Star Wars actress slams Trump Supporters to ensure she has a scapegoat when it bombs.

Well I tired of Star wars movies about 30 movies ago....can you say "OVER DONE"....but now I will make sure no one I know pays to see it....
First learn to count ! Second I hope you are successfull in your quest in preventing your buddies form seeing it. That way the rest of us will be sittinjg with a better group of people as we watch.
I will be watching it from my recliner in my living room before it officially launches if I decide to watch it.
Well I tired of Star wars movies about 30 movies ago....can you say "OVER DONE"....but now I will make sure no one I know pays to see it....
First learn to count ! Second I hope you are successfull in your quest in preventing your buddies form seeing it. That way the rest of us will be sittinjg with a better group of people as we watch.
I will be watching it from my recliner in my living room before it officially launches if I decide to watch it.
And we all rejoice at your decision. Hope you enjoy it! We all will a bit more now!
Only the brainwashed give a shit about what other countries think.

But, hey, good to see you recognizing that your fellow liberal is brainwashed.
only the brainwashed like you don't give a damn about what anybody thinks including law enforcement journalists etcetera around the world and everywhere outside your bubble of Bologna. The point is she'll make money thinking Trump is a idiot...
I'll start giving a shit what they think about my country when they start giving a shit what I think about theirs.

Meanwhile, the wealthy get wealthier...and it's okay with you, because they have the correct Groupthink.
no one in the real world gives a crap about what you think, everything you know is wrong and you are brainwashed functional moron, ignoramus.the GOP does nothing but give tax cuts to the rich and screw everybody else over. Under Reagan tax rates the last 35 years, we have gotten the worst inequality ever and the worst upward Mobility ever. Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich and invest in Americans and America for a change. What the hell are you talkin about you goddamn idiot. oops brainwashed functional goddamn idiot....obviously it's okay with you you keep voting for the assholes and believing their crap propaganda. I caramba poor America....
I'd tell you to get the fuck out, but you're too chickenshit to move to a country with the system you want.
Brilliant comment, brain-washed functional moron nativist a******. Unless you're a doctor or millionaire you can't move anywhere anyway. My family had a bar in Spain and you can't do that unless you marry a European. Love it or leave it is so stupid it's ridiculous and very fitting for you... Read something and get some reality.

Strange, tens of millions of immigrants here and in Europe, yet you tell us you can't move.
It is a big deal. It has huge cultural and political and economic implications across vast swaths of our society and economy.

I like that instead of arguing that I was wrong, you argued that the vast majority of the world disagrees with me.

If the vast majority of the world is operating under a mistaken view of reality, that is worth discussing.

Unless, you WANT the world to be fucked up. Which would fit with the observed actions of lefties like yourself.
Of course you were wrong. nobody in the real world agrees with you or any of your alternative facts that have no evidence behind them except garbage propaganda repeated endlessly.

Trump ran on a platform of better trade and immigration policy.

And people like you and the actress reacted with hysterical panic, screaming that he would cause nuclear war and economic collapse.

While, we are half way though his first term, and the economy is fine and there have been no nuclear explosions.

So, seems like the rest of the world, are the ones that full of garbage propaganda.
Congratulations on not wrecking the economy or the world. And of course I never heard anything like that nor did I think anything like that. You have to listen to Fox noise and rush to get that crap, cherry picking the morons that we have a few of.... And you have an entire party of LOL....

The point is that your hysteria was bullshit then, and it is bullshit now. It is always bullshit, but people rarely call you on it.

And I am sick and tired of your fucktards pretending to be too stupid to understand the simplest of points.

No hysteria here ever, I just wish the Trump would be a smart New York City business man instead of a brainwashed fool like all the rest of you.... He has done nothing constructive. Except this Hospital transparency on cost. Very surprising and I suppose you never heard about that LOL....

The actress said something that only made sense, if you believed the hysteria, you freaking cowardly dodger.

