State Dept Emails Released Showing Dossier Author Chris Steele’s Close Relationship with State Dept

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‘Special Coordinator for Libya’ Jonathan Winer Played Key Role, Approached by Hollywood

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch today released 43 pages of documents from the U.S. Department of State revealing that State Department “Special Coordinator for Libya” Jonathan Winer played a key role in facilitating dossier author Christopher Steele’s access to other top government officials, prominent international business executives. Mr. Winer was even approached by a movie producer about making a movie about the Russiagate targeting of President Trump.

Judicial Watch obtained the documents in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on April 25, 2018 on behalf of itself and the Daily Caller News Foundation against the State Department after it failed to respond to three separate FOIA requests (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State(No. 1:18-cv- 00968)).

Judicial Watch Releases State Department Emails Showing Dossier Author Christopher Steele’s Close Relationship with State Department - Judicial Watch
Judicial watch is not a reliable source.

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About Judicial Watch - Judicial Watch
they seem to have more of a right wing bias.

The motto of Judicial Watch is “Because no one is above the law”. To this end, Judicial Watch uses the open records or freedom of information laws and other tools to investigate and uncover misconduct by government officials and litigation to hold to account politicians and public officials who engage in corrupt activities.
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‘Special Coordinator for Libya’ Jonathan Winer Played Key Role, Approached by Hollywood

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch today released 43 pages of documents from the U.S. Department of State revealing that State Department “Special Coordinator for Libya” Jonathan Winer played a key role in facilitating dossier author Christopher Steele’s access to other top government officials, prominent international business executives. Mr. Winer was even approached by a movie producer about making a movie about the Russiagate targeting of President Trump.

Judicial Watch obtained the documents in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on April 25, 2018 on behalf of itself and the Daily Caller News Foundation against the State Department after it failed to respond to three separate FOIA requests (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State(No. 1:18-cv- 00968)).

Judicial Watch Releases State Department Emails Showing Dossier Author Christopher Steele’s Close Relationship with State Department - Judicial Watch
Judicial watch is not a reliable source.

Why not?
About Judicial Watch - Judicial Watch
Lol, so judicial watch has a high opinion of themselves. BFD.

In the real world this is what media Bias Fact Check has to say about them:

  • Overall, we rate Judicial Watch Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories and a very poor fact check record.
Judicial Watch - Media Bias/Fact Check
Pass the popcorn!

‘Special Coordinator for Libya’ Jonathan Winer Played Key Role, Approached by Hollywood

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch today released 43 pages of documents from the U.S. Department of State revealing that State Department “Special Coordinator for Libya” Jonathan Winer played a key role in facilitating dossier author Christopher Steele’s access to other top government officials, prominent international business executives. Mr. Winer was even approached by a movie producer about making a movie about the Russiagate targeting of President Trump.

Judicial Watch obtained the documents in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on April 25, 2018 on behalf of itself and the Daily Caller News Foundation against the State Department after it failed to respond to three separate FOIA requests (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State(No. 1:18-cv- 00968)).

Judicial Watch Releases State Department Emails Showing Dossier Author Christopher Steele’s Close Relationship with State Department - Judicial Watch
Judicial watch is not a reliable source.

Why not?
About Judicial Watch - Judicial Watch
they seem to have more of a right wing bias.

The motto of Judicial Watch is “Because no one is above the law”. To this end, Judicial Watch uses the open records or freedom of information laws and other tools to investigate and uncover misconduct by government officials and litigation to hold to account politicians and public officials who engage in corrupt activities.
They are complete right wing nut jobs.
This report didn’t go to Hillary Clinton. It went to the FBI.
Because that’s the law.
Something Trump and the Republicans believe don’t apply to white people.

The FBI was spying on a political campaign at the behest of the Democrats.
That’s absolute ridiculous nonsense. What the hell is wrong with you?

The FBI was doing their job and surveilling Russians. The problem here is that every time a Russian moved over there was someone from the Trump campaign. Why do you think so many Trump people are in prison or going to prison?

Do you know that so far in every investigation where there’s been Felonies, there’s been 100% conviction rate?

Democrats aren’t so powerful that they control the world.

If anyone is powerful it’s Republicans who control the Senate and the presidency and the Supreme Court and the department of justice.

