Starting the circle fresh.

All us so called "Truthers" can do is sit back and watch our country fall apart and become hated by the world......because the likes of you have it in your twisted thoughts that you stand for what's right by swaying people against wanting a new official investigation.


I am not against another investigation. What I am against is people spreading bullshit and lies as the right information.

Terral is trying to push a lie. Plain and simple. If you stand by that, then I don't know what to say.

I don't know what Terral is trying to push.

All I know is there is at least enough core facts that in a true democracy would warrant a new investigation.

The American citizens want a new investigation and therefor there should be fucking excuses, no questions asked, no fucking debunking propaganda.......just give us a new fucking investigation!
I don't know what Terral is trying to push.

That's bullshit. Look at the above argument he is using to get people to think he is right. He uses a LIE to push his propaganda.

He claims that WTC7 globally collapsed in 6.6 seconds and uses misleading photos to boot. He has been proven to be LYING.

If you are for the truth as you claim to be, why are you not arguing against some of the "truthers" claims and theories. Why just the government's story? Does truth have a side now?
All us so called "Truthers" can do is sit back and watch our country fall apart and become hated by the world......because the likes of you have it in your twisted thoughts that you stand for what's right by swaying people against wanting a new official investigation.


I am not against another investigation. What I am against is people spreading bullshit and lies as the right information.

Terral is trying to push a lie. Plain and simple. If you stand by that, then I don't know what to say.

I don't know what Terral is trying to push.

All I know is there is at least enough core facts that in a true democracy would warrant a new investigation.

The American citizens want a new investigation and therefor there should be fucking excuses, no questions asked, no fucking debunking propaganda.......just give us a new fucking investigation!

Can you point to one major inaccuracy in the 9/11 Commission Report? I'm guessing no since you haven't ever done so.

I am not against another investigation. What I am against is people spreading bullshit and lies as the right information.

Terral is trying to push a lie. Plain and simple. If you stand by that, then I don't know what to say.

I don't know what Terral is trying to push.

All I know is there is at least enough core facts that in a true democracy would warrant a new investigation.

The American citizens want a new investigation and therefor there should be fucking excuses, no questions asked, no fucking debunking propaganda.......just give us a new fucking investigation!

Can you point to one major inaccuracy in the 9/11 Commission Report? I'm guessing no since you haven't ever done so.

Why don't we discuss the inaccuracies of WTC 7 in the Report? Since you support the OCT the burden of proof is on you to defend the accuracy. What are the three strongest facts about what the Report says on how WTC 7 came down?

But then again, why bother? You fuckwads run like little whiny bitches every time you are proven wrong.
I don't know what Terral is trying to push.

All I know is there is at least enough core facts that in a true democracy would warrant a new investigation.

The American citizens want a new investigation and therefor there should be fucking excuses, no questions asked, no fucking debunking propaganda.......just give us a new fucking investigation!

Can you point to one major inaccuracy in the 9/11 Commission Report? I'm guessing no since you haven't ever done so.

Why don't we discuss the inaccuracies of WTC 7 in the Report? Since you support the OCT the burden of proof is on you to defend the accuracy. What are the three strongest facts about what the Report says on how WTC 7 came down?

Just vetting the need for a new investigation; Your response proves there is none.

Of course you run from simple yes or no questions so there is little reason to expect you to come up with any sort evolved answer.

It must be hard to live life like you do, afraid of taking the most meaningless stand. I'm guessing you had the shit beat out of you back in 7th grade and never fully recovered. And now in your late teens, you still bear the scars of what she did to you.
I don't know what Terral is trying to push.

All I know is there is at least enough core facts that in a true democracy would warrant a new investigation.

The American citizens want a new investigation and therefor there should be fucking excuses, no questions asked, no fucking debunking propaganda.......just give us a new fucking investigation!

Can you point to one major inaccuracy in the 9/11 Commission Report? I'm guessing no since you haven't ever done so.

Why don't we discuss the inaccuracies of WTC 7 in the Report? Since you support the OCT the burden of proof is on you to defend the accuracy. What are the three strongest facts about what the Report says on how WTC 7 came down?

But then again, why bother? You fuckwads run like little whiny bitches every time you are proven wrong.

no jackass. WTC7 was investigated by profesionals in a scientific manner. their conclusions and how they came about them are available to everyone. if you believe this information is incorrect then it is up to YOU to show why it is not correct.
Can you point to one major inaccuracy in the 9/11 Commission Report? I'm guessing no since you haven't ever done so.

