Zone1 Stop Web Site......Now You Can Report Incidents


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
....and something will be done about it in the private sector.

I'm hearing that lots of anti-Semities are being fired in the private sector when they are IDed at the hate events and reported to this site.

So before you plan on attending one of the hate events you might want to check to see which side your bread is being buttered on employment wise.

Many corporations, hospitals, and other high paying employers are Jewish owned or run by Jews and don't want employees like that and I don't blame them one damn bit.

Your "free speech" only goes as far as your employer's door.....Just as it should.
A dangerous and slippery slope that will do more harm than good. It is what leads to the Stasi and dishonest police states.

I fully expect an anti-Islamic and anti-gay site to be set up soon. Next will be social credit scores (covert police will be immune of course)

It must be also be expanded to public agencies as well If a covert cop, Agent Provocateur is caught in person or online spreading their hate, they must be fired. Right?
The Jews are under attack by both right and left wing groups. Skinheads and pro-Palestinians are marching side by side.
Tend to your own knitting Hoser.
So you deflect rather than taking the same position you took in your OP. Based on the U.S police often helping the Canadian police I suspect there may be far more provocateurs and False Flags than Americans are.aware of. THAT will get Jews and Christians harmed.
It is needed to counter the BS going on now. If it goes unapposed then they will be embodened to do even more.

While it is a slippery slope the people oppising this have a right to give it right back at them
So you deflect rather than taking the same position you took in your OP.
No, I'm just tired of Hosers involving themselves in US matters that are of no concern to them....Your sad-sack ass in particular.....Clear enough for ya?

As far as my "position".....WTF, can't you read? I don't think I need to flesh it out any further......Playing a Jew-hater might be condoned by the leftists holding sway in DC but it can come back and bite you in the ass otherwise....Just as it should.
No, I'm just tired of Hosers involving themselves in US matters that are of no concern to them....Your sad-sack ass in particular.....Clear enough for ya?

As far as my "position".....WTF, can't you read? I don't think I need to flesh it out any further......Playing a Jew-hater might be condoned by the leftists holding sway in DC but it can come back and bite you in the ass otherwise....Just as it should.
So an anti semitic cop should be fired. If he is active in a march he should face the potential charge of inciting violence where applicable. This is ALL of our problem. Some of your knuckle draggers are helping Canada, you are in the same bushle now pal. Lost Goodwill is difficult to recover.
....and something will be done about it in the private sector.

I'm hearing that lots of anti-Semities are being fired in the private sector when they are IDed at the hate events and reported to this site.

So before you plan on attending one of the hate events you might want to check to see which side your bread is being buttered on employment wise.

Many corporations, hospitals, and other high paying employers are Jewish owned or run by Jews and don't want employees like that and I don't blame them one damn bit.

Your "free speech" only goes as far as your employer's door.....Just as it should.
We'd have to turn in half the board! :laugh2:
So an anti semitic cop should be fired. If he is active in a march he should face the potential charge of inciting violence where applicable. This is ALL of our problem. Some of your knuckle draggers are helping Canada, you are in the same bushle now pal. Lost Goodwill is difficult to recover.
Nobody in the US has worried about Hoser goodwill ever.....The only reason America's Hat exists is because we allow it and don't want to deal with the surly/no account Quebeckers.
Nobody in the US has worried about Hoser goodwill ever.....The only reason America's Hat exists is because we allow it and don't want to deal with the surly/no account Quebeckers.
Trust me, when Canandian police tell U. S police to jump, you ask "how high sir?". It will destroy your reputation if it hasn't already.
I am....I like our cousins to the north...They give us great hockey and maple syrup!
I dislike pretty much anything maple flavored so that gets no points from me.

They did make a very fine #4 Enfield (Longbranch) but they surplused them all off to us to the point they could not even keep their Ranger's #4 rifles up to snuff and went with a SAKO.

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