Still Think It Was A Good Idea For The GOP To Piss Off Women During An Election Year?

Women boost Obama over Romney in new ABC poll

An ABC News/Washington Post poll released Tuesday shows female voters play a significant role in President Barack Obama's current lead over Mitt Romney among 2012 voters.

Obama tested best among all voters on his ability to handle "women's issues," leading Romney by 19 points. And women alone did not account for the margin: Obama held a 10-point lead on women's issues among men surveyed. Among women surveyed, the president's lead on women's issues was 27 points.

White women specifically shifted towards Obama since that March poll.

Women boost Obama over Romney in new ABC poll | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

HEY!! GOP!! When you start calling college girls sluts and trying to tell them how to live their lives it's just possible they'll come back and start kicking you in the electoral balls.

Sorry bud but no woman needs to spend 3 Grand a year on Contraception. That's close to 10 Dollars a fucking day. The only person using that much Birth Control is a fucking Call girl.

What's crazy about that is not that Rush called her a Slut, it's that nobody in the Press bothered to question her as to how in the HELL she spends 3 grand a year on Birth Control.

Not surprising this whole so called Republican War on Woman, is just another Bullshit lie, Another Manufactured Issue. Brought to you by the Dishonest Democrat party, and their Scruples Allies in the Liberal Press.

Who in an Unrelated but Unbelievably Dishonest Case, Edited the TVM 9/11 Tape and Removed the Part where the 9/11 Operator asks TVM "is he white, Black, or Hispanic?" yet left in the Response to the question "he looks Black" in what can only be seen is a clear attempt by NBC to make him appear to have been Racially Motivated.

Yet did one Liberal Press asshole, or one of you liberal Assholes in here, Bother to point out just how wrong what NBC did was? Fuck no you all run around pretending the Liberal Press has any Credibility at all.

It's a Joke, and Frankly I have come to the conclusion that true die hard liberals are not worth wasting one second of time on in Debate. They don't care about Facts, Context, or Fairness, Unless you are talking about Liberals. So I just don't bother anymore.

Next thing you know these losers will be running around telling Seniors today that the Republican Plans for SS, and MC will throw them over the Cliff, even though every single Republican Plan exempts those over 55 right now.

Oh wait, they already did.

Like I said, Dishonest to the Core.
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Why do Democrats seem to think women are so stupid to fall for this nonsense?
Why do Democrats seem to think women are so stupid to fall for this nonsense?

Because since the birth control issue, Obama went from beating Romney by 2 points to beating him by 9. And it was because of this issue. So you have pissed off women. Women aren't stupid. They get it.

Look, Scott Walker wants to repeal the equal pay law. The GOP are attacking women on more than just reproductive rights. The GOP must think women are stupid if they think they are going to support this shit. You must be a white dude.

War on Women, Scott Walker Edition | AlterNet
Most women are emotional not logical. So they are easily manipulated.

I'm a women and I am not pissed off at the GOP. Because I use my brain instead of whining about getting free birth control and abortions.

I don't want to kill a baby and i don't want to pump my body full of hormones.

Hell people don't like hormones in their meat but they'll pump them into their own body just because someone told them it's their right to do it.

Women will actually kill their babies just because someone told them it is their right to do it.

Why don't they have a hormone pill for men that kills sperm?

women are emotional not logical? really? that's interesting... you're the one who sounds like you've lost it emotionally.
1. no one cares about whether you choose to have a baby. you shouldn't care if i do. asserting otherwise is an attempt to restrict my rights and the rights of others. i don't think you're capable enough to make moral choices for others.... especially when your efforts are based on your religious beliefs.... something i don't care to participate in.

so that said... make your own choices...stay out of the choices of others... and in so doing, that would be keeping your "emotions" out of it.

the rest of your post is total nonsense and not worth discussing.

so back to the point of the thread, which seems to have escaped you...

actual THINKING women don't want you making their choices for them... whatever those choices happen to be. and i certainly don't need to ask some old man for permission to exercise dominion over my own body.
Ah but Jillian, you forgot to add the Health Dept down the street still gives free birth control. It's government funded and everything like that.
Ah but Jillian, you forgot to add the Health Dept down the street still gives free birth control. It's government funded and everything like that.

good. they should.

not sure what your point is.

i don't think you are either.

so what iis it... you're supposed to not have birth control. you're supposed to be forced to carry a baby you don't want or can't have if you get preganant... and then you're supposed to starve to death with the baby because you don't think there should be WIC, education, daycare or anything else.'re so credible.