Why don't we discuss the inaccuracies of WTC 7 in the Report? Since you support the OCT the burden of proof is on you to defend the accuracy. What are the three strongest facts about what the Report says on how WTC 7 came down?

But then again, why bother? You fuckwads run like little whiny bitches every time you are proven wrong.

no jackass. WTC7 was investigated by profesionals in a scientific manner. their conclusions and how they came about them are available to everyone. if you believe this information is incorrect then it is up to YOU to show why it is not correct.

You're a fucking useless bitch. You don't back up your claims and then try to hop around and hope that will be forgotten.
Why don't we discuss the inaccuracies of WTC 7 in the Report? Since you support the OCT the burden of proof is on you to defend the accuracy. What are the three strongest facts about what the Report says on how WTC 7 came down?

But then again, why bother? You fuckwads run like little whiny bitches every time you are proven wrong.

no jackass. WTC7 was investigated by profesionals in a scientific manner. their conclusions and how they came about them are available to everyone. if you believe this information is incorrect then it is up to YOU to show why it is not correct.

You're a fucking useless bitch. You don't back up your claims and then try to hop around and hope that will be forgotten.

did you find that FBI report you said you had yesterday? :lol:
All us so called "Truthers" can do is sit back and watch our country fall apart and become hated by the world......because the likes of you have it in your twisted thoughts that you stand for what's right by swaying people against wanting a new official investigation.

I doubt that the world hates us because of the true Official 911 Commissions Report.

But Hey I'm all for a new investigation. Start a non-profit organization to fund it and i might even chip in $10. But you have to promise to believe them when they come up with the exact same major points.
All us so called "Truthers" can do is sit back and watch our country fall apart and become hated by the world......because the likes of you have it in your twisted thoughts that you stand for what's right by swaying people against wanting a new official investigation.

I doubt that the world hates us because of the true Official 911 Commissions Report.

But Hey I'm all for a new investigation. Start a non-profit organization to fund it and i might even chip in $10. But you have to promise to believe them when they come up with the exact same major points.

I would chip in a hundred!
That promise MUST be kept at the threat of deportation to Somalia though......
Hi Gam:

That's bullshit. Look at the above argument he is using to get people to think he is right. He uses a LIE to push his propaganda.

This sounds funny coming from an Official Govt Cover Story LIAR who is unwilling to start 'his' Building Fires Did It Topic in this fine USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum!

Accept Terral's Challenge Or Put A Sock In It ...

He claims that WTC7 globally collapsed in 6.6 seconds and uses misleading photos to boot. He has been proven to be LYING.

Sources everywhere say WTC-7 collapsed into its own footprint in 6.6 seconds.

1. This was clearly what the collapse resembled, with the building falling completely and symmetrically into its own footprint in just 6.6 seconds.

2. [ame=""]Collapse In 6.6 Seconds[/ame]

3. The Facts open for discussion include: at 5:20 p.m. that same day another building, the 47 story WTC 7, completely collapsed within 70 feet of its footprint in 6.6 seconds.

Speed: How fast did the building fall? (Students and I measure less than 6.6 seconds; time it!)

5. Everyone here can verify that WTC-7 collapsed in 6.6 seconds by simply watching a short video clip of the event:

[ame=]0:06 through 0:13 = 6.6 Seconds[/ame]

WTC-7 begins falling at 0:06 in this video clip and the roofline reaches 'zero' at the 0:13/0:38 mark. The building collapsed somewhere between 6 and 7 seconds. Period. Watch the short video for some good info:

[ame=""]911 Improbable Collapse Part 6[/ame]

If you are for the truth as you claim to be, why are you not arguing against some of the "truthers" claims and theories. Why just the government's story? Does truth have a side now?

I stand for 'the' 911Truth SO HELP ME GOD! These pretender 911Truthers can say anything they wish ... just like Official Cover Story Stooges like you ...


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terral, you shit to if you eat right.

The penthouse is a major part of the building but because it doesn't fit into your wannabe explanation it doesn't count.
You don't want truth you just want your conspiracy BS to be true no matter what the real truth may be.

That makes you totally stupid, possibly mentally ill. They can help you if you let them.
Hi Gam:

That's bullshit. Look at the above argument he is using to get people to think he is right. He uses a LIE to push his propaganda.

