Someone on USMB called me a liar for saying PP made profits on baby parts...

Lonelaugher, I just scrolled through all three pages and I can tell you that I never made any personal attacks against you. Telling someone the truth in love is not a personal attack. As I told you in the posts I wrote to you, I am telling you the truth because I do care for your soul. I do not want to see you go to hell. I do not want to see anyone go to hell but if I didn't tell you the truth would that be the love of God? No. It wouldn't be. I've told you the truth. What you do with it is up to you now.

You are a weird freak with poor social skills and you are judgmental toward others.

I say this with truth and love, freak. It isn't meant to be a personal attack.

The people of God are a peculiar people. The bible is clear on that point. I make no apologies for it. The Gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing but to those who are being saved it is the very power of God. I am not being judgmental, I am telling you the truth. If your house was on fire and I woke you up and said, your house is in fire you have to get out of here right now - would you say - you're being judgmental - leave me alone - and then go back to bed? God forbid! Listen, the Word of God is having an effect on you because it is a Living Word - and it is discerning your thoughts and the intentions of your heart. It is exposing what is in your heart and you are not comfortable with that, which is a good sign, that you are under the conviction of the Holy Spirit. What should you do when you are under the conviction of the Holy Spirit? Yield to Him! Do not resist God when he is dealing with your heart. He is dealing with you because he loves you. If he didn't love you he wouldn't be speaking to your heart right now. Think about that.
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If someone is speaking the truth as Blackrook did and they are called a liar is that a personal attack? Yes or no?

Is calling someone a liar when they are not a liar a personal attack?

That is the question. Not what I believe. My opinion has no bearing in the matter. What is a personal attack? Because personal attacks are not permitted on USMB.
Do you think that you have personally attacked me in this thread?

Do you? If so, please post the thread no. so that everyone can see it and if it is a personal attack I will most certainly apologize to you, Lonelaugher. If it is not a personal attack and you have perceived it as one I will explain to you why it is not a personal attack and what I meant by my words to you.

Post the thread #. I'll wait.

Also - if you would please answer my original question to you I'd appreciate it. I asked you if someone calls Blackrook a liar when he has spoken the truth is that a personal attack? Yes or no? As I stated before - Personal attacks are not permitted on USMB so would you call that a personal attack or wouldn't you?

I don't want your apology, freak. You told me that I'm going to hell. I think that's about a massive an attack as a Jesus freak like you can issue. As if YOU are the judge of that.

And no. Calling someone a liar is not an attack. It is an opinion. Especially when the person fact.....known to be a dishonest fucker.

I couldn't possibly apologize for telling you the truth! God forbid! Why would I apologize, Lonelaugher? You are going to hell! There is no question in my mind about it nor should there be in yours! But the truth is as I told you! It does not have to be that way! You can turn from your sins and ask the LORD's forgiveness, you can call on the name of the LORD and be saved right this very second! If I didn't tell you the truth and warn you that you are going to hell I'd have your blood on my hands. As it is my hands are clean. Speaking of personal attacks, Lone laugher. Here is the truth. On one single thread you have repeatedly called me names, hurled false accusations against me, again and again and you've done the same to Blackrook who did tell the truth- yet neither of us are falling apart over it. I forgive you because you do not know what you are doing. You are lost. You need the Lord. I'm sure Blackrook would agree with me that no one who fears the LORD wants to see you go to hell. Hell was not created for man but because men reject the offer of salvation they send themselves there. If you continue on as you are you will have sent yourself there so you cannot blame God for your own choice to rebel against Him, to support murderers of innocent babies, to call evil good and good even. No, you cannot blame God for that neither can you blame His servants.

I'm not clear on something. Are you saying that I can save myself from going to hell?

I'm saying that Jesus Christ already died on a cross, shed his blood for your sins, and God raised him on the 3rd day and if you believe that in your heart and CONFESS IT WITH YOUR MOUTH and ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins and become your Lord and Savior He will do it! Your name will be written in the Lambs book of life and God will give you a new heart that desires to obey Him and walk in His ways! Before I was saved? I had no desire to follow Jesus Christ. Today? It is all I desire to do! It is your decision. You can be saved this very day. Say yes to Jesus and no to Satan! You can do it this very day!

You can go to sleep tonight knowing that if you did not wake up you'd be in heaven with Jesus. No record of your past sins. You can have that right now. Just receive the LORD into your heart now. It's yours. A free gift. Salvation is a free gift lest any man boast about it. You cannot earn it. It's a free gift. God desires for you to receive His Son and the free gift of salvation. Absolutely.

