Sperm donor to lesbian couple ordered to pay child support

I suspect he has no chance of winning unless he can write a blank check to a lawyer. His best course now might be simply skipping the country.
He made a very simple and basic mistake: he told them his name. It's that simple. He should have kept things TOTALLY anonymous. They cannot reveal what they do not know.

I dunno about that. The women wanted to check him out to see if he's the accomplished man he told them he was. I suspect they paid him a few thou for his "donation".

You're right, no one should ever have children, just in case they get seriously ill in the future.

Hell - what next. Suppose i go out and buy and car and it breaks down and needs repairs. Do i demand the state pay for the costs and then the state gets the money from the previous owner?
The state is in a quandary. They don't allow same sex adoption, and they don't recognize same sex parents. So when the mother went in to seek help, she wasnt allowed to put the other mothers name down to collect child support.

I hope the donor gets a great lawyer and the state loses such a ridiculous case.

And yet, the state apparently allows single-parent adoption. There should be some contingency plan in such cases.
You're right, no one should ever have children, just in case they get seriously ill in the future.

So people on welfare should have all they children they can punch out in their lifetime. And we, the American taxpayer should have to pay for it. Groovy.

I really don't know what you're whining about. This family is the classic case of why we have social welfare programs.

They were financially stable, adopted several children, and together for 8 years before deciding to have a child. One parent worked, the other was a full time mom.Now the primary worker has a serious illness and has lost her job and with it her health insurance, the parents sought help from the state so their young child could have health care.

Since she has two mommies, Heather's other mother should be footing the bills.
He is the father but this sort of thing will scare off all sperm donors everywhere.

FOX News - Top Stories - 'DAD' FIGHTS BACK: Sperm Donor to Battle Order to Pay Child Support

'Dec 31, 2012 1:28 PM EST
A Kansas sperm donor who was ordered to pay child support for the baby he helped a lesbian couple conceive plans to fight back in court, and suggested he might be a victim of bias against same-sex parenting.

William Marotta told FoxNews.com he might never have agreed to provide sperm to Angela Bauer and her former partner, Jennifer Schreiner, had he known the legal morass that awaited him after responding to the women's Craigslist ad for a donor in March 2009. The Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) recently filed a child support claim against Marotta after the couple filed for state assistance this year, leading the department to demand they provide the donor's name so it could collect.

The 46-year-old machinist said he received notice in late October that he was being targeted by state officials to pay child support after the couple who parted ways in 2010 but still co-parent their eight children ranging in age from 3 months to 25 years were ordered by DCF officials to provide the sperm donor's name. State officials argued that if the women did not identify the donor, the agency would deny health benefits due to withheld information.

its the end of baster babies!
I think he has a great shot of winning. The state tossing out a legal contact he signed giving up parental rights, simply because he didn't use a sperm bank, is total nonsense.

Giving up "rights" ie.... visitation, decisions and such, does not mean "responsibility" ie... paying for it.

just becasue two people agree on something with a "contract".... a contract cannot go against the law. Said contract was signed between the woman and the man... not the man and the child.

What is going on is the same thing woman to to men when the man does not want a child and the woman does not want an abortion. They have a baby and tell the man she wants nothing to do with him... and then sues him for child support.
Go into court with the mother of your child and try to submit an order terminating your parental rights. They'll laugh at you.

Did mommy #2 not adopt? Because if she had legally adopted the baby, the state WOULD have terminated the parental rights/responsibilities of the dad.

But just 'deciding' that dad doesn't have to pay child support doesn't wash with the courts. They don't care. If it isn't tied up with an adoption then they aren't going to recognize that dad isn't dad.
So people on welfare should have all they children they can punch out in their lifetime. And we, the American taxpayer should have to pay for it. Groovy.

I really don't know what you're whining about. This family is the classic case of why we have social welfare programs.

They were financially stable, adopted several children, and together for 8 years before deciding to have a child. One parent worked, the other was a full time mom.Now the primary worker has a serious illness and has lost her job and with it her health insurance, the parents sought help from the state so their young child could have health care.

Since she has two mommies, Heather's other mother should be footing the bills.

I'm going to assume you didn't read the article.
The state is in a quandary. They don't allow same sex adoption, and they don't recognize same sex parents. So when the mother went in to seek help, she wasnt allowed to put the other mothers name down to collect child support.

I hope the donor gets a great lawyer and the state loses such a ridiculous case.

The state, following state law, ridiculous case? Nope.
Lezbos screwed themselves. They went ahead and ignored the law, and now their child will suffer the consequences.

Typical progressives.
Here's another one. A heterosexual couple signs a pre nuptial agreement where, in the event of divorce the parties agree that neither will be entitled to support from the other including child support. They divorce, husband says on the basis of this agreement he is not obligated to pay child support. It doesn't work, he's taken to the cleaners anyway.

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