Here, you should watch this. It was made by a lib, but one that, at least at the time of making this vid, managed to avoid the mass hysteria the majority of you are inflicted with.

only the brainwashed like you don't give a damn about what anybody thinks including law enforcement journalists etcetera around the world and everywhere outside your bubble of Bologna. The point is she'll make money thinking Trump is a idiot...
I'll start giving a shit what they think about my country when they start giving a shit what I think about theirs.

Meanwhile, the wealthy get wealthier...and it's okay with you, because they have the correct Groupthink.
no one in the real world gives a crap about what you think, everything you know is wrong and you are brainwashed functional moron, ignoramus.the GOP does nothing but give tax cuts to the rich and screw everybody else over. Under Reagan tax rates the last 35 years, we have gotten the worst inequality ever and the worst upward Mobility ever. Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich and invest in Americans and America for a change. What the hell are you talkin about you goddamn idiot. oops brainwashed functional goddamn idiot....obviously it's okay with you you keep voting for the assholes and believing their crap propaganda. I caramba poor America....
I'd tell you to get the fuck out, but you're too chickenshit to move to a country with the system you want.
Brilliant comment, brain-washed functional moron nativist a******. Unless you're a doctor or millionaire you can't move anywhere anyway. My family had a bar in Spain and you can't do that unless you marry a European. Love it or leave it is so stupid it's ridiculous and very fitting for you... Read something and get some reality.

Strange, tens of millions of immigrants here and in Europe, yet you tell us you can't move.
They are refugees in Europe, they have ID cards and enforcement unlike here in swampy GOP America thanks to you. There are 12 million here and not many at all there. Refugees yes they have 7 million whereas we have 20000 or something although we caused the problem. Thanks GOP irresponsible assholes... Not you you're just a dupe.
I'll start giving a shit what they think about my country when they start giving a shit what I think about theirs.

Meanwhile, the wealthy get wealthier...and it's okay with you, because they have the correct Groupthink.
no one in the real world gives a crap about what you think, everything you know is wrong and you are brainwashed functional moron, ignoramus.the GOP does nothing but give tax cuts to the rich and screw everybody else over. Under Reagan tax rates the last 35 years, we have gotten the worst inequality ever and the worst upward Mobility ever. Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich and invest in Americans and America for a change. What the hell are you talkin about you goddamn idiot. oops brainwashed functional goddamn idiot....obviously it's okay with you you keep voting for the assholes and believing their crap propaganda. I caramba poor America....
I'd tell you to get the fuck out, but you're too chickenshit to move to a country with the system you want.
Brilliant comment, brain-washed functional moron nativist a******. Unless you're a doctor or millionaire you can't move anywhere anyway. My family had a bar in Spain and you can't do that unless you marry a European. Love it or leave it is so stupid it's ridiculous and very fitting for you... Read something and get some reality.

Strange, tens of millions of immigrants here and in Europe, yet you tell us you can't move.
They are refugees in Europe, they have ID cards and enforcement unlike here in swampy GOP America thanks to you. There are 12 million here and not many at all there. Refugees yes they have 7 million whereas we have 20000 or something although we caused the problem. Thanks GOP irresponsible assholes... Not you you're just a dupe.

So, with your id, or without your id, you can move. So, your previous claim that you could not, was just shit from your face anus.
no one in the real world gives a crap about what you think, everything you know is wrong and you are brainwashed functional moron, ignoramus.the GOP does nothing but give tax cuts to the rich and screw everybody else over. Under Reagan tax rates the last 35 years, we have gotten the worst inequality ever and the worst upward Mobility ever. Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich and invest in Americans and America for a change. What the hell are you talkin about you goddamn idiot. oops brainwashed functional goddamn idiot....obviously it's okay with you you keep voting for the assholes and believing their crap propaganda. I caramba poor America....
I'd tell you to get the fuck out, but you're too chickenshit to move to a country with the system you want.
Brilliant comment, brain-washed functional moron nativist a******. Unless you're a doctor or millionaire you can't move anywhere anyway. My family had a bar in Spain and you can't do that unless you marry a European. Love it or leave it is so stupid it's ridiculous and very fitting for you... Read something and get some reality.