Please pray this prayer out loud where you are at, LL. This is the prayer of Salvation.


Once you prayed this prayer ask the Lord for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Tell God you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit. As Jesus to show you where you can attend a good bible believing church and once you join arrange to be baptized with a water baptism. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit the same day I publicly confessed Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Some time later I was baptized with water. It can be done either way. The moment you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior your name is written in the LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE. SEE LUKE 10:19,20. All heaven rejoices over the salvation of one soul and God's says You are His child. There is nothing more wonderful than knowing you are God's child and that He is watching over you and keeping you.
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Do you think that you have personally attacked me in this thread?

Do you? If so, please post the thread no. so that everyone can see it and if it is a personal attack I will most certainly apologize to you, Lonelaugher. If it is not a personal attack and you have perceived it as one I will explain to you why it is not a personal attack and what I meant by my words to you.

Post the thread #. I'll wait.

Also - if you would please answer my original question to you I'd appreciate it. I asked you if someone calls Blackrook a liar when he has spoken the truth is that a personal attack? Yes or no? As I stated before - Personal attacks are not permitted on USMB so would you call that a personal attack or wouldn't you?

I don't want your apology, freak. You told me that I'm going to hell. I think that's about a massive an attack as a Jesus freak like you can issue. As if YOU are the judge of that.

And no. Calling someone a liar is not an attack. It is an opinion. Especially when the person fact.....known to be a dishonest fucker.

I couldn't possibly apologize for telling you the truth! God forbid! Why would I apologize, Lonelaugher? You are going to hell! There is no question in my mind about it nor should there be in yours! But the truth is as I told you! It does not have to be that way! You can turn from your sins and ask the LORD's forgiveness, you can call on the name of the LORD and be saved right this very second! If I didn't tell you the truth and warn you that you are going to hell I'd have your blood on my hands. As it is my hands are clean. Speaking of personal attacks, Lone laugher. Here is the truth. On one single thread you have repeatedly called me names, hurled false accusations against me, again and again and you've done the same to Blackrook who did tell the truth- yet neither of us are falling apart over it. I forgive you because you do not know what you are doing. You are lost. You need the Lord. I'm sure Blackrook would agree with me that no one who fears the LORD wants to see you go to hell. Hell was not created for man but because men reject the offer of salvation they send themselves there. If you continue on as you are you will have sent yourself there so you cannot blame God for your own choice to rebel against Him, to support murderers of innocent babies, to call evil good and good even. No, you cannot blame God for that neither can you blame His servants.

I'm not clear on something. Are you saying that I can save myself from going to hell?

I'm saying that Jesus Christ already died on a cross, shed his blood for your sins, and God raised him on the 3rd day and if you believe that in your heart and CONFESS IT WITH YOUR MOUTH and ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins and become your Lord and Savior He will do it! Your name will be written in the Lambs book of life and God will give you a new heart that desires to obey Him and walk in His ways! Before I was saved? I had no desire to follow Jesus Christ. Today? It is all I desire to do! It is your decision. You can be saved this very day. Say yes to Jesus and no to Satan! You can do it this very day!

You can go to sleep tonight knowing that if you did not wake up you'd be in heaven with Jesus. No record of your past sins. You can have that right now. Just receive the LORD into your heart now. It's yours. A free gift. Salvation is a free gift lest any man boast about it. You cannot earn it. It's a free gift. God desires for you to receive His Son and the free gift of salvation. Absolutely.

Do I have to do this now? Does the offer expire?

And....what if I'm a mute? If I don't say it with my the deal off?
Do you? If so, please post the thread no. so that everyone can see it and if it is a personal attack I will most certainly apologize to you, Lonelaugher. If it is not a personal attack and you have perceived it as one I will explain to you why it is not a personal attack and what I meant by my words to you.

Post the thread #. I'll wait.

Also - if you would please answer my original question to you I'd appreciate it. I asked you if someone calls Blackrook a liar when he has spoken the truth is that a personal attack? Yes or no? As I stated before - Personal attacks are not permitted on USMB so would you call that a personal attack or wouldn't you?

I don't want your apology, freak. You told me that I'm going to hell. I think that's about a massive an attack as a Jesus freak like you can issue. As if YOU are the judge of that.

And no. Calling someone a liar is not an attack. It is an opinion. Especially when the person fact.....known to be a dishonest fucker.

