Star Wars the Last Jedi - SPOILERS


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
I'll try to keep spoilers to a minimum. I'll concentrate on characters.

The movie has a dense plot and in my opinion, had too many subplots and extra characters we never saw before this movie. But it was much better than the last one.

The good parts- Any scene with Mark Hamill in it. The whole backstory of how he came to be there and how he dealt with it.

Kylo Ren - Last movie, people referred to him as "Darth Emo". Not so much here. He's fully realized as a character.

Carrie Fisher was very good as Leia, but she's out of commission for half the movie.

Rey was pretty good and less of a "Mary Sue".

The Score was a lot better.

The bad stuff-

Supreme Leader Snoke- Might as well call him "Supreme Plot Device". Ever wonder what role he played in the events between Jedi and Force Awakens? Well keep wondering, they aren't explained here and won't be.

Finn and Rose- They went into a whole subplot that made no effect on the final plot.

Lots of new characters- introduced for no reason, not interesting at all.

Porgs- Annoying as hell.

I give it *** 1/2 out of *****
I didn't read your post to avoid spoilers, but yeah, Hamill is getting kudos. They say it's the best acting he's ever done.
Saw the was truly horrible. If you take the best parts of Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi....yes, they took those parts from those movies, and did a bad job.....that would be this movie. There are reviews out there that take apart this movie...the Finn story turned out to be pointless and unnecessary, and as other critics pointed out, just letting a few people in on the plan for the rebel fleet would have helped.....and then, they demonstrated how pointless it would be to build the Death Star in the first place....when they show what a ship at Light Speed can do......the director didn't really put much thought into this movie...
I find myself oddly in agreement with NRAGuy.

The whole subplot with the Purple haired lady keeping the plan a secret was beyond dumb. Besides not telling her crew what the plan was, the plan didn't make any sense. "Let's abandon our ship to go on transports and land on this planet where we are going to be trapped by the Fake Empire's Forces". This was a good idea, why?

The Finn/Rose story was pointless, but every SW movies has a whole pointless scene to pad out time or give characters something to do. Pod Racing, anyone?

NOw that I've thought about it a bit more, the whole movie seemed to be about trolling the fans.

Who is Rei? Meh, she's nobody important. Her parents were junk dealers!

Who is Snoke? Apparently just a plot device.

None of the character actions seem to make a lot of sense. If you take Empire, every character who did something was doing it for a reason you understood, even if you don't agree with it.
Wow, painful. I love the characters. Rei, Finn, Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, I even like the new mechanic who ran around with Finn. The plot and direction however were just painful. A mindless casino subplot, the entire empirial fleet not being able to destroy like three ships in the slowest race ever, and the forced annoying attempts at humor. The worst however was the whiny little Luke Skywalker portrayal after the momentous buildup of the last movie. What a letdown. Again, these new actors are fantastic, they're look and potential are amazing(Ren's scars, mask--Captain Phasma's armor), but the writers and directors have killed their potential.
I didn't read your post to avoid spoilers, but yeah, Hamill is getting kudos. They say it's the best acting he's ever done.

Hamil was the 2nd worst part (next to Rose). He was winny and next redeemed himself. The Force hologram was crap. He didn’t train Rey, but somehow she becomes a Jedi master. After sucking it up on the screen the whole movie, he dies for no apparent reason.

This movie sucked from beginning to end

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I find myself oddly in agreement with NRAGuy.

The whole subplot with the Purple haired lady keeping the plan a secret was beyond dumb. Besides not telling her crew what the plan was, the plan didn't make any sense. "Let's abandon our ship to go on transports and land on this planet where we are going to be trapped by the Fake Empire's Forces". This was a good idea, why?

The Finn/Rose story was pointless, but every SW movies has a whole pointless scene to pad out time or give characters something to do. Pod Racing, anyone?

NOw that I've thought about it a bit more, the whole movie seemed to be about trolling the fans.

Who is Rei? Meh, she's nobody important. Her parents were junk dealers!

Who is Snoke? Apparently just a plot device.

None of the character actions seem to make a lot of sense. If you take Empire, every character who did something was doing it for a reason you understood, even if you don't agree with it.
And who is Luke? Oh, just a coward who epically fucked up bringing back the Jedi and then pussed out and hid away while his friends and family fought and died against the problem he helped create. They destroyed his character and the Skywalkers forever.
Wow, painful. I love the characters. Rei, Finn, Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, I even like the new mechanic who ran around with Finn.
Rose you liked Rose? You are the first I heard say that. She is worse than JarJar.

They built up Phasma so much and she was such a let down. Rey is a very unbelievable her. She weighs what 105 and doesn’t appear to be particularly athletic, but yea she is a believable SJW warrior! I like Fin in Force Awakens, not so much in the Last Jedi. Poe was horrible in the Last Jedi, starting with his cringeworthy first scene where his prank call to Gen Hux played out like a Spaceballs parody. It was horrible. Carrie Fischer, go rest her soul, completely forgot how to act these last 2 movie change your facial expression. And her Superman movie was so cringeworthy it hurt.

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And who is Luke? Oh, just a coward who epically fucked up bringing back the Jedi and then pussed out and hid away while his friends and family fought and died against the problem he helped create. They destroyed his character and the Skywalkers forever.

Or maybe he realized bringing back the Jedi wasn't such a hot idea.

But I think the problem was the table that was set in Force Awakens, not necessarily how Last Jedi dealt with it.
I think I'll just skip it...why ruin the memory of the Orig-Trig. A New Hope...which we only knew at the time as Star Wars...was one of the first movies I saw in a theatre. I was maybe seven years old. To this day I remember how devastated I was...
that all the peope on Alderaan were dead
...a great disturbance in my personal force.

Hollywood just doesn't seem capable of recapturing the magic of Star Wars...which is odd, as the newest reiteration off the original Ster Trek is pretty good.
Who cares. What adult is into Star Wars? Same thing for the Batman and Green Lantern crowd.
Thank you all very much. I was going to watch it On Demand but will not wait until it airs for free in a year or so.

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