Sweden did not have a lockdown. Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1. The actual number was 2,769.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
It's getting harder and harder for the shutdown Nazis to justify continuing this farce:

Sweden did not have a lockdown.
Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1.
The actual number was 2,769.
The Telegraph just reported:
How Sweden suppressed infection rates without a lockdown
Denmark locked down hard and early, shutting schools, borders, cafés, restaurants and shops. Sweden has taken a light-touch approach, shutting none of these things, and instead relying on the public’s “common sense behaviour”.
If the R number is 1, it means that each person infected goes on to infect an average of one other person during the course of their illness. So long as a country keeps R below one, the number of infections will steadily decrease until the pandemic comes to an end.
The Public Health Institute of Sweden estimated that Sweden’s R number has fallen from 1.4 at the start of April to 0.85 at the end of April.
Denmark’s SSI infectious diseases agency, meanwhile, estimated that Denmark’s had fallen from about 1 at the start of April to about 0.9 at the end of April.
Sweden’s numbers are a standing rebuke to the Imperial College study that has done so much to influence UK policy. Researchers at the university predicted that Sweden’s approach would leave it with an R of above 3, leading to 40,000 coronavirus deaths by May 1. Sweden’s current death tally is just 2,769.
Uno Wennergren, a mathematician and pandemic modeller at Linköping University, suspects Sweden’s low number in part comes from growing levels of immunity in Stockholm, where the outbreak has so far been concentrated, and in part from social distancing.
“It looks like its a combination of herd immunity effect and lower infectability. Both seem to be acting simultaneously,” he said.
Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell now estimates that as many as a quarter of people in Stockholm might already be immune. The capital might have herd immunity within weeks, he argues.
Rural Infection Rates Spike As Urban Outbreaks Subside, Data Says

As COVID-19 may be on a slow, downward trend in the hotspots of New York City, New Orleans, and Detroit, the virus appears to be finding new ground elsewhere: in rural America.

Data compiled by the Kaiser Family Foundation suggests that infection rates are increasing at higher rates in rural areas than in urban settings.

It’s a significant, if not unsurprising trend: the disease is fanning out from big, urban areas like New York City to more sparsely populated parts of the country.

New Gov’t Document: COVID Deaths Projected To Increase To 3,000 Per Day By June 1

The Trump administration anticipates that more than 3,000 Americans will be dying each day of COVID-19 by June 1, according to a newly revealed internal government document obtained by the New York Times.

The Times obtained an internal Centers for Disease Control document providing detailed projections on the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic around the country. The data goes up to May 2.

The document says that new cases will grow to a rate of around 225,000 per day by June 1, and that deaths will reach around 3,000 per day by the same date.
Just the facts, dude.
Every leftist will be here shortly to "debunk" this and tell us how we are all going to die.

Why is it that all the leftists want this to be worse than it is? Could there be a motive?


Oh come on, not only am I an extreme leftist and support herd immunity instead of a lock down, but Sweden is famous for being about the most leftist country in the world. Lets not try to politicize everything.

If you want to identify the influence of partisanship, then say Democrats, not leftists.
Every leftist will be here shortly to "debunk" this and tell us how we are all going to die.

Why is it that all the leftists want this to be worse than it is? Could there be a motive?


Oh come on, not only am I an extreme leftist and support herd immunity instead of a lock down, but Sweden is famous for being about the most leftist country in the world. Lets not try to politicize everything.

If you want to identify the influence of partisanship, then say Democrats, not leftists.
The many Democrats I know are far more to the center than Leftists.
Rural Infection Rates Spike As Urban Outbreaks Subside, Data Says

As COVID-19 may be on a slow, downward trend in the hotspots of New York City, New Orleans, and Detroit, the virus appears to be finding new ground elsewhere: in rural America.

Data compiled by the Kaiser Family Foundation suggests that infection rates are increasing at higher rates in rural areas than in urban settings.

It’s a significant, if not unsurprising trend: the disease is fanning out from big, urban areas like New York City to more sparsely populated parts of the country.

New Gov’t Document: COVID Deaths Projected To Increase To 3,000 Per Day By June 1

The Trump administration anticipates that more than 3,000 Americans will be dying each day of COVID-19 by June 1, according to a newly revealed internal government document obtained by the New York Times.

The Times obtained an internal Centers for Disease Control document providing detailed projections on the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic around the country. The data goes up to May 2.

