stay classy, barack

It is not a salute, it is a lame attempt at one.

Was he afraid of his hand messing up the make-up on his head? Probably....

There is virtually nothing I like or respect about Obama, but I do respect the office he holds. The lameness here though is in taking shots at Barry's salute to our fallen warriors. I've seen him snap off enough salutes getting on/off Marine 1 that it's clear someone taught him how to properly execute one.

This pic, like all pics, represents a moment frozen in time in which his hand was either nearing its proper position, or it had been there and Obama was in the process of bringing it down afterwards.

Well said and agreed. Why do people need to fabricate things against the President when there are plenty of factual things with which to disagree? When people fabricate things to bitch about, it erodes the factual arguments. We saw this during the Bush Administration. The more often the Lefty Loonies made up lies and created distortions about President Bush, the more it eroded the arguments against certain Bush policies. It's like those who toss out the Race Card for the slimmest of reasons. Overuse, or worse, misuse, waters down the arguments for real cases of racism. When people constantly bitch about every little thing a President does, or worse, make up shit about them, then it waters down the arguments against actual policies worth disputing.
The White House photo:


Looks like he's waving. Inappropriate.

No, I really think it is a salute.
This same THUG pimped out the Bin Laden raid for his re-election campaign and yet people are here wondering if he knew this photo was being taken?? YOU'RE FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT?? The damn article states very clearly that the WH knew of the photographer there DESPITE 19 of the 30 families telling the WH, ABSOLUTELY NO, that means NONE, ZERO, NOT ONE, media coverage.
either he or his handlers are real fucking assholes for doing this, imo.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A White House photographer was allowed to take and widely distribute a photo from the ceremony Tuesday for the return of the remains of 30 American troops killed in a weekend helicopter crash in Afghanistan despite the Pentagon's claim that any public depiction of the scene would violate the wishes of bereaved families.
News media coverage of the ceremony had been banned by the Pentagon over the objections of several news organizations.
Pentagon officials had said that because 19 of 30 of the American families of the dead had objected to media coverage of the remains coming off a plane at Dover Air Force Base, no images could be taken. In addition, the Pentagon rejected media requests to take photos that showed officials at the ceremony but did not depict caskets.
President Barack Obama attended the ceremony, called a "dignified transfer," for those killed in the worst single loss of the nearly 10-year war. An official White House photo of a saluting Obama was distributed to news media and published widely. It also was posted on the White House website as the "Photo of the Day." It showed Obama and other officials in silhouette and did not depict caskets.

White House photo sparks protest - Yahoo! News

This just further reinforces the ever increasingly negative image of Obama I have.

He shouldn't have let his handlers release this all things considered...if they did it without his knowledge or blessing they should be fired.....if they did it with his knowledge then he is a jerk too.
This same THUG pimped out the Bin Laden raid for his re-election campaign and yet people are here wondering if he knew this photo was being taken?? YOU'RE FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT?? The damn article states very clearly that the WH knew of the photographer there DESPITE 19 of the 30 families telling the WH, ABSOLUTELY NO, that means NONE, ZERO, NOT ONE, media coverage.

I heard obama is working with hollywood to release a movie about the bin-laden raid in October of 2012, now that is some smart campaigning! (Its a bit nefarious too)

If the kenyan thinks he's going to salute, somebody please teach the imbecile how to do it properly.

As previous photos and video clips have shown, he knows how to salute. He's better at it than Bush and a lot better than Clinton. Clinton's salute seemed a cross between a Bubba "How ya doin'" and "I'm so embarrassed doing this because I'm a draft-dodging prick" salute.
This same THUG pimped out the Bin Laden raid for his re-election campaign and yet people are here wondering if he knew this photo was being taken?? YOU'RE FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT?? The damn article states very clearly that the WH knew of the photographer there DESPITE 19 of the 30 families telling the WH, ABSOLUTELY NO, that means NONE, ZERO, NOT ONE, media coverage.

I heard obama is working with hollywood to release a movie about the bin-laden raid in October of 2012, now that is some smart campaigning! (Its a bit nefarious too)

yes, noting political there ( or here:rolleyes:) , all of sudden killing arabs will be cool or "allowed", as long as its the right guy killing them...what a crock. :lol:
either he or his handlers are real fucking assholes for doing this, imo.

when shrub was president, one of the big objections to his policies was his imbecilic refusal to allow the caskets of dead soldiers to be photographed b/c he didn't want the real cost of his war of choice to be publicized.

when president obama took office, that policy was officially ended....

i don't give a rat's ass what bush did or what the policy was purported to be.

the FAMILIES did NOT want photographers. you know, the people whose loved ones died?

the pentagon banned the media because the FAMILIES did not want photos of the scene. i think it redefines reprehensible to then go and take pictures, put them on the WH web site, and then release them to the media for publication.

Yep,, that's how I read it too.

A White House photographer was allowed to take and widely distribute a photo from the ceremony Tuesday for the return of the remains of 30 American troops killed in a weekend helicopter crash in Afghanistan despite the Pentagon's claim that any public depiction of the scene would violate the wishes of bereaved families.
What does the word DESPITE mean to you people.

does SPITE mean anything to you?

why can't bereaved families make a request and have it respected by this arrogant fool from chichargo?
This same THUG pimped out the Bin Laden raid for his re-election campaign and yet people are here wondering if he knew this photo was being taken?? YOU'RE FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT?? The damn article states very clearly that the WH knew of the photographer there DESPITE 19 of the 30 families telling the WH, ABSOLUTELY NO, that means NONE, ZERO, NOT ONE, media coverage.

I heard obama is working with hollywood to release a movie about the bin-laden raid in October of 2012, now that is some smart campaigning! (Its a bit nefarious too)

What part is Obama gonna play in the movie?
Besides being completely disgusted with the Obama White House and the lack of respect for the families of the fallen, two words come to mind.

Political capital
one of the bigger ones from the Righty Camp....

Unfortunately it seems some people in this thread care more about bashing President Obama than what he's accused of messing up on.

Photo of Obama saluting fallen troops questioned - The Oval -

And the press could give a shit, they just want things their way.

The Associated Press' White House bureau chief, Ben Feller, asked about it at Wednesday's daily press briefing.

"The media, as you, of course, know, were not allowed to cover that directly, were not allowed to see what the president saw," Feller said. "Can you explain why the White House put out a picture of the president in a very presidential mode, saluting, and the free press was not allowed to cover that?

White House press secretary Jay Carney said the single photo was distributed "in the interests of transparency."

"The reason why we were able to release a photo is -- it was carefully done so that none of the transfer cases that contained remains were in the picture," he said.
Photo of Obama saluting fallen troops questioned - The Oval -[/url]

And the press could give a shit, they just want things their way.

Agreed. They're just whining like they always do when not allowed to do whatever they like.

USA Today article said:
Now news organizations are wondering why the White House was allowed to take and distribute that photo when media covering the event were barred from taking any.

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