This sounds funny coming from an Official Govt Cover Story LIAR who is unwilling to start 'his' Building Fires Did It Topic in this fine USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum!

you stupid, idiotic moron. why the hell would anyone that believes WTC was caused by building fires start a topic in the CONSPIRACY forum? whats the fucking conspiracy?!! if they think it was from building fires they dont think it was a conspiracy. :cuckoo:

you seem to not be able to comprehend this one simple fact.

you stupid, idiotic moron. why the hell would anyone that believes WTC was caused by building fires start a topic in the CONSPIRACY forum? whats the fucking conspiracy?!! if they think it was from building fires they dont think it was a conspiracy.

No sir. 'Your' Conspiracy Theory involves people like this ...


... doing this ...


... to WTC-7 that was hit by NO Jetliner or anything at all. YOUR silly Conspiracy Theory says that fire jumped over from WTC-1 ...


... even though more than half of WTC-7 stands 'above' the WTC-1 dust cloud. Okay Mr. Official Govt Cover Story LIAR: Your job is to lay out 'your' Theory on how fire jumped from WTC-1 (never happened) to infiltrate WTC-7 'Compartmentalization' Countermeasures (from my Topic) and cause the Global Collapse of WTC-7 CD-style into its own footprint:

[ame=""]Prove 'This' Happened From 'Building Fires.'[/ame]

My point is that Official Cover Story LIARS (Accept The Challenge You COWARD!) will NEVER start their "Building Fires Did It" Topic in this fine USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum, because building fires simply do NOT burn hot enough to affect 2800-degree red-iron girders, columns and beams. The point is that you have NO THESIS posted on this Board in support of Official Cover Story LIES. Right? Of course. Therefore, you have NO THEORY and no arguments against my "What Really Happened ON 9/11" Explanations.

Mr. Fizz waves his silly arms around and acts like a fool, but all of the evidence is stacked against him. Period. You will earn the right to challenge the substance of my many claims against the real Inside-Job Murderers of Innocent Americans (Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, etc.) in the day you post 'your' Topics in support of the Govt Cover Stories. Until then ...

[ame=""]Just keep waving those stupid arms around ...[/ame]


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Hi Gam:

That's bullshit. Look at the above argument he is using to get people to think he is right. He uses a LIE to push his propaganda.

This sounds funny coming from an Official Govt Cover Story LIAR who is unwilling to start 'his' Building Fires Did It Topic in this fine USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum!

Accept Terral's Challenge Or Put A Sock In It ...

He claims that WTC7 globally collapsed in 6.6 seconds and uses misleading photos to boot. He has been proven to be LYING.

Sources everywhere say WTC-7 collapsed into its own footprint in 6.6 seconds.

1. This was clearly what the collapse resembled, with the building falling completely and symmetrically into its own footprint in just 6.6 seconds.

2. [ame=""]Collapse In 6.6 Seconds[/ame]

3. The Facts open for discussion include: at 5:20 p.m. that same day another building, the 47 story WTC 7, completely collapsed within 70 feet of its footprint in 6.6 seconds.

Speed: How fast did the building fall? (Students and I measure less than 6.6 seconds; time it!)

5. Everyone here can verify that WTC-7 collapsed in 6.6 seconds by simply watching a short video clip of the event:

[ame=]0:06 through 0:13 = 6.6 Seconds[/ame]

WTC-7 begins falling at 0:06 in this video clip and the roofline reaches 'zero' at the 0:13/0:38 mark. The building collapsed somewhere between 6 and 7 seconds. Period. Watch the short video for some good info:

[ame=""]911 Improbable Collapse Part 6[/ame]

If you are for the truth as you claim to be, why are you not arguing against some of the "truthers" claims and theories. Why just the government's story? Does truth have a side now?

I stand for 'the' 911Truth SO HELP ME GOD! These pretender 911Truthers can say anything they wish ... just like Official Cover Story Stooges like you ...



God WILL help you just like all liars!!!

Why do you continue to ignore the video proof? Why do you ignore the fact that the collapse of WTC7 started with the mechanical penthouse.

You can post 6.6 seconds until the cows come home. The fact remains that the collapse of WTC7 started WITH THE PENTHOUSE and you can do nothing to change that.

All you do is continue to lie.

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