South Korean media North Korea preparing 3 U.S. hostages for release

North Korea releases U.S. detainees, bows to another Trump demand

as with a lot in dealing with n korea it remains to be seen. but credit where credit is due to trump and of course, everyone stand back while the trump haters come in and say why he had nothing to do with this and all trumpbots are deranged people.

but truth is still the truth and he's getting things done no one else has.
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I'll just go ahead and say it - Thanks to the great Obama! Hail black Jesus! ;)
We must hope the official channels do not lower themselves to similar verbiage.
If N. Korea frees people they shouldn't be holding, isn't it just as well to say they are doing the right thing than that they are "bowing" to someone?
Does every act have to expressly acknowledge America's preeminence? Is the national ego so fragile, such a "snowflake"?
If this is true, this is the best thing he has done so far, and he didn't have to pay for them?
We must hope the official channels do not lower themselves to similar verbiage.
If N. Korea frees people they shouldn't be holding, isn't it just as well to say they are doing the right thing than that they are "bowing" to someone?
Does every act have to expressly acknowledge America's preeminence? Is the national ego so fragile, such a "snowflake"?
yea - while i don't want to discount trumps efforts, i don't think it's all him in as much as his nuclear bat cave blew up on him. but trump is the president and gets some form of credit.

but like you - i don't see the need to demean someone in the process. even fat boy slim-kim.
Oh he succeeds again the trendy's are gonna hate that.

Because it is another .........

North Korea reportedly hands Trump another big win by releasing US prisoners
Maybe Trump is "colluding" with N. Korea to end the war that's been going on since 1950. Better stop him now!

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