Tagg Romney Wanted to take a Swing at President Obama

So, your (asinine) theory is that you cannot have an opinion on any international conflict if you have not served in the military yourself UNLESS that opinion is in opposition to taking military action. Is that it? Does that make sense to you?

And Romney does not "support war," you partisan hack. Of the two of them, who has done more to ACTUALLY "support war," idiot?
I think if you protest in favor of the draft and protest in favor of other American men going to fight and die in the Vietnam war, then run to France to lay around on the beach, you are a coward and a pussy.

I think you are an illogical turd, and a rank amateur at twisting facts as you are trying so clumsily to do here.

Yet you cannot point out any twisting or illogic.

I thought you Asians were known for your brains?
So, your (asinine) theory is that you cannot have an opinion on any international conflict if you have not served in the military yourself UNLESS that opinion is in opposition to taking military action. Is that it? Does that make sense to you?

And Romney does not "support war," you partisan hack. Of the two of them, who has done more to ACTUALLY "support war," idiot?
I think if you protest in favor of the draft and protest in favor of other American men going to fight and die in the Vietnam war, then run to France to lay around on the beach, you are a coward and a pussy.


"That's RIGHT!!!

Down here at Maw Romney's, we serve-up the BEST GAWDDAMNED CHICKENHAWK YOU EVER SAW!!!!"


"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh, BUDDY!!!"

Hahaha, so this is all you've got against Mitt Romney and his family. They're a bunch of hics, and they want to piss and fight any chance they get.
So basically, what we have learned from this thread is that Tagg Romney is a human being.

I think if you protest in favor of the draft and protest in favor of other American men going to fight and die in the Vietnam war, then run to France to lay around on the beach, you are a coward and a pussy.


"That's RIGHT!!!

Down here at Maw Romney's, we serve-up the BEST GAWDDAMNED CHICKENHAWK YOU EVER SAW!!!!"


"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh, BUDDY!!!"

Hahaha, so this is all you've got against Mitt Romney and his family. They're a bunch of hics, and they want to piss and fight any chance they get.

Yeah.....they look like some real fighters.....​


(....Without their purses.)
You'll be saying it for the next 4 years, wingnut. :lol:

That's absurd, wingnut. Nobody is going to even want to think about The ONE once President Romney starts fixing all the damage Pres. Obama is leaving us.
You hide your pain behind laughter. It's a natural reaction.

What pain? Maybe if the democrats didnt try to paint Romeny into something he is not, and ran a halfway decent campaign, Obama still wouldnt be tanking in the polls after the second debate he supposedly won. You guys tried paint a picture of him as an awkward money-grabbing businessman, but after the first debate the American people said "holy shit, he is not like that at all." And now they have a hard time believing any other bad image of him that comes out of liberals mouths. And I loved the democratic reaction to Romney after the first debate, "where did this Romney come from?" Hes been there all along, and you actually believed your own campaign mud-slinging, and didnt prepare for the real Romney like you should have. Thats your fault not ours.

And now you wanna come here with your d**k in your hand, with a story like this that is clearly a joke that had been made by tagg, just listen to the entire sound bite. I said this before and Ill say it again. I will give you the benefit of the doubt, and we'll say that tagg was completely serious about taking a swing. For most people, when someone feels as if another person is bad mouthing someone they care dearly about, they would like to take a swing at that person. That is natural reaction. I'll take it a step further and I will you invite you guys to demand that the secret service arrest and detain tagg for what he said, and we will see how the american people feel about that. Then we'll truly see who the most disconnected party is.

I have just been laughing because out of all the news that came out today (e.g. the state departments reports on benghazi) you think that this is some sort of scandal. The president is going to have a rough couple of weeks, and you should probably swing to his defense as soon as possible.
:lol:Yup, violence has always been a Morman trait. Actually Mitt acted like a spoiled rich kid.....wait....he was a spoiled rich kid.:lol::lol:

Well, at least he was not abandoned and dumped on innocent and unsuspecting grandparents of a (half)different race.

If Obama takes pride in being (half)black, he should be forever thankful that the grandparents he was dumped on did not come from his father's side of the family.
Well, if he's that aggressive and tough, the Army could have used him.

Oh...sorry. I forgot. Romney's don't serve in the Armed Forces. That's only for the sons and daughters of the 47%.

If you are not drafted when there is a draft, you don't need to serve.

If you don't volunteer when there is no draft you don't need to serve.

