Merely running against Trump will be the political equivalent of cutting one's wrists on November 6th.

The Democrats need something to offer, and they don't have it.
Wow. There are so many things to point out here - where to begin?

1. Madaleno here has absolutely no clue about President Trump's positions (nice job genius - you just ran on a platform of ignorance)

2. His entire platform is that he will get under the skin of President Trump. Leave it to a progressive to bring real solutions to the table! :eusa_doh:

3. In his campaign ad that will not only be seen by young children, but which also actually uses young children in the ad, he proudly declares that he "pisses off Trump". Nice language. Real mature. Real leadership.

Gay gubernatorial candidate launches ad aimed to ‘p**s off’ President Trump. But does it?

Trump never swears.

Oh, wait...

"I will bomb the shit out of them!"

"Grab them by the pussy!"

"Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now’”

Trump, March 18 of this year, campaigning in Pennsylvania, "It's 1999, I'm on Meet the Press, a show now headed by sleepy eyes Chuck Todd. He's a sleeping son of a bitch. I'll tell you."

The stench of hypocrisy is all over this topic.
They are not even attempting to "mate" you nitwit. They are animals. Of course they are going to engage in disgusting behavior (just like progressives - animals that engage in disgusting behavior!). This is like saying that dogs are "homosexual" because a female dog will sniff the butt of another female. Moron. :eusa_doh:

Disgusting to you maybe -- but those animals who are having sex with each other are NOT subsequently shunned by the rest of the species -- only you hypersensitive cucks get all bent out of shape over what two consenting adults do -- I bet you claim you are for "small government" too huh-- for someone who sucks as much Trump penis as you do, I would think you would have a bit of humility about gay men.

But keep the hate should be use to being on the wrong side of history by now.
Wow. There are so many things to point out here - where to begin?

1. Madaleno here has absolutely no clue about President Trump's positions (nice job genius - you just ran on a platform of ignorance)

2. His entire platform is that he will get under the skin of President Trump. Leave it to a progressive to bring real solutions to the table! :eusa_doh:

3. In his campaign ad that will not only be seen by young children, but which also actually uses young children in the ad, he proudly declares that he "pisses off Trump". Nice language. Real mature. Real leadership.

Gay gubernatorial candidate launches ad aimed to ‘p**s off’ President Trump. But does it?

Are you doing satire or do you truly have zero self awareness?

He genuinely is that stupid. He was here before under another name (which is why I still call him "Buttsoiler") when he tried to tell us the difference between political left and right is "how big the government is". Then he changed his name. Note also his random use of political terms he has no understanding of, in this title a sociopolitical movement from a hundred years ago.

I gotta say, the fact that this guy in the OP is running for office at the age of 140 is impressive. Doesn't look a day over 90.
I bet you claim you are for "small government" too huh
I am for small government. Which is why I didn't want government getting involved where they don't belong (ie gay marriage). Once again it was you big government fascists who insisted on unconstitutionally dragging the government into the homosexual bedroom.
6but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin,a it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
No....there have already been documented occurrences of animals engaging in same sex behavior......but like I said -- keep the hate alive.

Are adulterers and fornicators on your hate list too? Or did you just narrow your selective Christianizing down to just gays??
Nice commercial. Considering all the terrible insults and language by Trump , u have a lot of never pretending that “pissed” is offensive.
so the left don't have any class. you should run on it then
Why not? Donald had no class, and he’s proud of it. And you support him no matter what
so you figure you want some attention too? dude, can't make it up. way to drop lower than low. you should watch out for low hanging fruit.:21:
So, Donald is low? Then why do you support him
I support his agenda. he isn't against any other person, he is against the government fking with the american people . I supposed that's what you want. not me. I support the agenda.
No....there have already been documented occurrences of animals engaging in same sex behavior......but like I said -- keep the hate alive.
It's not "hate" to accept nature, you fragile little snowflake. I don't "hate" homosexuals. I just think they should keep it in their bedroom where it belongs. Have you seen Trump kiss Melania in a political ad? Nope!
Are adulterers and fornicators are you hate list too? Or did you just narrow your selective Christianizing down to just gays??
I have nothing but disgust for adulterers. Not sure what that has to do with this conversation, but you have your answer now.
Wow. There are so many things to point out here - where to begin?

1. Madaleno here has absolutely no clue about President Trump's positions (nice job genius - you just ran on a platform of ignorance)

2. His entire platform is that he will get under the skin of President Trump. Leave it to a progressive to bring real solutions to the table! :eusa_doh:

3. In his campaign ad that will not only be seen by young children, but which also actually uses young children in the ad, he proudly declares that he "pisses off Trump". Nice language. Real mature. Real leadership.