I couldn't possibly apologize for telling you the truth! God forbid! Why would I apologize, Lonelaugher? You are going to hell! There is no question in my mind about it nor should there be in yours! But the truth is as I told you! It does not have to be that way! You can turn from your sins and ask the LORD's forgiveness, you can call on the name of the LORD and be saved right this very second! If I didn't tell you the truth and warn you that you are going to hell I'd have your blood on my hands. As it is my hands are clean. Speaking of personal attacks, Lone laugher. Here is the truth. On one single thread you have repeatedly called me names, hurled false accusations against me, again and again and you've done the same to Blackrook who did tell the truth- yet neither of us are falling apart over it. I forgive you because you do not know what you are doing. You are lost. You need the Lord. I'm sure Blackrook would agree with me that no one who fears the LORD wants to see you go to hell. Hell was not created for man but because men reject the offer of salvation they send themselves there. If you continue on as you are you will have sent yourself there so you cannot blame God for your own choice to rebel against Him, to support murderers of innocent babies, to call evil good and good even. No, you cannot blame God for that neither can you blame His servants.

I'm not clear on something. Are you saying that I can save myself from going to hell?

I'm saying that Jesus Christ already died on a cross, shed his blood for your sins, and God raised him on the 3rd day and if you believe that in your heart and CONFESS IT WITH YOUR MOUTH and ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins and become your Lord and Savior He will do it! Your name will be written in the Lambs book of life and God will give you a new heart that desires to obey Him and walk in His ways! Before I was saved? I had no desire to follow Jesus Christ. Today? It is all I desire to do! It is your decision. You can be saved this very day. Say yes to Jesus and no to Satan! You can do it this very day!

You can go to sleep tonight knowing that if you did not wake up you'd be in heaven with Jesus. No record of your past sins. You can have that right now. Just receive the LORD into your heart now. It's yours. A free gift. Salvation is a free gift lest any man boast about it. You cannot earn it. It's a free gift. God desires for you to receive His Son and the free gift of salvation. Absolutely.

Do I have to do this now? Does the offer expire?

And....what if I'm a mute? If I don't say it with my the deal off?

God knows your heart.
I don't want your apology, freak. You told me that I'm going to hell. I think that's about a massive an attack as a Jesus freak like you can issue. As if YOU are the judge of that.

And no. Calling someone a liar is not an attack. It is an opinion. Especially when the person fact.....known to be a dishonest fucker.

I couldn't possibly apologize for telling you the truth! God forbid! Why would I apologize, Lonelaugher? You are going to hell! There is no question in my mind about it nor should there be in yours! But the truth is as I told you! It does not have to be that way! You can turn from your sins and ask the LORD's forgiveness, you can call on the name of the LORD and be saved right this very second! If I didn't tell you the truth and warn you that you are going to hell I'd have your blood on my hands. As it is my hands are clean. Speaking of personal attacks, Lone laugher. Here is the truth. On one single thread you have repeatedly called me names, hurled false accusations against me, again and again and you've done the same to Blackrook who did tell the truth- yet neither of us are falling apart over it. I forgive you because you do not know what you are doing. You are lost. You need the Lord. I'm sure Blackrook would agree with me that no one who fears the LORD wants to see you go to hell. Hell was not created for man but because men reject the offer of salvation they send themselves there. If you continue on as you are you will have sent yourself there so you cannot blame God for your own choice to rebel against Him, to support murderers of innocent babies, to call evil good and good even. No, you cannot blame God for that neither can you blame His servants.

I'm not clear on something. Are you saying that I can save myself from going to hell?

I'm saying that Jesus Christ already died on a cross, shed his blood for your sins, and God raised him on the 3rd day and if you believe that in your heart and CONFESS IT WITH YOUR MOUTH and ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins and become your Lord and Savior He will do it! Your name will be written in the Lambs book of life and God will give you a new heart that desires to obey Him and walk in His ways! Before I was saved? I had no desire to follow Jesus Christ. Today? It is all I desire to do! It is your decision. You can be saved this very day. Say yes to Jesus and no to Satan! You can do it this very day!

You can go to sleep tonight knowing that if you did not wake up you'd be in heaven with Jesus. No record of your past sins. You can have that right now. Just receive the LORD into your heart now. It's yours. A free gift. Salvation is a free gift lest any man boast about it. You cannot earn it. It's a free gift. God desires for you to receive His Son and the free gift of salvation. Absolutely.

Do I have to do this now? Does the offer expire?

And....what if I'm a mute? If I don't say it with my the deal off?

God knows your heart.

He/she/it does? That's awesome. I've got nothing to worry about then, do I?
If babies were being killed or baby body parts being sold, I'd be very upset. Since that isn't happening.......I'll just laugh at you and your silliness.

