Suppose the Russians did hack the DNC...............this means nothing

The Chinese hacked the US. government and Obama said nothing...........................None of this has any meaning, as Trump is still the President and Billary is still a loser.
While the emails were being released
Trump celebrated each revelation

Now, once he won
You claim they didn't mean anything
What was the information exposed by a Russian hack that could have influenced voters that wasn't already known?

Well as long as no new information was revealed- then its okay that Russia hacked to try to influence our election.

You folks sure do love your Putin.
You need to learn to keep separate issues separate. I never suggested I'd accept any country hacking our government. The question was about what exposed info could have possibly swayed anyone's voting decision given all the negatives Hillary already had. It's Democrats like you who are making it out to be more about politics and less about national security.
Democrats are bitter sore losers. They're just trying to sabotage Donald Trump. There is no credible evidence supporting the Democrat assertion Putin hacked our Election. It didn't happen. Wikileaks has said that it wasn't a Russian source. It's a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well if Wikileaks said it wasn't a Russian source- well that is proof.

Just ignore the FBI and Homeland Security Report.
If Assange said it wasn't the Russians and he was proven a liar, that would literally be the end of Wikileaks.

All Wikileaks has to defend its actions is the assumption that they only put out true information.

Exactly why the Democrats are throwing their hissy-fit. Wikileaks merely exposed the Party for what it is. It's one of the most corrupt institutions on earth. And they haven't proven Russia was involved with the Wikileaks info. It's a sore loser scam. Nothing more, nothing less.
Democrats are bitter sore losers. They're just trying to sabotage Donald Trump. There is no credible evidence supporting the Democrat assertion Putin hacked our Election. It didn't happen. Wikileaks has said that it wasn't a Russian source. It's a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well if Wikileaks said it wasn't a Russian source- well that is proof.

Just ignore the FBI and Homeland Security Report.
If Assange said it wasn't the Russians and he was proven a liar, that would literally be the end of Wikileaks.

All Wikileaks has to defend its actions is the assumption that they only put out true information.
Let's see, Assange's whole career is about exposing liars in government and Obama's whole career is about lying, so who would you believe?
Exactly my point.

If the head of Wikileaks is known as a liar, that will more than kill Wikileaks.
Democrats are bitter sore losers. They're just trying to sabotage Donald Trump. There is no credible evidence supporting the Democrat assertion Putin hacked our Election. It didn't happen. Wikileaks has said that it wasn't a Russian source. It's a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well if Wikileaks said it wasn't a Russian source- well that is proof.

Just ignore the FBI and Homeland Security Report.
If Assange said it wasn't the Russians and he was proven a liar, that would literally be the end of Wikileaks.

All Wikileaks has to defend its actions is the assumption that they only put out true information.

Exactly why the Democrats are throwing their hissy-fit..

And by 'hissy-fit' you mean actually listening to the Intelligence Agencies of the United States.
The Chinese hacked the US. government and Obama said nothing...........................None of this has any meaning, as Trump is still the President and Billary is still a loser.
While the emails were being released
Trump celebrated each revelation

Now, once he won
You claim they didn't mean anything
Sanders supporters were also cheering because they showed how the Party had worked to screw Sanders out of the nomination. It is impossible to demonstrate how the Wikileaks emails harmed the Clinton campaign but they did force Debbi Wasserman-Schulz to step down, so it makes more sense to assume the emails were leaked by Sanders supporters than to assume the Russians were foolish enough to give Wikileaks emails that could not have possibly influenced the election.
What was the information exposed by a Russian hack that could have influenced voters that wasn't already known?

Well as long as no new information was revealed- then its okay that Russia hacked to try to influence our election.

You folks sure do love your Putin.
. It's Democrats like you who are making it out to be more about politics and less about national security.

Oh please tell me how I have made this about politics and not national security?

I have repeatedly quoted our national security intelligence agencies who have specifically stated that Russia attempted to influence our national election.

This is not about Trump being elected- he was elected President- he will be inaugurated in a few days- this is about Russia attempting to interfere in our election.

