Sweet Victory For Earth Is The Destruction Of Religion.

Justice is merely accountability before the law. God is a just God and has given us commandments which we are to follow.

everyone breaks those laws and hence we are under the arm of justice unless we accept the gift of mercy given to us. Christ suffered the consequence for our actions ao that mercy could be extended.

without an atonement no mercy would be possible. Because God has attached a punishment to the law and is perfectly honest and just. He would have to give us the punishment we deserve if someone didn't take it for us.

but Christ did so justice could be satisfied and mercy extended to the penitent.

but if we reject the mercy given and refuse to repent and exercise faith in Christ and His atoning sacrifice how can justice be avoided? Because we are guilty. Anyone who is honest knows that.

you think that God should be unjust because you don't want to accept the gift given. That's not how life works.

This is why trying to converse with "christians" is so pointless. They just go into their by rote and very nonsensical harangue.

stick with fact and watch them squirm

Many religious are those who worship or pray to the factually proven lie referred to by the religious as god, which is acknowledgement from themselves that what they worship or pray to must have intelligence to be able to understand. They also claim that what they pray to or worship is the creator of everything.

Not anything is able to go poof into existence out of nothingness, let alone be able to develop an intelligence without there first be energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.


David Jeffrey Seetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
OK, I just responded too another five pages. I'll be back soon to continue to exemplify how very easy it is to gang up on the religious when you use fact when it comes to already having revealed that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is clearly demonstrated within the following video. I gradually get more and more fired up in the video as I reveal information that will blow everyone on this planet away as thousands of years are compounded into a nutshell of 23 minutes. so break out your popcorn, you are going to love this one, with a passion one way or many others.



David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!

So your self promoting video is your factual proof? God is truth.
OK, I just responded too another five pages. I'll be back soon to continue to exemplify how very easy it is to gang up on the religious when you use fact when it comes to already having revealed that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
I created my own religion for Thyself, and the foundation of it is not based upon any lies. In fact, it is based upon truths about Thyself, as I happen to be an expert on Thyself, and because my religion is meant for Thyself and none other.

Question: How many religions exist on planet earth today? :dunno:

Answer: Count the Monkey nipples and divide by two.


Average saying #27: Beliefs are like nipples... every Monkey has a set and no two sets are identical.

Since the top poster has been rendered pretty much useless I will ask you a question avgjoe.

Are you suggesting that even if God exists there is no way for man to know anything about him?

Or at least, there has never been any facts or empirical events we can point to as evidence for his existence?

Pretty pathetic of you to refer to me as useless when you are the one not able to contest the facts I share which reveal that the foundation of every religion proves to be based upon lies. So much like the religious to run away like cowards when faced with the facts that falsify their so called beliefs while trying to make their every lie and deception the issue.

Such weak pathetic delusional tart like mentalities the religious possess.


David jeffrey Spetch
Ps. be good, eb strong!

I've stopped reading your posts (until now) because far too many of your words I find to be much ado about nothing.

But for the last time, I do not care if you think the Christian faith was originated upon lies. Nor do I care to investigate your preferred angle. My contention back to you -- which you ignored --- was simple: Regardless if you think our faith was originated on lies, Christianity has proven and validated itself a hundred or a thousand times over since the Resurrection by way of signs and wonders alone. You and your band of iconoclasts have never been able to explain away the empirical evidence of Fatima, Lourdes, countless weeping statues, stigmatas, and so many other phenomena. And when you have tried it was best you hadn't as you look so desperate and weak. Because the Bible says "a fool does not delight in understanding, but only in revealing his own mind." LOVE, from me.
Last edited:
No one said otherwise. You would just recognize pure religion if you read the bible.

I will never understand why people will fight learning things
I've read the bible, went to Sunday School when I was little, have seen all the bible movies... Nowhere do I see anything or read anything that proves without a doubt the existence of the god depicted. It's seriously not because I don't WANT to believe, I just can't believe until it's proven to me.

Many religious are those who worship or pray to the factually proven lie referred to by the religious as god, which is acknowledgement from themselves that what they worship or pray to must have intelligence to be able to understand. They also claim that what they pray to or worship is the creator of everything.