Then get very upset. Because they are selling the limbs, organs of murdered babies. Yes. They are.

Nope. They are providing fetal tissue for research. No limbs. No eyeballs. No penises. No intestinal tracts. Just fetal tissue.

Does this look like fetal tissue to you?


Put away your Christian pornography.

That is a photograph of a murdered baby not pornography, Carla. It is a very disturbing picture for those of us with a conscience.

There's no evidence of this being an aborted baby. You found a picture on the internet from an extremist site.
An anonymous person on an internet message board called you a liar and you felt the need to defend yourself?

A sure sign you're taking this far too seriously. Turn off your computer, climb the stairs out of the basement, go outdoors...

I'm pretty sure it's against USMB rules to tell someone outright that they are a liar. If I'm not mistaken you can be banned for it.

You're lying.

No, I'm not. I said I am pretty sure it's against USMB rules. I had read about someone getting a ban on the other board for something concerning it - a year or two ago - there may have been more to the matter of their being banned so I stated it - pretty sure - not certain. Read more carefully next time, Bulldog.

It's against the rules to post graphic images, so I went ahead and reported you.
I don't want your apology, freak. You told me that I'm going to hell. I think that's about a massive an attack as a Jesus freak like you can issue. As if YOU are the judge of that.

And no. Calling someone a liar is not an attack. It is an opinion. Especially when the person fact.....known to be a dishonest fucker.

I couldn't possibly apologize for telling you the truth! God forbid! Why would I apologize, Lonelaugher? You are going to hell! There is no question in my mind about it nor should there be in yours! But the truth is as I told you! It does not have to be that way! You can turn from your sins and ask the LORD's forgiveness, you can call on the name of the LORD and be saved right this very second! If I didn't tell you the truth and warn you that you are going to hell I'd have your blood on my hands. As it is my hands are clean. Speaking of personal attacks, Lone laugher. Here is the truth. On one single thread you have repeatedly called me names, hurled false accusations against me, again and again and you've done the same to Blackrook who did tell the truth- yet neither of us are falling apart over it. I forgive you because you do not know what you are doing. You are lost. You need the Lord. I'm sure Blackrook would agree with me that no one who fears the LORD wants to see you go to hell. Hell was not created for man but because men reject the offer of salvation they send themselves there. If you continue on as you are you will have sent yourself there so you cannot blame God for your own choice to rebel against Him, to support murderers of innocent babies, to call evil good and good even. No, you cannot blame God for that neither can you blame His servants.

I'm not clear on something. Are you saying that I can save myself from going to hell?

I'm saying that Jesus Christ already died on a cross, shed his blood for your sins, and God raised him on the 3rd day and if you believe that in your heart and CONFESS IT WITH YOUR MOUTH and ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins and become your Lord and Savior He will do it! Your name will be written in the Lambs book of life and God will give you a new heart that desires to obey Him and walk in His ways! Before I was saved? I had no desire to follow Jesus Christ. Today? It is all I desire to do! It is your decision. You can be saved this very day. Say yes to Jesus and no to Satan! You can do it this very day!

You can go to sleep tonight knowing that if you did not wake up you'd be in heaven with Jesus. No record of your past sins. You can have that right now. Just receive the LORD into your heart now. It's yours. A free gift. Salvation is a free gift lest any man boast about it. You cannot earn it. It's a free gift. God desires for you to receive His Son and the free gift of salvation. Absolutely.

Do I have to do this now? Does the offer expire?

And....what if I'm a mute? If I don't say it with my the deal off?

God knows your heart.

Wonderful, you can save your preaching.
Weak. Very weak.

The letter admitted nothing of the kind. Some yahoo keyed in on the word "adjustments" and freaked out......knowing that idiots would print his phones outrage and more idiots would read it and freak out.

Please look at the ads that pepper that Washington Times website. It will give you a glimpse into what the owners of that piece of shit thinks of its readers. Dupe.
,if you believe in aborting babies, why do you care if everyone knows PP profits from the sale of baby body parts? Don't wimp out and pretend it doesn't happen, claim it proudly. Let us show actual abortions on TV. No different than filming a manicure.
Then get very upset. Because they are selling the limbs, organs of murdered babies. Yes. They are.

Nope. They are providing fetal tissue for research. No limbs. No eyeballs. No penises. No intestinal tracts. Just fetal tissue.

Does this look like fetal tissue to you?


Put away your Christian pornography.

That is a photograph of a murdered baby not pornography, Carla. It is a very disturbing picture for those of us with a conscience.

