Susan Gibson - Democrat hopeful


Sheep Dipped Boy Scout
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 12, 2014
Plasticville U.S.A
Oh yeah baby.......looks like she has all the qualifications to run. A true the raw? Evil repo's are trying to derail her campaign..... :auiqs.jpg:

Makes one think what she'd do to get a bill passed.

  • Susanna Gibson rejected calls for her to drop out of the race for a highly competitive seat in suburban Richmond
  • The nurse practitioner and 40-year-old mother of two was outed for performing sex acts with her husband online and encouraging viewers to pay with tips
  • 'It won't intimidate me and it won't silence me,' Gibson said, while blaming Republicans for trying to derail her campaign
Susanna Gibson can be seen in videos obtained by performing sex acts with her husband online and encouraging watchers to pay them with 'tips' for specific requests.
My political opponents and their Republican allies have proven they're willing to commit a sex crime to attack me and my family because there's no line they won't cross to silence women when they speak up,' she said.

The newly-unearthed videos show the political candidate was anything but scrupulous about her online sexual trysts - they were posted to Chaturbate, a platform that says it is named for 'the act of masturbating while chatting online.'
Gibson can be seen in the videos asking viewers for 'tips' to request specific sex acts - in violation of Chaturbate's terms and conditions, which say: 'Requesting or demanding specific acts for tips may result in a ban from the Platform for all parties involved.'

In one clip obtained by, Gibson tells her husband: 'I'll let you f*** me in the a** doggy style in a private room if someone wants to pay. That's the deal.'

At another point she says: 'Y'all can watch me pee if you tip me and some tokens - again, I'm raising money for a good cause.'

At another, Gibson explains she is in an open relationship with her husband even though he 'doesn't like sharing.'

'Yeah I f*** random strangers if you're hot,' she says.

'We have tried swapping. I was telling them earlier about ethical non-monogamy.

'We, uh - he doesn't like sharing.'

Dem candidate performed sex acts with her husband online
:puke:Don't put anything online you may not want some people to see! Recubate?:puke:
Everyone has their own sexual preferences. It is why I shy away from labels like straight and gay.
But as my Uncle would ask - ''can she do the job she is running for ?''
If she keeps doing this sort of thing after being elected then we have a problem.
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She's really milking the victim card too, trying to claim she's the recipient of revenge porn and anti-woman sentiment. Her personal life is her personal life, but the people she wants to represent do have a right to know who they are electing. Furthermore, I don't know how she thought she could be put these videos of her publicly out on the Internet and then run for political office not thinking at some point someone would recognize her.
But as my Uncle would ask - ''can she do the job she is running for ?''
If she keeps doing this sort of thing after being elected then we have a problem.
Goes to integrity.....just because there are so many these days lacking it, doesn't make it right.
She's really milking the victim card too, trying to claim she's the recipient of revenge porn and anti-woman sentiment. Her personal life is her personal life, but the people she wants to represent do have a right to know who they are electing. Furthermore, I don't know how she thought she could be put these videos of her publicly out on the Internet and then run for political office not thinking at some point someone would recognize her.
Puts the term 'back room deal' in a new light.
If you are going to post about Virginia then get things straight......The seat she is running for is in C-Ville/Albemarle county. A dem district no where near Richmond.

Already a thread on this anyway.

I wonder what her two small children will think when they inevitably find out?

It's one thing to say it's two adults acting in consenting behavior, but when you have kids, it's despicable.
I wonder what her two small children will think when they inevitably find out?

It's one thing to say it's two adults acting in consenting behavior, but when you have kids, it's despicable.

Kind of like banging a Porn Star I guess
Ah, yes. And not a single Democrat has demanded she withdraw, from the race that is.

This is certainly awkward and I would think disqualifying but these days who knows. A Virginia House of Delegates candidate named Susanna Gibson streamed video of herself and her husband having sex while asking viewers to send them money.

