Statistics on US Presidents and Executive Orders

Fascists agree with you on this, Votto.

Centralized banking, in a modern, globalized world and its economy remains essential.
So did you google 'Doug Feith Pentagon' & 'Lindsey Graham NDAA' Votto? :eusa_whistle: :doubt: Have you heard of Doug Feith? If not, then you are out of your league discussing the Bush/Cheney war.
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Republicans are not good with numbers

They pull the same shit with Obama vacations

Democrats invented fuzzy math.

They claim Obama created 8 million jobs yet he has a net loss of over a million. First of all, Obama didn't create one single job. The economy did. How many jobs did Obama erase? Well, we don't know because the administration only wants to talk about the jobs they say he created. We don't even know if that is remotely honest because he wants to count part-time jobs as full-time, overtime as a separate job, and ignores the fact that many are working 2 and 3 jobs just to make ends meet.

It doesn't matter to them that for every 1 job created in December, 5 people left the work force.
It doesn't matter to them that more people are out of work than the last 30 years.
It doesn't matter to them that incomes have stagnated to the point that our dollar doesn't stretch as far as it should, thus we are at an all time high in food stamp recipients. 50 million people are below the poverty level.

If Obama wants to increase those in poverty he's doing a pretty good job of it. He's turning the rest of the country into California.
Well, there goes the "Obama as dictator" meme.

Not for the wingnuts. In their alternative reality, that fact that Obama has issued fewer EO's than most Presidents just prove how sly he is. There is no way that the President can do anything without this bunch twisting into some conspiracy. What a bunch of really stupid losers.

Yepp. Bravo.


Day 1:

Reporter: "Today, perfect weather is expected over the Rockies"

Foaming at the mouth Teadrinker: "That fucking Obama, he stole our clouds and gave em to those fucking Irrainiuhns!!"

Day 2:

Reporter: "Ok, tomorrow we are expecting storms"

Foaming at the mouth Teadrinker: "That fucking Obama, he's using Illuminati technology he brought back from Mars from his trip there in 1980, to murder all Conservatives with storm-wars!!! He sent the fuckin good weather to those fucking Irrainiuhns!!"

Sounds like a nut-case.

Replace Obama with Bush and you have your typical Democrat.

At least our dislike for Obama is rational.
Fascists agree with you on this, Votto.

Centralized banking, in a modern, globalized world and its economy remains essential.

Hitler was the poster boy for this way of thinking.

Why nationalize industry when all you have to do is nationalize the people within industry.

Hitler would have meetings with the heads of industry and tell them how it was going to be, even though he did not own them in name. This is pretty much the way Obama approached the insurance industry and the banking industry.
Fascists agree with you on this, Votto.

Centralized banking, in a modern, globalized world and its economy remains essential.

Hitler was the poster boy for this way of thinking.

Why nationalize industry when all you have to do is nationalize the people within industry.

Hitler would have meetings with the heads of industry and tell them how it was going to be, even though he did not own them in name. This is pretty much the way Obama approached the insurance industry and the banking industry.

I remember the water pitcher meeting with bankers.

Obama was on youtube the other day in the Cabinet whistling a Guns & Roses song while everyone sits around waiting for him to start the meeting. He's a tin-horn dictator that feels everyone has to wait around for him.

This pretty much puts the whole "Imperial" thing to rest:


GOP Slams ?Imperial? Obama After Fewest Executive Orders In 100 Years (CHART)

Until now, President Obama has issued 168 executive orders. That makes for less than 0.1 order per day in office. You can see it at the graph above.

Here the exact numbers:

List of United States federal executive orders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama and the last five presidents before:

Obama (to-date): 168
Bush, Jr: 291 (over 8 years)
Clinton: 364 (over 8 years)
Bush, Sr. 166 (over four years)
Reagan: 381 (over 8 years)
Carter: 320 (over 4 years)

You can see that in the first 50 years of the twentieth century, Presidents issued considerably more EO's. Starting with Eisenhower, that trend lessened.