Not anything is able to go poof into existence out of nothingness, let alone be able to develop an intelligence without there first be energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.


David Jeffrey Seetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
The "Creator" comes from ignorance. People don't know how and why the Big Bang happened, and because their brain won't accept not knowing, they make something up as in "the creator made everything". Nothing yet has proven such a creator, although nothing has proven that it's not a creator either. (I'm agnostic).
So basically you're saying that the stories in the bible aren't true. Got it.

They are rife with symbolism
And represent true stages universal to all humanity but not merely literal: some ppl read them as literal history, some as figurative or spiritual process as I focus on, and both approaches are right and work for those people.

They are universally true but have relative meaning to different people.

The spirit of the message is true.
I can sum it up in 250 words If you want
The cliff notes version, TAZ
I can post the link but im on my cell phone,
Hold on,..,

OKay found it, here's the Cliff Notes 250 word summary of the Bible
and Christ Jesus as Restorative Justice:
How to explain the Bible without reading it - Worth1000 Contests

If you like this, if this makes sense to you, TAZ, I will change my Avatar to be
either a silly Donkey or a lost Horse, you take your pick, until I change it to something
else for the next person who can make sense of my long complicated explanations trying to find a shortcut.
here are two avatars you can choose from
hold on again...

Here's the Wonky Donkey image since I'm a liberal Democrat but no one believes that:
The Wonky Donkey - Worth1000 Contests

Here's the poor horsey who can't figure it out:
Backyard Games - Worth1000 Contests

if you and Luddly can figure out how to resolve these issues
I will change my avatar to either or both things, back and forth if necessary,
in honor of your honest effort to make peace, when I don't think it should be on you.

I think if Christians want to share the message they should join in doing more to
correct the problems and explain the meaning in real terms, and quit putting the burden on others, especially those they criticize most for not understanding the message.
But what it comes down to is that you don't think that the stories in the bible are actually true. Because my quest is to find anyone who believes that a global flood happened and Noah got marsupials from Australia and back again. Apparently, NO ONE here does. Pretty strange though, a bunch of bible thumpers of which none of them believe the stories are actually true. Very bizarre.

Hi Taz:
Well, I don't see how that is necessary to agree on all the floods and evolution stuff unless science comes up with a way to prove it where all peole agree it isn't propaganda.

What I do find universal is to agree there is a spiritual process
of forgiving and breaking the cycles of wrongs from the past,
and recovering to reach a higher level of awareness and peace -- so we PREVENT
future wrongs by understanding "cause and effect" and working to correct problems faster before they escalate.

So that's what I see as the CENTRAL message in the Bible,
how that process works in stages,
and working one by one to resolve problems, make peace, and establish truth and justice by agreement.

TAZ If you are truly curious about the flood and evolution
by all means
I totally support a scientific consensus on all things that can be asked and answered.

I don't want to Discourage you from asking
but I believe the first step is to resolve conflicts so we CAN work together in teams.

Once everyone agrees to help each other,
I think it will be MUCH easier to research and resolve these other questions.

But it's hard to get the answers while everyone is so divided and fearful of each other.
Let's get the people organized first, and then when we agree how to approach
these questions it will be easier to find answers and resolve issues without fighting.
Let's get people organized around a book we all agree is full of bullshit stories? Um... no. :D

What I do find amusing is the Bible is a history book. It also contains parables and creation tales because that's what primitive people do with their time. They try to figure out "how did we get here?" Which is closely akin to the modern mans question "why are we here?" One thing is not deniable about the Bible though...archeologists have confirmed more stories in the Bible than they have discounted.
Places and battles... are easy to write about, even several generations later. Quoting Jesus is bullshit. Every "miracle" has no basis in fact, therefore are bullshit as well. No virgin Mary. No worldwide flood...
I created my own religion for Thyself, and the foundation of it is not based upon any lies. In fact, it is based upon truths about Thyself, as I happen to be an expert on Thyself, and because my religion is meant for Thyself and none other.

Question: How many religions exist on planet earth today? :dunno:

Answer: Count the Monkey nipples and divide by two.


Average saying #27: Beliefs are like nipples... every Monkey has a set and no two sets are identical.

Since the top poster has been rendered pretty much useless I will ask you a question avgjoe.

