Sources reveal a rebel recruitment drive in Uganda to destabilise Rwanda


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Reports from Uganda indicate that a campaign to recruit fighters for Rwanda National Congress (RNC) a terror group that seeks to destabilize Kigali has intensified in camps hosting Rwandan refugees. Credible information seen by this writer shows that the recruitment drive is happening in refugee camps of Nyakivara and in Bweyale Kiryandongo under the active involvement and supervision of Uganda’s intelligence organs.

....The plot, as reported earlier, seeks to fabricate stories of persecution and kidnap allegedly committed on Rwandans in Uganda by Kigali and distribute these stories on different media platforms with the sole purpose of tarnishing the image of Rwanda. In addition, the plan also seeks to mobilize and recruit for RNC, targeting mainly the youth in these refugee camps A few months ago, reports emerged of two fugitives Maj. (rtd) Habib Mudathir and Capt (rtd) Sibo Charles who escaped from a UNHCR refugee camp in Arua to supervise recruitment and training for RNC. The duo are said to be setting up a new training camp for RNC recruits in the West Nile region of Uganda along a boarder triangle of South Sudan, DRC and Uganda.
Read more at: Sources reveal a rebel recruitment drive in Uganda to destabilise Rwanda

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