Starting to worry

Katzndogz........... You nailed it. It all depends on where the media takes it. Fox was leading with it and others had to, grudgingly , follow as things heated up. Somehow the GOP has to keep the heat on and not lie down as they usually do.

For the most part the media is a disgrace and mockery to those who died for a Free Press.

Nobody cared last month
Nobody cares this month
Nobody will care next month

Yeah. Where my Obamaphone at, yo?
It takes an honest media to bring these matters to the public. Suppose, during Watergate, we had a media determined to make sure the whole thing was covered up. Nixon would never have had to resign and no one would have been demanding his resignation. No one would ever have known. Deepthroat gave inside information to Woodward and Bernstein, two reporters. If both of those men had said "Not interested, we stand with the president 100% no matter what he does." There would never have been a Watergate scandal.

That's crap. It takes the prospect of making money for the media to report on any matter. If the media isn't reporting on Benghazi anymore, it means no one's interested anymore.
Yes. This issue MUST be kept on the front page of the Internet.

Yes. This issue MUST be kept on the front page of the Internet.
We may lose 500k jobs the next time the report comes out. And we may have 75k jobs created...
The administration will say another consecutive month of job creation....and the Libs will cheer.-Rozman 11/10/12

Shouldn't I be getting some kind of royalty from you using one of my posts all the time??? :mad:
Maybe, hopefully its just me being wrong but it seems like the Benghazi scandal is losing steam. Has the violence in Gaza taken away attention from this?

This is a HUGE issue and better not be swept under! This Admin is GUILTY of not properly securing Benghazi BEFORE 9/11 after repeated warnings and requests for more help....not providing help DURING the 7/8 hr attack that might have saved lifes.....and of course the BS lies for days afterward when they knew almost right away it was planned terrorism.

DO NOT LET THIS DIE AWAY GOP! His media wants that of course, dont allow it!

Blood is on their hands. It sure would be refreshing if just ONE lib would admit this.

dear idiot,

this whole benghazi thing was an attack on our country.

NOT a sandal by Obama.

Your robmoney was roundly exscoriated by big name Rs for trying to USE this attack on the US to gain political points.

You people just keep lying and dancing in a circle about it.

Its going to go away just like fast and furious did when people realise what lying sacks of shit you right wing partisan hacks are.
Yes. This issue MUST be kept on the front page of the Internet.

Yes. This issue MUST be kept on the front page of the Internet.
We may lose 500k jobs the next time the report comes out. And we may have 75k jobs created...
The administration will say another consecutive month of job creation....and the Libs will cheer.-Rozman 11/10/12

Shouldn't I be getting some kind of royalty from you using one of my posts all the time??? :mad:

It isn't enough just to know that you are continuously mocked for your stupidity?
Imagine if a Republican was in office at the time.
Chris Mathews would have had a stoke on air screaming about the coverup at the WH...

You Libs are such hacks about stuff like this...

Maybe in the end there isn't a lot here...just a few more dead Americans so as far as you Libs are concerned ain't no big thang...But some of here want to get to the truth....

Deal with it.

Imagine if a Republican were in office? OK, Bush Jr. would go on TV and let us know that the terror level has been raised to red, local law enforcement across the nation would spend $100,000,000 in overtime on defending (for example) corn fields in Iowa and junk yards in Tennessee; passengers flying would be strip searched and all of this would be done BEFORE the election. You cons are such dishonest hacks about everything.
stomping arround the dead people like you are mad when you have no facts will lead to this harming the republican party just like your Lies about fast and furious did to you.

It showed the voter your a pack of lying partisan hacks
The media is there in much the same manner as was UN Ambassador Susan Rice's purpose to deflect attention and blame away from Barack Obama's performance setting the stage for and betrayal during Benghazi. General Petraeus philandering male appendage served as temporary smoke screen until Gaza erupted. The media will behave, without fail, today exactly as it behaved when Candy Crowley threw her block on Mitt Romney to protect Barack Obama during the second debate when Romney appeared on the verge of breaking out into the open and the initial days immediately post Benghazi when the media made Mitt Romney the villain for even suggesting presidential incompetence and malfeasance. In a just society the media would have long ago been put to the sword and bayonet for their betrayal and duplicity. Perhaps some day in the future, the American people will rise up in righteous anger and indignation and perform just such a deed, but don't count on it.
Imagine if a Republican was in office at the time.
Chris Mathews would have had a stoke on air screaming about the coverup at the WH...

