Monterey County (104 percent)
San Diego County (138 percent)
San Francisco County (114 percent)
San Mateo County (111 percent)
Santa Cruz County (109 percent)
Solano County (111 percent)
Stanislaus County (102 percent)
Yolo County (110 percent)

Fact check: Do 11 California counties have more voters than eligible adults?

A. That's from 2017.

B. "Judicial Watch did not offer any data to back up its claim, and it declined to give the Los Angeles Times any details about its analysis, saying it may soon sue."

C. #fakenews
A. That's from 2017.

B. "Judicial Watch did not offer any data to back up its claim, and it declined to give the Los Angeles Times any details about its analysis, saying it may soon sue."

C. #fakenews

You're the fake news, ....now run along.
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Nobody cares about California especially since it has morphed into a bonafide shithole. I think if the state fell into the sea tomorrow due to the big one, most would secretly cheer! The whole state is a gigantic social experiment gone hideously wrong.:113::113:
Always hope though... Just take it back from the idiots that stole it. First define the idiot leaders for whom empowered the idiots that stole it and control it, and then dethrone those idiot leaders. Problem solved.
We concede NOTHING to the Rats anymore....why should we? They are beyond recognition in terms of American politics....little more than diet-communism slowly being eaten alive by Orange Man. So why grant them California...once the place the whole country looked at as nirvana?....Hollywood, Sunset Blvd. beaches, mountains, the harvest basket and wine capital of the American west. When the Beach Boys sang "I wish they all could be California girls" we hoped our girlfriends weren't listening. Reagan Country. And then the Rats took it over and look at it now.....$370B in debt, LA and SanFran collapsed in homelessness...people living in tents and shitting in the streets. Overrun with illegals, a governor begging for more while inventing new taxes to pay for them.....lifelong Cali residents selling out and running for their lives.....


You loco

Never gonna happen. That state is lost
There was federal intervention when Californians tweaked out about Chinese immigration to that state. MOst haven't a clue about that history. What makes homeless shitting in the streets any different? Incredibly smart (after [italics]) Trump has won his second term. In most anyone's estimation, Cali is worth saving for all of its (non-Homo sapiens [it.]) attributes.
Trump better not waste time an resources on that shithole when he needs to be shoring up support in swing states.

Would be incredibly stupid.
Could be the voters in that crap hole are ready to leave the Demon-crat control freak party. Gotta give them some kind of hope right ? Leave no man or woman behind right ?

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