Are you suggesting that even if God exists there is no way for man to know anything about him?

Or at least, there has never been any facts or empirical events we can point to as evidence for his existence?

Pretty pathetic of you to refer to me as useless when you are the one not able to contest the facts I share which reveal that the foundation of every religion proves to be based upon lies. So much like the religious to run away like cowards when faced with the facts that falsify their so called beliefs while trying to make their every lie and deception the issue.

Such weak pathetic delusional tart like mentalities the religious possess.


David jeffrey Spetch
Ps. be good, eb strong!

I've stopped reading your posts (until now) because far too many of your words I find to be much ado about nothing.

But for the last time, I do not care if you think the Christian faith was originated upon lies. Nor do I care to investigate your preferred angle. My contention back to you -- which you ignored --- was simple: Regardless if you think our faith was originated on lies, Christianity has proven and validated itself a hundred or a thousand times over since the Resurrection by way of signs and wonders alone. You and your band of iconoclasts have never been able to explain away the empirical evidence of Fatima, Lourdes, countless weeping statues, stigmatas, and so many other phenomena. And when you have tried it was best you hadn't as you look so desperate and weak. Because the Bible says "a fool does not delight in understanding, but only in revealing his own mind." LOVE, from me.
I agree with you.
They are rife with symbolism
And represent true stages universal to all humanity but not merely literal: some ppl read them as literal history, some as figurative or spiritual process as I focus on, and both approaches are right and work for those people.

They are universally true but have relative meaning to different people.

The spirit of the message is true.
I can sum it up in 250 words If you want
The cliff notes version, TAZ
I can post the link but im on my cell phone,
Hold on,..,

OKay found it, here's the Cliff Notes 250 word summary of the Bible
and Christ Jesus as Restorative Justice:
How to explain the Bible without reading it - Worth1000 Contests

If you like this, if this makes sense to you, TAZ, I will change my Avatar to be
either a silly Donkey or a lost Horse, you take your pick, until I change it to something
else for the next person who can make sense of my long complicated explanations trying to find a shortcut.
here are two avatars you can choose from
hold on again...

Here's the Wonky Donkey image since I'm a liberal Democrat but no one believes that:
The Wonky Donkey - Worth1000 Contests

Here's the poor horsey who can't figure it out:
Backyard Games - Worth1000 Contests

if you and Luddly can figure out how to resolve these issues
I will change my avatar to either or both things, back and forth if necessary,
in honor of your honest effort to make peace, when I don't think it should be on you.

I think if Christians want to share the message they should join in doing more to
correct the problems and explain the meaning in real terms, and quit putting the burden on others, especially those they criticize most for not understanding the message.
But what it comes down to is that you don't think that the stories in the bible are actually true. Because my quest is to find anyone who believes that a global flood happened and Noah got marsupials from Australia and back again. Apparently, NO ONE here does. Pretty strange though, a bunch of bible thumpers of which none of them believe the stories are actually true. Very bizarre.

Hi Taz:
Well, I don't see how that is necessary to agree on all the floods and evolution stuff unless science comes up with a way to prove it where all peole agree it isn't propaganda.

What I do find universal is to agree there is a spiritual process
of forgiving and breaking the cycles of wrongs from the past,
and recovering to reach a higher level of awareness and peace -- so we PREVENT
future wrongs by understanding "cause and effect" and working to correct problems faster before they escalate.

So that's what I see as the CENTRAL message in the Bible,
how that process works in stages,
and working one by one to resolve problems, make peace, and establish truth and justice by agreement.

TAZ If you are truly curious about the flood and evolution
by all means
I totally support a scientific consensus on all things that can be asked and answered.

I don't want to Discourage you from asking
but I believe the first step is to resolve conflicts so we CAN work together in teams.

Once everyone agrees to help each other,
I think it will be MUCH easier to research and resolve these other questions.

