Take Back California!

California is already lost. Give it to Mexico and keep the wall up Arizona, Nevada, and around Oregon. That way, when California dies, as least the rest of the USA doesn't fall with it.
How'd the GOP do in Orange Co. this last time around?

Who knows when a million more votes were cast than people registered to vote? Orange county was lost and residents don't know how that was possible....only 8 seats left in GOP hands out of 53. Ask yourself...is this what you want your state to look like, be like?
Interesting accusation. Now prove it.
That's just it, how can anything be proven when the cover ups are so precise these days ??? Easy to just say prove it when fake news reigns supreme today.
We concede NOTHING to the Rats anymore....why should we? They are beyond recognition in terms of American politics....little more than diet-communism slowly being eaten alive by Orange Man. So why grant them California...once the place the whole country looked at as nirvana?....Hollywood, Sunset Blvd. beaches, mountains, the harvest basket and wine capital of the American west. When the Beach Boys sang "I wish they all could be California girls" we hoped our girlfriends weren't listening. Reagan Country. And then the Rats took it over and look at it now.....$370B in debt, LA and SanFran collapsed in homelessness...people living in tents and shitting in the streets. Overrun with illegals, a governor begging for more while inventing new taxes to pay for them.....lifelong Cali residents selling out and running for their lives.....



If you want CA back, start by not having Trump.

Otherwise, you are very disconnected from reality.
California is already lost. Give it to Mexico and keep the wall up Arizona, Nevada, and around Oregon. That way, when California dies, as least the rest of the USA doesn't fall with it.
We concede NOTHING to the Rats anymore....why should we? They are beyond recognition in terms of American politics....little more than diet-communism slowly being eaten alive by Orange Man. So why grant them California...once the place the whole country looked at as nirvana?....Hollywood, Sunset Blvd. beaches, mountains, the harvest basket and wine capital of the American west. When the Beach Boys sang "I wish they all could be California girls" we hoped our girlfriends weren't listening. Reagan Country. And then the Rats took it over and look at it now.....$370B in debt, LA and SanFran collapsed in homelessness...people living in tents and shitting in the streets. Overrun with illegals, a governor begging for more while inventing new taxes to pay for them.....lifelong Cali residents selling out and running for their lives.....



If you want CA back, start by not having Trump.

Otherwise, you are very disconnected from reality.

Dude, they want to give away the 4th largest economy in the world for nothing...
California is already lost. Give it to Mexico and keep the wall up Arizona, Nevada, and around Oregon. That way, when California dies, as least the rest of the USA doesn't fall with it.
We concede NOTHING to the Rats anymore....why should we? They are beyond recognition in terms of American politics....little more than diet-communism slowly being eaten alive by Orange Man. So why grant them California...once the place the whole country looked at as nirvana?....Hollywood, Sunset Blvd. beaches, mountains, the harvest basket and wine capital of the American west. When the Beach Boys sang "I wish they all could be California girls" we hoped our girlfriends weren't listening. Reagan Country. And then the Rats took it over and look at it now.....$370B in debt, LA and SanFran collapsed in homelessness...people living in tents and shitting in the streets. Overrun with illegals, a governor begging for more while inventing new taxes to pay for them.....lifelong Cali residents selling out and running for their lives.....



If you want CA back, start by not having Trump.

Otherwise, you are very disconnected from reality.

Dude, they want to give away the 4th largest economy in the world for nothing...

I agree that California could do with a big dose of Republican.

But you really are drinking the Kool Aid if you think Trump is that Republican.
Let's see. The republicans want California which is a pretty nice place in spite of douche bags like reagan having been governor. Maybe the republicans should work on some of their shit hole red states first. Lotsa poverty in Mississippi, W. Virginia, Louisiana and on and on. Mind numbing poverty and what do republicans do to fix it? Nothing. Hard to understand why low income (probably) right wingers come here and shill for a political party that never did anything for them or anybody except the very wealthy.
California is already lost. Give it to Mexico and keep the wall up Arizona, Nevada, and around Oregon. That way, when California dies, as least the rest of the USA doesn't fall with it.
We concede NOTHING to the Rats anymore....why should we? They are beyond recognition in terms of American politics....little more than diet-communism slowly being eaten alive by Orange Man. So why grant them California...once the place the whole country looked at as nirvana?....Hollywood, Sunset Blvd. beaches, mountains, the harvest basket and wine capital of the American west. When the Beach Boys sang "I wish they all could be California girls" we hoped our girlfriends weren't listening. Reagan Country. And then the Rats took it over and look at it now.....$370B in debt, LA and SanFran collapsed in homelessness...people living in tents and shitting in the streets. Overrun with illegals, a governor begging for more while inventing new taxes to pay for them.....lifelong Cali residents selling out and running for their lives.....



