STOP Saying "Comprehensive Immigration Reform"


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Everyone should STOP saying the term "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". It is a ridiculous, meaningless expression, only designed to cover up what it really is talking about - namely, LEGALIZATION for illegal aliens. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why the USA's 12 million or so illegal aliens should be legalized, and there is every reason for them to be deported.

If anyone doesn't know why they should be deported, they can go back to the 3rd grade right now. The list of Harms of Immigration is a long one >>

In addition, the talk of amnesty, legalization, comprehensive immigration reform, or whatever word you like, is a major factor in inspiring the current Latin American migrants to come here. All those who have been speaking out in support of this, and using the term ""Comprehensive Immigration Reform" are directly to blame for for the current tidal wave of migrants streaming into the US southern border,as well as those who have arrived in the past, and those who come here in the future.
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Immigration is not "destroying America".

Illegal immigration is destroying America.

And it's not happening because anything is wrong with our current immigration laws (at least until 2002). It's happening because we are not obeying or enforcing our immigration laws.

So changing our laws won't help. If we're not obeying the present ones, why would adding more laws change anything?
Everyone should STOP saying the term "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". It is a ridiculous, meaningless expression, only designed to cover up what it really is talking about - namely, LEGALIZATION for illegal aliens. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why the USA's 12 million or so illegal aliens should be legalized, and there is every reason for them to be deported.

If anyone doesn't know why they should be deported, they can go back to the 3rd grade right now. The list of Harms of Immigration is a long one >>

In addition, the talk of amnesty, legalization, comprehensive immigration reform, or whatever word you like, is a major factor in inspiring the current Latin American migrants to come here. All those who have been speaking out in support of this, and using the term ""Comprehensive Immigration Reform" are directly to blame for for the current tidal wave of migrants streaming into the US southern border,as well as those who have arrived in the past, and those who come here in the future.

Ignorant, hateful nonsense.

Comprehensive immigration reform is the only viable way to address both the issue of undocumented immigrants in the United States and immigrants seeking access to the United States.

Comprehensive immigration reform should include provisions to afford those undocumented due process of the law in accordance with the 14th Amendment, to allow for a determination as to whether or not claims of refugee or asylee status are valid, and that the determinations are made in a timely manner. Once a determination has been made in a court of law that a given undocumented immigrant is in the country illegally, the law should ensure that those subject to deportation are removed from the country in an efficient and humane manner.

Comprehensive immigration reform needs to streamline current immigration laws to ensure they're consistently applied, are fair and appropriate, and respect the rights and dignity of all persons subject to those laws.
Everyone should STOP saying the term "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". It is a ridiculous, meaningless expression, only designed to cover up what it really is talking about - namely, LEGALIZATION for illegal aliens. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why the USA's 12 million or so illegal aliens should be legalized, and there is every reason for them to be deported.

If anyone doesn't know why they should be deported, they can go back to the 3rd grade right now. The list of Harms of Immigration is a long one >>

In addition, the talk of amnesty, legalization, comprehensive immigration reform, or whatever word you like, is a major factor in inspiring the current Latin American migrants to come here. All those who have been speaking out in support of this, and using the term ""Comprehensive Immigration Reform" are directly to blame for for the current tidal wave of migrants streaming into the US southern border,as well as those who have arrived in the past, and those who come here in the future.

Ignorant, hateful nonsense.

Comprehensive immigration reform is the only viable way to address both the issue of undocumented immigrants in the United States and immigrants seeking access to the United States.

Comprehensive immigration reform should include provisions to afford those undocumented due process of the law in accordance with the 14th Amendment, to allow for a determination as to whether or not claims of refugee or asylee status are valid, and that the determinations are made in a timely manner. Once a determination has been made in a court of law that a given undocumented immigrant is in the country illegally, the law should ensure that those subject to deportation are removed from the country in an efficient and humane manner.

Comprehensive immigration reform needs to streamline current immigration laws to ensure they're consistently applied, are fair and appropriate, and respect the rights and dignity of all persons subject to those laws.

The shyster here is circling around the FACT that he wants more Central Americans, Africans, and Muslims to come and continue to DESTROY the demographics of our once Homogeneous society, these CURRENT people don't want to be Americans, they want to USE US FOR THE FREE SHIT THE MANCHURIAN MUSLIM OFFERS! .... Pond scum by any other name.....
Comprehensive immigration reform is the only viable way to address both the issue of undocumented immigrants in the United States and immigrants seeking access to the United States.

There's nothing wrong with the laws we have had in place for many decades. We're just not obeying them.

Making new laws won't help... since we wouldn't obey those any more than we're obeying the present ones.