But it's hard to get the answers while everyone is so divided and fearful of each other.
Let's get the people organized first, and then when we agree how to approach
these questions it will be easier to find answers and resolve issues without fighting.
Let's get people organized around a book we all agree is full of bullshit stories? Um... no. :D

What I do find amusing is the Bible is a history book. It also contains parables and creation tales because that's what primitive people do with their time. They try to figure out "how did we get here?" Which is closely akin to the modern mans question "why are we here?" One thing is not deniable about the Bible though...archeologists have confirmed more stories in the Bible than they have discounted.
Places and battles... are easy to write about, even several generations later. Quoting Jesus is bullshit. Every "miracle" has no basis in fact, therefore are bullshit as well. No virgin Mary. No worldwide flood...
Wrong. That is satans influence on you. Good luck.
But what it comes down to is that you don't think that the stories in the bible are actually true. Because my quest is to find anyone who believes that a global flood happened and Noah got marsupials from Australia and back again. Apparently, NO ONE here does. Pretty strange though, a bunch of bible thumpers of which none of them believe the stories are actually true. Very bizarre.

Hi Taz:
Well, I don't see how that is necessary to agree on all the floods and evolution stuff unless science comes up with a way to prove it where all peole agree it isn't propaganda.

What I do find universal is to agree there is a spiritual process
of forgiving and breaking the cycles of wrongs from the past,
and recovering to reach a higher level of awareness and peace -- so we PREVENT
future wrongs by understanding "cause and effect" and working to correct problems faster before they escalate.

So that's what I see as the CENTRAL message in the Bible,
how that process works in stages,
and working one by one to resolve problems, make peace, and establish truth and justice by agreement.

TAZ If you are truly curious about the flood and evolution
by all means
I totally support a scientific consensus on all things that can be asked and answered.

I don't want to Discourage you from asking
but I believe the first step is to resolve conflicts so we CAN work together in teams.

Once everyone agrees to help each other,
I think it will be MUCH easier to research and resolve these other questions.

But it's hard to get the answers while everyone is so divided and fearful of each other.
Let's get the people organized first, and then when we agree how to approach
these questions it will be easier to find answers and resolve issues without fighting.
Let's get people organized around a book we all agree is full of bullshit stories? Um... no. :D

What I do find amusing is the Bible is a history book. It also contains parables and creation tales because that's what primitive people do with their time. They try to figure out "how did we get here?" Which is closely akin to the modern mans question "why are we here?" One thing is not deniable about the Bible though...archeologists have confirmed more stories in the Bible than they have discounted.
Places and battles... are easy to write about, even several generations later. Quoting Jesus is bullshit. Every "miracle" has no basis in fact, therefore are bullshit as well. No virgin Mary. No worldwide flood...
Wrong. That is satans influence on you. Good luck.
Then prove to me that there was a worldwide flood, it should show in sediments from around the world. Plus, how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again?
The foundation of every religion is a ridiculous story of how we got here.

The factual evidence that proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as clearly demonstrated within the video will continue to go uncontested as Ashtara also confirmed by evading contesting those very facts with so much as a shred of validity but instead desperately scrambling to make Ashtara's delusions the issue. All this to do with what Ashtara is up too is already revealed within the video

Thanks for the demonstration of desperately scrambling to try and make your delusions the issue because of not being able to contest the facts that prove that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!

Then by all means enlighten us. Tell us how we got here. We await your well of knowledge to overflow and save us all. Please provide us with a list of your books and publications and other credits so we may go out and purchase some of them.

Watch the video, he said the video explains ALLLLLLLL....
Religion is an attempt to answer the unprovable questions of where we come from, and what happens to the software that drives our flesh when we die.

For an opinion on the subject to be present, faith is required because those questions are, by definition, unprovable.

The closer we get to a reasonable explanation for how we came to exist, the easier it is to put religions, especially those religions that are based on ancient texts, in to proper perspective.

Says you.

But you are by no means the Grand Poobah of Eternity. In other words, who cares what your musings on the topic are?
They are rife with symbolism
And represent true stages universal to all humanity but not merely literal: some ppl read them as literal history, some as figurative or spiritual process as I focus on, and both approaches are right and work for those people.

They are universally true but have relative meaning to different people.

