Symbol Of Palestinian Revolution: The Outstretched Hand


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
The Palestinians have an unpaid electric bill of half a billion dollars and they and the rest of the Palestinian supporters expect Israel to write off the debt and give them free electricity.

Being a Palestinian Arab gets you all sorts of things these days.

In addition to longstanding bonus perks such as sympathetic international media coverage and endless handouts from various United Nations agencies, it now turns out that among the benefits of being a Palestinian is free electricity.

The only reason we know about this remarkable Middle Eastern freebie is that the New York Times finally had an opportunity to accuse Israel of withholding it. Without Israel as the villain, the story just wasn’t fit to print.

The Outstretched Hand Symbol of Palestinian Revolution FrontPage Magazine
Israel likely to withhold additional $100m in Palestinian tax funds

Palestinians believe that Israel will not pass tax and custom revenues collected on behalf of the Palestinian Authority until after March elections in move likely to damage Palestinian economy.

The Media Line


02.05.15, 11:44 / Israel News

Israel is set to announce that it will confiscate an estimated $100 million in taxes and customs revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, Palestinians say, claiming Israel will not transfer funds until after the March elections.

The move follows one taken a month ago after the Palestinian Authority announced it had applied to join the International Criminal Court (ICC), which means Palestinians could ask the court to indict Israeli officials for war crimes.

After the Palestinian Authority applied to the ICC, Israel confiscated $127 million in taxes and customs revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority. That move was criticized by the US and even by Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin, who said it is not in Israel’s interest or the Palestinians’ interest to do so.

Israel likely to withhold additional 100m in Palestinian tax funds - Israel News Ynetnews
Israel likely to withhold additional $100m in Palestinian tax funds

Palestinians believe that Israel will not pass tax and custom revenues collected on behalf of the Palestinian Authority until after March elections in move likely to damage Palestinian economy.

The Media Line


02.05.15, 11:44 / Israel News

Israel is set to announce that it will confiscate an estimated $100 million in taxes and customs revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, Palestinians say, claiming Israel will not transfer funds until after the March elections.

The move follows one taken a month ago after the Palestinian Authority announced it had applied to join the International Criminal Court (ICC), which means Palestinians could ask the court to indict Israeli officials for war crimes.

After the Palestinian Authority applied to the ICC, Israel confiscated $127 million in taxes and customs revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority. That move was criticized by the US and even by Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin, who said it is not in Israel’s interest or the Palestinians’ interest to do so.

Israel likely to withhold additional 100m in Palestinian tax funds - Israel News Ynetnews

Would you rather they turned of all the gas, water and electricity until the bills were paid. And then billed them for collecting the taxes at the going rate ?
Israel likely to withhold additional $100m in Palestinian tax funds

Palestinians believe that Israel will not pass tax and custom revenues collected on behalf of the Palestinian Authority until after March elections in move likely to damage Palestinian economy.

The Media Line


02.05.15, 11:44 / Israel News

Israel is set to announce that it will confiscate an estimated $100 million in taxes and customs revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, Palestinians say, claiming Israel will not transfer funds until after the March elections.

The move follows one taken a month ago after the Palestinian Authority announced it had applied to join the International Criminal Court (ICC), which means Palestinians could ask the court to indict Israeli officials for war crimes.

After the Palestinian Authority applied to the ICC, Israel confiscated $127 million in taxes and customs revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority. That move was criticized by the US and even by Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin, who said it is not in Israel’s interest or the Palestinians’ interest to do so.

Israel likely to withhold additional 100m in Palestinian tax funds - Israel News Ynetnews

Would you rather they turned of all the gas, water and electricity until the bills were paid. And then billed them for collecting the taxes at the going rate ?

Israel is just keeping the money as punitive punished for going to the ICC. Israel is very hateful and only cares about Israel. I hope they have a major power failing of their own, they can see what its like.
Israel likely to withhold additional $100m in Palestinian tax funds

Palestinians believe that Israel will not pass tax and custom revenues collected on behalf of the Palestinian Authority until after March elections in move likely to damage Palestinian economy.