Strange, tens of millions of immigrants here and in Europe, yet you tell us you can't move.
They are refugees in Europe, they have ID cards and enforcement unlike here in swampy GOP America thanks to you. There are 12 million here and not many at all there. Refugees yes they have 7 million whereas we have 20000 or something although we caused the problem. Thanks GOP irresponsible assholes... Not you you're just a dupe.

So, with your id, or without your id, you can move. So, your previous claim that you could not, was just shit from your face anus.
We are the only country in the modern world that allows illegal immigration thanks to the GOP forever. I have no idea what the hell you talkin about there LOL. why don't you get the f*** out of here, you are the people that hate 90% of the country because you believe all kinds of garbage propaganda and just love a con man racist fraud... And you immediately become a troll who would be violent in real life. that is why the only spike in violence there is is right-wing assholes against Jews blacks gays and Muslims. You people are an absolute disgrace.
I'd tell you to get the fuck out, but you're too chickenshit to move to a country with the system you want.
Brilliant comment, brain-washed functional moron nativist a******. Unless you're a doctor or millionaire you can't move anywhere anyway. My family had a bar in Spain and you can't do that unless you marry a European. Love it or leave it is so stupid it's ridiculous and very fitting for you... Read something and get some reality.

Strange, tens of millions of immigrants here and in Europe, yet you tell us you can't move.
They are refugees in Europe, they have ID cards and enforcement unlike here in swampy GOP America thanks to you. There are 12 million here and not many at all there. Refugees yes they have 7 million whereas we have 20000 or something although we caused the problem. Thanks GOP irresponsible assholes... Not you you're just a dupe.

So, with your id, or without your id, you can move. So, your previous claim that you could not, was just shit from your face anus.
We are the only country in the modern world that allows illegal immigration thanks to the GOP forever. I have no idea what the hell you talkin about there LOL. why don't you get the f*** out of here, you are the people that hate 90% of the country because you believe all kinds of garbage propaganda and just love a con man racist fraud... And you immediately become a troll who would be violent in real life. that is why the only spike in violence there is is right-wing assholes against Jews blacks gays and Muslims. You people are an absolute disgrace.

Well, that was a big helping of crazy talk.

Your claim that you could not move, was just you talking shit to cover up that you were talking shit before. That is all you have. SHIT FROM YOUR FACE ANUS.
Brilliant comment, brain-washed functional moron nativist a******. Unless you're a doctor or millionaire you can't move anywhere anyway. My family had a bar in Spain and you can't do that unless you marry a European. Love it or leave it is so stupid it's ridiculous and very fitting for you... Read something and get some reality.

Strange, tens of millions of immigrants here and in Europe, yet you tell us you can't move.
They are refugees in Europe, they have ID cards and enforcement unlike here in swampy GOP America thanks to you. There are 12 million here and not many at all there. Refugees yes they have 7 million whereas we have 20000 or something although we caused the problem. Thanks GOP irresponsible assholes... Not you you're just a dupe.

So, with your id, or without your id, you can move. So, your previous claim that you could not, was just shit from your face anus.
We are the only country in the modern world that allows illegal immigration thanks to the GOP forever. I have no idea what the hell you talkin about there LOL. why don't you get the f*** out of here, you are the people that hate 90% of the country because you believe all kinds of garbage propaganda and just love a con man racist fraud... And you immediately become a troll who would be violent in real life. that is why the only spike in violence there is is right-wing assholes against Jews blacks gays and Muslims. You people are an absolute disgrace.

Well, that was a big helping of crazy talk.