The document says that new cases will grow to a rate of around 225,000 per day by June 1, and that deaths will reach around 3,000 per day by the same date.
Just the facts, dude.

Sure, epidemics will spread.
But that will happen whether or not there is a lock down, because we still have a common food chain that prevent lock downs from actually doing any good.

It is still a simple fact that the least deaths come from the quickest that herd immunity is achieved, (with things like COVID-19).
Every leftist will be here shortly to "debunk" this and tell us how we are all going to die.

Why is it that all the leftists want this to be worse than it is? Could there be a motive?


Oh come on, not only am I an extreme leftist and support herd immunity instead of a lock down, but Sweden is famous for being about the most leftist country in the world. Lets not try to politicize everything.

If you want to identify the influence of partisanship, then say Democrats, not leftists.
The many Democrats I know are far more to the center than Leftists.

Many Democrats I know are right wing fascists, like those who want centralized monopolies on firearms, supported the illegal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, implemented the illegal federal War on Drug, etc.
Rural Infection Rates Spike As Urban Outbreaks Subside, Data Says

As COVID-19 may be on a slow, downward trend in the hotspots of New York City, New Orleans, and Detroit, the virus appears to be finding new ground elsewhere: in rural America.

Data compiled by the Kaiser Family Foundation suggests that infection rates are increasing at higher rates in rural areas than in urban settings.

It’s a significant, if not unsurprising trend: the disease is fanning out from big, urban areas like New York City to more sparsely populated parts of the country.

New Gov’t Document: COVID Deaths Projected To Increase To 3,000 Per Day By June 1

The Trump administration anticipates that more than 3,000 Americans will be dying each day of COVID-19 by June 1, according to a newly revealed internal government document obtained by the New York Times.

The Times obtained an internal Centers for Disease Control document providing detailed projections on the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic around the country. The data goes up to May 2.

The document says that new cases will grow to a rate of around 225,000 per day by June 1, and that deaths will reach around 3,000 per day by the same date.
Just the facts, dude.

How is it "fanning out" unless people from these urban areas are visiting people from rural areas? Every small province in Canada has hardly been hit, and they won't get hit even as some are starting to slowly open. Ontario and Quebec are by far the biggest hit places.

I can't see suburban America get hit with this virus unless it is introduced somehow. Unless 1000 infected people from New York for instance, all decide to bus up to Kansas, I think most areas are safe.
Every leftist will be here shortly to "debunk" this and tell us how we are all going to die.

Why is it that all the leftists want this to be worse than it is? Could there be a motive?


Oh come on, not only am I an extreme leftist and support herd immunity instead of a lock down, but Sweden is famous for being about the most leftist country in the world. Lets not try to politicize everything.

If you want to identify the influence of partisanship, then say Democrats, not leftists.
The many Democrats I know are far more to the center than Leftists.

Many Democrats I know are right wing fascists, like those who want centralized monopolies on firearms, supported the illegal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, implemented the illegal federal War on Drug, etc.
Those Democrats are what I call Portfolio Democrats.
You see, Democrats also like it when their investments skyrocket in value.
Rural Infection Rates Spike As Urban Outbreaks Subside, Data Says

As COVID-19 may be on a slow, downward trend in the hotspots of New York City, New Orleans, and Detroit, the virus appears to be finding new ground elsewhere: in rural America.

Data compiled by the Kaiser Family Foundation suggests that infection rates are increasing at higher rates in rural areas than in urban settings.

It’s a significant, if not unsurprising trend: the disease is fanning out from big, urban areas like New York City to more sparsely populated parts of the country.

New Gov’t Document: COVID Deaths Projected To Increase To 3,000 Per Day By June 1

The Trump administration anticipates that more than 3,000 Americans will be dying each day of COVID-19 by June 1, according to a newly revealed internal government document obtained by the New York Times.

The Times obtained an internal Centers for Disease Control document providing detailed projections on the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic around the country. The data goes up to May 2.

The document says that new cases will grow to a rate of around 225,000 per day by June 1, and that deaths will reach around 3,000 per day by the same date.
Just the facts, dude.
A slight increase is not a "spike," moron.
Danfromsquirrelhill again? He kind of lost the last go around.

Every country that borders Sweden has a lower death rate and Finland is already looking at opening back up while Sweden has undertested compared to all of it's neighbors.
Rural Infection Rates Spike As Urban Outbreaks Subside, Data Says

As COVID-19 may be on a slow, downward trend in the hotspots of New York City, New Orleans, and Detroit, the virus appears to be finding new ground elsewhere: in rural America.

