Stats on negroid crime


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

Hate crime:
FBI — Offenders
58.6% were white
18.4% were black

Percentage of drug arrests (out of 29,896 for 100%):
White- 26.3 7654
Black- 25.5 7427
Hispanic/Latino 45.6% 13,266

Nearly 2,000 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border are within the
jurisdiction of five federal judicial districts: Southern and
Western Districts of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and the
Southern District of California (map 1). These five districts
held about 9% of the U.S. population and accounted for
56% of all federal arrests in 2009.

In 2007 black female victims of intimate partner homicide were twice as likely as white female homicide victims to be killed by a spouse (0.96 and 0.50 per 100,000, respectively).
• Black females were four times more likely than white females to be murdered by a boyfriend or girlfriend (1.44 and 0.34 per 100,000, respectively).
"OH WE AREN'T MORE VIOLENT..." -yeah right.
Here Take your own word for it blacks...:-"However, this perception of African Americans as inherently violent is not limited to the White segment of the population: the National Race and Politics Survey of 1991 recorded more than half of both White Americans and African Americans as being in agreement with the statement "Blacks are aggressive or violent".Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Intimate Partner Victims / Defendants:
female victims - 86%
Of female victims - 37.1% White
Black - 33.5%
Hispanic - 30.8%
That's 60% of all intimate partner offenders being non-white.


-"The UCR classifies most Hispanics into the "white" category. The NCVS classifies some Hispanic criminals as "white" and some as "other race". The victim categories for the NCVS are more distinct."

2008-2009 Prison Sexual Assault TBL 15:
(lost link, you find it jacka$$)
White - 38.9%
Black - 64.6%

Hmm... there goes most of your "Whitey is gay" theory.

2008 Crimes of Violence (total=3.6Million) TBL 40
Total Percentage of Blacks offenders is 22.8%
Rape by blacks is 32%
Agg. Assault by blacks is 24.1%

2008 Crimes of Single Offender Crimes of violence TBL 42:
Total- 2.7 Million White Victims
Total- 570,550 Black Victims
Percentage of Black on White- 15.4%
Percentage of White on Black- 15.9%

HUGE disparity of ratio! Keep in mind, NO hispanic/latino categories in here.

2008 Crimes of Violence TBL 46
Of all crimes of violence relating to multiple offenders-
Whites- 33.3
Blacks- 29.5

Same disparity (AGAIN!) of population, with very close percentages.

2008 Crimes of violence TBL 48:
Percent distribution of multiple-offender victimization,
by type of crime, race of victims, and perceived race of offenders:

Number of multiple offender victimization for blacks- 169,550
Number of offenders under "White" category by percentage- 0%

Number of Multiple offender victimization for Whites- 726,530
Number of offenders under "black" category by percentage- 19.5%


1980-2008 Homicide Statistics by race:
"The offending rate for blacks was 7 times higher than the rate for whites.
The offending rate for blacks showed a similar pattern to the victimization rate, peaking in early 1990's.
After 1991 rates declined to 24 per 100,000. It has since fluctuated up
and down (24-28)."

Compared to whites who hover between 5 and 8 (est prov by graph) for the same time periods.
Population disparity? Hell yes.

Same Time period-

53% of all felony murders were against Whites.
59.9% of the offenders were black.

44.1% of all felony murders were against blacks.
38.4% of the offenders were white.

Disparity? Hell yes.


"The racial distribution of arrests
for rape is similar to the racial distribution
for all violent UCR arrests.
56% of arrests for rape in 1995 were
white, 42% were black, and 2% were
of other races."

- Extrapolate percentages, based upon POPULATION, and you see the real story.