Gay gubernatorial candidate launches ad aimed to ‘p**s off’ President Trump. But does it?

So what if young children see it? What is in it that "young children" shouldn't see?

Young children were once again exploited by a libtard in the making of that ad!

So if a campaign ad uses children it's exploitative? You sure you want to go with that?

With cussing in front of them, kissing a dude? What in the fuck is wrong with you?

someone with no class.
Wow. There are so many things to point out here - where to begin?

1. Madaleno here has absolutely no clue about President Trump's positions (nice job genius - you just ran on a platform of ignorance)

2. His entire platform is that he will get under the skin of President Trump. Leave it to a progressive to bring real solutions to the table! :eusa_doh:

3. In his campaign ad that will not only be seen by young children, but which also actually uses young children in the ad, he proudly declares that he "pisses off Trump". Nice language. Real mature. Real leadership.

Gay gubernatorial candidate launches ad aimed to ‘p**s off’ President Trump. But does it?

Just another career politician that cannot make it in the real world
I have nothing but disgust for adulterers. Not sure what that has to do with this conversation, but you have your answer now.

No you don't -- you can't both be a sycophant and have disgust for Trump simultaneously -- an adultery expert.

Well, actually you could - if you were a partisan hack -- which you are.
Wow. There are so many things to point out here - where to begin?

1. Madaleno here has absolutely no clue about President Trump's positions (nice job genius - you just ran on a platform of ignorance)

2. His entire platform is that he will get under the skin of President Trump. Leave it to a progressive to bring real solutions to the table! :eusa_doh:

3. In his campaign ad that will not only be seen by young children, but which also actually uses young children in the ad, he proudly declares that he "pisses off Trump". Nice language. Real mature. Real leadership.

Gay gubernatorial candidate launches ad aimed to ‘p**s off’ President Trump. But does it?

Trump never swears.

Oh, wait...

"I will bomb the shit out of them!"

"Grab them by the pussy!"

"Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now’”


Y U post fake Trump tweets?
Wow. There are so many things to point out here - where to begin?

1. Madaleno here has absolutely no clue about President Trump's positions (nice job genius - you just ran on a platform of ignorance)

2. His entire platform is that he will get under the skin of President Trump. Leave it to a progressive to bring real solutions to the table! :eusa_doh:

3. In his campaign ad that will not only be seen by young children, but which also actually uses young children in the ad, he proudly declares that he "pisses off Trump". Nice language. Real mature. Real leadership.

Gay gubernatorial candidate launches ad aimed to ‘p**s off’ President Trump. But does it?

So what if young children see it? What is in it that "young children" shouldn't see?

Young children were once again exploited by a libtard in the making of that ad!

Buck up, snowflake now isn't the time to become a politically correct wilting flower.
Wow. There are so many things to point out here - where to begin?

1. Madaleno here has absolutely no clue about President Trump's positions (nice job genius - you just ran on a platform of ignorance)

2. His entire platform is that he will get under the skin of President Trump. Leave it to a progressive to bring real solutions to the table! :eusa_doh:

3. In his campaign ad that will not only be seen by young children, but which also actually uses young children in the ad, he proudly declares that he "pisses off Trump". Nice language. Real mature. Real leadership.

Gay gubernatorial candidate launches ad aimed to ‘p**s off’ President Trump. But does it?

So what if young children see it? What is in it that "young children" shouldn't see?

Young children were once again exploited by a libtard in the making of that ad!

Buck up, snowflake now isn't the time to become a politically correct wilting flower.

Now is not the time to become a children-corrupting faggot. PS: It never has been, and never will be.
Wow. There are so many things to point out here - where to begin?

1. Madaleno here has absolutely no clue about President Trump's positions (nice job genius - you just ran on a platform of ignorance)

2. His entire platform is that he will get under the skin of President Trump. Leave it to a progressive to bring real solutions to the table! :eusa_doh:

3. In his campaign ad that will not only be seen by young children, but which also actually uses young children in the ad, he proudly declares that he "pisses off Trump". Nice language. Real mature. Real leadership.

Gay gubernatorial candidate launches ad aimed to ‘p**s off’ President Trump. But does it?

So what if young children see it? What is in it that "young children" shouldn't see?

Young children were once again exploited by a libtard in the making of that ad!

Buck up, snowflake now isn't the time to become a politically correct wilting flower.

Now is not the time to become a children-corrupting faggot. PS: It never has been, and never will be.

There is nothing corrupting about the ad. And only closeted homosexuals are fond of calling others faggots, ain't that right Mary?

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