Spotify ads slipped malware onto PCs and Macs


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I have the program but don't use it a lot. Still, to be on the safe side, I downloaded the free Malwarebytes software just to be on the safe side.

Full article @ Spotify ads slipped malware onto PCs and Macs
Before installing it, did you scan the program using online scanner like
I don't think that it was Spotify's fault, so much as it was whatever ad server that Spotify contracted.
I've heard of it happening on a few different legit websites, although most were ads that locked up or crashed users' browsers. Many, if not all, of the affected sites quickly changed services.
It's one reason I always keep an ad/popup blocker running. Malicious scripts can find their way into almost any ad rotation if the ad server isn't vigilant.
Before installing it, did you scan the program using online scanner like

I have Windows Defender as well as MacAfee which scan every and anything I download.

Running two different anti-virus/anti-malware programs is not a good idea. It does not "double" the protection...and can render parts of each other useless...making your PC actually less protected.

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