Amazing that they represent so little in populace:
Black or African American 38,929,319 12.6 %

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This is in 2011
were 2,861 hate crime offenses classified as crimes against property; most of these (81.1 percent) were acts of destruction/damage/vandalism. The remaining 18.9 percent of crimes against property consisted of robbery, burglary, larceny theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, and other offenses.
Of the 6,008 known offenders, 58.6 percent were white and 18.4 percent were black. For 12.0 percent, the race was unknown, and the remaining known offenders were of other races.
This is in 2011
were 2,861 hate crime offenses classified as crimes against property; most of these (81.1 percent) were acts of destruction/damage/vandalism. The remaining 18.9 percent of crimes against property consisted of robbery, burglary, larceny theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, and other offenses.
Of the 6,008 known offenders, 58.6 percent were white and 18.4 percent were black. For 12.0 percent, the race was unknown, and the remaining known offenders were of other races.

Uh huh.

You know, if we subtracted blacks and Hispanics from the picture, criminal justice in America would practically disappear overnight. Empty prisons. Bored police. A few drunk drivers, wife-beaters and kiddie-touchers. No robbery. No burglary. No drug dealing.
The term Negroid is commonly associated with notions of racial typology which are disputed by a minority of anthropologists.[18] For modern usage it is generally associated with racial notions, and is discouraged, as it is potentially offensive.[8] The term "Negroid" is still used in certain disciplines such as craniometry, epidemiology and forensic archaeology[dubious – discuss]. Even in a medical context, some scholars have recommended that the term Negroid be avoided in scientific writings because of its association with racism and race science.[19] This mirrors the decline in usage of the term Negro, which fell out of favor following the campaigns of the American civil rights movement — the term Negro became associated with periods of legalized discrimination, and was rejected by African Americans during the 1960s for Black.[8]
Negroid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"There are lairs, damn liars and statistics", a quote attributed to Mark Twain. The point being statistics can be manipulated - as was one of the points of the OP; but, even when stats are meticulously kept the interpretation of those facts is critical for understanding.

Cause and effect is in play, did the conclusion evaluate all factors which may have influenced an outcome? How did poverty, environment, diet, and other variables impact the conclusion? How about abuse, single parent homes, radio and television watching - hours and programming - factor into the conclusion?

There is more at play than the color of one's skin or the ethnicity of those who engage in violent criminal behavior. Simply selecting one factor - skin color - proves nothing.
This is in 2011
were 2,861 hate crime offenses classified as crimes against property; most of these (81.1 percent) were acts of destruction/damage/vandalism. The remaining 18.9 percent of crimes against property consisted of robbery, burglary, larceny theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, and other offenses.
Of the 6,008 known offenders, 58.6 percent were white and 18.4 percent were black. For 12.0 percent, the race was unknown, and the remaining known offenders were of other races.

Uh huh.

You know, if we subtracted blacks and Hispanics from the picture, criminal justice in America would practically disappear overnight. Empty prisons. Bored police. A few drunk drivers, wife-beaters and kiddie-touchers. No robbery. No burglary. No drug dealing.

Wow you really live in a fantasy world, something is really totally fucked in your head. If all the Black and Hispanic criminals vanished off the face of the earth you really think all the white meth dealers will turn over a new leaf? the Russians will stop selling sex slaves and running drugs? the Italian Mafia will stop their works? you sir are a bigger fucking moron than I ever thought possible, all the Black and Hispanic criminals leaving will do is open up a whole new arena for the white criminals.
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This is in 2011
were 2,861 hate crime offenses classified as crimes against property; most of these (81.1 percent) were acts of destruction/damage/vandalism. The remaining 18.9 percent of crimes against property consisted of robbery, burglary, larceny theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, and other offenses.
Of the 6,008 known offenders, 58.6 percent were white and 18.4 percent were black. For 12.0 percent, the race was unknown, and the remaining known offenders were of other races.

Uh huh.

You know, if we subtracted blacks and Hispanics from the picture, criminal justice in America would practically disappear overnight. Empty prisons. Bored police. A few drunk drivers, wife-beaters and kiddie-touchers. No robbery. No burglary. No drug dealing.