And the faux Conservatives here who keep insisting that as long as they haven't seen the evidence of the interference that they will believe Wikileaks before our own security forces.
Democrats are bitter sore losers. They're just trying to sabotage Donald Trump. There is no credible evidence supporting the Democrat assertion Putin hacked our Election. It didn't happen. Wikileaks has said that it wasn't a Russian source. It's a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well if Wikileaks said it wasn't a Russian source- well that is proof.

Just ignore the FBI and Homeland Security Report.
If Assange said it wasn't the Russians and he was proven a liar, that would literally be the end of Wikileaks.

All Wikileaks has to defend its actions is the assumption that they only put out true information.

Exactly why the Democrats are throwing their hissy-fit..

And by 'hissy-fit' you mean actually listening to the Intelligence Agencies of the United States.

Intel agencies are saying Russia is involved with hacking against the US. And that's hardly news. We already knew that. Most nations on earth are engaged in hacking espionage. And that includes the US. But there is no evidence supporting Democrat claims of Russia being involved with the Wikileaks info. It did not hack our Election. Y'all are lying.
[. Russia did not hack our Election. That's just a Democrat sore loser scam. It didn't happen.

Where is the proof that Russia did not hack the election?
The burden of proof is on you retards for making the claim.

Dschrute3 said that Russia did not hack our election.

He made the claim.

Where is the proof that Russia did not hack our election?

I mean after the FBI and Homeland Security said that they did try- Dschrute3 must have some significant evidence that the FBI is wrong......
What was the information exposed by a Russian hack that could have influenced voters that wasn't already known?

Well as long as no new information was revealed- then its okay that Russia hacked to try to influence our election.

You folks sure do love your Putin.
. It's Democrats like you who are making it out to be more about politics and less about national security.

Oh please tell me how I have made this about politics and not national security?

I have repeatedly quoted our national security intelligence agencies who have specifically stated that Russia attempted to influence our national election.

This is not about Trump being elected- he was elected President- he will be inaugurated in a few days- this is about Russia attempting to interfere in our election.

And the faux Conservatives here who keep insisting that as long as they haven't seen the evidence of the interference that they will believe Wikileaks before our own security forces.
The only reason you care, as you've repeated, is relative to the election your side lost. You weren't concerned before the election.
The Chinese hacked the US. government and Obama said nothing...........................None of this has any meaning, as Trump is still the President and Billary is still a loser.

Exposing liberal corruption is not fair.
Their corruption must remain hidden!!!

Supporting a criminal enterprise aimed at the national security of this country makes you traitorous, if not an outright traitor.
Democrats are bitter sore losers. They're just trying to sabotage Donald Trump. There is no credible evidence supporting the Democrat assertion Putin hacked our Election. It didn't happen. Wikileaks has said that it wasn't a Russian source. It's a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well if Wikileaks said it wasn't a Russian source- well that is proof.

Just ignore the FBI and Homeland Security Report.
If Assange said it wasn't the Russians and he was proven a liar, that would literally be the end of Wikileaks.

All Wikileaks has to defend its actions is the assumption that they only put out true information.

Exactly why the Democrats are throwing their hissy-fit..

And by 'hissy-fit' you mean actually listening to the Intelligence Agencies of the United States.

Intel agencies are saying Russia is involved with hacking against the US. ..... It did not hack our Election. Y'all are lying.

How can I be lying when I am quoting our Intelligence Agencies?



n a joint report that roiled the presidential campaign last fall, the Homeland Security Department and the intelligence community said the U.S. was confident of foreign meddling, including Russian government hacking of Democratic emails.

In its assessment, the intelligence community has said Moscow interfered to help Republican Donald Trump win.

“We stand actually more resolutely on the strength of that statement than we did on the 7th of October,” James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, told the GOP-led Senate Armed Services Committee.
What was the information exposed by a Russian hack that could have influenced voters that wasn't already known?

Well as long as no new information was revealed- then its okay that Russia hacked to try to influence our election.

You folks sure do love your Putin.
. It's Democrats like you who are making it out to be more about politics and less about national security.

Oh please tell me how I have made this about politics and not national security?