You Libs are such hacks about stuff like this...

Maybe in the end there isn't a lot here...just a few more dead Americans so as far as you Libs are concerned ain't no big thang...But some of here want to get to the truth....

Deal with it.

Imagine if a Republican were in office? OK, Bush Jr. would go on TV and let us know that the terror level has been raised to red, local law enforcement across the nation would spend $100,000,000 in overtime on defending (for example) corn fields in Iowa and junk yards in Tennessee; passengers flying would be strip searched and all of this would be done BEFORE the election. You cons are such dishonest hacks about everything.

You're such a fucking idiot.
And a cocksucker.
Do you think the Romney Camp was blindly firing away with a Quad 50 into the smokescreen around Benghazi that the media and the Obama Administration were trying to lay down? It's highly likely that they were in close contact with someone either in the situation room or close acquaintances of General Ham or Admiral Gaouttte and intimately knew what went on. Open presidential treason and betrayal are not likely to go by unnoticed.
Our Santa Claus president also comes mixed with a more than generous serving of Chicago Brass Knuckle Thug in him. We now know that Eric Holder had David Petraeus testicles squeezed so tightly between the jaws of a pair of vice grip pliers you wouldn't have been able to slip a .001 inch thick feeler gauge through between them. Who knows, we might even presume that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts could be in the same predicament by going native immediately after his arrival in DC and dallying with multiple b!mbos or even by dinging a thirteen year old boy based on his bizaare and utterly incomprehensible decision on Obamacare.
Imagine if a Republican was in office at the time.
Chris Mathews would have had a stoke on air screaming about the coverup at the WH...

You Libs are such hacks about stuff like this...

Maybe in the end there isn't a lot here...just a few more dead Americans so as far as you Libs are concerned ain't no big thang...But some of here want to get to the truth....

Deal with it.

Imagine if a Republican were in office? OK, Bush Jr. would go on TV and let us know that the terror level has been raised to red, local law enforcement across the nation would spend $100,000,000 in overtime on defending (for example) corn fields in Iowa and junk yards in Tennessee; passengers flying would be strip searched and all of this would be done BEFORE the election. You cons are such dishonest hacks about everything.

You're such a fucking idiot.
And a cocksucker.

Only a latent homosexual like you could segue to cock so artfully.
Maybe, hopefully its just me being wrong but it seems like the Benghazi scandal is losing steam. Has the violence in Gaza taken away attention from this?

This is a HUGE issue and better not be swept under! This Admin is GUILTY of not properly securing Benghazi BEFORE 9/11 after repeated warnings and requests for more help....not providing help DURING the 7/8 hr attack that might have saved lifes.....and of course the BS lies for days afterward when they knew almost right away it was planned terrorism.

DO NOT LET THIS DIE AWAY GOP! His media wants that of course, dont allow it!

Blood is on their hands. It sure would be refreshing if just ONE lib would admit this.

Have you wingnuts figured out who killed Vince Foster yet?
Is there not a single honest libtard? Not one? Ok...lets try this......if this situation was a GOP POTUS would you have the same view of it????

Hmmmmmmm. Come on....would you????????:doubt:
Is there not a single honest libtard? Not one? Ok...lets try this......if this situation was a GOP POTUS would you have the same view of it????

Two can play your game. Are YOU really being honest about the seriousness of the situation or is this just another chance to bash Obama? If the president had been Republican you'd be defending him tooth and nail. We saw it in the Libya situation, when the same people that defended Bush to the hilt on Iraq, acted as if our minor part in that conflict was tantamount to starting WW III. So, save me your outrage. I don't for a minute believe it's sincere. I wasn't born yesterday.
Wrong. I'd be just as pissed. They were left like sitting ducks there, then no help was given...and then lies to cover it. You're dead wrong. It's you and your libtard pals who should be ashamed but you're not, its all about protecting your guy. Hell with the ones killed.

And pleeeeeeeeeze with the Bush shit over and over again.



For the record I would!! People died who shouldn't have! This Admin FAILED them! WTF!!!!!!!!
I am still waiting for cons to tell me what happened to the missing monies in Iraq.

Off Topic and wrong too

Thats what they do, divert. Really, I sincerley cannot comprehend on how not one lib, here or at the other board I was on, will admit this Admin F'ed up and people died. Or that they would have a totally different view if this were GOP.

Obama, the POS, sure has a spell on these people. Pretty scary shit.

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