Something I Don't Understand About Liberals...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
... so why is it that liberal "anti-war" people are always the most numerous and "VIOLENT" protesters on the planet? Why do they protest for an end to wars and for peace by using violence and destruction while protesting? Can anyone explain that?
... so why is it that liberal "anti-war" people are always the most numerous and "VIOLENT" protesters on the planet? Why do they protest for an end to wars and for peace by using violence and destruction while protesting? Can anyone explain that?
Ask Glori.B, she'll explain it to you.
... so why is it that liberal "anti-war" people are always the most numerous and "VIOLENT" protesters on the planet? Why do they protest for an end to wars and for peace by using violence and destruction while protesting? Can anyone explain that?

you should change the thread title to "something i dont understand about anti-war protestors"
No, it's a liberal thing. They also claim to the be party that champions the rights of women, minorities and children...yet the first to tear them apart and throw them to the wolves. The ones who want PC language...and who say the foulest and most bigoted things.

It's because they're hypocrites, with a desire to control those who they see as less important and valuable than themselves. They don't care what lies they have to tell to get that power.
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No, it's a liberal thing. They also claim to the be party that champions the rights of women, minorities and children...yet the first to tear them apart and throw them to the wolves. The ones who want PC language...and who say the foulest and most bigoted things.

It's because they're hypocrites, with a desire to control those who they see as less important and valuable than themselves. They don't care what lies they have to tell to get that power.

you sound like a troll
gosh, Baba.. what EVER happened to that "cast the first stone" crap you leaped at when we started talking about Mccain's INFIDELITY is the other thread??
... so why is it that liberal "anti-war" people are always the most numerous and "VIOLENT" protesters on the planet? Why do they protest for an end to wars and for peace by using violence and destruction while protesting? Can anyone explain that?

can I flip that coin for you and ask you why are pro-life/anti-abortion protestors the most VIOLENT protestors? why do they think it's okay to take a life if ALL Life is sacred? Why do they bomb clinics, ambush doctor's, stalk patients, etc?

I don't know why war protestors turn violent except insomuch as perhaps they are frustrated and feel that in order to be "heard" they must speak the language of those whose attention they are seeking.

War propoenents look at peacful demonstrators as wimps and pussies. They only understand aggression and violence.
gosh, Baba.. what EVER happened to that "cast the first stone" crap you leaped at when we started talking about Mccain's INFIDELITY is the other thread??

This is a little more general, and based on personal observation. I'm not calling for any action against the assholes.
They do it because the republicans commit such heinous crimes against the American public and the rest of the world and they do it in the name of a god they don’t even believe in. it’s not a question of why do liberals get so angry, it’s a question of what the republicans are doing to make them so angry.
can I flip that coin for you and ask you why are pro-life/anti-abortion protestors the most VIOLENT protestors? why do they think it's okay to take a life if ALL Life is sacred? Why do they bomb clinics, ambush doctor's, stalk patients, etc?

I don't know why war protestors turn violent except insomuch as perhaps they are frustrated and feel that in order to be "heard" they must speak the language of those whose attention they are seeking.

War propoenents look at peacful demonstrators as wimps and pussies. They only understand aggression and violence.

Silence... not that I agree with abortion bombers etc.... JUST TO MAKE THAT CLEAR

But is not their stance that all INNOCENT life, with babies in the womb being the most innocent, is to be protected?... My guess would be that they are against those doctors, clinics, etc that extinguish innocent life as they are against terrorists and convicted maniacal murderers.. worthy of the death penalty... however they take it to a weird step where they must be the executioner....
They do it because the republicans commit such heinous crimes against the American public and the rest of the world and they do it in the name of a god they don’t even believe in. it’s not a question of why do liberals get so angry, it’s a question of what the republicans are doing to make them so angry.

Lol..yeah, the first thing we tell mentally ill morons is OTHER PEOPLE AREN'T RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR FEELINGS.

Kindly prove a heinous crime against the American public and the rest of the world that "the Republicans" have committed. Provide a link and specifics, including the law that was violated.
can I flip that coin for you and ask you why are pro-life/anti-abortion protestors the most VIOLENT protestors? why do they think it's okay to take a life if ALL Life is sacred? Why do they bomb clinics, ambush doctor's, stalk patients, etc?

And you sound like a naive twit. Live with it.

seriously allie? you spew a bunch of crap about liberals without any evidence. and when i call you out on it you just have another insult? way to drive your point home
No, it's a liberal thing.

really, it's a liberal thing? I'm a liberal and I've never one protested a war.

Allie, I maintain, you are an idiot

But is not their stance that all INNOCENT life, with babies in the womb being the most innocent, is to be protected?... My guess would be that they are against those doctors, clinics, etc that extinguish innocent life as they are against terrorists and convicted maniacal murderers.. worthy of the death penalty... however they take it to a weird step where they must be the executioner....

so it's life THEY deem worthy. I get it. SO they think they get to play GOD!

I'm glad you first said you didn't agree with them DD! kudos for that.
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Silence... not that I agree with abortion bombers etc.... JUST TO MAKE THAT CLEAR

But is not their stance that all INNOCENT life, with babies in the womb being the most innocent, is to be protected?... My guess would be that they are against those doctors, clinics, etc that extinguish innocent life as they are against terrorists and convicted maniacal murderers.. worthy of the death penalty... however they take it to a weird step where they must be the executioner....

"They" don't. There have been something like 2-3 abortionist killings/bombings in the US. Each case has, I believe, been the case of a crazed individual.

The conservative Christian stance is that all the innocent and defenseless should be protected, and that one of the most heinous crimes of all, a crime against the Holy Spirit and one which it says in the Bible is particularly unforgiveable, is the taking of the life of an innocent. It is considered the worst sin by God.

But taking life is wrong, period, and those who do it in the name of the innocents are also in the wrong.
Any demonstration can become violent. I remember being in a few of the anti war rallies back in New York City and never saw any violent going on. But with enough people anything is possible.

Why do you say that anti-war protests are the most violent? Is there some sort of study of this or what?

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