Steelers - Patriots: Thursday Night Game


Gold Member
Apr 29, 2016
Chicago, IL
Turned it on late, really just a few minutes after 9 pm EST! How in the world are they in the 3rd quarter already? NE just missed a tying "point after" so the score's now Pittsburg 17-16! Will have to check out the replay later! Both must have been running the ball relentlessly and throwing short passes staying in bounds to have the clock melt so precipitously! Announcers said something about a Steeler's drive in the 2nd that almost ate up half the time! Wow; reminds me of a Miami game against Notre Dame in '89 that held the ball for over 11 minutes and needing to go more than 100 years due to penalties! One play converted had them successful with 3rd and 43! That killed ND! :beer::offtopic:- Ooops, it's tape! :cuckoo:

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