I have repeatedly quoted our national security intelligence agencies who have specifically stated that Russia attempted to influence our national election.

This is not about Trump being elected- he was elected President- he will be inaugurated in a few days- this is about Russia attempting to interfere in our election.

And the faux Conservatives here who keep insisting that as long as they haven't seen the evidence of the interference that they will believe Wikileaks before our own security forces.
Since it is impossible to demonstrate how the Wikileaks emails might have influenced the election, you must think Russians are incredibly stupid to release harmless emails to Wikileaks, so one must wonder why the intel agencies stick to this story that defies common sense.
What was the information exposed by a Russian hack that could have influenced voters that wasn't already known?

Well as long as no new information was revealed- then its okay that Russia hacked to try to influence our election.

You folks sure do love your Putin.
. It's Democrats like you who are making it out to be more about politics and less about national security.

Oh please tell me how I have made this about politics and not national security?

I have repeatedly quoted our national security intelligence agencies who have specifically stated that Russia attempted to influence our national election.

This is not about Trump being elected- he was elected President- he will be inaugurated in a few days- this is about Russia attempting to interfere in our election.

And the faux Conservatives here who keep insisting that as long as they haven't seen the evidence of the interference that they will believe Wikileaks before our own security forces.
The only reason you care, as you've repeated, is relative to the election your side lost. You weren't concerned before the election.

I wasn't concerned until I heard that Russia was trying to hack the election.

The reason you are not concerned is because Donald Trump won the election.
What was the information exposed by a Russian hack that could have influenced voters that wasn't already known?

Well as long as no new information was revealed- then its okay that Russia hacked to try to influence our election.

You folks sure do love your Putin.
. It's Democrats like you who are making it out to be more about politics and less about national security.

Oh please tell me how I have made this about politics and not national security?

I have repeatedly quoted our national security intelligence agencies who have specifically stated that Russia attempted to influence our national election.

This is not about Trump being elected- he was elected President- he will be inaugurated in a few days- this is about Russia attempting to interfere in our election.

And the faux Conservatives here who keep insisting that as long as they haven't seen the evidence of the interference that they will believe Wikileaks before our own security forces.
Since it is impossible to demonstrate how the Wikileaks emails might have influenced the election, you must think Russians are incredibly stupid to release harmless emails to Wikileaks, so one must wonder why the intel agencies stick to this story that defies common sense.

Yes- if you can't think of why Russia did what it did- that must mean our Intelligence Agencies are wrong- and Russia is innocent.

n a joint report that roiled the presidential campaign last fall, the Homeland Security Department and the intelligence community said the U.S. was confident of foreign meddling, including Russian government hacking of Democratic emails.

In its assessment, the intelligence community has said Moscow interfered to help Republican Donald Trump win.

“We stand actually more resolutely on the strength of that statement than we did on the 7th of October,” James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, told the GOP-led Senate Armed Services Committee.
[. Russia did not hack our Election. That's just a Democrat sore loser scam. It didn't happen.

Where is the proof that Russia did not hack the election?
The burden of proof is on you retards for making the claim.

Dschrute3 said that Russia did not hack our election.

He made the claim.

Where is the proof that Russia did not hack our election?

I mean after the FBI and Homeland Security said that they did try- Dschrute3 must have some significant evidence that the FBI is wrong......

That's not what intelligence is saying. There is no evidence being presented that shows Russia being involved with the Wikileaks info. US intelligence isn't making that claim. Only Democrats are.

US intelligence is claiming that Russia is involved with hacking against the US. And that's true. But we already knew that. Most nations are engaged in hacking espionage. Putin did not hack our Election. Anyone making that assertion, is simply wrong... or lying.
[. Russia did not hack our Election. That's just a Democrat sore loser scam. It didn't happen.

Where is the proof that Russia did not hack the election?
The burden of proof is on you retards for making the claim.

Dschrute3 said that Russia did not hack our election.

He made the claim.

Where is the proof that Russia did not hack our election?

I mean after the FBI and Homeland Security said that they did try- Dschrute3 must have some significant evidence that the FBI is wrong......