The Media Line


02.05.15, 11:44 / Israel News

Israel is set to announce that it will confiscate an estimated $100 million in taxes and customs revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, Palestinians say, claiming Israel will not transfer funds until after the March elections.

The move follows one taken a month ago after the Palestinian Authority announced it had applied to join the International Criminal Court (ICC), which means Palestinians could ask the court to indict Israeli officials for war crimes.

After the Palestinian Authority applied to the ICC, Israel confiscated $127 million in taxes and customs revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority. That move was criticized by the US and even by Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin, who said it is not in Israel’s interest or the Palestinians’ interest to do so.

Israel likely to withhold additional 100m in Palestinian tax funds - Israel News Ynetnews

Would you rather they turned of all the gas, water and electricity until the bills were paid. And then billed them for collecting the taxes at the going rate ?

Israel is just keeping the money as punitive punished for going to the ICC. Israel is very hateful and only cares about Israel. I hope they have a major power failing of their own, they can see what its like.

Then you agree that Israel should turn of the GAS, WATER and ELECTRICITY until the bills are paid and should charge the Palestinians for collecting the taxes for them. And not take a lein on their income to pay off some of the mounting debt
I fully support a Palestinians State as long as it has self determination whereby the Palestinians can no longer suck off of Israel to provide for them any longer. The question is where can it be when no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestiniians a right of rturn back to their native homelands?
Until Israel implements their final solution completely by killing every last gentile, you won't be happy. The suffering and piecemeal murdering of the Christians and Muslims by the Israelis, is just not enough for you.
Until Israel implements their final solution completely by killing every last gentile, you won't be happy. The suffering and piecemeal murdering of the Christians and Muslims by the Israelis, is just not enough for you.
Isn't that what your fellow Muslims are doing in many areas to Christians, Hindus, etc., Mr. S.? Submit to Islam or die. Can you tell us why the Palestinians have had their own relief agency all these years when there are others around the world who are suffering just as much or even more?
Until Israel implements their final solution completely by killing every last gentile, you won't be happy. The suffering and piecemeal murdering of the Christians and Muslims by the Israelis, is just not enough for you.
Isn't that what your fellow Muslims are doing in many areas to Christians, Hindus, etc., Mr. S.? Submit to Islam or die. Can you tell us why the Palestinians have had their own relief agency all these years when there are others around the world who are suffering just as much or even more?

I am talking about my fellow Christians in Palestine with respect to the Israeli/Palestinian issue. The Palestinians have a UN relief agency because it was the UN that facilitated their removal from Palestine. There other forums to discuss the problems in other parts of the world. You really don't get it, do you. This forum is about the Palestinian/Israel issue.
Until Israel implements their final solution completely by killing every last gentile, you won't be happy. The suffering and piecemeal murdering of the Christians and Muslims by the Israelis, is just not enough for you.
Isn't that what your fellow Muslims are doing in many areas to Christians, Hindus, etc., Mr. S.? Submit to Islam or die. Can you tell us why the Palestinians have had their own relief agency all these years when there are others around the world who are suffering just as much or even more?

I am talking about my fellow Christians in Palestine with respect to the Israeli/Palestinian issue. The Palestinians have a UN relief agency because it was the UN that facilitated their removal from Palestine. There other forums to discuss the problems in other parts of the world. You really don't get it, do you. This forum is about the Palestinian/Israel issue.
I was talking about the Palestinians was I not?
No you were talking about, for example, Hindus, who are not such nice guys when it come to Christians, Muslims or Buddhists. The Tamil Tigers (Hindus) invented the suicide bombing technique (against the majority Buddhists in Sri Lanka) for example.
No you were talking about, for example, Hindus, who are not such nice guys when it come to Christians, Muslims or Buddhists. The Tamil Tigers (Hindus) invented the suicide bombing technique (against the majority Buddhists in Sri Lanka) for example.
Why doesn't Mr. S. tell us where the Hindus are operating. Are they murdering like the Muslims do in several countries? Why doesn't Mr. S. look at pictures of skin and bone people like you see in many parts of Africa and then he can tell us how much more the Palestinians need their own relief organization. Am I not entitled to state my own opinion as to whether others need relief more?

