Syrian Armed Forces and YPG Clash in the Al-Qamishli District


Nov 14, 2012
There have been occasional clashes now and then. If the Kurdish land grabbers receive promises from Israeli and US politicians, that does not mean that those politicians have the right to promise other´s land to them. The Syrian Kurds better join Syrian forces.

"Multiple sources from the Al-Hasakah Governorate have reported of fierce clashes between the National Defense Forces (NDF) and the predominately Kurdish “People’s Protection Units” (YPG) at the Industrial District of Al-Qamishli, as the aforementioned parties illuminated the night sky with a barrage of mortar shells and gunfire that lasted until sunrise this Monday morning.

While the clashes have begun to subside in the city of Al-Qamishli, sources from within the province have reported of street fights between the NDF and YPG near the Al-Bashir Mosque earlier today – no deaths have been reported from the NDF; however, at least four soldiers have been wounded and taken to a nearby hospital.

Tensions between the two groups began to spiral out of control after a brief exchange of artillery shells in the western part of Al-Qamishli last week; this resulted in the YPG taking control of a Ba’ath Party building and then their subsequent desecration of the Syrian Arab Republic flag that infuriated a number of Syrians in the area after photos surfaced on social media of this disrespectful act.

Members of the NDF have clashed with the YPG before; however, both parties usually settle their differences through intermediaries inside the Al-Qamishli and Al-Hasakah Districts."

Syrian Armed Forces and YPG Clash in the Al-Qamishli District

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