Suppose the Russians did hack the DNC...............this means nothing

1. China hacks 20,000,000 personnel files, no action by the Obama administration
2. China hacks the plans for the newest F-35 Stealth fighter, no action by the Obama administration
3. Russia hacks the DNC exposing DNC cheating Bernie & Trump, and its an act of war??

The GOP needs to explain the faux outrage over the exposing of DNC cheating, hint: extra credit for releasing the emails hacked from Hillary's illegal bathroom server that were subpoenaed...
Democrats are bitter sore losers. They're just trying to sabotage Donald Trump. There is no credible evidence supporting the Democrat assertion Putin hacked our Election. It didn't happen. Wikileaks has said that it wasn't a Russian source. It's a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. Nothing more, nothing less.
You fucking bootlickers are hilarious. drumph sabotages himself every time the idiot opens his mouth or tweets. He doesn't need any help. LOL.

It's ok, most Americans despise whiny sore losers. You guys may think you're gonna come out ahead on this, but you won't. Voters will likely make you pay in 2020. So keep on sabotaging, it's gonna backfire on ya. Remember i told ya so.
We're all going to regret these next four years, if he even makes it that far, which I seriously doubt.

Speak for yourself, hater dipshit. I'm not part of your 'We're.' And your empty threats aren't scaring anyone. Most Americans hate whiny sore losers. They'll likely make you pay for it in 2020. So don't be so quick to count Trump out. You did that this time around. And how'd that work for ya? :)
The Chinese hacked the US. government and Obama said nothing...........................None of this has any meaning, as Trump is still the President and Billary is still a loser.

No surprise that you don't care if a foreign government tried to hack our Presidential elections.
No surprise that this is the rhetoric that you are still using.

No one hacked our 'presidential elections.' That was never even the claim. .
The Chinese hacked the US. government and Obama said nothing...........................None of this has any meaning, as Trump is still the President and Billary is still a loser.

No surprise that you don't care if a foreign government tried to hack our Presidential elections.
No surprise that this is the rhetoric that you are still using.

No one hacked our 'presidential elections.' That was never even the claim..
James Clapper says otherwise

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news.
1. China hacks 20,000,000 personnel files, no action by the Obama administration
2. China hacks the plans for the newest F-35 Stealth fighter, no action by the Obama administration
3. Russia hacks the DNC exposing DNC cheating Bernie & Trump, and its an act of war??

The GOP needs to explain the faux outrage over the exposing of DNC cheating, hint: extra credit for releasing the emails hacked from Hillary's illegal bathroom server that were subpoenaed...

Not surprised you don't care that Russia hacked to try to influence our election.
You know, the hack on the DNC concerns me less than the false news narrative that they have seemed to be rather successful in spreading. Now? Not only does the nation NOT trust the media any longer, they are willing to believe Facebook posts from their friends as gospel.

And being able to sway the mood of the country is a very dangerous thing if you know how to do it properly, and apparently, Russia figured it out.
Apparently, Obama and Clinton tried to sway the country with false news stories about Russians influencing the election,.

And by 'false news' you mean repeating what the FBI and the CIA reported.

Confirmed now by the Director of National Intelligence.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news.
Democrats are bitter sore losers. They're just trying to sabotage Donald Trump. There is no credible evidence supporting the Democrat assertion Putin hacked our Election. It didn't happen. Wikileaks has said that it wasn't a Russian source. It's a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well if Wikileaks said it wasn't a Russian source- well that is proof.

Just ignore the FBI and Homeland Security Report.
You know, the hack on the DNC concerns me less than the false news narrative that they have seemed to be rather successful in spreading. Now? Not only does the nation NOT trust the media any longer, they are willing to believe Facebook posts from their friends as gospel.

And being able to sway the mood of the country is a very dangerous thing if you know how to do it properly, and apparently, Russia figured it out.
Apparently, Obama and Clinton tried to sway the country with false news stories about Russians influencing the election,.

And by 'false news' you mean repeating what the FBI and the CIA reported.

Confirmed now by the Director of National Intelligence.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news.
None of them have said they have proof the Russians influenced the election or even tried to and one must wonder why Obama continues to refuse to allow them to show what intel they do have to Congress.
You know, the hack on the DNC concerns me less than the false news narrative that they have seemed to be rather successful in spreading. Now? Not only does the nation NOT trust the media any longer, they are willing to believe Facebook posts from their friends as gospel.

And being able to sway the mood of the country is a very dangerous thing if you know how to do it properly, and apparently, Russia figured it out.
Apparently, Obama and Clinton tried to sway the country with false news stories about Russians influencing the election,.

And by 'false news' you mean repeating what the FBI and the CIA reported.

Confirmed now by the Director of National Intelligence.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news.
None of them have said they have proof the Russians influenced the election or even tried to and one must wonder why Obama continues to refuse to allow them to show what intel they do have to Congress.

James Clapper: Congress to be briefed on intelligence review of Russia election hacks next week
James Clapper: Congress to be briefed on intelligence review of Russia election hacks next week

The full report, which details the sources and methods in which Moscow interfered with the election process via a series of cyberattacks and hacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta, was handed over to President Obama on Thursday, The Associated Press reported.