In either case one has nothing to be ashamed of for not wearing a military uniform.

After all, neither have either of the the Clintons.

If Romney's sons are bashed about not serving in the military, how about Joe Biden's son?
She's also not publically showing disrespect like this lovely son is. The family is totally clueless and obviously thinks everything is all about them and how they feel. It is really a terrible thing to say publically.

Heh, these guys are reaching for any little thing they can find to try and bad mouth this clean living family. Sarah Palin knows all about assholes that have no conscience and grab at anything they can to try and disparage those that they disagree with politically and they also see their children as "targets".

Palin cut funding that gave unwed mothers a place to live


You are right. Palin knows all about "targeting" children.

Sarah Palin's son served in the military. How about Joe Biden's son?
So, your (asinine) theory is that you cannot have an opinion on any international conflict if you have not served in the military yourself UNLESS that opinion is in opposition to taking military action. Is that it? Does that make sense to you?

And Romney does not "support war," you partisan hack. Of the two of them, who has done more to ACTUALLY "support war," idiot?
I think if you protest in favor of the draft and protest in favor of other American men going to fight and die in the Vietnam war, then run to France to lay around on the beach, you are a coward and a pussy.


"That's RIGHT!!!

Down here at Maw Romney's, we serve-up the BEST GAWDDAMNED CHICKENHAWK YOU EVER SAW!!!!"


"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh, BUDDY!!!"

That fat grey haired on must be related to Biker.
Hmmmm....Violence, huh? This whole family has foot in mouth disease. Terrible! Where is the secret service on this? The familily of elites who feel entitled to be jerks!

Tagg Romney wanted to take a swing at Obama during the Debate

Bill LuMay, WPTF talk radio: What is it like for you to hear the President of the United States call your dad a liar?

Tagg Romney: Well, you want to jump out of your seat and rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him.

Oh please. How utterly vanilla and benign were his comments? Violence? Does the left truly get their panties in a wad at the thought that some male might actually mention "taking a swing"? Wussified lefties make me cringe. Calm down......the partying and pimping SS guarding Big Daddy Obama won't let that punk Romney kid anywhere near the Prez.

When Barry sticks that damn chin of his up in the air I can relate.
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She's also not publically showing disrespect like this lovely son is. The family is totally clueless and obviously thinks everything is all about them and how they feel. It is really a terrible thing to say publically.

Nobody who's supporting Laughin' Joe Biden has a credible word to say on the subject of "disrespect". Just sayin'.

Leave Joe alone, he's earned his stripes. He's a happy guy. The disrespectful one was that whiny punk kid they made him share the stage with.

Earned his stripes????? By Lynching Clarence Thomas?? By destroying Judge Bork?? By being as racist as one can be by making offensive racist remarks? By being stupid and gaffe-prone in unparalleled and unprecedented ways as he has been doing for decades?

Yeah, he is happy, all right! He is happy, because the low life that he disparaged and disrespected chose him to be his running mate in 2008, disregarding the offensive and racist remarks by him, and he himself lacking the self-respect and pride to say a resounding NO to the one he obviously - based on his evaluation of Obama - despises.

Less than two weeks and then the nightmare is over.

Paul Ryan showed this despicable slug far more respect than he deserved.
I think if you protest in favor of the draft and protest in favor of other American men going to fight and die in the Vietnam war, then run to France to lay around on the beach, you are a coward and a pussy.

I think you are an illogical turd, and a rank amateur at twisting facts as you are trying so clumsily to do here.

Yet you cannot point out any twisting or illogic.

That's all there is in your bullshit post.

Supporiting the US position in the Vietnam War was not "protest in favor of other American men going to fight and die." The motivation behind such a position was obviously not a desire to see other Ameircan men die. You try to twist the fact of protest, insert your own (ridiculous) conclusions and ascribe them to someone you cannot reasonably believe held them (and which you could not possibly prove even if you had deluded yourself into believing it). You then use emotive phrases like "run to France" and "lie around on the beach," as if Romney were fleeing something rather than fulfilling an obligation to his church, and as if his sole activity there was laying on the beach. Your hyper-partisanship has made you hysterical and your attempt at presenting your prejudicial position as fact is not only childish but unpersuasive to any but your fellow extremists. Presuming to base your conclusions on the feelings and motivations of a person when you cannot possibly know them is blatantly illogical. You are not only a partisan hack, but an illogical, dishonest person of low character.

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