Syria: Idlib first not second provincial capital to be liberated


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Syria: Idlib first not second provincial capital to be liberated
The same illuminati media that calls Al-Qaeda extremists to the patriotic freedom fighters of Al-Nusra and Syrian government to the nazi puppets who turned into rubble amost all of Syria and execute not only prisioners (civilians or not) tells us:
"Idlib, a major urban center with a population of around 165,000 people, is the second provincial capital to fall into opposition hands after Raqqa, "
Idlib is not the second but THE FIRST provincial capital to be entirely liberated.
Raqqa continues to be controlled by the nazi puppets. only difference is that they changed uniforms, from Assad to ISIS.

Illuminati media:
Syrians fled Idlib Sunday, fearing government reprisals a day after opposition fighters and a powerful local al-Qaida affiliate captured the northwestern town.
Idlib, with a population of around 165,000 people, is the second provincial capital to fall to the opposition after Raqqa, which is now a stronghold of the Islamic State group. Its capture by several factions led by the al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front underscores the growing power of extremist groups in Syria, who now control about half the country.
Also in Idlib, activists said members of a Syrian security agency killed more than a dozen detainees before withdrawing from a detention center in the city. The activists said the killings were conducted shortly before rebels took the so-called security compound in Idlib on Saturday.
Syrians flee Idlib fearing government reprisals - Yahoo News

Read this before clicking any more ISIS "news": Islamic State - the SIX basic facts for dummies
War on Terror Hoax ISIS - the SIX basic facts for dummies
Days later: "Islamic State seizes vast Damascus refugee camp" for dummies:
Same as ""Islamic State seizes Raqqa": Assad's mercenaries change their uniforms and start playing ISIS.
Note: "palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk", an urban area of Damascus repeateldy used by the illuminati to mock the real refugee camps where millions of syrians now live.
Islamic State seizes vast Damascus refugee camp - Yahoo News
End Times Paradoxes:
Until total victory liberation of a city means air bombings for all of its civilians
June 10, 2014 Freedom fighters lead by Ezzat al-Douri, not ISIS liberate Mosul.
June 12, 2014 Iraqi civilians flee Mosul

Illuminati media selling black is white:
Civilians fleeing the coming air bombings rewritten as civilians fleeing ISIS.
What the same illuminati media that calls ISIS to the freedom fighters won't tell: civilians flee because they know that now comes the same as in Fallujah, after it was liberated, Jan 2014:
airforce (either dressed as shia religious fundamentalists or as NATO) dropping barrel bombs over civilians or pretending to hit military targets with missiles while in fact again basically killing elderly, women and children.

June 12, 2014 - Iraqi civilians flee Mosul
Photos Iraqi civilians flee Mosul -

April 20, 2015 - Barrel bombs dropped by forces of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, at al-Thawra neighborhood in Idlib city
Photos of the day - April 20 2015

More End Times Paradoxes and the war in Syria:
fake peace negotiations staged to pass a message meant for everyone except for the people supposedly represented by one of the two parts at the table.
The message, alias "mind control", is based on two psy-op techniques:
- accept the unacceptable: accept someone executing a genocide as a partner at a table.
- destroy logical thinking: you can make peace with someone not only openly announcing (Hitler, see Munich conference 1938) but already openly executing a genocide.
End Times Paradoxes Syria why fake peace negotiations staged in Moscow


Battle of Armageddon - Ongoing since 24 March 1999 City liberated means civilians air bombed End Times Paradoxes
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Syria: Illuminati media reporting the fall of Jisr al-Shughour - for dummies

1. "Syrian government media, quoting an unnamed military official, said troops engaged in fierce battles with the "armed terrorist groups" entering the town, saying they arrived in droves from the Turkish border. The official said the government forces then redeployed to the surrounding villages to avoid civilian casualties.
Assad has blamed Turkey for the fall of Idlib to Islamic fighters, saying Ankara provided "huge support" — logistic and military — that played the key role in the defeat of his forces.
For dummies: Illuminati media diverting from the role of Turkey's treasonous puppet gov, which "supports" the rebels in Syria the same way as Saudi Arabia:
- financing the Iranian shock troops, starting with "Lebanon's army" alias Hezbollhah's militias.
- sending the fake rebels of ISIS to fight and discredit the real rebels.

2. "Syria's civil war, now in its fifth year, has killed some 220,000 people, and wounded at least 1 million. Nearly double that figure are displaced inside Syria because of the conflict." =
For dummies: illuminati media diverting from the genocide carried out by Assad, Iran and the "NATO led coalition", mostly by air bombing civilians with barrel bombs, chemical weapons.

Apr 25, 2015 - If they can hold the town of Jisr al-Shughour in Idlib province, rebel fighters from Islamic factions — including the al-Qaida-affiliated Nusra Front — likely have cut government supply lines by land leading to the Mediterranean coast and a refuge of embattled President Bashar Assad. The town is one of the last bastions of the Assad's government in the area
Rebels enter northwest Syrian town as government withdraws - Yahoo News

April 20, 2015 - Saudi gov, supposedly sunni, financing the genocide of sunnis in plain sight.
Lebanon received the first French weapons in a $3 billion Saudi-funded programme intended to bolster its army to take on jihadist threats, particularly along its border with Syria
French weapons arrive in Lebanon in 3 billion Saudi-funded deal - Yahoo News

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