That's not what intelligence is saying. There is no evidence being presented that shows Russia being involved with the Wikileaks info. US intelligence isn't making that claim. Only Democrats are.

US intelligence is claiming that Russia is involved with hacking against the US. And that's true. But we already knew that. Most nations are engaged in hacking espionage. Putin did not hack our Election. Anyone making that assertion, is simply wrong... or lying.
US intelligence has identified the go-betweens the Russians used to provide stolen emails to WikiLeaks, according to US officials familiar with the classified intelligence report that was presented to President Barack Obama on Thursday.

In a Fox News interview earlier this week, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange denied that Russia was the source of leaked Democratic emails that roiled the 2016 election to the detriment of President-elect Donald Trump's rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Meanwhile, US intelligence has received new information following the election that gave agencies increased confidence that Russia carried out the hack and did so, in part, to help Trump win.
What was the information exposed by a Russian hack that could have influenced voters that wasn't already known?

Well as long as no new information was revealed- then its okay that Russia hacked to try to influence our election.

You folks sure do love your Putin.
. It's Democrats like you who are making it out to be more about politics and less about national security.

Oh please tell me how I have made this about politics and not national security?

I have repeatedly quoted our national security intelligence agencies who have specifically stated that Russia attempted to influence our national election.

This is not about Trump being elected- he was elected President- he will be inaugurated in a few days- this is about Russia attempting to interfere in our election.

And the faux Conservatives here who keep insisting that as long as they haven't seen the evidence of the interference that they will believe Wikileaks before our own security forces.
The only reason you care, as you've repeated, is relative to the election your side lost. You weren't concerned before the election.

What does who cares about it or why or why not have anything to do with it. Hacking is a crime.
[. Russia did not hack our Election. That's just a Democrat sore loser scam. It didn't happen.

Where is the proof that Russia did not hack the election?
The burden of proof is on you retards for making the claim.

Dschrute3 said that Russia did not hack our election.

He made the claim.

Where is the proof that Russia did not hack our election?

I mean after the FBI and Homeland Security said that they did try- Dschrute3 must have some significant evidence that the FBI is wrong......

That's not what intelligence is saying. There is no evidence being presented that shows Russia being involved with the Wikileaks info. US intelligence isn't making that claim. Only Democrats are.

US intelligence is claiming that Russia is involved with hacking against the US. And that's true. But we already knew that. Most nations are engaged in hacking espionage. Putin did not hack our Election. Anyone making that assertion, is simply wrong... or lying.

A ton of evidence has been provided. You're in comic denial.
What was the information exposed by a Russian hack that could have influenced voters that wasn't already known?

Well as long as no new information was revealed- then its okay that Russia hacked to try to influence our election.

You folks sure do love your Putin.
. It's Democrats like you who are making it out to be more about politics and less about national security.

Oh please tell me how I have made this about politics and not national security?

I have repeatedly quoted our national security intelligence agencies who have specifically stated that Russia attempted to influence our national election.

This is not about Trump being elected- he was elected President- he will be inaugurated in a few days- this is about Russia attempting to interfere in our election.

And the faux Conservatives here who keep insisting that as long as they haven't seen the evidence of the interference that they will believe Wikileaks before our own security forces.
Since it is impossible to demonstrate how the Wikileaks emails might have influenced the election, you must think Russians are incredibly stupid to release harmless emails to Wikileaks, so one must wonder why the intel agencies stick to this story that defies common sense.

Yes- if you can't think of why Russia did what it did- that must mean our Intelligence Agencies are wrong- and Russia is innocent.

n a joint report that roiled the presidential campaign last fall, the Homeland Security Department and the intelligence community said the U.S. was confident of foreign meddling, including Russian government hacking of Democratic emails.

In its assessment, the intelligence community has said Moscow interfered to help Republican Donald Trump win.

“We stand actually more resolutely on the strength of that statement than we did on the 7th of October,” James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, told the GOP-led Senate Armed Services Committee.
And yet since it is impossible to demonstrate how the Wikileaks emails might have influenced the election, one must wonder why the intel agencies believe Russia would have done it. So far no proof or logical arguments have been provided to support these allegations.

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