I really don't care if Sandra Fluke wants to work in at the bunny ranch. When I start having to pay for her birth control and massengill, then it becomes MY issue...

Got news for ya, Einstein. If your health insurance covers birth control (and most all do) then you ARE helping to pay for womens birth control.

Don't like it? Tough shit. Maybe they don't want to pay for your Viagra, vasectomy or even your coronary bypass from eating too many cheeseburgers, either.
Mitch McConnell, Fox News and Rush have all referred to their war on women as being Manufactured by Democrats.

Do they think women or anyone else is buying that?

P.S. Do you remember my Thread titled Women who don't vote Piss me off? Well guess what? Turns out not a lot of women piss me off.

LOL, WORKING women in this country could give a shit about your all's MANUFACTURED war on women..
They are worried about being able to FIND JOBS to care for their FAMILIES just like the men in this country.
but you all need something to hold onto, so have at it.

From the OP.......

Among women surveyed, the president's lead on women's issues was 27 points...

I didn't realize that finding jobs was strictly a "women's issue"? :confused:
Women boost Obama over Romney in new ABC poll

An ABC News/Washington Post poll released Tuesday shows female voters play a significant role in President Barack Obama's current lead over Mitt Romney among 2012 voters.

Obama tested best among all voters on his ability to handle "women's issues," leading Romney by 19 points. And women alone did not account for the margin: Obama held a 10-point lead on women's issues among men surveyed. Among women surveyed, the president's lead on women's issues was 27 points.

White women specifically shifted towards Obama since that March poll.

Women boost Obama over Romney in new ABC poll | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

HEY!! GOP!! When you start calling college girls sluts and trying to tell them how to live their lives it's just possible they'll come back and start kicking you in the electoral balls.

Do you still think it's a good idea for you to keep raping 8 year old boys?
Women boost Obama over Romney in new ABC poll

White women specifically shifted towards Obama since that March poll.

Women boost Obama over Romney in new ABC poll | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

HEY!! GOP!! When you start calling college girls sluts and trying to tell them how to live their lives it's just possible they'll come back and start kicking you in the electoral balls.

Do you still think it's a good idea for you to keep raping 8 year old boys?

WTF!!?? Where the fuck did this come from? You deseve a neg rep for this bullshit post and it takes a LOT for me to give someone a neg rep.
Women boost Obama over Romney in new ABC poll | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

HEY!! GOP!! When you start calling college girls sluts and trying to tell them how to live their lives it's just possible they'll come back and start kicking you in the electoral balls.

Do you still think it's a good idea for you to keep raping 8 year old boys?

WTF!!?? Where the fuck did this come from? You deseve a neg rep for this bullshit post and it takes a LOT for me to give someone a neg rep.

Go ahead neg me pussy. i don't care.

It's the same thing. You are starting with a false premise and then asking if it was a good idea. You claiming that there is a war on women when there isn't. I made an identical claim about you, which I assume is untrue. If it is true, and you do rape 8 year old boys, then I'm wrong.
A lot of far right crap for sure on this one.

Either the GOP services (I crack myself up) women's causes in a way that leads to their voting for Republican candidates, or BHO continues another four years.

That is the reality, folks, period.
Republicans are counting on the tendency of women to forget slights like being called "sluts" and trusting that they don't hold grudges.

HEY!! GOP!! When you start calling college girls sluts and trying to tell them how to live their lives it's just possible they'll come back and start kicking you in the electoral balls.
....And, force Republican-males to relive those years when the (little) neighborhood girls used to slap-them-around, on a fairly-regular basis!!!

Hmmmmmmm.....whoever knew that Chickenhawks had their (own) unique-version o' PTSD??




Never mind.......
Do you still think it's a good idea for you to keep raping 8 year old boys?