Wow you really live in a fantasy world, something is really totally fucked in your head. If all the Black and Hispanic criminals vanished off the face of the air you really think all the white meth dealers will turn over a new leaf? the Russians will stop selling sex slaves and running drugs? the Italian Mafia will stop their works? you sir are a bigger fucking moron than I ever thought possible, all the Black and Hispanic criminals leaving will do is open up a whole new arena for the white criminals.

Hey H_G. You didn't say "negroid," so he can't possibly grasp your words.

Of course, you are using logic, so he couldn't possibly grasp your words, anyway.
Uh huh.

You know, if we subtracted blacks and Hispanics from the picture, criminal justice in America would practically disappear overnight. Empty prisons. Bored police. A few drunk drivers, wife-beaters and kiddie-touchers. No robbery. No burglary. No drug dealing.

Wow you really live in a fantasy world, something is really totally fucked in your head. If all the Black and Hispanic criminals vanished off the face of the air you really think all the white meth dealers will turn over a new leaf? the Russians will stop selling sex slaves and running drugs? the Italian Mafia will stop their works? you sir are a bigger fucking moron than I ever thought possible, all the Black and Hispanic criminals leaving will do is open up a whole new arena for the white criminals.

Hey H_G. You didn't say "negroid," so he can't possibly grasp your words.

Of course, you are using logic, so he couldn't possibly grasp your words, anyway.

Let's see the stats on MALE/FEMALE crime & come up with another group to be afraid of:lol:
"There are lairs, damn liars and statistics", a quote attributed to Mark Twain. The point being statistics can be manipulated - as was one of the points of the OP; but, even when stats are meticulously kept the interpretation of those facts is critical for understanding.

Cause and effect is in play, did the conclusion evaluate all factors which may have influenced an outcome? How did poverty, environment, diet, and other variables impact the conclusion? How about abuse, single parent homes, radio and television watching - hours and programming - factor into the conclusion?

There is more at play than the color of one's skin or the ethnicity of those who engage in violent criminal behavior. Simply selecting one factor - skin color - proves nothing.

Statistics are only as good as the examples taken. Crime statistics are fairly accurate but keep in my that some murders may have been the result of self defense.

Police Records And Information
"There are lairs, damn liars and statistics", a quote attributed to Mark Twain. The point being statistics can be manipulated - as was one of the points of the OP; but, even when stats are meticulously kept the interpretation of those facts is critical for understanding.

Cause and effect is in play, did the conclusion evaluate all factors which may have influenced an outcome? How did poverty, environment, diet, and other variables impact the conclusion? How about abuse, single parent homes, radio and television watching - hours and programming - factor into the conclusion?

There is more at play than the color of one's skin or the ethnicity of those who engage in violent criminal behavior. Simply selecting one factor - skin color - proves nothing.

Sure all the factors you mention contribute to criminal behavior more than race. The fact remains that Blacks are more likely to grow up in single parent families, are more apt to be poor, more apt to have one or both parents on drugs, more apt to have a parent or sibling in prison and more apt to not graduate high school.
Who's fault is that?
A culture that shuns education as being "too white", that would rather get high than get a job, that thinks they are entitled to the fruits of the labor of others, is not about to get out of that trap.
If Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton turned from fomenting racial division to admonishing their own race for their shortcomings, racism, income disparity and abnormally high black prison inmate ratios would be over in a generation.
In stead, the division is getting worse. A white man kills a black teenager and Sharpton and Jackson are on the case in hours and the MSM is calling for his head before all the facts are gathered. But, when a white man is beaten to the point of coma by a group of 20 blacks and one of his assailants is heard to say "That's some justice for Treyvon." as he walks away, the Mayor and police chief say that the beating is not racially motivated.
"There are lairs, damn liars and statistics", a quote attributed to Mark Twain. The point being statistics can be manipulated - as was one of the points of the OP; but, even when stats are meticulously kept the interpretation of those facts is critical for understanding.