An unclassified, redacted version of the White House report will also be released to the public, Mr. Clapper said, sitting alongside Defense Undersecretary for Intelligence Marcel Lettre II and Adm. Mike Rogers, head of U.S. Cyber Command, who testified before members of the Senate Armed Services Committee the same day.
What was the information exposed by a Russian hack that could have influenced voters that wasn't already known?

Well as long as no new information was revealed- then its okay that Russia hacked to try to influence our election.

You folks sure do love your Putin.
Democrats are bitter sore losers. They're just trying to sabotage Donald Trump. There is no credible evidence supporting the Democrat assertion Putin hacked our Election. It didn't happen. Wikileaks has said that it wasn't a Russian source. It's a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well if Wikileaks said it wasn't a Russian source- well that is proof.

Just ignore the FBI and Homeland Security Report.

I don't trust Obama's FBI and Homeland Security as far as i can throw em. And the hearings today produced no evidence proving Russia was involved with the Wikileaks info. All it produced was evidence proving Russia is involved in hacking against the US and other nations.

But most nations in the world are involved with hacking espionage. And that includes the US. So it didn't reveal anything we didn't already know. Russia did not hack our Election. That's just a Democrat sore loser scam. It didn't happen.
Democrats are bitter sore losers. They're just trying to sabotage Donald Trump. There is no credible evidence supporting the Democrat assertion Putin hacked our Election. It didn't happen. Wikileaks has said that it wasn't a Russian source. It's a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well if Wikileaks said it wasn't a Russian source- well that is proof.

Just ignore the FBI and Homeland Security Report.

I don't trust Obama's FBI and Homeland Security as far as i can throw em. .

Of course you don't.

You put your trust in Wikileaks and Putin.
You know, the hack on the DNC concerns me less than the false news narrative that they have seemed to be rather successful in spreading. Now? Not only does the nation NOT trust the media any longer, they are willing to believe Facebook posts from their friends as gospel.

And being able to sway the mood of the country is a very dangerous thing if you know how to do it properly, and apparently, Russia figured it out.
Apparently, Obama and Clinton tried to sway the country with false news stories about Russians influencing the election,.

And by 'false news' you mean repeating what the FBI and the CIA reported.

Confirmed now by the Director of National Intelligence.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on the scope of the attack on the U.S. election: "This was a multifaceted campaign. So, the hacking was only one part of it and it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news.
None of them have said they have proof the Russians influenced the election or even tried to and one must wonder why Obama continues to refuse to allow them to show what intel they do have to Congress.

James Clapper: Congress to be briefed on intelligence review of Russia election hacks next week
James Clapper: Congress to be briefed on intelligence review of Russia election hacks next week

The full report, which details the sources and methods in which Moscow interfered with the election process via a series of cyberattacks and hacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta, was handed over to President Obama on Thursday, The Associated Press reported.

An unclassified, redacted version of the White House report will also be released to the public, Mr. Clapper said, sitting alongside Defense Undersecretary for Intelligence Marcel Lettre II and Adm. Mike Rogers, head of U.S. Cyber Command, who testified before members of the Senate Armed Services Committee the same day.
I hope it happens but they have also moved Trump's scheduled briefing from Wednesday to Friday, and we will have to see if they have any real proof of the Russians trying to influence the election or if it is of the same quality of intel that led them to believe Iraq had wmd's.
Democrats are bitter sore losers. They're just trying to sabotage Donald Trump. There is no credible evidence supporting the Democrat assertion Putin hacked our Election. It didn't happen. Wikileaks has said that it wasn't a Russian source. It's a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well if Wikileaks said it wasn't a Russian source- well that is proof.

Just ignore the FBI and Homeland Security Report.
If Assange said it wasn't the Russians and he was proven a liar, that would literally be the end of Wikileaks.

All Wikileaks has to defend its actions is the assumption that they only put out true information.
Democrats are bitter sore losers. They're just trying to sabotage Donald Trump. There is no credible evidence supporting the Democrat assertion Putin hacked our Election. It didn't happen. Wikileaks has said that it wasn't a Russian source. It's a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well if Wikileaks said it wasn't a Russian source- well that is proof.

Just ignore the FBI and Homeland Security Report.

I don't trust Obama's FBI and Homeland Security as far as i can throw em. .

Of course you don't.

You put your trust in Wikileaks and Putin.

Actually, i do trust Wikileaks more than i do the FBI and Homeland Security. It exposes truth. And that's exactly why the Democrats are throwing their hissy-fit. It exposed their Party for what it is. It's one of the most corrupt institutions on earth.
Democrats are bitter sore losers. They're just trying to sabotage Donald Trump. There is no credible evidence supporting the Democrat assertion Putin hacked our Election. It didn't happen. Wikileaks has said that it wasn't a Russian source. It's a pathetic Democrat sore loser scam. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well if Wikileaks said it wasn't a Russian source- well that is proof.

Just ignore the FBI and Homeland Security Report.
If Assange said it wasn't the Russians and he was proven a liar, that would literally be the end of Wikileaks.

All Wikileaks has to defend its actions is the assumption that they only put out true information.
Let's see, Assange's whole career is about exposing liars in government and Obama's whole career is about lying, so who would you believe?

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