Your claim that you could not move, was just you talking shit to cover up that you were talking shit before. That is all you have. SHIT FROM YOUR FACE ANUS.
listen s*******, I'm not going anywhere for long because I am an American I love my country enough to try and figure out what the truth is looking at all media around the world. Mean while you are an ignoramus who believes a lot of hate character assassination and pure misinformation. I've tried to move to other countries I had a bar in Spain and you cannot do it how how many times do you have to be told, brainwash functional moron hater dupe. Now go troll somebody else with your garbage idiocy.
Brilliant comment, brain-washed functional moron nativist a******. Unless you're a doctor or millionaire you can't move anywhere anyway. My family had a bar in Spain and you can't do that unless you marry a European. Love it or leave it is so stupid it's ridiculous and very fitting for you... Read something and get some reality.

Strange, tens of millions of immigrants here and in Europe, yet you tell us you can't move.
They are refugees in Europe, they have ID cards and enforcement unlike here in swampy GOP America thanks to you. There are 12 million here and not many at all there. Refugees yes they have 7 million whereas we have 20000 or something although we caused the problem. Thanks GOP irresponsible assholes... Not you you're just a dupe.

So, with your id, or without your id, you can move. So, your previous claim that you could not, was just shit from your face anus.
We are the only country in the modern world that allows illegal immigration thanks to the GOP forever. I have no idea what the hell you talkin about there LOL. why don't you get the f*** out of here, you are the people that hate 90% of the country because you believe all kinds of garbage propaganda and just love a con man racist fraud... And you immediately become a troll who would be violent in real life. that is why the only spike in violence there is is right-wing assholes against Jews blacks gays and Muslims. You people are an absolute disgrace.

Well, that was a big helping of crazy talk.

Your claim that you could not move, was just you talking shit to cover up that you were talking shit before. That is all you have. SHIT FROM YOUR FACE ANUS.
Any actual argument with the facts dumbass? Or just vulgar ignorant thuggish trolling? You're a disgrace politically. Where I live is 73% Trump and 59% cows and they are lovely people except for their politics which is total hateful garbage propaganda after 35 years of this s***....
no one in the real world gives a crap about what you think, everything you know is wrong and you are brainwashed functional moron, ignoramus.the GOP does nothing but give tax cuts to the rich and screw everybody else over. Under Reagan tax rates the last 35 years, we have gotten the worst inequality ever and the worst upward Mobility ever. Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich and invest in Americans and America for a change. What the hell are you talkin about you goddamn idiot. oops brainwashed functional goddamn idiot....obviously it's okay with you you keep voting for the assholes and believing their crap propaganda. I caramba poor America....
I'd tell you to get the fuck out, but you're too chickenshit to move to a country with the system you want.
Brilliant comment, brain-washed functional moron nativist a******. Unless you're a doctor or millionaire you can't move anywhere anyway. My family had a bar in Spain and you can't do that unless you marry a European. Love it or leave it is so stupid it's ridiculous and very fitting for you... Read something and get some reality.

Strange, tens of millions of immigrants here and in Europe, yet you tell us you can't move.
They are refugees in Europe, they have ID cards and enforcement unlike here in swampy GOP America thanks to you. There are 12 million here and not many at all there. Refugees yes they have 7 million whereas we have 20000 or something although we caused the problem. Thanks GOP irresponsible assholes... Not you you're just a dupe.

So, with your id, or without your id, you can move. So, your previous claim that you could not, was just shit from your face anus.
Are you illiterate or just totally oblivious to facts? Jesus what an idiot. What is the world in my answer said I could move. Actually I'm planning to spend a hell of a lot of time outside the country. But you have to keep moving every 3 months... or 6 months at most. Why don't you try a little travel so you're not such a goddamn ignoramus.... One good reason we need at least the one month paid vacation like every other modern country has.
Strange, tens of millions of immigrants here and in Europe, yet you tell us you can't move.
They are refugees in Europe, they have ID cards and enforcement unlike here in swampy GOP America thanks to you. There are 12 million here and not many at all there. Refugees yes they have 7 million whereas we have 20000 or something although we caused the problem. Thanks GOP irresponsible assholes... Not you you're just a dupe.