If you want CA back, start by not having Trump.

Otherwise, you are very disconnected from reality.

Dude, they want to give away the 4th largest economy in the world for nothing...
It's jealosy because they got stuck with Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas.
Why would we want it?

Because it's the most beautiful place on earth for starters....so full of talent and ambition, ground under by the Stalinists....it's OURS not theirs so we take it back.
Actually you need to give it back to the indians and vamoose..

Hey Dip Stick....

The Indians took it from somebody and so on and so on.....
Who'd the Indians take it from?

Each other.
California is already lost. Give it to Mexico and keep the wall up Arizona, Nevada, and around Oregon. That way, when California dies, as least the rest of the USA doesn't fall with it.
Dude, they want to give away the 4th largest economy in the world for nothing...
For nothing? Dude, the middle class is dying in California! All the middle class people are moving to Nevada. I know; I see the middle class Californian refugees everywhere. They all wear the California bear on their clothes and bitch about the weather all day, but at least they can afford to live in our state. :eusa_clap: If only they would leave those ridiculous policies, so they don't destroy Nevada also.

You either have to be dirt poor to get government benefits, or you have to be rich enough to where the cost of living isn't a problem anymore. My aunt lives in a million dollar house in Oxnard, but lives worse off than my parents. My cousin makes more than me, but lives in a 1 bedroom studio and pays more than I do for my 2 bedroom apartment! California is fucked. Straight up.
Why would we want it?

I tend to agree.

Cali is full of homeless, who shit and piss all over everything and have tent cities which are an eyesore, illegal aliens who cost the tax payers billions and taxes up the ass.

Used to be a place everyone wanted to live. Doubt that's true now.

Nothing will change till they stop electing Dem idiots to run the State.
Nobody cares about California especially since it has morphed into a bonafide shithole. I think if the state fell into the sea tomorrow due to the big one, most would secretly cheer! The whole state is a gigantic social experiment gone hideously wrong.:113::113:
Let's see. The republicans want California which is a pretty nice place in spite of douche bags like reagan having been governor. Maybe the republicans should work on some of their shit hole red states first. Lotsa poverty in Mississippi, W. Virginia, Louisiana and on and on. Mind numbing poverty and what do republicans do to fix it? Nothing. Hard to understand why low income (probably) right wingers come here and shill for a political party that never did anything for them or anybody except the very wealthy.

Another delusional fool who thinks Pelousy/Feinstein have ever done anything but enrich themselves at Kali's expense. The southern states you mention wouldn't be poor without lazy, welfare-sucking blacks laying around fucking their sisters all the live long day. Conservatives create business which creates jobs and wealth for anybody willing to get out of bed in the morning and go to work. I'm worth many times what you are, fool....and I don't come to shill for the GOP...they're mostly cowards who gave up on America thanks to trash like you suing them for paying you what you're worth....very little. We are MAGA....either join us or get run over.
I hate to say it but this super shithole is so far gone there is no way to save it. With assistance from white guilt whackos, Mexico has stolen this state and filthy, taxpayer dependent, criminal thirdworlders do not vote Republican.
To take the state back 10 million wetbacks would need to be flushed back México and a prosperous middle class would have to re-emerge on the GOP’s watch. The programmed filth here will not let either happen.
I hate to say it but this super shithole is so far gone there is no way to save it. With assistance from white guilt whackos, Mexico has stolen this state and filthy, taxpayer dependent, criminal thirdworlders do not vote Republican.
To take the state back 10 million wetbacks would need to be flushed back México and a prosperous middle class would have to re-emerge on the GOP’s watch. The programmed filth here will not let either happen.

I disagree....think of the pent-up RAGE most white Californians feel about what's happening to them....they can talk one game and vote another in the privacy of the booth. First you have to target the precinct vote fraud....make it dangerous to create votes out of thin air...physically dangerous as in taken out into the street and beaten for it. Once the state government is back in sane hands, Trump sends in ICE and the round-up begins....take out 300K a year and the remainder will flee on their own accord since nobody will keep employing them if prison is the outcome. Send the homeless into Death Valley....they'll scatter pretty fast rather than face that. Watts and east LA are walled off and quarantined with known gang members shot dead by Delta Force snipers...okay I may have gone a little too far there but when law and order is reestablished and the invaders are thrown out, Cali can flourish again.

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