Steele is pointing fingers. One is at John McCain and leaking of the dossier in libel case

the Dossier was out there long before Buzzfeed posted's gonna be hard to pin this on MCCain

The dossier was not new. BuzzFeed and multiple other news organizations had obtained it well before Tuesday and had been investigating its various claims. Mother Jones wrote about it prior to the election, on Oct. 31, and published a handful of quotes from it. Key figures in Congress had also seen it and even publicly alluded to it, and the Guardian reported on Tuesday that Sen. John McCain had passed it to FBI Director James Comey last month. But no one had published its entire, stunning contents before Tuesday—partly because, as my colleague Joshua Keating put it, “nothing in the memos has been confirmed, and even their provenance is murky.”

Why BuzzFeed Published the Explosive Memos About Trump and Russia—and Why No One Beat Them to It

You need to get up to speed. This is the court case. Steele and his partner are rightly blaming the infamous and dirty Democrats Fusion GPS with distributing the dossier. It was never meant to go public.

So in the defamation case they are pointing at McCain as a leaker. As well as the former Secretary of State employee. McCain is in deep shit and will have to testify in the civil case.

I did try to warn you long ago not to believe this fairy tale. I really do believe your heart is in the right place but a healthy dose of skepticism in politics that deals with your own side would really benefit many D supporters.

As far as McCain goes he's dirty through and through. Deep State with a foundation of his own receiving millions from foreign countries. Mega conflict of interests. The swamp really does need to get drained. It would be as Martha Stewart likes to say "a good thing" if honest D's stepped up to the plate and started purging the scumbags of their own party.

You really need to read this one.

Ex-spy admits anti-Trump dossier unverified, blames Buzzfeed for publishing

Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified

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