Stormy 60 Minutes interview March 25th...

I find it interesting that the left really thinks this ploy is going to work after folks voted for him /despite/ the well known affairs he's had in the past. Oh he had another affair? So fucking what? Didn't care when I pulled the trigger for him and I still don't care.

What he does in the bedroom is his business ... Damn... where have I heard that said before? ~rolls eyes~
Fun video at the link.

The Last Word on Twitter

Stormy Daniels' lawyer @MichaelAvenatti says his cases are often like chess. As for Team Trump?

"They have stepped into every trap we have laid in this case in the last 2 weeks. It’s remarkable. I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ve never had good fortune like this." #LastWord
BUT MichaelAvenatti boxed himself in a corner, now his motive and reputation will be brought to question and not so deeply rooted you will find his progressive movement Chicago mob ties.
HE CAN and should be disbarred for violating lawyer code of conduct. CHECKMATE!

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