What is wrong with you people? It’s like this incredible desire to be insanely stupid. I don’t get it.
We already knew that Christopher Steele had worked with the US govt on previous cases in 2014 etc.... that's why the FBI had thought he was a reliable source... :rolleyes:

However, the FBI did not tell the FISA court that the dossier was opposition research funded by Hillary R. Clinton.

They certainly knew that, but chose not to tell the court.
NOPE! Simply not true! A lie, created by Nunes's #Releasethememo marketing campaign

They did tell the FISA court that the information gathered by Steele was for opposition research of an opposing Candidate, running against Trump....

THE only CANDIDATE in October running against Trump was Hillary Clinton.

So yes, the court was told it was OPPOSITION research.
This report didn’t go to Hillary Clinton. It went to the FBI.
Because that’s the law.
Something Trump and the Republicans believe don’t apply to white people.

The FBI was spying on a political campaign at the behest of the Democrats.
That’s absolute ridiculous nonsense. What the hell is wrong with you?

The FBI was doing their job and surveilling Russians. The problem here is that every time a Russian moved over there was someone from the Trump campaign. Why do you think so many Trump people are in prison or going to prison?

Do you know that so far in every investigation where there’s been Felonies, there’s been 100% conviction rate?

Democrats aren’t so powerful that they control the world.

If anyone is powerful it’s Republicans who control the Senate and the presidency and the Supreme Court and the department of justice.

What is wrong with you people? It’s like this incredible desire to be insanely stupid. I don’t get it.

What would you say if it was found out later that the FBI was spying on the Bite Me and Crazy Bernie campaigns now? Tapped the phones at Biden's home, listening to see if they was any connection between Biden and foreign adversaries? Maybe sending in Honeypots to get Biden campaign volunteers drunk and try to get them to say something incriminating?
the difference is, hiring someone to do opposition research is not the same as actually working with a foreign government for the research yourself.
Kinda like hiring an assassin is ok as long as you don't pull the trigger yourself...

working with a foreign government is simply that, and no longer merely opposition research.

You actually think Trump needs Pelosi's and the DNC's permission to meet with, say, the British Prime Minister, or the German Ambassador??? lol that's inane.
Pass the popcorn!

‘Special Coordinator for Libya’ Jonathan Winer Played Key Role, Approached by Hollywood

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch today released 43 pages of documents from the U.S. Department of State revealing that State Department “Special Coordinator for Libya” Jonathan Winer played a key role in facilitating dossier author Christopher Steele’s access to other top government officials, prominent international business executives. Mr. Winer was even approached by a movie producer about making a movie about the Russiagate targeting of President Trump.

Judicial Watch obtained the documents in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on April 25, 2018 on behalf of itself and the Daily Caller News Foundation against the State Department after it failed to respond to three separate FOIA requests (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State(No. 1:18-cv- 00968)).

Judicial Watch Releases State Department Emails Showing Dossier Author Christopher Steele’s Close Relationship with State Department - Judicial Watch
Judicial watch is not a reliable source.

Why not?
About Judicial Watch - Judicial Watch

It's a great source. The left wing has no credible sources, so they wouldn't know what one is.
Pass the popcorn!

‘Special Coordinator for Libya’ Jonathan Winer Played Key Role, Approached by Hollywood

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch today released 43 pages of documents from the U.S. Department of State revealing that State Department “Special Coordinator for Libya” Jonathan Winer played a key role in facilitating dossier author Christopher Steele’s access to other top government officials, prominent international business executives. Mr. Winer was even approached by a movie producer about making a movie about the Russiagate targeting of President Trump.

Judicial Watch obtained the documents in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on April 25, 2018 on behalf of itself and the Daily Caller News Foundation against the State Department after it failed to respond to three separate FOIA requests (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State(No. 1:18-cv- 00968)).

Judicial Watch Releases State Department Emails Showing Dossier Author Christopher Steele’s Close Relationship with State Department - Judicial Watch
Judicial watch is not a reliable source.

Why not?
About Judicial Watch - Judicial Watch

It's a great source. The left wing has no credible sources, so they wouldn't know what one is.
Judicial watch is a RWNJ shill. Nothing more.

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