The ONLY solution to the illegal-alien invasion we are seeing today, is for us to obey our own laws. For a change.
Everyone should STOP saying the term "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". It is a ridiculous, meaningless expression, only designed to cover up what it really is talking about - namely, LEGALIZATION for illegal aliens. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why the USA's 12 million or so illegal aliens should be legalized, and there is every reason for them to be deported.

If anyone doesn't know why they should be deported, they can go back to the 3rd grade right now. The list of Harms of Immigration is a long one >>

In addition, the talk of amnesty, legalization, comprehensive immigration reform, or whatever word you like, is a major factor in inspiring the current Latin American migrants to come here. All those who have been speaking out in support of this, and using the term ""Comprehensive Immigration Reform" are directly to blame for for the current tidal wave of migrants streaming into the US southern border,as well as those who have arrived in the past, and those who come here in the future.

Ignorant, hateful nonsense.

Comprehensive immigration reform is the only viable way to address both the issue of undocumented immigrants in the United States and immigrants seeking access to the United States.

Comprehensive immigration reform should include provisions to afford those undocumented due process of the law in accordance with the 14th Amendment, to allow for a determination as to whether or not claims of refugee or asylee status are valid, and that the determinations are made in a timely manner. Once a determination has been made in a court of law that a given undocumented immigrant is in the country illegally, the law should ensure that those subject to deportation are removed from the country in an efficient and humane manner.

Comprehensive immigration reform needs to streamline current immigration laws to ensure they're consistently applied, are fair and appropriate, and respect the rights and dignity of all persons subject to those laws.
Ignorant, hateful nonsense.
Immigration is not "destroying America".

Illegal immigration is destroying America.

And it's not happening because anything is wrong with our current immigration laws (at least until 2002). It's happening because we are not obeying or enforcing our immigration laws.

So changing our laws won't help. If we're not obeying the present ones, why would adding more laws change anything?

So legal immigration isn't destroying America ? Comparing legal and illegal immigration shows a big difference between the two ?

Like how they both take jobs away from Americans ?

Like how they both weaken the US economy by extracting Billions$$ from it in remittances$$$$ ?

Like how they both weaken America's natural resource supply, by increasing consumption ?

Like how they both increase environmental destruction ? (pollution, waste disposal, etc)

Like how they both worsen overcrowding ? (schools, hospitals, govt offices, recreational facilities, etc)

Like how they both increase traffic congestion ?

Like how they both reduce wages ?

Like how they both reduce the USA tax base ?

Not a whole lot of difference, (when it comes to destroying America)
Immigration is not "destroying America".

Illegal immigration is destroying America.

And it's not happening because anything is wrong with our current immigration laws (at least until 2002). It's happening because we are not obeying or enforcing our immigration laws.

So changing our laws won't help. If we're not obeying the present ones, why would adding more laws change anything?

So legal immigration isn't destroying America ? Comparing legal and illegal immigration shows a big difference between the two ?

Like how they both take jobs away from Americans ?

Like how they both weaken the US economy by extracting Billions$$ from it in remittances$$$$ ?

Like how they both weaken America's natural resource supply, by increasing consumption ?

Like how they both increase environmental destruction ? (pollution, waste disposal, etc)

Like how they both worsen overcrowding ? (schools, hospitals, govt offices, recreational facilities, etc)

Like how they both increase traffic congestion ?

Like how they both reduce wages ?

Like how they both reduce the USA tax base ?

Not a whole lot of difference, (when it comes to destroying America)
Huge difference between the two.
Everyone should STOP saying the term "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". It is a ridiculous, meaningless expression, only designed to cover up what it really is talking about - namely, LEGALIZATION for illegal aliens. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why the USA's 12 million or so illegal aliens should be legalized, and there is every reason for them to be deported.

If anyone doesn't know why they should be deported, they can go back to the 3rd grade right now. The list of Harms of Immigration is a long one >>

In addition, the talk of amnesty, legalization, comprehensive immigration reform, or whatever word you like, is a major factor in inspiring the current Latin American migrants to come here. All those who have been speaking out in support of this, and using the term ""Comprehensive Immigration Reform" are directly to blame for for the current tidal wave of migrants streaming into the US southern border,as well as those who have arrived in the past, and those who come here in the future.

Any change could be called "reform". Comprehensive Reform is a phrase indicating change to most elements of the system. It does not have to include amnesty at all to be the correct description. I go back and forth on amnesty, but the system needs to be completely revamped to meet the modern needs of the modern workplace. Worker quotas should be greatly increased and the process for people to adjust once legally admitted needs to be streamlined.
When I hear the term Comprehensive Immigration reform or just Immigration reform I get a bit pissed.

It seems like it was OK for people to come here illegally because the US did something wrong by trying to protect our border.So those that came here illegally are not to blame because the US tries to stop people who just cross over.Our Immigration policy needs to be rewritten because we were wrong to prosecute people who broke the law.
When I hear the term Comprehensive Immigration reform or just Immigration reform I get a bit pissed.