So, with your id, or without your id, you can move. So, your previous claim that you could not, was just shit from your face anus.
We are the only country in the modern world that allows illegal immigration thanks to the GOP forever. I have no idea what the hell you talkin about there LOL. why don't you get the f*** out of here, you are the people that hate 90% of the country because you believe all kinds of garbage propaganda and just love a con man racist fraud... And you immediately become a troll who would be violent in real life. that is why the only spike in violence there is is right-wing assholes against Jews blacks gays and Muslims. You people are an absolute disgrace.

Well, that was a big helping of crazy talk.

Your claim that you could not move, was just you talking shit to cover up that you were talking shit before. That is all you have. SHIT FROM YOUR FACE ANUS.
listen s*******, I'm not going anywhere for long because I am an American I love my country enough to try and figure out what the truth is looking at all media around the world. Mean while you are an ignoramus who believes a lot of hate character assassination and pure misinformation. I've tried to move to other countries I had a bar in Spain and you cannot do it how how many times do you have to be told, brainwash functional moron hater dupe. Now go troll somebody else with your garbage idiocy.

I didn't ask you to leave, just pointing out that absurdity of claiming you can't move, during one of the greatest periods of population transfer of all time.
Strange, tens of millions of immigrants here and in Europe, yet you tell us you can't move.
They are refugees in Europe, they have ID cards and enforcement unlike here in swampy GOP America thanks to you. There are 12 million here and not many at all there. Refugees yes they have 7 million whereas we have 20000 or something although we caused the problem. Thanks GOP irresponsible assholes... Not you you're just a dupe.

So, with your id, or without your id, you can move. So, your previous claim that you could not, was just shit from your face anus.
We are the only country in the modern world that allows illegal immigration thanks to the GOP forever. I have no idea what the hell you talkin about there LOL. why don't you get the f*** out of here, you are the people that hate 90% of the country because you believe all kinds of garbage propaganda and just love a con man racist fraud... And you immediately become a troll who would be violent in real life. that is why the only spike in violence there is is right-wing assholes against Jews blacks gays and Muslims. You people are an absolute disgrace.

Well, that was a big helping of crazy talk.

Your claim that you could not move, was just you talking shit to cover up that you were talking shit before. That is all you have. SHIT FROM YOUR FACE ANUS.
Any actual argument with the facts dumbass? Or just vulgar ignorant thuggish trolling? You're a disgrace politically. Where I live is 73% Trump and 59% cows and they are lovely people except for their politics which is total hateful garbage propaganda after 35 years of this s***....

I saw no facts in your crazy rantings. If you have a fact you want to present, that you feel is somehow relevant to the topic, of an entitled stupid bitch, attacking Trump supporters,

then dig it out of that pile of shit you call a post, and present it, as clearly as you can.

And I will address it.
I'd tell you to get the fuck out, but you're too chickenshit to move to a country with the system you want.
Brilliant comment, brain-washed functional moron nativist a******. Unless you're a doctor or millionaire you can't move anywhere anyway. My family had a bar in Spain and you can't do that unless you marry a European. Love it or leave it is so stupid it's ridiculous and very fitting for you... Read something and get some reality.

Strange, tens of millions of immigrants here and in Europe, yet you tell us you can't move.
They are refugees in Europe, they have ID cards and enforcement unlike here in swampy GOP America thanks to you. There are 12 million here and not many at all there. Refugees yes they have 7 million whereas we have 20000 or something although we caused the problem. Thanks GOP irresponsible assholes... Not you you're just a dupe.

So, with your id, or without your id, you can move. So, your previous claim that you could not, was just shit from your face anus.
Are you illiterate or just totally oblivious to facts? Jesus what an idiot. What is the world in my answer said I could move. Actually I'm planning to spend a hell of a lot of time outside the country. But you have to keep moving every 3 months... or 6 months at most. Why don't you try a little travel so you're not such a goddamn ignoramus.... One good reason we need at least the one month paid vacation like every other modern country has.