The spirit of the message is true.
I can sum it up in 250 words If you want
The cliff notes version, TAZ
I can post the link but im on my cell phone,
Hold on,..,

OKay found it, here's the Cliff Notes 250 word summary of the Bible
and Christ Jesus as Restorative Justice:
How to explain the Bible without reading it - Worth1000 Contests

If you like this, if this makes sense to you, TAZ, I will change my Avatar to be
either a silly Donkey or a lost Horse, you take your pick, until I change it to something
else for the next person who can make sense of my long complicated explanations trying to find a shortcut.
here are two avatars you can choose from
hold on again...

Here's the Wonky Donkey image since I'm a liberal Democrat but no one believes that:
The Wonky Donkey - Worth1000 Contests

Here's the poor horsey who can't figure it out:
Backyard Games - Worth1000 Contests

if you and Luddly can figure out how to resolve these issues
I will change my avatar to either or both things, back and forth if necessary,
in honor of your honest effort to make peace, when I don't think it should be on you.

I think if Christians want to share the message they should join in doing more to
correct the problems and explain the meaning in real terms, and quit putting the burden on others, especially those they criticize most for not understanding the message.
But what it comes down to is that you don't think that the stories in the bible are actually true. Because my quest is to find anyone who believes that a global flood happened and Noah got marsupials from Australia and back again. Apparently, NO ONE here does. Pretty strange though, a bunch of bible thumpers of which none of them believe the stories are actually true. Very bizarre.

Hi Taz:
Well, I don't see how that is necessary to agree on all the floods and evolution stuff unless science comes up with a way to prove it where all peole agree it isn't propaganda.

What I do find universal is to agree there is a spiritual process
of forgiving and breaking the cycles of wrongs from the past,
and recovering to reach a higher level of awareness and peace -- so we PREVENT
future wrongs by understanding "cause and effect" and working to correct problems faster before they escalate.

So that's what I see as the CENTRAL message in the Bible,
how that process works in stages,
and working one by one to resolve problems, make peace, and establish truth and justice by agreement.

TAZ If you are truly curious about the flood and evolution
by all means
I totally support a scientific consensus on all things that can be asked and answered.

I don't want to Discourage you from asking
but I believe the first step is to resolve conflicts so we CAN work together in teams.

Once everyone agrees to help each other,
I think it will be MUCH easier to research and resolve these other questions.

But it's hard to get the answers while everyone is so divided and fearful of each other.
Let's get the people organized first, and then when we agree how to approach
these questions it will be easier to find answers and resolve issues without fighting.
Let's get people organized around a book we all agree is full of bullshit stories? Um... no. :D

What I do find amusing is the Bible is a history book. It also contains parables and creation tales because that's what primitive people do with their time. They try to figure out "how did we get here?" Which is closely akin to the modern mans question "why are we here?" One thing is not deniable about the Bible though...archeologists have confirmed more stories in the Bible than they have discounted.
Places and battles... are easy to write about, even several generations later. Quoting Jesus is bullshit. Every "miracle" has no basis in fact, therefore are bullshit as well. No virgin Mary. No worldwide flood...

While I agree with you on quoting Jesus after all those years the flood was real. At least in so far as every major cultural group, worldwide, has a great flood in its ancient history. There is ample archaeological evidence for it as well. When the last ice age ended (approx. 14,000 years ago) the sea level was much lower so mans villages were in areas that are now hundreds of feet under water.

This has been shown all along the continental shelves in the Black Sea among others.
And yet I'm thinking that it's not logically possible for a finite being to assert that God does not exist, that such a being necessarily contradicts himself, proving the opposite must be true. Amazing how one must necessarily contradict oneself in order to assert that or imagine that there are no absolutes. It's always amazing to hear persons who contradict themselves imagining out loud that they are more enlightened than the rest of us. Excuse me for noticing, but how does one assert, without blushing, to have such knowledge given that its nature would be necessarily be rationally and empirically indemonstrable?

You evade contesting the facts with so much as a shred of validity that prove that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as clearly demonstrated within the video and instead you present an age old pathetic and weak religious lie to try and pass off that a religious lie creates contradiction thus only demonstrates how delusional that the religious mentality proves to be.. You are not the first religious person to make up such a lie. Of course the religious would want to have you believe such lies because they are not able to contest the facts which already so very easily prove that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

need facts before we can contest them.

you don't really give out a love vibe. Unless you mean yourself.

