Suddenly dissent is no longer *patriotic*. Funny how things change...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
When the left is not in power, dissent is patriotic.

At the top, it's a different story:

"The left is trying to shut down the opposition. When they were out of power, dissent was patriotic. Now that they are in power, they want to use both the state and intimidation in the public square to shut down opposing views. It goes beyond boycotts to financially intimidate those who disagree with them. Now, the left is showing up at the private homes of American citizens they disagree with to intimidate them, threaten them, harass them, and make them pay for daring to have a different view."

The Left No Longer Finds Dissent Patriotic | RedState
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When the left is not in power, dissent is patriotic.

At the top, it's a different story:

"The left is trying to shut down the opposition. When they were out of power, dissent was patriotic. Now that they are in power, they want to use both the state and intimidation in the public square to shut down opposing views. It goes beyond boycotts to financially intimidate those who disagree with them. Now, the left is showing up at the private homes of American citizens they disagree with to intimidate them, threaten them, harass them, and make them pay for daring to have a different view."

The Left No Longer Finds Dissent Patriotic | RedState
how is this any different from then the GOP is in power? hypocrite
What is different is the left's response.

When the GOP is in power, you proclaim dissent is "patriotic".

When dems are in power, you proclaim it's criminal, and call out the goons.
Ooooo its make believe time!

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
— Hillary Rodham Clinton
What is different is the left's response.

When the GOP is in power, you proclaim dissent is "patriotic".

When dems are in power, you proclaim it's criminal, and call out the goons.
youre only look at how one side is viewing things.

right now the GOP sees dissent at patriotic, because they arent in power. remember Jan Brewer at the airport, and "You Lie"? they say that at patriotic. but when the GOP is in power and the Dems are against their way of governing, the dems are now "unpatriotic."

your argument is retarded.
Of course, the existence of the occupy movement destroys the idea that the "left" all have the same changeable opinion of dissent or that we are so easily led or that all dissent is created equal. The right certainly considers their dissenters more patriotic than OWS and vise-versa.
That's because OWS is an acronym for Out-of-our-fucking-minds Wingnut Scum...formerly known as mentally ill street people and inmates. Even the lefties have stopped pretending they're anything else.
Now, the left is showing up at the private homes of American citizens they disagree with to intimidate them, threaten them, harass them, and make them pay for daring to have a different view.

threaten them with what? hand woven brickenstocks & bongs? ~S~
Of course, the existence of the occupy movement destroys the idea that the "left" all have the same changeable opinion of dissent or that we are so easily led or that all dissent is created equal. The right certainly considers their dissenters more patriotic than OWS and vise-versa.

At least right wing protesters don't cause all kinds of property damage and other violence
Ooooo its make believe time!

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
— Hillary Rodham Clinton

And your point?

Are you admitting that you don't recognize Senator Clinton endorsing the OP?
Of course, the existence of the occupy movement destroys the idea that the "left" all have the same changeable opinion of dissent or that we are so easily led or that all dissent is created equal. The right certainly considers their dissenters more patriotic than OWS and vise-versa.

At least right wing protesters don't cause all kinds of property damage and other violence


“The Tea Party picks up its trash after it has a demonstration, there’s a difference,...”
Bachmann: Unlike Occupy, Tea Party 'Picks Up Its Trash' - GOP candidate sees no parallels between two groups
When the left is not in power, dissent is patriotic.

At the top, it's a different story:

"The left is trying to shut down the opposition. When they were out of power, dissent was patriotic. Now that they are in power, they want to use both the state and intimidation in the public square to shut down opposing views. It goes beyond boycotts to financially intimidate those who disagree with them. Now, the left is showing up at the private homes of American citizens they disagree with to intimidate them, threaten them, harass them, and make them pay for daring to have a different view."

The Left No Longer Finds Dissent Patriotic | RedState

How is the "state" being used. I remember that the Bush people have folks arrested because they didn't like their tshirts. If you want to bitch about demonstrating in front of peoples' homes, I suggest you compare it to those anti-choice peoples' wanted lists, with big exes on those healthcare providers murdered by their minions.
The left will continue to use tactics of threats and intimidation until the people start fighting back. When union thugs showed up at a private home to intimidate a terrified 14 year old boy, had that boy been frightened enough to shoot a couple of them, it would have stopped.

When Prop 8 won, gay activists shut down a restaurant until a waitress who donated to the campaign was fired. Had the patrons in that restaurant got up and started bodily throwning activists through windows it would stop. When gay activists went into a church service to vandalize the place on a Sunday filled with cogregants, they just sat there and let it happen. If everyone in those pews got up and started knocking heads together, it would stop.

The OWS protesters targeted children walking to school so parents provided escorts past the crowd of filthy vermin screaming at the kids. The parents should have escorted with baseball bats and tire irons.

Threats and intimidation works as long as it works. When it is forcefully stopped it won't work anymore.
What is different is the left's response.

When the GOP is in power, you proclaim dissent is "patriotic".

When dems are in power, you proclaim it's criminal, and call out the goons.
youre only look at how one side is viewing things.

right now the GOP sees dissent at patriotic, because they arent in power. remember Jan Brewer at the airport, and "You Lie"? they say that at patriotic. but when the GOP is in power and the Dems are against their way of governing, the dems are now "unpatriotic."

your argument is retarded.

What she was trying to say is dissent is just dandy as long as its the liberals who are "dissenting". But let a conservative disagree with anything, hell it can even be another conservative and well we are "whining." You seem to think it is your god-given right to "dissent" but no one else had better disagree with YOU.
Hmmm, so should I take it that the right respects dissent as long as it does not irritate the wrong people or make a mess? Maybe it's tricorn hats that make acceptable dissenters? Or maybe it is the age demographic here. Maybe the young should just accept that they are not going to inherit the world until the boomers have sucked it dry?
That's because OWS is an acronym for Out-of-our-fucking-minds Wingnut Scum...formerly known as mentally ill street people and inmates. Even the lefties have stopped pretending they're anything else.

Lying, hate,thievery, and BS is never patriotic, Pub dupe moron/hater. Change the channel, hoping for your recovery.:cuckoo::eusa_angel:
Hmmm, so should I take it that the right respects dissent as long as it does not irritate the wrong people or make a mess? Maybe it's tricorn hats that make acceptable dissenters? Or maybe it is the age demographic here. Maybe the young should just accept that they are not going to inherit the world until the boomers have sucked it dry?

Yeah all those businesses on Wall Street that were nearly shut down because the OW Sheep were blocking public thoroughfares were the wrong people to be irritated.

How about the millions in property damage? It's the rest of us with jobs that have to pay for that shit not the Obnoxious Whining Sheep
Hmmm, so should I take it that the right respects dissent as long as it does not irritate the wrong people or make a mess? Maybe it's tricorn hats that make acceptable dissenters? Or maybe it is the age demographic here. Maybe the young should just accept that they are not going to inherit the world until the boomers have sucked it dry?

Hell no, dissent away. I couldn't care less. But don't bitch when I dissent. Name me a conservative who wants to shut down MSNBC. Take your time.

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