It seems like it was OK for people to come here illegally because the US did something wrong by trying to protect our border.So those that came here illegally are not to blame because the US tries to stop people who just cross over.Our Immigration policy needs to be rewritten because we were wrong to prosecute people who broke the law.

Your position disregards the reality that a system that does not keep up with changing times will be bypassed whether you want it to be or not. Half of people who are "illegal" came here legally. I know people who have had a hideous time adjusting their status after entering legally because the bureaucratic process is such a nightmare that they may have to apply (and repay fees) multiple times because their paperwork gets lost or they do not ever receive notices/requests for additional documentation that they allegedly were sent.
As long as the border remains open comprehensive immigration reform should not even be up for discussion. ALL immigration should end. Have a moratorium on all immigration, all visas, including tourist, student and business. Deal with what we have by mass deportations. Then we can deal with immigration reform.
Everyone should STOP saying the term "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". It is a ridiculous, meaningless expression, only designed to cover up what it really is talking about - namely, LEGALIZATION for illegal aliens.

Actually, the term was originally coined by your fellow conservatives as a means of referring to the need to not just build a border fence and not just deport illegals (which were at the time being suggested as separate, mutually exclusive ideas), but to seal the border using a combination of physical barriers and electronic surveillance technology, deport illegal immigrants (which itself is a dubious term, but we can discuss that later), overhaul the visa system, enforce immigration quotas, and repeal the 14th Amendment recognition that any chyld born in the U.S. is automatically an American cytyzyn.

Although, I do find it shocking (and comical, in a way) that your racist outrage is over a racist term being too mild and inoffensive. That is literally how far to the right you are.

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why the USA's 12 million or so illegal aliens should be legalized, and there is every reason for them to be deported.

No humyn being is illegal,XXXXX.

If anyone doesn't know why they should be deported, they can go back to the 3rd grade right now. The list of Harms of Immigration is a long one >>

That's your argument? "if u disagree w/ me ur dum cuz i proved it on the innernet!" Ridiculous.

In addition, the talk of amnesty, legalization, comprehensive immigration reform, or whatever word you like, is a major factor in inspiring the current Latin American migrants to come here. All those who have been speaking out in support of this, and using the term ""Comprehensive Immigration Reform" are directly to blame for for the current tidal wave of migrants streaming into the US southern border,as well as those who have arrived in the past, and those who come here in the future.

What "tidal wave of migrants"? Prove that such a tidal wave exists, and give me specific numbers on roughly how many there are.
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That we need to amend the Constitution to remove the law making every child born in the US an American citizen should be one of the first things done. We are the only country in the world that has birth tourism. We are the only one that has pregnant women coming here specifically to drop their loads.
Immigration is not "destroying America".

Illegal immigration is destroying America.

And it's not happening because anything is wrong with our current immigration laws (at least until 2002). It's happening because we are not obeying or enforcing our immigration laws.

So changing our laws won't help. If we're not obeying the present ones, why would adding more laws change anything?

So legal immigration isn't destroying America ? Comparing legal and illegal immigration shows a big difference between the two ?

Like how they both take jobs away from Americans ?

Like how they both weaken the US economy by extracting Billions$$ from it in remittances$$$$ ?

Like how they both weaken America's natural resource supply, by increasing consumption ?

Like how they both increase environmental destruction ? (pollution, waste disposal, etc)

Like how they both worsen overcrowding ? (schools, hospitals, govt offices, recreational facilities, etc)

Like how they both increase traffic congestion ?

Like how they both reduce wages ?

Like how they both reduce the USA tax base ?

Not a whole lot of difference, (when it comes to destroying America)
Huge difference between the two.

Not in the 8 things I just cited. :D
Everyone should STOP saying the term "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". It is a ridiculous, meaningless expression, only designed to cover up what it really is talking about - namely, LEGALIZATION for illegal aliens. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why the USA's 12 million or so illegal aliens should be legalized, and there is every reason for them to be deported.

If anyone doesn't know why they should be deported, they can go back to the 3rd grade right now. The list of Harms of Immigration is a long one >>

In addition, the talk of amnesty, legalization, comprehensive immigration reform, or whatever word you like, is a major factor in inspiring the current Latin American migrants to come here. All those who have been speaking out in support of this, and using the term ""Comprehensive Immigration Reform" are directly to blame for for the current tidal wave of migrants streaming into the US southern border,as well as those who have arrived in the past, and those who come here in the future.

Worker quotas should be greatly increased and the process for people to adjust once legally admitted needs to be streamlined.

1. There is absolutely NO REASON whatsoever for worker quotas to be increased. This is lunacy. We have tens of millions of UNEMPLOYED Americans, and you call for more work visas for foreigners. Good lord! Work visas should be ELIMINATED, and not restored until there is full USA employment.

