Stephen Paddock: Is he a terrorist? Why or why not?

Maybe he was pissed that NFL players were kneeling during the National Anthem and he'd finally had enough.
Whether or not it would be "terrorism" relies entirely on the shooter's mental state, and what he hoped to accomplish.

Since he's dead, and no evidence has been released yet, there's really no way to know.
A terrorist , a misceginist , an anti trump . And most of all a muzzer. Perhaps the democraps could run him with OJ in 2020?

Your comments make the most sense.

I'm leaning more toward him going off the deep end, because of political
reasons rather than being a Muslim or ISIS related.

Nobody is giving out a lot of info about his background, politics, whatever.
That doesn't mean they don't know, they're just not saying at the present time.

Maybe he is a Muslim and let that gals crotch affect his thinking.
But I'm just leaning toward him being a Republican or Democrat
looking to shoot up the opposition. Similar to the guy who shot
those Republican lawmakers at baseball practice.
Not without a political coercion cause, no. Pretty simple.

Speaking of "pretty simple" it's astounding how many simpletons are willing to play loosely with terms like "terrorist" and "racist" if they think it can score points on a message board for Numero Uno. E.G. post 14. And 13. And 12. And 11. And of course 5, the old reliable "take the word of Isis/Hitler/the Klan/fill in monster here as gospel if it fits your fantasy because they would never lie".
To me, a terrorist represents a political cause and has some affiliation

I don't see a lone wolf with a grievance being a terrorist

What if someone is a white supremacist, but doesn't have a membership card with KKK or American Neo-Nazi Association (ANNA)?

That would be a case where a lone wolf would be a terrorist.

IF he is really a white supremacist and not someone who once said Obama was a jerk.

Then yes.
First you have to define "terrorist". Was James Hodgkinson a terrorist? Imagine the damage he could have done with a fully automatic weapon.
You define the term and then tell us if the man is or is not in your mind given your definition.
To me, a terrorist represents a political cause and has some affiliation

I don't see a lone wolf with a grievance being a terrorist

What if someone is a white supremacist, but doesn't have a membership card with KKK or American Neo-Nazi Association (ANNA)?

That would be a case where a lone wolf would be a terrorist.

IF he is really a white supremacist and not someone who once said Obama was a jerk.

Then yes.

I mean a white supremacist like Tank or Steve McGarrett
There's no evidence that he was acting with any political intent. He was indeed a madman.

Terrorism can be defined as acts of violence conducted with political intent. ISIS, Al Qeada, Timothy McVeigh, those who assassinated Dr. Slepian and the radio talk show host in Colorado (I think his name was Berg, but I cannot recall). Those people were and continue to be terrorists. Terrorism is a tactic, a rationale for political motives.

This senseless killing does not appear to fit that description. Sadly, there are those who would jump to conclusions that fit their narrow template of fear, hate and suspicion. Those folks only serve to stir a pot that needs no further stirring.

Until firm evidence is presented showing a political motive, if ever.
No. Terrorists seek to advance a political/social goal through intimidation. I don't yet know of any goal nor is there reason to fear further action by a dead man not yet connected to any terrorist organization.
He's a 64 year old retiree from Texas who enjoys gambling, country music, and hunting. I'm pretty confident he doesn't fit the profile.
He was from Mesquite, Nevada not Mesquite, Texas. :lol:

Don't disparage my hometown!

A report I read earlier said he previously lived in Texas and if I remember correctly has a residence in Florida as well. Whether or not it's where he's originally from I don't know.
If you consider the definition of a terrorist to be someone who tries to advance a political agenda through violence it seems that James Hodgkinson was a terrorist but there is not yet enough information yet on Paddock. Maybe the jihad Major Nadal was a terrorist but the (now) second worst mass shooting that happened on the campus of Va. Tech a couple of years ago (about 35 people) by a Korean was probably a deranged individual.
Seems to me that the term "terrorism" is as much about motive as it is method.

We don't know his motive yet. If it was meant to intimidate or influence in some direction, yes. If he was just a fucking nut, then no.

Exactly. And if you do go out to intimidate in some direction the target has to be clearly identified. A government building, an abortion clinic, a gay nightclub, a big symbol-of-capitalism building. Not just random people chosen as a target because they happen to be clustered together (a festival, a school, a mall).

Basically if we have to go hunt down some political motivation that the perpetrator didn't make obvious and then slap it on after the fact, we're engaging in bullshit.

And we do so to obscure and distract away the undeniable fact, demonstrated yet again here, that we have a gun fetish disease in this culture.
To me, a terrorist represents a political cause and has some affiliation

I don't see a lone wolf with a grievance being a terrorist

What if someone is a white supremacist, but doesn't have a membership card with KKK or American Neo-Nazi Association (ANNA)?

That would be a case where a lone wolf would be a terrorist.

IF he is really a white supremacist and not someone who once said Obama was a jerk.

Then yes.

I mean a white supremacist like Tank or Steven McGarrett

"White Supremacist" is a term with a real meaning.

If this guy is shown to meet it, that will be one thing.

If he is not, but a bunch of vile lefties decide that they can tell he really was one, because of some made up bullshit reason, that will be another very different thing...
Just a coincidence that his live-in girlfriend is from Indonesia? A Muslim country.
Non sequitur -- The woman didn't fire the gun and didn't force him to do so.

Nope. It's information and a possible vector for a dangerous ideology.

Doesn't mean it is what happened, but I'm sure it is being looked into.

Unless vile lefties in the chain of command have ordered it ignored, of course.
Nobody is giving out a lot of info about his background, politics, whatever.
That doesn't mean they don't know, they're just not saying at the present time.
The deadliest massacre in modern U.S. history....If news organizations aren't telling, they don't know.

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