SURPRISE: Obama Decides to Build a Border Security Wall. Only One Problem: It’s in Africa.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Here's one for all you open borders turds who claim a fence/wall won't work. Apparently your messiah disagrees with you.

In 2005 then-Governor of Arizona Janet Napolitano famously said that building a wall on the southern border of the United States to stem the flow of illegal immigration would be ineffective. “You show me a 50-foot wall and I’ll show you a 51-foot ladder at the border. That’s the way the border works,” she argued.

That deep seeded focus on domestic security was apparently enough for President Obama to eventually appoint her as head of the Department of Homeland Security, overseeing the safety of the American people.

An actual wall designed to keep unknown individuals and potential terrorists out of the country, however, was never part of the security infrastructure and was never effectively implemented in the years following.

Because, of course, walls don’t work.

Except when you are building them in foreign countries.

Though the broader mainline media refuses to touch this story, it shows just how politicized the debate over illegal immigration in the United States has become.

A wall is apparently good enough to stop Boko Haram terrorists in Africa, but would do little in the way of stopping the rising tide of undocumented immigration into the U.S.

The Diffa assembly proved to be a modest success not merely for its distrustful tribes but also to get a tiny team of fewer than 20 US Special Operations Forces running an experiment which is a part of President Barack Obama’s new counterterrorism strategy.

The soldiers, who helped supply a ring of security and supported the assembly, wear uniforms, as well as don’t go into battle.
What other continent could he possibly choose? Gotta make his mark on the place of his heritage. Couldn't he simply have just drained his snake there, marking the spot, and let it go at that? But that would be the INexpensive route to go and we all know that doesn't happen in his reign.
Boko Haram isn't comparable to immigrants looking for a better life. :alcoholic:
Yup, they say a fence won't work here and it's too expensive. Many other countries, including Mexico, disagree. Of course, having armed border guards who are actually permitted to defend themselves when attacked would be a huge plus. Our border patrol are apparently just there to assist those who illegally cross.

We need a fence/wall and more security. Every other country sees the need for security.

Obama just wants to make sure that future Dem voters aren't kept out. He is trying to fast track citizenship for the illegals and he just made a speech and told them all that there is no need to assimilate to our country. I guess expecting people to speak the language, pledge loyalty to the U.S. and follow our laws has been deemed discriminatory. If they are still loyal to an enemy of the U.S. and our allies, they should not be allowed in. Fuck them.

Obama favors radical Muslims every single time over Americans. He also favors illegal immigrants who are likely to support the party that encouraged them to run roughshod over the American citizens and our way of life. Votes are worth more than the safety and well being of America. That is what our lack of border security is all about. He knows building a wall or fence in Africa will protect the people there. He could care less how many citizens here get killed by scumbags who habitually commit heinous crimes and have been deported numerous times. He and the sanctuary cities want to ensure that anyone who wants to can easily come back across the border.

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