Starving Children Pictures Images Photos Photobucket
Until Israel implements their final solution completely by killing every last gentile, you won't be happy. The suffering and piecemeal murdering of the Christians and Muslims by the Israelis, is just not enough for you.

Not many Christians left as the Palestinians have shown the world just how to go about ethnic cleansing and genocide. Now why no UN special meetings to bring sanctions against the Palestinians I wonder.

The only ones with a final solution are the Palestinians it is written in their Koran and charter the extinction of the Jews, Christians and all other religions.
Until Israel implements their final solution completely by killing every last gentile, you won't be happy. The suffering and piecemeal murdering of the Christians and Muslims by the Israelis, is just not enough for you.
Isn't that what your fellow Muslims are doing in many areas to Christians, Hindus, etc., Mr. S.? Submit to Islam or die. Can you tell us why the Palestinians have had their own relief agency all these years when there are others around the world who are suffering just as much or even more?

I am talking about my fellow Christians in Palestine with respect to the Israeli/Palestinian issue. The Palestinians have a UN relief agency because it was the UN that facilitated their removal from Palestine. There other forums to discuss the problems in other parts of the world. You really don't get it, do you. This forum is about the Palestinian/Israel issue.

Maybe you should remember that in the future. As to the Christians in Palestine how come they have been reduced to just 10% of their 2005 numbers in gaza alone that is not occupied. The arab muslims have increased in numbers but the Christians have been decimated, care to explain why this is. Surely if the Israelis were indiscriminately targeting anything that moved then the tallies would be equal for both groups, unless the ethnic cleaning is being done by arab muslims then it would agree with the findings.
No you were talking about, for example, Hindus, who are not such nice guys when it come to Christians, Muslims or Buddhists. The Tamil Tigers (Hindus) invented the suicide bombing technique (against the majority Buddhists in Sri Lanka) for example.
Why doesn't Mr. S. tell us where the Hindus are operating. Are they murdering like the Muslims do in several countries? Why doesn't Mr. S. look at pictures of skin and bone people like you see in many parts of Africa and then he can tell us how much more the Palestinians need their own relief organization. Am I not entitled to state my own opinion as to whether others need relief more?

Starving Children Pictures Images Photos Photobucket

And if you look closely at the starving children you will see that it is islamonazi groups behind the atrocities. The first one brought to light was Biafra and that was caused by illegal muslim immigrants moving in and starting a civil war. Then Ethiopia when millions starved to death because illegal muslim immigrants started a civil war. Why is it that just about every war zone involves illegal muslim migrants ?
Israel likely to withhold additional $100m in Palestinian tax funds

Palestinians believe that Israel will not pass tax and custom revenues collected on behalf of the Palestinian Authority until after March elections in move likely to damage Palestinian economy.

The Media Line


02.05.15, 11:44 / Israel News

Israel is set to announce that it will confiscate an estimated $100 million in taxes and customs revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, Palestinians say, claiming Israel will not transfer funds until after the March elections.

The move follows one taken a month ago after the Palestinian Authority announced it had applied to join the International Criminal Court (ICC), which means Palestinians could ask the court to indict Israeli officials for war crimes.

After the Palestinian Authority applied to the ICC, Israel confiscated $127 million in taxes and customs revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority. That move was criticized by the US and even by Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin, who said it is not in Israel’s interest or the Palestinians’ interest to do so.

Israel likely to withhold additional 100m in Palestinian tax funds - Israel News Ynetnews

Now I wonder if the electricity company will let me reach to this kind of debt, or will they cut me off on the first week....

Can you answer me, Penelope? I'm curious.
Israel likely to withhold additional $100m in Palestinian tax funds

Palestinians believe that Israel will not pass tax and custom revenues collected on behalf of the Palestinian Authority until after March elections in move likely to damage Palestinian economy.