Data compiled by the Kaiser Family Foundation suggests that infection rates are increasing at higher rates in rural areas than in urban settings.

It’s a significant, if not unsurprising trend: the disease is fanning out from big, urban areas like New York City to more sparsely populated parts of the country.

New Gov’t Document: COVID Deaths Projected To Increase To 3,000 Per Day By June 1

The Trump administration anticipates that more than 3,000 Americans will be dying each day of COVID-19 by June 1, according to a newly revealed internal government document obtained by the New York Times.

The Times obtained an internal Centers for Disease Control document providing detailed projections on the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic around the country. The data goes up to May 2.

The document says that new cases will grow to a rate of around 225,000 per day by June 1, and that deaths will reach around 3,000 per day by the same date.
Just the facts, dude.
The "facts"? Another projection from another model are facts? How many times do you have to be burned by bogus model numbers before you wake up?
Danfromsquirrelhill again? He kind of lost the last go around.

Every country that borders Sweden has a lower death rate and Finland is already looking at opening back up while Sweden has undertested compared to all of it's neighbors.
He simply quoted an article from the Daily Telegraph.
Rural Infection Rates Spike As Urban Outbreaks Subside, Data Says

As COVID-19 may be on a slow, downward trend in the hotspots of New York City, New Orleans, and Detroit, the virus appears to be finding new ground elsewhere: in rural America.

Data compiled by the Kaiser Family Foundation suggests that infection rates are increasing at higher rates in rural areas than in urban settings.

It’s a significant, if not unsurprising trend: the disease is fanning out from big, urban areas like New York City to more sparsely populated parts of the country.

New Gov’t Document: COVID Deaths Projected To Increase To 3,000 Per Day By June 1

The Trump administration anticipates that more than 3,000 Americans will be dying each day of COVID-19 by June 1, according to a newly revealed internal government document obtained by the New York Times.

The Times obtained an internal Centers for Disease Control document providing detailed projections on the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic around the country. The data goes up to May 2.

The document says that new cases will grow to a rate of around 225,000 per day by June 1, and that deaths will reach around 3,000 per day by the same date.
Just the facts, dude.

Meanwhile, the top seven states in the 10 most infected are all blue states. We need the national guard, local officials, and military at all primary, secondary, and tertiary routes around these 7 liberal states. They need to stay locked down for years. Lol.
Danfromsquirrelhill again? He kind of lost the last go around.

Every country that borders Sweden has a lower death rate and Finland is already looking at opening back up while Sweden has undertested compared to all of it's neighbors.
He simply quoted an article from the Daily Telegraph.

That still makes him wrong.
Danfromsquirrelhill again? He kind of lost the last go around.

Every country that borders Sweden has a lower death rate and Finland is already looking at opening back up while Sweden has undertested compared to all of it's neighbors.
He simply quoted an article from the Daily Telegraph.

That still makes him wrong.
No it doesn't, turd. Have you ever heard of the logical fallacy known as "ad hominem?"
Rural Infection Rates Spike As Urban Outbreaks Subside, Data Says

As COVID-19 may be on a slow, downward trend in the hotspots of New York City, New Orleans, and Detroit, the virus appears to be finding new ground elsewhere: in rural America.

Data compiled by the Kaiser Family Foundation suggests that infection rates are increasing at higher rates in rural areas than in urban settings.

It’s a significant, if not unsurprising trend: the disease is fanning out from big, urban areas like New York City to more sparsely populated parts of the country.

New Gov’t Document: COVID Deaths Projected To Increase To 3,000 Per Day By June 1

The Trump administration anticipates that more than 3,000 Americans will be dying each day of COVID-19 by June 1, according to a newly revealed internal government document obtained by the New York Times.

The Times obtained an internal Centers for Disease Control document providing detailed projections on the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic around the country. The data goes up to May 2.

The document says that new cases will grow to a rate of around 225,000 per day by June 1, and that deaths will reach around 3,000 per day by the same date.
Just the facts, dude.
The "facts"? Another projection from another model are facts? How many times do you have to be burned by bogus model numbers before you wake up?

This is just another poster, repeating the lies of the establishment corporate media, which does the bidding of the STATE pols who have an agenda to throw out the constitution and quash freedom.

CDC Keeps Nation in Lockdown Using Incomplete & Probable Death Numbers

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