Stephen Moore, the latest wacko to withdraw his name from consideration for the FED


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
I canā€™t even believe that wacko Steve Moore made it this long

Stephen Moore withdraws as Trump's Federal Reserve pick after uproar over writings about women

Moore's decision, which followed an uproar over his writings on women and other issues, came just a little more than a week after another Trump pick, former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, pulled his name from consideration for a Fed seat because of GOP opposition in the Senate.

Moore also would have faced a tough confirmation fight. Several Republican senators, including Joni Ernst of Iowa and Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, raised concerns this week about his writings disparaging women in sports and the workplace.


Mooreā€™s distain for women was bad enough. But then Trump also tried to put in another wacko, Herman Cain.

Reminds me of when Trump put in Rick Perry to be the secretary of the department of energy and Rick didnā€™t know what the job was. He wanted to abolish the department not even knowing that it controls our nuclear energy.

Now this is whatā€™s truly hilarious. Stephen Moore was talking about how excited he was to do the job and how much confidence Trump had in him and less than an hour later a tweet comes out that heā€™s submitting a letter to pull his name from consideration.
That mustā€™ve been a shock.

Trump has a whole telephone book of people that have quit and have been fired and have withdrawn their names from consideration from different posts.

The country has never seen anything like it.

Is that a sign of a corrupt administration that doesnā€™t know what to do next?

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