If it is not a fact that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter, then share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness. You never will because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Yet this one makes up an obvious lie to try and evade accepting responsibility for valuing lies which have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years and to the misery of countless others. You have to live with the shame that you value lies more than you value human lives which describes what it means to be religious.

You aren't capable of sharing one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness because what I share is the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as clearly demonstrated within the video on the opening post beginning this very thread, but thanks for sharing that the religious are only able to exemplify cowering being ignorance towards what fact already so very easily proves.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

why would I be trying to prove something poofed out of nothing when that's not what I believe, what my Church teaches, or what the bible says?

maybe if you educated yourself instead of attacking straw men you wouldn't come off as such a condescending ass.

Because you are claiming that a factually proven lie aka god exists.

Many religious are those who worship or pray to the factually proven lie referred to by the religious as god, which is acknowledgement from themselves that what they worship or pray to must have intelligence to be able to understand. They also claim that what they pray to or worship is the creator of everything.

Not anything is able to go poof into existence out of nothingness, let alone be able to develop an intelligence without there first be energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Dear David: If you were so careful a scientist with your analyses
you would not lump ALL religions together as bad and dismiss the good part
that is critical and the key to why people hold them so important!

Compare how much BAD MEDIA is out there, vs the good use of the internet.

David, if you were to judge the internet the way you judge religions you would have it shut down
due to rampant garbage, virus spamming, porn, misinformation fraud, abusive bullying etc.

But since you are open to see both the GOOD and BAD uses of the internet
don't you CHOOSE to use it for GOOD that more than compensates for bad uses of it?

Do you see the point, David?

I hope you, as someone with the goal of remaining objective and inclusive of all facts
in your analyses and conclusions,
would study in full depth the spiritual healing, teachings and practices of these
GOOD examples of how Christianity and spiritual principles taught thereby
have SAVED lives, minds, relations, health, whole families and communities:
* Drs. Francis and Judith MacNutt Christian Healing Ministries - Christian Healing Ministries
* Dr. Phillip Goldfedder Healing Is Yours
* Olivia Reiner Listen to the cries of the children a non profit organization

Since you want to confront physicists on the hard scientific proof,
let's pursue that!

Let's contact these people cited above and put together formal
medical studies, proof R&D on spiritual healing and the profound
lifesaving effects on the body, mind spirit relations and community around
each person receiving healing.

I think you would be pleased with the impact this would have
and you as a key figure in pushing for scientific proof to stop the superstitious approach to religion.

why not pursue the process medically and scientifically so everyone benefits?
And yet I'm thinking that it's not logically possible for a finite being to assert that God does not exist, that such a being necessarily contradicts himself, proving the opposite must be true. Amazing how one must necessarily contradict oneself in order to assert that or imagine that there are no absolutes. It's always amazing to hear persons who contradict themselves imagining out loud that they are more enlightened than the rest of us. Excuse me for noticing, but how does one assert, without blushing, to have such knowledge given that its nature would be necessarily be rationally and empirically indemonstrable?

You evade contesting the facts with so much as a shred of validity that prove that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as clearly demonstrated within the video and instead you present an age old pathetic and weak religious lie to try and pass off that a religious lie creates contradiction thus only demonstrates how delusional that the religious mentality proves to be.. You are not the first religious person to make up such a lie. Of course the religious would want to have you believe such lies because they are not able to contest the facts which already so very easily prove that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

need facts before we can contest them.

you don't really give out a love vibe. Unless you mean yourself.

If it is not a fact that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter, then share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness. You never will because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Yet this one makes up an obvious lie to try and evade accepting responsibility for valuing lies which have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years and to the misery of countless others. You have to live with the shame that you value lies more than you value human lives which describes what it means to be religious.

You aren't capable of sharing one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness because what I share is the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as clearly demonstrated within the video on the opening post beginning this very thread, but thanks for sharing that the religious are only able to exemplify cowering being ignorance towards what fact already so very easily proves.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

why would I be trying to prove something poofed out of nothing when that's not what I believe, what my Church teaches, or what the bible says?

maybe if you educated yourself instead of attacking straw men you wouldn't come off as such a condescending ass.

Because you are claiming that a factually proven lie aka god exists.

