Soooooo why was this shot down?

How much do you want to bet that the democrat house members crafted their usual crap that didn't have a chance of passing and they alerted their supporters in CNN to portray it as "Obama job initiative". In fact the bill, as poorly and hastily written as it was, had nothing to do with a so-called "jobs initiative" but was about taxes. Why not talk Media Matters into paying taxes as a show of support?
because the GOP hates america. If it was passed, the unemployment rate would drop, causing Obama's approval ratings to soar.

The GOP has been deliberately trying to destroy america at all costs to make Obama look bad.

I mean, what else could it be? There hasn't been one real response yet that points to anything else. You have people who are giving opinions without any sort of basis and others who didn't even read the article. It has to be more politics of country at work. Your current day GOP hard at work.

You're pretty much wrong all day long on this thread then.
Haven't got a clue why Republicans opposed it. I'd vote no on it because it's just more of the mandate/incentive bullshit. It's not the government's job to tell us what to do, how to run our business or how to run our lives.
Can someone please give me an honest answer about what is wrong with this legislation and why it wasn't even allowed to come to a vote?

GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiative -

This looks to be a good bill to promote bringing back jobs, private business jobs, to American soil. But the majority of the GOP in the senate blocked it from even being allowed to be voted on. Why?

This screams of partisan politics and again placing priority on blocking anything that the president does as priority #1 even when it comes at the cost of creating American jobs.

So, can someone please explain it to me.

I agree, it does scream of partisan politics:

"Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, had warned Democrats before the vote that his party would want to amend the bill -- possibly with hot-button issues like repealing the health care reform law or extending the Bush-era tax cuts for all income levels.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, responded that those amendments were not germane to the bill and he would not allow votes on them."

Bottom line, the bill wasn't presented with amendments.
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Hello! The Senate may not introduce a tax bill, unless it came from the House. This one started in the Senate and Reid tried to ram it through.
So not one real answer. Just like I thought. The majority of the GOP considers itself to be more important than the country as a whole.
Can someone please give me an honest answer about what is wrong with this legislation and why it wasn't even allowed to come to a vote?

So, can someone please explain it to me.

Obama is an ineffective consensus builder and negotiator.
Can someone please give me an honest answer about what is wrong with this legislation and why it wasn't even allowed to come to a vote?

So, can someone please explain it to me.

Obama is an ineffective consensus builder and negotiator.

Nothing to do with the question, try again.

Everything to do with the question. If the great compromiser wanted a jobs bill he would have reached across the aisle to make it happen.

Instead he dictated the legislation.

Consensus building among stakeholders is a key component of leadership.
Obama is an ineffective consensus builder and negotiator.

Nothing to do with the question, try again.

Everything to do with the question. If the great compromiser wanted a jobs bill he would have reached across the aisle to make it happen.

Instead he dictated the legislation.

Consensus building among stakeholders is a key component of leadership.

So, the GOP didn't allow it to be voted on because Obama (of course) didn't push hard enough? THAT is your reason?? Otherwise the GOP liked the bill, they just didn't hear the magic words from Obama?

You probably shouldn't have even replied at all, that would have been a better answer.

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