Stopping Gun Crime...from Japan...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Well, it seems hard for anti gunners to understand that if you want to stop gun have to arrest and lock up gun criminals for a long criminals will stop using guns to commit crimes...and the dumb ones will be locked away for a long time and won't bother innocent people...

This cuts down on dumb laws like background checks, gun registration (the first step in confiscation and bans) and magazine limits...

How does Japan do it...well, besides being a police state, they lock up criminals who use guns for a long, long time...

Even gangsters live in fear of Japan s gun laws The Japan Times

Fire the gun? Possibly life imprisonment. Gun-control laws are taken so seriously that police will pursue a violator all the way to the grave — and maybe beyond.

But...I thought there were no shootings in Japan at all...

In 2002, there were 158 shootings in Japan and 24 deaths. Last year there were 45 shootings and eight deaths — and of the 45 shootings, 33 were yakuza-related.

“Japan is basically a place where only yakuza and cops have guns,” Detective X stated. “We fire our guns less, so most of the shootings in Japan are yakuza versus yakuza — and as long as the yakuza are killing each other, the general public and the police didn’t seem to mind. But not anymore. There have been too many stray bullets.”

This is how you stop gun crime by criminals...

A turning point was the Dec. 26, 1997, arrest of Kaneyoshi Kuwata, a boss of the powerful Yamaguchi-gumi gang, for illegal possession of firearms along with one of his henchmen. Acting on a tip, police blocked off all the roads in Tokyo’s glitzy Roppongi district and cornered Kuwata’s convoy of Mercedes. They then searched all the cars and, when they found a pistol in one of them, Kuwata was — in a precedent-setting legal move — arrested as an accomplice on gun-possession charges. After a long court battle, he was sentenced to seven years in prison.

Under current laws, if a low-level yakuza is caught with a gun and bullets that match, he’ll be charged with aggravated possession of firearms and will then face an average seven-year prison term. Simply firing a gun carries a penalty of three years to life. And for the “accomplice” reasons above, a yakuza boss may decide a death sentence is more appropriate if his thug miraculously gets released on bail before going to jail.

One mid-level yakuza boss told me, “Having a gun now is like having a time bomb. Do you think any sane person wants to keep one around the house?”

Wow, who would have thought that putting gun criminals in jail for a long time would stop gun crime...
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We a higher percentage of people in prison than any other country on doesn't appear to be working
The Japanese culture is vastly different from ours. Theirs is based on respect and honor, especially for the elders of their society. In the U.S., elders are preyed upon by criminals with guns.

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