Millions there, millions here. Shows it is doable. D'uh.
Well I tired of Star wars movies about 30 movies ago....can you say "OVER DONE"....but now I will make sure no one I know pays to see it....
First learn to count ! Second I hope you are successfull in your quest in preventing your buddies form seeing it. That way the rest of us will be sittinjg with a better group of people as we watch.
These people?....
They are refugees in Europe, they have ID cards and enforcement unlike here in swampy GOP America thanks to you. There are 12 million here and not many at all there. Refugees yes they have 7 million whereas we have 20000 or something although we caused the problem. Thanks GOP irresponsible assholes... Not you you're just a dupe.

So, with your id, or without your id, you can move. So, your previous claim that you could not, was just shit from your face anus.
We are the only country in the modern world that allows illegal immigration thanks to the GOP forever. I have no idea what the hell you talkin about there LOL. why don't you get the f*** out of here, you are the people that hate 90% of the country because you believe all kinds of garbage propaganda and just love a con man racist fraud... And you immediately become a troll who would be violent in real life. that is why the only spike in violence there is is right-wing assholes against Jews blacks gays and Muslims. You people are an absolute disgrace.

Well, that was a big helping of crazy talk.

Your claim that you could not move, was just you talking shit to cover up that you were talking shit before. That is all you have. SHIT FROM YOUR FACE ANUS.
Any actual argument with the facts dumbass? Or just vulgar ignorant thuggish trolling? You're a disgrace politically. Where I live is 73% Trump and 59% cows and they are lovely people except for their politics which is total hateful garbage propaganda after 35 years of this s***....

I saw no facts in your crazy rantings. If you have a fact you want to present, that you feel is somehow relevant to the topic, of an entitled stupid bitch, attacking Trump supporters,

then dig it out of that pile of shit you call a post, and present it, as clearly as you can.

And I will address it.
Only the United States doesn't have an ID card. Because of you and fear-mongering by the GOP. The only spike in violence is against Jews blacks Muslims and gays since Trump started. Try those. I think you need diagrams
So, with your id, or without your id, you can move. So, your previous claim that you could not, was just shit from your face anus.
We are the only country in the modern world that allows illegal immigration thanks to the GOP forever. I have no idea what the hell you talkin about there LOL. why don't you get the f*** out of here, you are the people that hate 90% of the country because you believe all kinds of garbage propaganda and just love a con man racist fraud... And you immediately become a troll who would be violent in real life. that is why the only spike in violence there is is right-wing assholes against Jews blacks gays and Muslims. You people are an absolute disgrace.

Well, that was a big helping of crazy talk.

Your claim that you could not move, was just you talking shit to cover up that you were talking shit before. That is all you have. SHIT FROM YOUR FACE ANUS.
Any actual argument with the facts dumbass? Or just vulgar ignorant thuggish trolling? You're a disgrace politically. Where I live is 73% Trump and 59% cows and they are lovely people except for their politics which is total hateful garbage propaganda after 35 years of this s***....

I saw no facts in your crazy rantings. If you have a fact you want to present, that you feel is somehow relevant to the topic, of an entitled stupid bitch, attacking Trump supporters,

then dig it out of that pile of shit you call a post, and present it, as clearly as you can.

And I will address it.
Only the United States doesn't have an ID card. Because of you and fear-mongering by the GOP. The only spike in violence is against Jews blacks Muslims and gays since Trump started. Try those. I think you need diagrams

Your desire to change the subject away from how silly your claim of not being able to move, is noted and granted.

As part of this, I accept your tacit admission that what you said before was stupid bullshit and we will move on to your next pile of stupid bullshit.

I've seen no evidence that there is any spike in violence against jews or blacks or muslims or gays, since Trump was elected.

The few attempts I have seen at supporting this, have been been done by liberals too stupid to know, how stupid they are.

YOu are welcome to try to be the first, to not embarrass yourself.


Oh, but I think you need some of this first.