Many religious are those who worship or pray to the factually proven lie referred to by the religious as god, which is acknowledgement from themselves that what they worship or pray to must have intelligence to be able to understand. They also claim that what they pray to or worship is the creator of everything.

Not anything is able to go poof into existence out of nothingness, let alone be able to develop an intelligence without there first be energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

you have not factually proven that God doesn't exist. I am a witness that He does. The Holy Spirit has provided me with first hand experience with Him. I've experienced the love and power of God. I have used His atonement in my life and been empowered by His grace. I've even been miraculously healed by the Holy Spirit. He lives. And He loves you. He loves you so much that He suffered the most excruciating form of tortures for you.

and the beauty of it all is that you don't have to take my word for it. You can go to Him and learn for yourself

It is rather obvious that this fool's wacked out ideas about religion stem from his subjective perspective about the Abrahamic religions.

It is rather obvious that this fool's wacked out ideas about religion stem from his subjective perspective about the Abrahamic religions.

shame he doesn't understand them
No one said otherwise. You would just recognize pure religion if you read the bible.

I will never understand why people will fight learning things
I've read the bible, went to Sunday School when I was little, have seen all the bible movies... Nowhere do I see anything or read anything that proves without a doubt the existence of the god depicted. It's seriously not because I don't WANT to believe, I just can't believe until it's proven to me.

There is no evidence to support the existence OR NON-EXISTENCE of God. Do you understand that there is no evidence either way? That's why it is called "faith". And as a scientist I realize that my "belief" in the Big Bang Theory is likewise not based on anything other than the writings of men, men who make mistakes, thus it too is based on "faith".

Thanks for demonstrating the the religious are so very eager to lie when faced with the facts that prove that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies.

Many religious are those who worship or pray to the factually proven lie referred to by the religious as god, which is acknowledgement from themselves that what they worship or pray to must have intelligence to be able to understand. They also claim that what they pray to or worship is the creator of everything.

Not anything is able to go poof into existence out of nothingness, let alone be able to develop an intelligence without there first be energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.


David Jeffrey Seetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

you're never going to have credibility until you stop beating your straw man that all religions teach creation ex nihilo
No one said otherwise. You would just recognize pure religion if you read the bible.

I will never understand why people will fight learning things
I've read the bible, went to Sunday School when I was little, have seen all the bible movies... Nowhere do I see anything or read anything that proves without a doubt the existence of the god depicted. It's seriously not because I don't WANT to believe, I just can't believe until it's proven to me.

Many religious are those who worship or pray to the factually proven lie referred to by the religious as god, which is acknowledgement from themselves that what they worship or pray to must have intelligence to be able to understand. They also claim that what they pray to or worship is the creator of everything.

Not anything is able to go poof into existence out of nothingness, let alone be able to develop an intelligence without there first be energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.


David Jeffrey Seetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
The "Creator" comes from ignorance. People don't know how and why the Big Bang happened, and because their brain won't accept not knowing, they make something up as in "the creator made everything". Nothing yet has proven such a creator, although nothing has proven that it's not a creator either. (I'm agnostic).

knowledge of the Creator comes from the Creator revealing Himself to man. If you humbled yourself and sought after Him you would receive a witness for yourself.

wisdom comes from seeking it. Ignorance from declaring it's impossible to know and that if you don't know it no one does.
With regard to mankind knowing God, the historic evidence tells me that God is not interested in Monkey politics or organized worship. And, if He can be known, She can only be known intimately and individually, as one of the clearer voices in my earth-Monkey head when I'm alone.

Wow, I'm beginning to feel like this place is a broken record full of religious all attempting to make the same rhetoric the issue yet what they all avoid is

You don't read the post you're responding to before hitting reply, do you? :rolleyes-41:
Everything in the bible after the foundation of the religion which in this case is the factually proven lie referred to as god, was stolen from society, from the paranormal, from the dead even in attempt to attribute every thing they steal to their factually proven foundation of lies to aid the greedy and the selfish to continue to take advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many. If you had watched the video, you would have seen that coming.

I already knew that you prided yourself on ignorance the moment I learned you degrade yourself by claiming to believe in already falsified religious lies.


David Jeffrey SPetch
Ps. be good, be strong!


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