News Crew Killed - Ban the Gay Flag?


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
It was mentioned to me that because a Gay man killed 2 reporters, that, we should ban the Gay flag since the Rebel Flag was banned when they guy killed those folks in church... I'm not working this right.. but you get the drift....

I don't see the comparison but, would like to hear thoughts on this...........
Nothing should have been banned, and nothing should be banned.

Banning shit is reactionary liberal bullshit.

It was mentioned to me that because a Gay man killed 2 reporters, that, we should ban the Gay flag since the Rebel Flag was banned when they guy killed those folks in church... I'm not working this right.. but you get the drift....

I don't see the comparison but, would like to hear thoughts on this...........
A very good joke in the making ...........but you left out the punch line .............
"News Crew Killed - Ban the Gay Flag?"

That's extremely stupid, even for a conservative.

It fails as a false comparison fallacy, in addition to being an ignorant lie, as in no jurisdiction was the 'confederate' flag 'banned.'
Maybe, if this gayboy hadn't been such a neurotic prick...he was, and he NEVER should have be allowed to get a gun, like all the other mass murders in this country. But they do, and we just hand guns out like candybars. Enough, no more guns for anyone, period.
Neither flag should be removed. The purpose of a flag, just like the Heraldic flags they descend from, was and is to make it easy to isentify Friend/Foe at a distance. Thise two flags do exactly that.
Neither flag should be removed. The purpose of a flag, just like the Heraldic flags they descend from, was and is to make it easy to isentify Friend/Foe at a distance. Thise two flags do exactly that.
Disagree. There is no valid reason for the confederate flag to be flying on government property. They were traitors and got beat down. Besides the loser flag was not banned. It was just removed from its place of honor celebrating scum that wished to keep Blacks enslaved.
Disagree. There is no valid reason for the confederate flag to be flying on government property. They were traitors and got beat down. Besides the loser flag was not banned. It was just removed from its place of honor celebrating scum that wished to keep Blacks enslaved.

There is no valud reason for the US flag to be flying as this nation no longer resembles the one that flag used to represent. It waz Lincoln and his ilk who were the traitors. They wisged to keep this nation alive and instead watched it die a horrble death at the hands of Lincoln and his cronies.

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