The Media Line


02.05.15, 11:44 / Israel News

Israel is set to announce that it will confiscate an estimated $100 million in taxes and customs revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, Palestinians say, claiming Israel will not transfer funds until after the March elections.

The move follows one taken a month ago after the Palestinian Authority announced it had applied to join the International Criminal Court (ICC), which means Palestinians could ask the court to indict Israeli officials for war crimes.

After the Palestinian Authority applied to the ICC, Israel confiscated $127 million in taxes and customs revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority. That move was criticized by the US and even by Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin, who said it is not in Israel’s interest or the Palestinians’ interest to do so.

Israel likely to withhold additional 100m in Palestinian tax funds - Israel News Ynetnews

Now I wonder if the electricity company will let me reach to this kind of debt, or will they cut me off on the first week....

Can you answer me, Penelope? I'm curious.

Well maybe if Israel would give them their money, they'd pay. But so many homes are without foundations and the ones that have foundations are being bulldozed so , and since Israel

WANTS to keep them fenced it and tell them when to Sh-t, maybe Israel should foot the bill.

Here in the states, we do give prisoners heat, lights, water and food.
Israel likely to withhold additional $100m in Palestinian tax funds

Palestinians believe that Israel will not pass tax and custom revenues collected on behalf of the Palestinian Authority until after March elections in move likely to damage Palestinian economy.

The Media Line


02.05.15, 11:44 / Israel News

Israel is set to announce that it will confiscate an estimated $100 million in taxes and customs revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, Palestinians say, claiming Israel will not transfer funds until after the March elections.

The move follows one taken a month ago after the Palestinian Authority announced it had applied to join the International Criminal Court (ICC), which means Palestinians could ask the court to indict Israeli officials for war crimes.

After the Palestinian Authority applied to the ICC, Israel confiscated $127 million in taxes and customs revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority. That move was criticized by the US and even by Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin, who said it is not in Israel’s interest or the Palestinians’ interest to do so.

Israel likely to withhold additional 100m in Palestinian tax funds - Israel News Ynetnews

Now I wonder if the electricity company will let me reach to this kind of debt, or will they cut me off on the first week....

Can you answer me, Penelope? I'm curious.

Well maybe if Israel would give them their money, they'd pay. But so many homes are without foundations and the ones that have foundations are being bulldozed so , and since Israel

WANTS to keep them fenced it and tell them when to Sh-t, maybe Israel should foot the bill.

Here in the states, we do give prisoners heat, lights, water and food.

THEY want to keep themselves fenced, not Israel. Israel has to pay with soldiers' lives to keep those savages fenced. They could get this all over once they give up their terrorist ways. For all I care, I would have liked to sit on a plate of Pitta and Humus with a dude from Ramallah, had it been up to me.

THEY are the ones calling "death to the Jews".

Money? they're millions of dollars in debth, they hold OUR money, if anything. And the fact that they don't have foundations, well, let them cry to Khaled Mash'al or Haniya, the same leaders who get fet from food and benefits while the old and sick starve in the West Bank. You know how much Palestinian cash, that can easily feed the poor and weak, go to more important things, like tunnles, arms and Hamas supplies?

Why should I give a shit, when they themselves don't? why don't they protest what they deserve from the government?? that's what Israeli did when we felt Netanyahu was wronging us, back in 2011.

Pfft. Sympathy? they should try and make their own lives better before drifting to the same empty mantra of "Blame the Joooo"
Same ole sob story. You push people in the dirt and say see what we have to deal with. There were out fishing, you shot at them, they keep planting trees, you keep yanking them up. You smash their homes, and then don't let building supplies in.

Still 3 million in debt, you have been withholding money. yes I am sure they love being fenced in, and I'm sure those in the W. Bank love hearing the bulldozer at night.

I think I'd be calling "death to jews " too if I were them. I hate to say this, but since Hamas and Fatah are such terrorist groups, why have the not done anything? It many the few teen Pals that are fighting back, and then your Pal hating Jews are terrorizing the Pals. What is Hamas and Fatah doing?

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