There's no evidence of this being an aborted baby. You found a picture on the internet from an extremist site.

My the fuck does one get to be such a sick-ass?? ^^^
LL, the only thing worse than than those who are killing babies and selling body parts, are those like you who derive humor from it. You are a very sick, sick man.

If babies were being killed or baby body parts being sold, I'd be very upset. Since that isn't happening.......I'll just laugh at you and your silliness.
You don't want to know the truth. I bet if pp stopped giving the democrats campaign donations. You would all of a sudden see the truth.
Then get very upset. Because they are selling the limbs, organs of murdered babies. Yes. They are.

Nope. They are providing fetal tissue for research. No limbs. No eyeballs. No penises. No intestinal tracts. Just fetal tissue.

Does this look like fetal tissue to you?


Nope. Where'd you get that picture? You have them all over your house don't you? If you stare at it long can see that little guy breathing.
Online. It's an aborted baby. What you thought was "just fetal tissue"? Is in reality? What you see in this photograph. A baby. A very tiny baby.

That's wonderful. Now.....please demonstrate that the fetus in that picture was:

a) aborted
b) aborted at a PP faculty
c) chopped up and sold as body parts by PP

If you may be going to hell with me for being such a fucking liar.
You are an idiot, I guess in that picture you see a mass of cells?
Lets face it....most of the ardent supporters of PP are these angry miserable progressives who have nothing meaningful going on in their lives. I suspect that many are these angry fucked up feminist bulldogs who go through their lives trying to make all other people miserable anyways.

The whole "this is my body" shit is the ultimate in triple-selfishness.

It tells you something when people like this drive their car into an abutment at 100mph and nobody cares........get blown away in a random violent murder...........nobody cares. Even family has to fake it around these miserable people..........they represent the most fringe oddballs in our society.:coffee:
LL, the only thing worse than than those who are killing babies and selling body parts, are those like you who derive humor from it. You are a very sick, sick man.

If babies were being killed or baby body parts being sold, I'd be very upset. Since that isn't happening.......I'll just laugh at you and your silliness.

Then get very upset. Because they are selling the limbs, organs of murdered babies. Yes. They are.

Nope. They are providing fetal tissue for research. No limbs. No eyeballs. No penises. No intestinal tracts. Just fetal tissue.

Does this look like fetal tissue to you?


Put away your Christian pornography.
Your kind of people support the killing of innocent babies. So it's actually liberal porn. Enjoy! Maybe when you are spending eternity in hell you will hear the screams of those fetuses constantly.
Nope. They are providing fetal tissue for research. No limbs. No eyeballs. No penises. No intestinal tracts. Just fetal tissue.

Does this look like fetal tissue to you?


Put away your Christian pornography.

That is a photograph of a murdered baby not pornography, Carla. It is a very disturbing picture for those of us with a conscience.

There's no evidence of this being an aborted baby. You found a picture on the internet from an extremist site.

My the fuck does one get to be such a sick-ass?? ^^^

You don't know where that photo came from. It could be a stillborn baby. Anti-abortion groups are known to try to pass off fake photos.
If babies were being killed or baby body parts being sold, I'd be very upset. Since that isn't happening.......I'll just laugh at you and your silliness.

Then get very upset. Because they are selling the limbs, organs of murdered babies. Yes. They are.

Nope. They are providing fetal tissue for research. No limbs. No eyeballs. No penises. No intestinal tracts. Just fetal tissue.

Does this look like fetal tissue to you?


Put away your Christian pornography.
Your kind of people support the killing of innocent babies. So it's actually liberal porn. Enjoy! Maybe when you are spending eternity in hell you will hear the screams of those fetuses constantly.

Go preach to someone else, Ted Haggard. I've read your postings and you're no Christian.
You are all free to hate it and hate the person who does it. However, it is still THAT individual's decision since SHE is the one who will be taking the risks, not any of you. You don't have to agree with it and you don't have to like it, but you do not have the right to force a woman to be pregnant against her will. That is all there is to it!
Lets face it....most of the ardent supporters of PP are these angry miserable progressives who have nothing meaningful going on in their lives. I suspect that many are these angry fucked up feminist bulldogs who go through their lives trying to make all other people miserable anyways.

The whole "this is my body" shit is the ultimate in triple-selfishness.

It tells you something when people like this drive their car into an abutment at 100mph and nobody cares........get blown away in a random violent murder...........nobody cares. Even family has to fake it around these miserable people..........they represent the most fringe oddballs in our society.:coffee:

You're the one who's angry here. I'd say you are projecting.

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