Susanna Gibson, a nurse practitioner and mother of two young children running in a highly competitive suburban Richmond district, streamed sex acts on Chaturbate, a platform that says it takes its name from “the act of masturbating while chatting online.”

Chaturbate videos are streamed live on that site and are often archived on other publicly available sites. More than a dozen videos of the couple captured from the Chaturbate streamwere archived on one of those sites — Recurbate — in September 2022, after she entered the race. The most recent were two videos archived on Sept. 30, 2022. It is unclear when the live stream occurred.

The videos have apparently been pulled down but the Washington Post found several of them on another site where they are still posted. The Post doesn’t identify that site by name.

In multiple videos, Gibson interrupts sex acts to type into a bedside computer. Speaking directly into the screen, she urges viewers to provide tips, which are paid through “tokens” purchased through the site. In at least two videos, she agrees to perform certain acts only in a “private room,” an arrangement that requires the viewer to pay more.

“I need, like, more tokens before I let him do that,” she responds to a request that they perform a certain act. “One token, no. More. Raising money for a good cause.”

Almost immediately, as tips apparently arrive, she says “thank you” five times and tells her husband she will agree to that act.

Was the good cause her campaign? It may have been but she hasn’t said. The Post has done its best to strip (excuse the pun) all of the details out of this and make it as anodyne as possible. The Daily Wire report is a lot more blunt:

Gibson said she has had sex with three men in one day, and “don’t tell my husband he was the third. I would say ethnically nonmonogamous but I guess that three in one day was not.”…

She filmed the videos with her husband, lawyer John David Gibson, who ensured that the raunchiest acts were reserved for the biggest spendings, saying “no anal outside of private.”

She said that “he doesn’t like sharing,” with Gibson saying “Sometimes I have to though. She makes me.”

Granted there’s nothing illegal going on here since everyone involved is a consenting adult. The question is whether or not Democratic voters will decide a candidate making porn movies at home is disqualifying. Ten years ago I don’t think this would have even been a question. These days I’m not sure. Gibson’s approach so far appears to be to cast herself as the victim of revenge porn:

“It won’t intimidate me and it won’t silence me,” Gibson added. “My political opponents and their Republican allies have proven they’re willing to commit a sex crime to attack me and my family because there’s no line they won’t cross to silence women when they speak up.”

Gibson’s lawyer, Daniel P. Watkins, told the outlet that spreading the videos could be a violation of the state’s revenge porn law, a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Regular readers will know that I’m on record as saying anyone engaged in revenge porn is a dirtbag. However, I’m not sure that applies in this case since the porn in question was apparently posted by Susanna Gibson. According to the Post: “Gibson originally live-streamed these sexual acts on a site that was not password-protected. The couple had more than 5,700 followers there.”


Ah, yes. And not a single Democrat has demanded she withdraw, from the race that is.

This is certainly awkward and I would think disqualifying but these days who knows. A Virginia House of Delegates candidate named Susanna Gibson streamed video of herself and her husband having sex while asking viewers to send them money.
The videos have apparently been pulled down but the Washington Post found several of them on another site where they are still posted. The Post doesn’t identify that site by name.
Was the good cause her campaign? It may have been but she hasn’t said. The Post has done its best to strip (excuse the pun) all of the details out of this and make it as anodyne as possible. The Daily Wire report is a lot more blunt:
Granted there’s nothing illegal going on here since everyone involved is a consenting adult. The question is whether or not Democratic voters will decide a candidate making porn movies at home is disqualifying. Ten years ago I don’t think this would have even been a question. These days I’m not sure. Gibson’s approach so far appears to be to cast herself as the victim of revenge porn:
Regular readers will know that I’m on record as saying anyone engaged in revenge porn is a dirtbag. However, I’m not sure that applies in this case since the porn in question was apparently posted by Susanna Gibson. According to the Post: “Gibson originally live-streamed these sexual acts on a site that was not password-protected. The couple had more than 5,700 followers there.”

Well, if it's for a good cause.

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