Documents Show Senior Kerry Aide Used Private Email to Send Steele Reports to State Dept. Colleagues

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Eleven pages of State Department documents released on Jan. 7 in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch show that Jonathan Winer, an assistant to then-Secretary of State John Kerry, used his private email address to convey information he received from former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele to top U.S. diplomatic officials.

ā€œI will send them to her [his assistant, Nina Miller] from my non-State email account, not copying myself,ā€ Winer said in response to a December 2014 email from Paul Jones, principal deputy assistant secretary for European Affairs.

Jones wanted Winer to use the State Departmentā€™s secure email system, known informally as the ā€œhigh side,ā€ to transmit reports from Steeleā€™s firm, Orbis Business Intelligence.

ā€œGiven our ongoing concerns about security of open net, [then-Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland] and I wonder if it would be possible for you to flip Orbis reports to this system before sending them to us. Understand thatā€™s yet another step in the process for you. We just want to be sure we donā€™t inadvertently undermine a very good source of info or worse.ā€

Winer, who was then-special coordinator for Libya under Kerry, continued in his response, telling Jones ā€œshe will then send them to us. You know who they are coming from, so even high side from here I will just refer to them as ā€˜O Reports,ā€™ and strip out any other identifying information as to sourcing.ā€

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


What a Surprise! Not!! Just search the name Richard Windsor, and then all the hidden private,alternate email addresses demonRATs have been using for decades to avoid FOIA requests. Rules, regulations, laws and morals are for chumps!!!

ā€”SNIP-ā€” the FBIā€™s subdued handling of the matter appears to contrast with its all-hands-on-deck response to another set of unconfirmed memos that it also received in mid-2016 ā€“ the Steele dossier ā€“ and the fact that Clinton crony Sid Blumenthal and Shearer were deeply involved in the effort to tie Trump to Russia.-ā€”ā€”snip-ā€”ā€”

The Second ā€˜Dossierā€™

One of the people they used to pass on these false allegations to the FBI was Jonathan Winer, then a U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for international law enforcement and former special envoy for Libya.

Winer declined to comment for this article, but in a Washington Post op-ed in February of last year, he explained his meeting with his ā€œold friendā€ Blumenthal. When the two met in September 2016, Winer had already met with Steele and was familiar with the contents of Steeleā€™s dossier on Trump.

ā€œWhat struck me was how some of [Shearerā€™s] material echoed Steeleā€™s but appeared to involve After the Blumenthal meeting, Winer passed Shearerā€™s material on to Steele.

ā€œ[Steele] told me it was potentially ā€˜collateralā€™ information. I asked him what that meant. He said that it was similar but separate from the information he had gathered from his sources. I agreed to let him keep a copy of the Shearer notes,ā€ Winer recounts.

He further states: ā€œI did not mention or share his notes with anyone at the State Department. I did not expect them to be shared with anyone in the U.S. government. But I learned later that Steele did share them ā€” with the FBI, after the FBI asked him to provide everything he had on allegations relating to Trump, his campaign and Russian interference in U.S. elections.ā€
It's clear that Democrats have been conducting espionage against Trump since day one.

The biggest question should be why aren't they being brought up on charges.

I personally am tired of every new report that comes out showing their guilt and nothing is being done about it.

There is a statute of limitations on this stuff, isn't there?

WTF is everyone waiting for? For the statute to run out so they can get away with murder?

Why do we have laws in this country if nobody is left willing to enforce them?
Conspiracy/collusion by democrats to use a foreign spy to interfere in the 2016election ?
Wonder why Mueller didn't investigate FusionGPS and Steele?

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