WTF!!?? Where the fuck did this come from? You deseve a neg rep for this bullshit post and it takes a LOT for me to give someone a neg rep.

Go ahead neg me pussy. i don't care.

It's the same thing. You are starting with a false premise and then asking if it was a good idea. You claiming that there is a war on women when there isn't. I made an identical claim about you, which I assume is untrue. If it is true, and you do rape 8 year old boys, then I'm wrong.

Yes you do care about the neg rep or you wouldn't have commented on it.

And for you to try and make a similarity case between our posts is beyond ignorance. I didn't personally attack you and, unlike you, I assumed nothing. The only thing right about your post is where you said, "then I'm wrong".
WTF!!?? Where the fuck did this come from? You deseve a neg rep for this bullshit post and it takes a LOT for me to give someone a neg rep.

Go ahead neg me pussy. i don't care.

It's the same thing. You are starting with a false premise and then asking if it was a good idea. You claiming that there is a war on women when there isn't. I made an identical claim about you, which I assume is untrue. If it is true, and you do rape 8 year old boys, then I'm wrong.

Yes you do care about the neg rep or you wouldn't have commented on it.

And for you to try and make a similarity case between our posts is beyond ignorance. I didn't personally attack you and, unlike you, I assumed nothing. The only thing right about your post is where you said, "then I'm wrong".

And to think this all started about some hair brain GOP war on women dribble posted by one of Obama's devote followers to create a smokescreen to turn people's attention away from the big O's record, or rather lack there of. As for myself, what some women wants to do to her body is her business, at her expense, I just don't think asking others to pay for it acceptable.
WTF!!?? Where the fuck did this come from? You deseve a neg rep for this bullshit post and it takes a LOT for me to give someone a neg rep.

Go ahead neg me pussy. i don't care.

It's the same thing. You are starting with a false premise and then asking if it was a good idea. You claiming that there is a war on women when there isn't. I made an identical claim about you, which I assume is untrue. If it is true, and you do rape 8 year old boys, then I'm wrong.

Yes you do care about the neg rep or you wouldn't have commented on it.

And for you to try and make a similarity case between our posts is beyond ignorance. I didn't personally attack you and, unlike you, I assumed nothing. The only thing right about your post is where you said, "then I'm wrong".

Go ahead neg me pussy. i don't care.

It's the same thing. You are starting with a false premise and then asking if it was a good idea. You claiming that there is a war on women when there isn't. I made an identical claim about you, which I assume is untrue. If it is true, and you do rape 8 year old boys, then I'm wrong.

Yes you do care about the neg rep or you wouldn't have commented on it.

And for you to try and make a similarity case between our posts is beyond ignorance. I didn't personally attack you and, unlike you, I assumed nothing. The only thing right about your post is where you said, "then I'm wrong".

And to think this all started about some hair brain GOP war on women dribble posted by one of Obama's devote followers to create a smokescreen to turn people's attention away from the big O's record, or rather lack there of. As for myself, what some women wants to do to her body is her business, at her expense, I just don't think asking others to pay for it acceptable.

Here's to hoping that women aren't as stupid as the Democrats and Obama think they are.
You guys still making an issue of Fluke's vagina?'s pretty-much your boy Romney, this time!!

April 11, 2012

"Yet for all of Romney’s equivocating on whether or not he actually believes that women should be paid the same amount as men who do the exact same job, Romney cannot hide two important facts. The Ledbetter Act was only necessary because of a 5-4 Supreme Court decision which overruled decades of precedent protecting equal pay for equal work; and Romney promised to appoint more justices like the ones who voted against Lilly Ledbetter.

Last November, Romney listed four sitting Justices as the models he will follow if he gets to appoint a justice of his own — Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts. Every single one of these justices voted against Lilly Ledbetter and against equal pay for women in the workplace. Just like they have voted in favor of corporate immunity from the law on issues ranging from forced arbitration to enabling corporations to buy and sell elections.

But, of course, Congress overruled the Supreme Court’s error in the Ledbetter case when it passed the Ledbetter Act, and Romney now says that he doesn’t want to change “current law.” So doesn’t that mean women’s current rights to equal pay are safe?

Not if Romney gets to appoint any more conservative justices."


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