2. What needs to be streamlined, is the process of DEPORTATION of millions of illegal aliens.
When I hear the term Comprehensive Immigration reform or just Immigration reform I get a bit pissed.

It seems like it was OK for people to come here illegally because the US did something wrong by trying to protect our border.So those that came here illegally are not to blame because the US tries to stop people who just cross over.Our Immigration policy needs to be rewritten because we were wrong to prosecute people who broke the law.

Your position disregards the reality that a system that does not keep up with changing times will be bypassed whether you want it to be or not. Half of people who are "illegal" came here legally. I know people who have had a hideous time adjusting their status after entering legally because the bureaucratic process is such a nightmare that they may have to apply (and repay fees) multiple times because their paperwork gets lost or they do not ever receive notices/requests for additional documentation that they allegedly were sent.

There is no need for their status to be "adjusted". If their visas are expired, they are supposed to have left the country. By staying, they are illegal aliens, and are subject to arrest and deportation. That's what should be done. ASAP.
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Everyone should STOP saying the term "Comprehensive Immigration Reform". It is a ridiculous, meaningless expression, only designed to cover up what it really is talking about - namely, LEGALIZATION for illegal aliens. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why the USA's 12 million or so illegal aliens should be legalized, and there is every reason for them to be deported.

If anyone doesn't know why they should be deported, they can go back to the 3rd grade right now. The list of Harms of Immigration is a long one >>

In addition, the talk of amnesty, legalization, comprehensive immigration reform, or whatever word you like, is a major factor in inspiring the current Latin American migrants to come here. All those who have been speaking out in support of this, and using the term ""Comprehensive Immigration Reform" are directly to blame for for the current tidal wave of migrants streaming into the US southern border,as well as those who have arrived in the past, and those who come here in the future.

Ignorant, hateful nonsense.

Comprehensive immigration reform is the only viable way to address both the issue of undocumented immigrants in the United States and immigrants seeking access to the United States.

Comprehensive immigration reform should include provisions to afford those undocumented due process of the law in accordance with the 14th Amendment, to allow for a determination as to whether or not claims of refugee or asylee status are valid, and that the determinations are made in a timely manner. Once a determination has been made in a court of law that a given undocumented immigrant is in the country illegally, the law should ensure that those subject to deportation are removed from the country in an efficient and humane manner.

Comprehensive immigration reform needs to streamline current immigration laws to ensure they're consistently applied, are fair and appropriate, and respect the rights and dignity of all persons subject to those laws.

You should not use the term "Comprehensive immigration reform". In today's American language, it means LEGALIZATION for illegal aliens.
It is the # 1 worst thing that could be done about immigration, as it would open the floodgates for MILLIONS of people from all over the world to come surging through our borders, and wrecking the country.

I could even say this in the present tense (rather than "would") because we are already seeing this happening now on the Mexican border as a result of Obama's 2012 amnesty for the "dreamers".

You should also not use the fake term "undocumented immigrants" since illegal aliens are neither undocumented or immigrants. They tend to have lots of document (all false or stolen), and they are not "immigrants" who have been processed by immigration authorities.

To call an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant", is about the equivalent of calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent"

You can toss the "ignorant" and "hateful" ploys. I've challenged you on them numerous times, to which you've ducked away every time. :lol:
When I hear the term Comprehensive Immigration reform or just Immigration reform I get a bit pissed.

It seems like it was OK for people to come here illegally because the US did something wrong by trying to protect our border.So those that came here illegally are not to blame because the US tries to stop people who just cross over.Our Immigration policy needs to be rewritten because we were wrong to prosecute people who broke the law.

Your position disregards the reality that a system that does not keep up with changing times will be bypassed whether you want it to be or not. Half of people who are "illegal" came here legally. I know people who have had a hideous time adjusting their status after entering legally because the bureaucratic process is such a nightmare that they may have to apply (and repay fees) multiple times because their paperwork gets lost or they do not ever receive notices/requests for additional documentation that they allegedly were sent.

There is no need for their status to be "adjusted". If their visas are expired, they are supposed to have left the country. By staying, they are illegal aliens, and are subject to arrest and deportation. That's what should be done. ASAP.

Sure there is a need for their status to be adjusted--they come here for college on a student visa and get married, or graduate from medical school and want to practice medicine, or they want to go from being a permanent resident alien to a full-fledged citizen. I know a guy who got banned from re-entry while in college from Canada because his degree program required he do work (basically an internship built into a course) for which he was paid a nominal amount of money which violated him because he did not have a green card. I don't think we have a rash of Canadians sneaking across the border to steal mandatory internship labor from hardworking American students, but perhaps you do.

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