Another member (I think it was Amelia) made a good point on another thread, namely, that Obama is about 60% through his full tenure in office and when you extrapolate his current number of EOs out to eight years, he would likely end up with as many EO's as his predecessor, George W. Bush, Jr.:

5 / 8 = 62.5%
168 / 0.625 = 268.8, or 269 EOs.

But both of these gentlemen, Obama AND Bush, Jr., for all presidents who have served 8 years (2 full terms) will have had the least number of EOs all the way back to Ulysses S. Grant.

It's all in the wiki link.


Now, people can freely debate whether an individual EO is constitutional or not, but rest assured, each President gets legal counsel as to the veracity and legality of an EO BEFORE signing it.

Feel free to vent, but maybe a couple of facts would be nice, too... :D

Oh, I almost forgot: the Emancipation Proclamation, signed by President Abraham Lincoln (R), was an EO:


Do you ever have a thought of your own?

This pretty much puts the whole "Imperial" thing to rest:


GOP Slams ?Imperial? Obama After Fewest Executive Orders In 100 Years (CHART)

Until now, President Obama has issued 168 executive orders. That makes for less than 0.1 order per day in office. You can see it at the graph above.

Here the exact numbers:

List of United States federal executive orders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama and the last five presidents before:

Obama (to-date): 168
Bush, Jr: 291 (over 8 years)
Clinton: 364 (over 8 years)
Bush, Sr. 166 (over four years)
Reagan: 381 (over 8 years)
Carter: 320 (over 4 years)

You can see that in the first 50 years of the twentieth century, Presidents issued considerably more EO's. Starting with Eisenhower, that trend lessened.

Another member (I think it was Amelia) made a good point on another thread, namely, that Obama is about 60% through his full tenure in office and when you extrapolate his current number of EOs out to eight years, he would likely end up with as many EO's as his predecessor, George W. Bush, Jr.:

5 / 8 = 62.5%
168 / 0.625 = 268.8, or 269 EOs.

But both of these gentlemen, Obama AND Bush, Jr., for all presidents who have served 8 years (2 full terms) will have had the least number of EOs all the way back to Ulysses S. Grant.

It's all in the wiki link.


Now, people can freely debate whether an individual EO is constitutional or not, but rest assured, each President gets legal counsel as to the veracity and legality of an EO BEFORE signing it.

Feel free to vent, but maybe a couple of facts would be nice, too... :D

Oh, I almost forgot: the Emancipation Proclamation, signed by President Abraham Lincoln (R), was an EO:


Do you ever have a thought of your own?

I just wonder if he's paid or does it for free?
It's not that simple. Over time Congress has delegated more and more power to the Executive Branch to the point that laws are now being passed in the guise of regulation. This means that if they can't pass legislation like cap and trade, Obama simply has his goons in the EPA begin to implement it devoid of Congressional votes.

If you don't like it maybe you should write a letter to your Congressman. They could always sponsor a bill that will withdraw what you're complaining about. Of course, that would leave every little jot and tiddle to be handled by Congress. And we all know just how efficient they are. But the good news is you'll have fresh reason to complain that the government doesn't get anything done.

The Executive Branch is simply too powerful. Executive Orders are but a small part of this.

Yeah, because the Congress critters are so happy to sign away their powers to a different branch of Government.

And what about issues like the IRS going after political opponents?

That never happened, and you know it. Or, maybe you don't know it. If not, then you should. Because it's been made pretty damn clear already. The "increased scrutiny" was non-partisan, and was aimed at partisan political groups in general. There were many liberal groups who encountered problems.

Did that take an Executive Order?

Again, you ought to already know the answer to this. The whole affair was an internal IRS matter, the result of one misguided fool implementing a faulty set of procedures to identify reject tax exempt status for political groups who did not legitimately qualify.

I think you will find that the most destructive activities are well hidden behind closed doors. How then can you dismiss the dictator charge?

Removing the tin foil hat and realizing that you're still in control of your brainwaves might be a good start.
Guess what, I could care less about "W" and the GOP.

Well, therein lies your problem. Remove the plank from your eye.

These BS complaints about Obama are not going to do anything but strengthen his hand and make it more difficult to fight the real battles that need to be fought. Didn't we learn that the last election? I'm so damn sick and tired of these fake conservatives condemning us to Democratic victories.

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