We are the only country in the modern world that allows illegal immigration thanks to the GOP forever. I have no idea what the hell you talkin about there LOL. why don't you get the f*** out of here, you are the people that hate 90% of the country because you believe all kinds of garbage propaganda and just love a con man racist fraud... And you immediately become a troll who would be violent in real life. that is why the only spike in violence there is is right-wing assholes against Jews blacks gays and Muslims. You people are an absolute disgrace.

Well, that was a big helping of crazy talk.

Your claim that you could not move, was just you talking shit to cover up that you were talking shit before. That is all you have. SHIT FROM YOUR FACE ANUS.
Any actual argument with the facts dumbass? Or just vulgar ignorant thuggish trolling? You're a disgrace politically. Where I live is 73% Trump and 59% cows and they are lovely people except for their politics which is total hateful garbage propaganda after 35 years of this s***....

I saw no facts in your crazy rantings. If you have a fact you want to present, that you feel is somehow relevant to the topic, of an entitled stupid bitch, attacking Trump supporters,

then dig it out of that pile of shit you call a post, and present it, as clearly as you can.

And I will address it.
Only the United States doesn't have an ID card. Because of you and fear-mongering by the GOP. The only spike in violence is against Jews blacks Muslims and gays since Trump started. Try those. I think you need diagrams

Your desire to change the subject away from how silly your claim of not being able to move, is noted and granted.

As part of this, I accept your tacit admission that what you said before was stupid bullshit and we will move on to your next pile of stupid bullshit.

I've seen no evidence that there is any spike in violence against jews or blacks or muslims or gays, since Trump was elected.

The few attempts I have seen at supporting this, have been been done by liberals too stupid to know, how stupid they are.

YOu are welcome to try to be the first, to not embarrass yourself.


Oh, but I think you need some of this first.

bologna if you think you can move to another country unless you are a millionaire a doctor or married to one, be my guest. I just get tired trying to tell the truth 2 brainwashed functional morons oblivious to other people's facts....
We are the only country in the modern world that allows illegal immigration thanks to the GOP forever. I have no idea what the hell you talkin about there LOL. why don't you get the f*** out of here, you are the people that hate 90% of the country because you believe all kinds of garbage propaganda and just love a con man racist fraud... And you immediately become a troll who would be violent in real life. that is why the only spike in violence there is is right-wing assholes against Jews blacks gays and Muslims. You people are an absolute disgrace.

Well, that was a big helping of crazy talk.

Your claim that you could not move, was just you talking shit to cover up that you were talking shit before. That is all you have. SHIT FROM YOUR FACE ANUS.
Any actual argument with the facts dumbass? Or just vulgar ignorant thuggish trolling? You're a disgrace politically. Where I live is 73% Trump and 59% cows and they are lovely people except for their politics which is total hateful garbage propaganda after 35 years of this s***....

I saw no facts in your crazy rantings. If you have a fact you want to present, that you feel is somehow relevant to the topic, of an entitled stupid bitch, attacking Trump supporters,

then dig it out of that pile of shit you call a post, and present it, as clearly as you can.

And I will address it.
Only the United States doesn't have an ID card. Because of you and fear-mongering by the GOP. The only spike in violence is against Jews blacks Muslims and gays since Trump started. Try those. I think you need diagrams

Your desire to change the subject away from how silly your claim of not being able to move, is noted and granted.

As part of this, I accept your tacit admission that what you said before was stupid bullshit and we will move on to your next pile of stupid bullshit.

I've seen no evidence that there is any spike in violence against jews or blacks or muslims or gays, since Trump was elected.

The few attempts I have seen at supporting this, have been been done by liberals too stupid to know, how stupid they are.

YOu are welcome to try to be the first, to not embarrass yourself.


Oh, but I think you need some of this first.

I am hardly surprised you don't know about the spike in violence since Trump, you don't know a damn thing like most GOP doups. Except for total garbage propaganda.

here's a link from the brooking institute or you can Google spike in violence since Trump and there are pages and pages from every conceivable outlet except your garbage propaganda ones DUH. A tiny percentage of world media outlets and a total disgrace.

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