Steam can no longer be ignored.

Nothing wrong with building a better mouse trap, and eliminating some of the greed, wars, political cost, and pollution that stems from oil dependency.
The jet engines you propose to use to turn wind generators when no wind is available run on what?

Your idiocy is towering.

This is a communist statement of sabotage against progressive America initiative, that you clumsily presented, which totally hides the fact that “alcohol not oil” was the first and the proper fuel source for the “internal combustion engine” (not steam engines).

Jet engines run basically on kerosene, which is a cheap oil derivative, but they can also run even cheaper fuel sources; but don’t miss the point!

The small amount of kerosene used to produce electrical energy capable of powering whole counties is true conservatism and a solid standard of efficiency. The cost of fuel to produce for this type of power generation is not considered an expense, but a capital expenditure. The return on this type of use of fuel is what’s needed.

If one has ever witnessed a crane that operates from a large truck lifting huge air conditioning units, or any number of items hoisted high atop the roofs of buildings. A large hydraulic cylinder is employed to left items high into the air.

It’s far from inconceivable for a stationary hydraulic cylinder to left jet engines into the air to power windmills. Keeping in mind the thrust of these engines can level frame houses at less than half of full power, so any foundation for the jet engines must be very sturdy. Maybe the hydraulic cylinders hoisting the turbine engine into the air would have to be placed at an angle…we’ll have to leave that to the engineers.

Of course any project of this significance would also provide for these turbine engines to be raised, and lowered, to rotate, and tilt for maximum efficiency.

The satanic and greedy debt merchants (FED) have always lead this nation toward war, dependence, grief, and destruction. These thieves thrive off of “exploitation”, and since the sinking of the titanic the steam engine, and cheap sources of energy beneficial to the common good have been cruelly taken from us (terrorism].

They also use this method to cruelly take away our rights, freedoms and liberties (911). Greed is a cruel and beastly monster and they will go as far as poisoning our water and air to extract money. These super rich satanic bastards are not human, and it’s a huge mistake to ignore what they call “overpopulation”, and their wicked plans pertaining to this twisted madness.

They use mainly secret societies/cults, and bribery to enslave many down the road of self-destruction. There business pursuits worldwide from oil to bananas and everything in between has involved murder, lawlessness, and exploitation…these bastards are out of control.

Lawful government must redeem itself from these sub-human monsters and realize good people must turn around the Mossad inspired actions of the C.I.A., N.S.A., and all the other Governmental entities looted and hijacked by the Zionist.

Working toward the common good is all that will preserve this nation. When you’re not even civilized what does the temporary wealth really means?

This country started as a Christian nation so take careful notice of where the Zionist have lead us.
This is a communist statement of sabotage against progressive America initiative,

Umm... you do realize, you moron, that the American Progressives ARE Commie bastards, right?

blah blah blibbidy >hic burp< blah (that's all I hear anymore at least.)

Okay schmart guy. Build it. Or you can write up your proposal, put in front of the current fascist administration, and if it will work, they will probably eat it up. After all, they are not part of the problem... they're your saviors.
Probably some sophmore with time on his hands trying to make fun with us.

I mean, no one can be this stupid and still breathe, can they?
S/He has their iPod playing "Breathe in.... breathe out... Breathe in.... breathe out...Breathe in.... breathe out... Breathe in.... breathe out... Breathe in.... breathe out... Breathe in.... breathe out... Breathe in.... breathe out... Breathe in.... breathe out... "

To keep themselves alive.

any dumber and they'll need to be watered twice a week.
You seem to be confused about which administration is now in the white house. Some clear efforts to move away from fascism are part of this new administration. Also clean energy and moving away from oil dependency has been a stated goal. You imbeciles are all for the destruction of America and the goodness and freedom it can nurture across the world.

Privatization is exactly what went down in Russia when the Soviets/Zionist destroyed Russia’s governmental structure. This enormous parasite with its proboscis deeply rooted in the America economy is stealing at a colossal rate.

Inflation happens as a result of the entire network of thievery caused by the communist/Zionist at the core of the FED. This Ponzi scheme as reduced America to enormous debt. Every single cut in mostly all aspects of government that is helpful for the common good has been stolen/cut so the Zionist can steal the money.

It’s the most bizarre inaction in all history. How is it that the Zionist media announces budgetary cuts all over the place in the local and national governments, and “know one” questions where did the money go and the true reason behind all the cuts?

Open Government is what’s needed. Before the Zionist poisoned Harold Washington, it was Harold who understood government, and made it a matter public record to reveal to the public the government’s finances. It’s the people’s money they should see every aspect of how it’s being spent. Thieves love secrecy.

The city of Chicago went from vast citywide street re-pavements and infrastructural repairs and a solid business climate to bankruptcy and extorting money by towing vehicle’s to generate revenue. The Zionist has also robbed California into bankruptcy, and they control New York, and they benefitted great from the carnage of the Zionist false-flag operation called 9-11.

After the present weak mayor (Daley) listened to the Zionist plea to bring back the secrecy to government, Chicago has been looted into privatization, and the irony is, it’s illegal to make private that which truly belongs to the “government” of the people by the “people”.

The money is not backed by gold, and this fiat money is just printed up and given out by the Zionist to privatize and at the same time take away our sovereignty gradually. When this happens the anti-American operatives gain a stronger foothold in attaining government contracts that basically outsources our sovereignty, and takes over the government.

Greed has no respect for human life or law. An economy coup is what they are pushing for while using the media to destroy families, destroy the morale of men, and lesbianize women. The future strength of a nation is the man child/boys who are under psychological attack. Girls are portrayed as more important than boys and woman are continuously showed as being much stronger then they really are, and in control of men. This is “psychological warfare” against the American people at this point.

They are pushing to start trouble from our southern border and have it spread. Much the same way the C.I.A. does in southern American countries, and worldwide. They instigate conflict to start violence once the psych operations are finished.

The Fabian type warfare now taking place in America is real, and restoring true American imitative that will bring back our economy is a proven and workable plan to fight against the treason that is taking place.

Steam, wind, and solar generated power along with working for the common good will restore the identity of America. This is the last chance to do the right thing. If good men do nothing their inaction and silence gives consent to the Zionist/terrorist.

Upholding the rule of law, the Constitution, and true American values can delay the bloodshed and chaos the communist operatives who post their negative propaganda on this very site want for true Americans.
You imbeciles have even provided a photo of your favorite dish.

Everything points to your inability to be free thinkers.

You pathetic cult members are really a bunch of slaves.........what blockheads.
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There are stupid people who are not anti semites. And there are anti semites who are not stupid.

but the difference in the sets is infinitesimal compared to the union of the sets.
Which catagory do you fall under?

It's mind control and delusional to be deceived by zionist misnomers.
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Which catagory do you fall under?

It's mind control and delusional to be deceived by zionist misnomers.

I am quite aware of what The International Bankers have done to America and The World, but how the hell did they sink the Titanic bro? Wait a minute, I got it..... It was a remote controlled Ice berg right? Like The one James Bond jumped into. I can see it now, a group of Jews in some igloo controlling and directing the Ice berg into the Titanic's path, right?

:razz: ~BH

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