Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer Says He Hasn’t Decided When He’ll Retire


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
He will not comply. :auiqs.jpg:

Breyer’s comments may frustrate progressive groups with fresh memories of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg choosing not to retire under President Barack Obama. Former President Donald Trump nominated conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett to Ginsburg’s seat after her death.

“By all appearances, Justice Breyer is intent on making us all hold our collective breath that no Democratic senators fall ill over the next year in order to indulge his desire to continue serving on the Court,” Brian Fallon, executive director of Demand Justice, a progressive advocacy group, said Thursday in a statement.

“This new report suggests Justice Breyer’s desire to stay is based less on a high-minded notion that he might somehow preserve the Court’s reputation for independence, and more on the fact that he finds it personally fulfilling to get the chance to serve in the role of the Court’s senior liberal,” Fallon added. “In other words, this is about ego. Already, some of Justice Breyer’s clerks are starting to speak out against their former boss’ apparent decision to stay, which is a sign of how widely held the view is that Breyer is acting recklessly.”

Liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer Says He Hasn't Decided When He'll Retire
He's stupid, especially with RBG's recent example of what a bad idea this is. He's gambling that the GOP doesn't get a majority in the Senate in '22. If they do Biden or Harris will have to nominate a moderate to have any hope of getting confirmation. As is, they can nominate a raving liberal and get confirmation with Harris breaking the tie.
He will not comply. :auiqs.jpg:

Breyer’s comments may frustrate progressive groups with fresh memories of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg choosing not to retire under President Barack Obama. Former President Donald Trump nominated conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett to Ginsburg’s seat after her death.

“By all appearances, Justice Breyer is intent on making us all hold our collective breath that no Democratic senators fall ill over the next year in order to indulge his desire to continue serving on the Court,” Brian Fallon, executive director of Demand Justice, a progressive advocacy group, said Thursday in a statement.

“This new report suggests Justice Breyer’s desire to stay is based less on a high-minded notion that he might somehow preserve the Court’s reputation for independence, and more on the fact that he finds it personally fulfilling to get the chance to serve in the role of the Court’s senior liberal,” Fallon added. “In other words, this is about ego. Already, some of Justice Breyer’s clerks are starting to speak out against their former boss’ apparent decision to stay, which is a sign of how widely held the view is that Breyer is acting recklessly.”

Liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer Says He Hasn't Decided When He'll Retire

They need to double his security and give him a food taster.....after ginsburg, the democrats are not going to take no for an answer......
the guy is smart in that he sees the scum demonRATS disassembling AMERICA...he should tell the scum demonRATs to fuck off, in no uncertain words....

He is part of that disassembling of America.........he just doesn't want to give up his slice of the power....
The minute a liberal justice gives in to these totalitarian leftist jackals, it's over. They're gonna demand everyone jump when they say because they've got a precedent.
he should be concerned about the---witnesses disappear--clintons....
the guy is smart in that he sees the scum demonRATS disassembling AMERICA...he should tell the scum demonRATs to fuck off, in no uncertain words....

He sees the mediocrity of a judge from the District Court appointed to the Circuit Court in D.C. That is one Ketanji Brown Jackson whose only qualifications are being black and female.

And he knows she is the most likely name to be called to replace him. And if not her some equally mediocre individual based on race, gender, whatever.

Long-life to the current Republican appointees.

And stick to your beliefs, Mr. Breyer.
He's stupid, especially with RBG's recent example of what a bad idea this is. He's gambling that the GOP doesn't get a majority in the Senate in '22. If they do Biden or Harris will have to nominate a moderate to have any hope of getting confirmation. As is, they can nominate a raving liberal and get confirmation with Harris breaking the tie.

Could just be that it doesn't matter to him, because he'll be dead at that point anyway.
After stealing the last Presidential election, so far, Democrats just can't figure out why they can't railroad a sitting SC justice into retiring, totalitarian assholes that they are
Naming a SC judge is like picking a QB in the NFL draft. You're only making an educated guess on how they'll turn out. In my life, Obama was the only President who actually appointed 2 judges who turned out to be blatant partisans.

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