Cause and effect is in play, did the conclusion evaluate all factors which may have influenced an outcome? How did poverty, environment, diet, and other variables impact the conclusion? How about abuse, single parent homes, radio and television watching - hours and programming - factor into the conclusion?

There is more at play than the color of one's skin or the ethnicity of those who engage in violent criminal behavior. Simply selecting one factor - skin color - proves nothing.

Sure all the factors you mention contribute to criminal behavior more than race. The fact remains that Blacks are more likely to grow up in single parent families, are more apt to be poor, more apt to have one or both parents on drugs, more apt to have a parent or sibling in prison and more apt to not graduate high school.
Who's fault is that?
A culture that shuns education as being "too white", that would rather get high than get a job, that thinks they are entitled to the fruits of the labor of others, is not about to get out of that trap.
If Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton turned from fomenting racial division to admonishing their own race for their shortcomings, racism, income disparity and abnormally high black prison inmate ratios would be over in a generation.
In stead, the division is getting worse. A white man kills a black teenager and Sharpton and Jackson are on the case in hours and the MSM is calling for his head before all the facts are gathered. But, when a white man is beaten to the point of coma by a group of 20 blacks and one of his assailants is heard to say "That's some justice for Treyvon." as he walks away, the Mayor and police chief say that the beating is not racially motivated.

Jackson has urged African Americans to stay in school, work hard and achieve............Sharpton????????? The lowlifes USING Martin's name are just repeating something to look bigger, no doubt most were thugs before they ever heard his name.
All you people can do is scream racism at anyone that points out the realies of black crime. Instead of working to better our society, you work to silence anyone that want to point out the problem. Why? Blacks shouldn't be CAUSING 5 times the murder rate "per" their percentage of the population then whites. It isn't ok, but I'm the evil one to you. Kind of sad, but I'm not dealing with people that want a better America, either.

There's much more to "race" then skin color. Tamperment, Bone structure, iq, etc.
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"There are lairs, damn liars and statistics", a quote attributed to Mark Twain. The point being statistics can be manipulated - as was one of the points of the OP; but, even when stats are meticulously kept the interpretation of those facts is critical for understanding.

Cause and effect is in play, did the conclusion evaluate all factors which may have influenced an outcome? How did poverty, environment, diet, and other variables impact the conclusion? How about abuse, single parent homes, radio and television watching - hours and programming - factor into the conclusion?

There is more at play than the color of one's skin or the ethnicity of those who engage in violent criminal behavior. Simply selecting one factor - skin color - proves nothing.

Sure all the factors you mention contribute to criminal behavior more than race. The fact remains that Blacks are more likely to grow up in single parent families, are more apt to be poor, more apt to have one or both parents on drugs, more apt to have a parent or sibling in prison and more apt to not graduate high school.
Who's fault is that?
A culture that shuns education as being "too white", that would rather get high than get a job, that thinks they are entitled to the fruits of the labor of others, is not about to get out of that trap.
If Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton turned from fomenting racial division to admonishing their own race for their shortcomings, racism, income disparity and abnormally high black prison inmate ratios would be over in a generation.
In stead, the division is getting worse. A white man kills a black teenager and Sharpton and Jackson are on the case in hours and the MSM is calling for his head before all the facts are gathered. But, when a white man is beaten to the point of coma by a group of 20 blacks and one of his assailants is heard to say "That's some justice for Treyvon." as he walks away, the Mayor and police chief say that the beating is not racially motivated.

Jackson has urged African Americans to stay in school, work hard and achieve............Sharpton????????? The lowlifes USING Martin's name are just repeating something to look bigger, no doubt most were thugs before they ever heard his name.


Your lack of knowledge is no excuse for your stupidity.

"With a boost from President Obama, the Rev. Al Sharpton and new "Odd Couple" pal Newt Gingrich kicked off a five-city roadshow aimed at bridging the achievement gap for minorities in schools."

Newt Gingrich and Al Sharpton team up to rally for education on tour - NY Daily News

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