Spain Election: Conservatives Set To Win Landslide Victory...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Looks like Western Europe has had enough of its Socialists. Will that be the case here in our country in 2012?

Spain’s conservative party were set to win an overwhelming victory as the nation went to the polls to choose a government to steer the country through a looming debt crisis.

Initial exit polls suggested the Popular Party had secured between 181 and 185 seats, compared to 154 in the last legislature and that the socialists could only hope to win between 115 and 119 seats. The final results were not expected until late into Sunday night.
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21% Unemployment? Did i read that right? Jeebus,what the hell did the Socialists do over there?
The same will happen here in 2012..

Yea i'm still surprised at how messed up Europe is right now. Their problems are even worse than ours. I expect to see a lot of violent civil unrest over there in the near future.
The EU's conservatives are our "socialists", dittoheads, and thanks again to greedy pubs and their cronies on Wall St. for ruining the world economy. Spanish bankers bought in big, like Iceland, Greece, Ireland...but you want to blame the gay guy who was out of power...MORONS. Later schmucks.
The EU's conservatives are our "socialists", dittoheads, and thanks again to greedy pubs and their cronies on Wall St. for ruining the world economy. Spanish bankers bought in big, like Iceland, Greece, Ireland...but you want to blame the gay guy who was out of power...MORONS. Later schmucks.

Oh so their Conservatives are our Socialists? Then what are their Socialists? Scary thought no? Their Socialists have been a horrifying nightmare. Man,lets hope we never have their Socialists here.
Good to see Europe waking up from their long terrible Socialist nightmare. Our turn next? Cross your fingers.

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