Stop Blaming Israel For the Gaza War

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Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
People should blaming Israel For the Gaza War. They are just defending themselves from the Muslim terrorist creeps known as Hamas. The Palestinians are just an unfortunate people caught in the crossfire.

The Hamas Charter clearly defines the reason for this terrible war. It is because Hamas is a bunch of Muslim jihadist lunatics, hell bent on annihilating Israel. All this talk about the Palestinians and land is just a con job to gain sympathy for Hamas. They don't care a wit about the Palestinians, and they invite harm to these poor people by attacking Israel and than locating themselves and their weapons closely among the Palestinians, where they know this will get them killed. Then they blame it on Israel and seek world condemnation,

Some foolish people fall for this scam and attack Israel for the deaths of Palestinians, playing right into the hands of Hamas, who set it all up that way.
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People should blaming Israel For the Gaza War. They are just defending themselves from the Muslim terrorist creeps known as Hamas. The Palestinians are just an unfortunate people caught in the crossfire.

The Hamas Charter clearly defines the reason for this terrible war. It is because Hamas is a bunch of Muslim jihadist lunatics, hell bent on annihilating Israel. All this talk about the Palestinians and land is just a con job to gain sympathy for Hamas. They don't care a wit about the Palestinians, and they invite harm to these poor people by attacking Israel and than locating themselves and their weapons closely among the Palestinians, where they know this will get them killed. Then they blame it on Israel and seek world condemnation,

Some foolish people fall for this scam and attack Israel for the deaths of Palestinians, playing right into the hands of Hamas, who set it all up that way.

Alan M. Dershowitz: When will Gazans finally get fed up with Hamas? | National Post

jew are supposed to allow missiles to be fired at them, donchaknow?
Israel is in the driver seat. They alone will decide how this will end.

The blockade can't continue indefinitely and their choices in how it ends are three:
> Absorb the population of Gaza.

> Free the population of Gaza.

> Eliminate the population of Gaza.​

It's high time that the Israelis poop or get off the pot so history can judge them and we can move on.
Dragging it out decade after bloody decade is bullshit​
People should blaming Israel For the Gaza War. They are just defending themselves from the Muslim terrorist creeps known as Hamas. The Palestinians are just an unfortunate people caught in the crossfire.

The Hamas Charter clearly defines the reason for this terrible war. It is because Hamas is a bunch of Muslim jihadist lunatics, hell bent on annihilating Israel. All this talk about the Palestinians and land is just a con job to gain sympathy for Hamas. They don't care a wit about the Palestinians, and they invite harm to these poor people by attacking Israel and than locating themselves and their weapons closely among the Palestinians, where they know this will get them killed. Then they blame it on Israel and seek world condemnation,

Some foolish people fall for this scam and attack Israel for the deaths of Palestinians, playing right into the hands of Hamas, who set it all up that way.

Alan M. Dershowitz: When will Gazans finally get fed up with Hamas? | National Post

Israel is just as much to blame for all the fighting that goes on over there.

Israel has the right to kill kids?

They need to quit being blindly supported by the US and forced to deal with the fact that will not get along with their neighbors.
Israel is in the driver seat. They alone will decide how this will end.

The blockade can't continue indefinitely and their choices in how it ends are three:
> Absorb the population of Gaza.

> Free the population of Gaza.

> Eliminate the population of Gaza.​

It's high time that the Israelis poop or get off the pot so history can judge them and we can move on.
Dragging it out decade after bloody decade is bullshit​

But, but, they're just defending themselves....

Israel is in the driver seat. They alone will decide how this will end.

The blockade can't continue indefinitely and their choices in how it ends are three:
> Absorb the population of Gaza.

> Free the population of Gaza.

> Eliminate the population of Gaza.​

It's high time that the Israelis poop or get off the pot so history can judge them and we can move on.
Dragging it out decade after bloody decade is bullshit​

But, but, they're just defending themselves....


That's kind of the point....

The world is tired of watching this crap... it's time to pick a solution from the list of three above and implement it.
They associate Israel with the Jewish faith.
Where do you get off saying that? The only ones who associate Israel with Judaism, are Zionists.

And of course the Gaza war was begun by Hamas.
Why do you keep pushing that bullshit?

Show me one rocket that went off before July 4th.

Who cares?

Fuckers are getting their asses bombed the fuck back to the stone age.......shoulda happened long ago. All conjecture is gay.

Bottom line.......peace will come when there is a decisive ass kicking by one side over another just like in any war. This moral equivalence crap is gay.......and only resonates with a distinct minority.

So'd be better off whistling past a graveyard:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Is the tunnel mission done??? Heard it was close to being 100% blown to shit!! And IM laughing.......thinking of the meatheads who spent years building those tunnels......gone in a few days!!!:banana::fu::banana::fu::banana::fu:
Who cares?

Fuckers are getting their asses bombed the fuck back to the stone age.......shoulda happened long ago. All conjecture is gay.

Bottom line.......peace will come when there is a decisive ass kicking by one side over another just like in any war. This moral equivalence crap is gay.......and only resonates with a distinct minority.

So'd be better off whistling past a graveyard:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Is the tunnel mission done??? Heard it was close to being 100% blown to shit!! And IM laughing.......thinking of the meatheads who spent years building those tunnels......gone in a few days!!!:banana::fu::banana::fu::banana::fu:
You watch too much TV, junior.
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